POLL: What is the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

What was the net political outcome of Hillary's hearing?

  • The GOP nailed her and seriously damaged her presidential chances

    Votes: 5 5.7%
  • The GOP did some damage to her presidential chances

    Votes: 9 10.3%
  • No real effect one way or the other

    Votes: 17 19.5%
  • The GOP probably helped her a bit

    Votes: 7 8.0%
  • Hillary & the Dems should be sending the GOP Thank You cards

    Votes: 49 56.3%

  • Total voters
But the talking points about the attacks did not cause the attacks nor did they get anyone killed

No, what got 4 Americans killed was Hillary's failure to do her job, the failure of HER State Department to heed the warnings they received, HER State Department not only NOT giving Stevens the additional security he pleaded for but their REDUCING the number of his security detail AFTER all the warnings, & AFTER 2 previous terrorist attacks on his compound in the weeks earlier. What got him killed was them refusing to give him protective gear and his having to borrow from the Brits who were bugging out. What got him killed was the State Dept / Hillary / Obama leaving him in Benghazi when EVERY other country with people there had pulled their people out because they knew what was coming.

Their lies and B$ narrative is not what got the 4 killed but was instead the pathetic lie they told to cover their own ass.

Who made the call for our Ambassador to stay in Benghazi that night? Sept 11th? In a building that was known to not be secure.
Still waiting for you to quote the lie. Snopes? Where is that link? I did not call the grieving father a liar, I just don't trust the rabid righties to not misquote someone. I have yet to hear what Sec. Clinton recalls of that conversation so I don't know what to think about that exchange.

Wow...you really are stupid...and lazy. I told you, page 40 / post #396. You can also read part of that quote on post #468 on page 46 if having to work so hard going all the way back to page 40 is too hard / complicated for you.

FactCheck.org buries your Liberal denial so you play games, refuse to look. I understand...I would want to be embarrassed by being proven I was that wrong if I were you, either.
Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?

It's bad enough that she lied about the murders to protect her own ass and the ass of Barak Obama. It is bad enough that faced with her own e-mails proving she lied she continues to lie. It is bad enough that she lied straight to the face of a grieving father. It is bad enough Liberals ignore / deny all the insurmountable, undeniable evidence, such as that on Snopes.com...but it pretty much as low as you can go calling that grieving father a liar and claiming he is less believable than Hillary Clinton. :(

Still waiting for you to quote the lie. Snopes? Where is that link? I did not call the grieving father a liar, I just don't trust the rabid righties to not misquote someone. I have yet to hear what Sec. Clinton recalls of that conversation so I don't know what to think about that exchange.
Been quoted over andd over. She echoed the administration's line, which we know was a lie.

You're videos prove she did not lie, I don't know why you deny it.
Who made the call for our Ambassador to stay in Benghazi that night? Sept 11th? In a building that was known to not be secure.

SECURE? The Compound had been attacked twice before in weeks leading up to the final attack. The last attack left a 4 foot hole in the compound wall. Ambassador Stevens' own e-mails, read during the Committee hearing showed Stevens begged for additional security and warned if a 3rd organized attack were to happen he would DIE! THIS REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL SECURITY WAS ALSO DENIED!
Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?

It's bad enough that she lied about the murders to protect her own ass and the ass of Barak Obama. It is bad enough that faced with her own e-mails proving she lied she continues to lie. It is bad enough that she lied straight to the face of a grieving father. It is bad enough Liberals ignore / deny all the insurmountable, undeniable evidence, such as that on Snopes.com...but it pretty much as low as you can go calling that grieving father a liar and claiming he is less believable than Hillary Clinton. :(

Still waiting for you to quote the lie. Snopes? Where is that link? I did not call the grieving father a liar, I just don't trust the rabid righties to not misquote someone. I have yet to hear what Sec. Clinton recalls of that conversation so I don't know what to think about that exchange.
Been quoted over andd over. She echoed the administration's line, which we know was a lie.

You're videos prove she did not lie, I don't know why you deny it.
You're joking, right? She said it was a video knowing it was not a video.
So far, the political outcome of the hearings is that Hillary has surged to a 40 point lead in Iowa

Great job by the Republicans "getting" Hillary
So far, the political outcome of the hearings is that Hillary has surged to a 40 point lead in Iowa

Great job by the Republicans "getting" Hillary
Because winning is all that matters to dems. They'd nominate Joe Stalin if they thought he could win.
Still waiting for you to quote the lie. Snopes? Where is that link? I did not call the grieving father a liar, I just don't trust the rabid righties to not misquote someone. I have yet to hear what Sec. Clinton recalls of that conversation so I don't know what to think about that exchange.

Wow...you really are stupid...and lazy. I told you, page 40 / post #396. You can also read part of that quote on post #468 on page 46 if having to work so hard going all the way back to page 40 is too hard / complicated for you.

FactCheck.org buries your Liberal denial so you play games, refuse to look. I understand...I would want to be embarrassed by being proven I was that wrong if I were you, either.

"Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet."

Is not a lie. Some did.
Assuming that's true, are you okay with electing someone who lies about the assassination of our Ambassador to the presidency?

Provided that someone has a (D) after their name.

That is the only criterion that matters to Blindfool.
Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?

It's bad enough that she lied about the murders to protect her own ass and the ass of Barak Obama. It is bad enough that faced with her own e-mails proving she lied she continues to lie. It is bad enough that she lied straight to the face of a grieving father. It is bad enough Liberals ignore / deny all the insurmountable, undeniable evidence, such as that on Snopes.com...but it pretty much as low as you can go calling that grieving father a liar and claiming he is less believable than Hillary Clinton. :(

Still waiting for you to quote the lie. Snopes? Where is that link? I did not call the grieving father a liar, I just don't trust the rabid righties to not misquote someone. I have yet to hear what Sec. Clinton recalls of that conversation so I don't know what to think about that exchange.
Seems there is no link to snopes.com Seems easyt65 was lying. :dunno:
Ok, since the matter has undeniably been settled by FACTCHECK.ORG, that Hillary and Obama BOTH lied their asses off, were notified within minutes - and even 10 days before of the pending attack - yet STILL blamed a video, I'm out.

The discussion is over, proven beyond the shadow of a doubt by a credible source using definitive proof. 'Ya can't fix stupid', ya can't lead a donkey to water and make him drink', and ya can't make a liberal who intentionally blinds himself to documented, recorded, historical fact believe anything other than what he partisanly wants to believe, as also proven.

It's a waste of time trying to argue this any more since, again, it has definitively been settled. No amount of liberal muling is going to change that, and no amount of evidence will ever get them to accept the truth.

..moving to the next thread that actually has something to discuss / debate. Have a blessed day.
Seems there is no link to snopes.com Seems easyt65 was lying. :dunno:

It's FactCheck.org, page 40, post #396. If you're too stupid or too lazy to be able to go back and click on the link and read the article yourself, that's YOUR personal problem, not mine. Have a nice day.
Ok, since the matter has undeniably been settled by FACTCHECK.ORG, that Hillary and Obama BOTH lied their asses off, were notified within minutes - and even 10 days before of the pending attack - yet STILL blamed a video, I'm out.

The discussion is over, proven beyond the shadow of a doubt by a credible source using definitive proof. 'Ya can't fix stupid', ya can't lead a donkey to water and make him drink', and ya can't make a liberal who intentionally blinds himself to documented, recorded, historical fact believe anything other than what he partisanly wants to believe, as also proven.

It's a waste of time trying to argue this any more since, again, it has definitively been settled. No amount of liberal muling is going to change that, and no amount of evidence will ever get them to accept the truth.

..moving to the next thread that actually has something to discuss / debate. Have a blessed day.
I dunno about this. Earlier you were claiming snopes.com blew this open. :ack-1:
Is this in sworn testimony or just hearsay?

It's bad enough that she lied about the murders to protect her own ass and the ass of Barak Obama. It is bad enough that faced with her own e-mails proving she lied she continues to lie. It is bad enough that she lied straight to the face of a grieving father. It is bad enough Liberals ignore / deny all the insurmountable, undeniable evidence, such as that on Snopes.com...but it pretty much as low as you can go calling that grieving father a liar and claiming he is less believable than Hillary Clinton. :(

Still waiting for you to quote the lie. Snopes? Where is that link? I did not call the grieving father a liar, I just don't trust the rabid righties to not misquote someone. I have yet to hear what Sec. Clinton recalls of that conversation so I don't know what to think about that exchange.
Been quoted over andd over. She echoed the administration's line, which we know was a lie.

You're videos prove she did not lie, I don't know why you deny it.
You're joking, right? She said it was a video knowing it was not a video.

Playing obtuse again? Muslims riot a the drop of a hat, or cartoon, or silly video, or book..........So yeah the video cause many riots and protest at our embassies across the Muslim world. There are still reports from people in Benghazi who claim it was the video that motivated them.
Seems there is no link to snopes.com Seems easyt65 was lying. :dunno:

It's FactCheck.org, page 40, post #396. If you're too stupid or too lazy to be able to go back and click on the link and read the article yourself, that's YOUR personal problem, not mine. Have a nice day.
I'm having a great day, thanks. No less than half a dozen times today you claimed snopes proved Hillary was lying. Now you're backing away from that.
Maybe its just me but i thought she got more FREE positive coverage from the GOP than she could ever have hoped to get from PAID DNC coverage. Thanks Repubs :thup:
Google is your friend.

Duly noted you couldn't answer my question.

Let's try again. If Stevens was really so concerned about how Dangerous Benghazi was, why did he leave his nice safe embassy in Tripoli and go to Benghazi?

Because he was an ambassador dumb ass.

An ambassador with commitments.

Again. Google is your friend dumbass.

and he did his duty.

just like the 50 embassy personnel who died in a dozen attacks when baby bush was president.

go look it up. google is your friend.

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