POLL: Will Donald Trump be your President when he is sworn in?

Will you think of Donald Trump as your President?

  • I voted for Trump - No I will NOT

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I never called obama anything but a presidunce or presidebt. I never capitalized his name. He was never my president nor was he ever an American.
Let's assume that Trump is inaugurated and take that whole story line out of the thread.

Will you say "President Trump" and "Donald Trump is my President" then?

Donald Trump needs to apologize to the American public. If he is not going to respect the American public as a whole, then they won't respect him, nor consider him their President. Never before in the history of this nation has their been a candidate, that used hate, talk of violence, bigotry, misogyny, extremism and division to win an election.

Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote by 1.7 million votes says exactly where this country is, and why it is so divided, regardless of the electoral college votes. Donald Trump is a disgrace to America and what this nation stands for.

Orange Asshole Trump "You are a fraud and a charlatan. Yes, you will be president, but you will not get any breaks just because one branch of your forked tongue is silver. "
Donald Trump is the elected President of the United States.

I recognize and respect that because I respect the Office. That means I will not applaud foreign leaders who insult him. And it means I will not admire foreign dictators as somehow being better than OUR president.

But he is not MY President.
He's the President of all United States citizens. Says so right in the Constitution. You don't have any choice about that.

Your only choice is whether you will be a United States Citizen or not.

You ALWAYS have that choice. Sounds like a lot of squalling crybabies are making the choice.

No loss.
If democrats keep voting in 4 years hilly will have ten million votes.

These are the overseas ballots that are now being counted, and they're still not all counted. She is leading by 1.7 MILLION popular votes, and with more out, it's very possible she could end up with 2 million votes before they're all counted. It's very clear that the American public did not want Trump as their President.

What this means is that Trump has lost his mandate. Winning only the electoral college, doesn't cut it in this country, especially win you lose the popular vote by these kind of numbers.

As an example--G.W. Bush was in the same situation in 2000. He won the electoral college vote but lost the popular vote by 500K. While Democrats were disappointed, they accepted the loss and embraced G.W. Bush as their President, because he treated everyone equally, with respect and dignity, regardless of religion, race, color or gender.

Donald Trump has attacked, insulted, offended over half the population in this country with offensive remarks and midnight tweety finger assaults. They aren't going to forget or forgive him for that. The damage is done.

The long term damage to the Republican party is devastating. They will now be known as the party of hate, bigotry, misogyny, extremism and division. And all the opposing side needs to do is point at Donald Trump for proof of that.

For the first time in this nation's history, the President elect has had to barricade himself inside the Trump Tower, and his means of communication with the outside world has been reduced to a Tweeter account.

The day after Trump's swearing in there will be a million woman march on Washington D.C.

Donald Trump is a National Disgrace.

I voted for McMullin and Trump will get the same respect I give Obama.
As of today, Trump received only 46.4% of the total vote. That means 53.6% of the voters did not vote for Trump. That is a margin of 7.2%.
Yes, he won enough electoral votes, but he sure the hell has no mandate, it's not even close.

He won 30 of 50 States, that's 66.66666 percent of the States, I call that a mandate.
the butthurt still runs deep


get over it trump won

I voted for McMullin.
I plan to give Trump, the same trial period I have given each new president, whether I voted for them or not. 1,000 days.
It's the Trump supporters I have issues with. You dumb asses think you have a mandate, you don't. Numbers don't lie.
Secondly, how many promises did Trump make to you, that had you creaming in your pants, that he has now he stepped back on? And I would guess, he isn't done breaking your hearts.
You folks look pretty stupid, right now. :2up:

the right mopped the floor with the left all over this nation

this past election

as for this new prezbo the only thing i care about

is to keep the SC in the right hands

so your attempts to deflect your butthurt on to others

is simply a fruitless endeavor
Obama wasn't even a citizen and he had people rigging the vote when people were telling us to "respect the office." He was "President" Obama. Trump is is a citizen and won the office legitimately; he is Preesident Trump.
Obama wasn't even a citizen and he had people rigging the vote when people were telling us to "respect the office." He was "President" Obama. Trump is is a citizen and won the office legitimately; he is Preesident Trump.

Wait. You STILL believe Obama isn't a citizen?
Nobody on the left has any right to be bitching and complaining about Trump being elected president. You fools elected the smug, smirking asshole Obama who clearly has never been the president of all the people and made no attempt to be. We had to put up with his crap for 8 long years. Between you people and the GOP establishment and RINO dickheads well here we are, Trump has been elected president.
He was never given the chance by many people, but you expect us to take the high road and give Trump a chance. You must really respect us.
Trump is the Electoral Colleges' President, not the President of the American people.

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