Poll: Who's going to win the election?

The way things stand now, who do you think will win the the election?

  • Trump

  • Hillary

  • Other

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i think all the (R) that voted for obama in 2008 because of the disaster that was the (R)'s grampa/gidget ticket... & voted against etchy sketchy mittens in 2012 will do the same this time around, & vote for the (D) ticket. behind that curtain when it's really going to be a matter of voting one's conscience, & nobody's looking, those same (R) will be vote for hillary.

I hate to disappoint you, but Hil-Liar is no Obama.

Obama is a failure on every level, but the one thing he had going for him is that he was well liked regardless. Hillary is just the opposite. Nobody likes her. Every time she smiles her face starts to crack. All kinds of agents and people that worked for her tell us she's a super bitch and not a nice person in any way.

When DumBama ran, voters would cross hot coals in bare feet to get to the polls to vote for him. Now it's Trump voters willing to do the same.
I don't think anyone knows what he'd do as president, not even him. He's promised and lied so much he ignore all that and just do what he pleases. He'd be the best president we've ever had or the worst. I guess I'm just not a gambler.

True, we don't know what Trump will really do, but we do know what Hil-Liar will do. That's why you have to vote for Trump.
i think all the (R) that voted for obama in 2008 because of the disaster that was the (R)'s grampa/gidget ticket... & voted against etchy sketchy mittens in 2012 will do the same this time around, & vote for the (D) ticket. behind that curtain when it's really going to be a matter of voting one's conscience, & nobody's looking, those same (R) will be vote for hillary.

I hate to disappoint you, but Hil-Liar is no Obama.

Obama is a failure on every level, but the one thing he had going for him is that he was well liked regardless. Hillary is just the opposite. Nobody likes her. Every time she smiles her face starts to crack. All kinds of agents and people that worked for her tell us she's a super bitch and not a nice person in any way.

When DumBama ran, voters would cross hot coals in bare feet to get to the polls to vote for him. Now it's Trump voters willing to do the same.
Ready for their race to the polls.

Look out, Granny wants that Trump sticker bad!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think anyone knows what he'd do as president, not even him. He's promised and lied so much he ignore all that and just do what he pleases. He'd be the best president we've ever had or the worst. I guess I'm just not a gambler.

True, we don't know what Trump will really do, but we do know what Hil-Liar will do. That's why you have to vote for Trump.
What she will do? Keep the ball in play, like Obama and Bill Clinton.

And that's why she's going to win. Most are not nuts like you.
1. I'm not going to call you any other name except rayfromcleveland because I'm not going to lower myself to your low class category.
2. Hillary emails/server is all you got. It was hacked. Did she sell any confidential information? No. Blackmail...... cry me river.
3. WE don't give a flying fuck about the emails.
4. WE do care where our president income came from. Hiding his tax returns because of FRAUD?
5. WE do care if he is paying taxes or not.
6. Enemy? Your messiah expressed how much he adore Putin thug. What in the world are you talking about? His foreign policy adviser Carter Page has Moscow connections and being look at by US intelligence.
7. You are poorly informed.

So Hil-Liar (like DumBama) is backed by the US Communist party. Not much to say about that I suppose.

YOU don't care about her emails, but the rest of us feel that her disregard for the country is much more important than how much Trump paid in taxes. The only reason you on the left want his tax return is to bash him on it--not because it has anything to do with him being President. We just went through this with Romney.

You have to be kidding trying to make me believe you want to see his tax returns so you and your ilk can find fraud; something you think you are better at than the IRS who audits Trump all the time. That's not why you want to see his tax returns.

Trump may not be showing his tax returns as of yet, but at least he didn't Bleach Bit them to hide something from the government and the people of this country. Furthermore is when Trump becomes President, watch how magically Bill or Hillary's speech offers go down from a half-mil to less than a hundred thousand bucks if they are lucky because nobody can buy influence from them any longer. And when that happens, you on the left will still be in denial why they made that kind of money in the first place.
The emails now mean nothing in this race.

Get on to something that matters.
White House Watch - Rasmussen Reports™

Forty-six percent (46%) of voters think Clinton is qualified to be president versus 35% who feel that way about Trump.

Clinton and Trump each have the support of 79% of the voters of their respective parties. Ten percent (10%) of Democrats favor Trump, while 13% of Republicans opt for Clinton.

51% of votes know Clinton won the debate on Monday, opposed to 25% for Trump, according to Rasmussen.

If DJT keeps dissing off and pissing on women, he will lose handily. He must change that.

Your candidate can't even properly handle email you know. Why take this chance with national security? She intends to continue the steady stream of immigrants and refugees from the third world. People with many needs and few skills, and the law of averages dictates that some are terrorists. How does this help our country?
Clinton is not, jasonfree, my candidate. I will have to write in a name now that Johnson has shown himself to be as absurd as Clinton and Trump, jason free. jansonfree, Trump will take us into world war. Why would you want that, jasonfree?
1. I'm not going to call you any other name except rayfromcleveland because I'm not going to lower myself to your low class category.
2. Hillary emails/server is all you got. It was hacked. Did she sell any confidential information? No. Blackmail...... cry me river.
3. WE don't give a flying fuck about the emails.
4. WE do care where our president income came from. Hiding his tax returns because of FRAUD?
5. WE do care if he is paying taxes or not.
6. Enemy? Your messiah expressed how much he adore Putin thug. What in the world are you talking about? His foreign policy adviser Carter Page has Moscow connections and being look at by US intelligence.
7. You are poorly informed.

So Hil-Liar (like DumBama) is backed by the US Communist party. Not much to say about that I suppose.

YOU don't care about her emails, but the rest of us feel that her disregard for the country is much more important than how much Trump paid in taxes. The only reason you on the left want his tax return is to bash him on it--not because it has anything to do with him being President. We just went through this with Romney.

You have to be kidding trying to make me believe you want to see his tax returns so you and your ilk can find fraud; something you think you are better at than the IRS who audits Trump all the time. That's not why you want to see his tax returns.

Trump may not be showing his tax returns as of yet, but at least he didn't Bleach Bit them to hide something from the government and the people of this country. Furthermore is when Trump becomes President, watch how magically Bill or Hillary's speech offers go down from a half-mil to less than a hundred thousand bucks if they are lucky because nobody can buy influence from them any longer. And when that happens, you on the left will still be in denial why they made that kind of money in the first place.

Wrong. Provide a link where US communist party support Hillary.
Your messiah is kissing and adoring Putin thug. That's a fact.
We do care where Trump's income are coming from. Is his income coming from enemies, Russia connection, mafia connection, fraud and embezzlement? Is he a crooked? That's the difference. Remember his been sued for fraud and currently facing sued for fraud. Keep that in mind.
You are questioning Hillary's income from speeches......... yet you don't care where Trump fraudulent income are coming from? Dude.

President name is Obama. Not dumbama........ Why do you hate Americans? Do you want me to switch to racism?
MP ignores that the Red States have the highest welfare rates in the nation. We could have all the money we need if we would cut back on the military-industrial complex we support.

BTM, I read it or heard 1 of 4 last week. Let me do some digging, but I believe it based on what I am hearing in west Texas and Salt Lake City among Republican women. They don't like Hillary but Trump's comments about women horrify many of them.

Hmm, based on 1 of 4 in those states it should not be as concerning for the clown since he will likely win both states.
Wrong. Provide a link where US communist party support Hillary.
Your messiah is kissing and adoring Putin thug. That's a fact.
We do care where Trump's income are coming from. Is his income coming from enemies, Russia connection, mafia connection, fraud and embezzlement? Is he a crooked? That's the difference. Remember his been sued for fraud and currently facing sued for fraud. Keep that in mind.
You are questioning Hillary's income from speeches......... yet you don't care where Trump fraudulent income are coming from? Dude.

President name is Obama. Not dumbama........ Why do you hate Americans? Do you want me to switch to racism?

Why not? Racism is all liberals know.

What you're trying to tell me is that you are so smart, so bright, so above our IRS that YOU are going to find fraud and dealing with our enemies that our agencies could not? YOU are going to find embezzlement? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So tell us, just how are you going to do that detective? You must think everybody is as dumb as your fellow liberal buddies if you wan't anybody to believe that. And let me ask Sherlock, when is somebody guilty of something: when they are accused or when they are found guilty by a court of law? Because until a court decides if those few people were indeed taken for a ride, Trump did nothing wrong, and his hundreds of clients that attended the same school will tell you that.

Taking a sober look at the 2016 election

Yikes! Look who just endorsed Obama for 4 more years

Chavez, Castro, Putin endorse Obama
I don't think anyone knows what he'd do as president, not even him. He's promised and lied so much he ignore all that and just do what he pleases. He'd be the best president we've ever had or the worst. I guess I'm just not a gambler.

True, we don't know what Trump will really do, but we do know what Hil-Liar will do. That's why you have to vote for Trump.
You're right, I do know what Hillary will do, that is why I'll vote for her. You are welcome to risk this countries future on a wildcard.
Your candidate can't even properly handle email you know. Why take this chance with national security? She intends to continue the steady stream of immigrants and refugees from the third world. People with many needs and few skills, and the law of averages dictates that some are terrorists. How does this help our country?

Not only that, but she also said she wants to rob the rich so she can create more government dependents by providing free college. Then she wants to force industry to provide paid leave of absence from work. Yeah, that will help keep jobs in the country.
You're right, I do know what Hillary will do, that is why I'll vote for her. You are welcome to risk this countries future on a wildcard.

And that's exactly what I plan on doing, because I'm white and I believe in protecting our right of firearms in this country.
The emails now mean nothing in this race.

Get on to something that matters.

No, no, no. Not so fast. You're not getting away that easily.

Trump will keep on reminding people of her violation against this country by what she did with those emails including having them wiped off of her server after Congress demanded to see them. He will keep reminding people how the justice department gave immunity to nearly every key player involved. He will keep reminding voters how many times she lied to Congress under oath by using the testimony from Comey.

This isn't going away anytime soon.
Hillary will win, Trump cant even get republicans to support him
Trump does have the Republican base behind him now. The few sore losers are not peeling of the votes like they did anymore.
One out of four GOP women will not vote for him.
Actually, I agree. More Republican female voters will vote for Hillary than democrat female voters. They'll switch floors.The leaders have swapped parties this election.
The women in the general population unfortunately do not follow politics or even have an interest. It's very frustrating to try to have a cohesive conversation with a lady about politics. They are less likely to vote, I would guess.
Wow.....another Misogynist for Drumpf?
Sorry folks, but the fix is in. The Globalist Elites who decide these matters, are going with the Clinton crime family. It's a done-deal. It's 'Nationalism vs. Globalism.' And Globalism is gonna win this time.

So, we will have to endure at least four more years of Anti-American Globalism. Let's just hope & pray it's only four years. That's all we have at this point.

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