POLL: Will Donald Trump be your President when he is sworn in?

Will you think of Donald Trump as your President?

  • I voted for Trump - No I will NOT

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Nobody on the left has any right to be bitching and complaining about Trump being elected president. You fools elected the smug, smirking asshole Obama who clearly has never been the president of all the people and made no attempt to be. We had to put up with his crap for 8 long years. Between you people and the GOP establishment and RINO dickheads well here we are, Trump has been elected president.
He was never given the chance by many people, but you expect us to take the high road and give Trump a chance. You must really respect us.

I hate your guts and want to destroy the left, lets be clear on that. The left are a threat to this great nation and must be defeated, not bargained with.
Very un Ametican of you. But many of you on the right hate America and what it stands for, but try to act as if you are patriots.

Oh blow it out your ass lib. Liberals hate conservatives I dare you to deny it. I simply hate them right the hell back.
I do not hate conservatives. You are not worth the effort and emotions. You are just a hateful person.
Why not? As a conservative, I hate you fascists.....
He was never given the chance by many people, but you expect us to take the high road and give Trump a chance. You must really respect us.

I hate your guts and want to destroy the left, lets be clear on that. The left are a threat to this great nation and must be defeated, not bargained with.
Very un Ametican of you. But many of you on the right hate America and what it stands for, but try to act as if you are patriots.

Oh blow it out your ass lib. Liberals hate conservatives I dare you to deny it. I simply hate them right the hell back.
I do not hate conservatives. You are not worth the effort and emotions. You are just a hateful person.
Why not? As a conservative, I hate you fascists.....
You are not intelligent enough to understand my point. And you would not know a facist if you fell over one.
I hate your guts and want to destroy the left, lets be clear on that. The left are a threat to this great nation and must be defeated, not bargained with.
Very un Ametican of you. But many of you on the right hate America and what it stands for, but try to act as if you are patriots.


Yeah. What the fuck are you talking about?
If you know anyone who is intelligent, have them explain it to you.

You can't explain what you meant?
I hate your guts and want to destroy the left, lets be clear on that. The left are a threat to this great nation and must be defeated, not bargained with.
Very un Ametican of you. But many of you on the right hate America and what it stands for, but try to act as if you are patriots.

Oh blow it out your ass lib. Liberals hate conservatives I dare you to deny it. I simply hate them right the hell back.
I do not hate conservatives. You are not worth the effort and emotions. You are just a hateful person.
Why not? As a conservative, I hate you fascists.....
You are not intelligent enough to understand my point. And you would not know a facist if you fell over one.

Keep it up, clown show.
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We havent had a president since Kennedy and they killed him because he wanted to abolish the federal reserveand get out of Viet Nam.
JFK Assassination Theory[edit]
See also: John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories § Federal Reserve conspiracy
Jim Marrs, in his book Crossfire, presented the theory that Kennedy was trying to rein in the power of the Federal Reserve, and that forces opposed to such action might have played at least some part in the assassination.[16][17][18] According to Marrs, the issuance of Executive Order 11110 was an effort by Kennedy to transfer power from the Federal Reserve to the United States Department of the Treasury by replacing Federal Reserve Notes with silver certificates.[17] Actor and author Richard Belzer named the responsible parties in this theory as American "billionaires, power brokers, and bankers ... working in tandem with the CIAand other sympathetic agents of the government."[19]

A 2010 article in Research magazine discussing various controversies surrounding the Federal Reserve stated that "the wildest accusation against the Fed is that it was involved in Kennedy's assassination."[17]Critics of the theory note that Kennedy called for and signed legislation phasing out Silver Certificates in favor of Federal Reserve Notes, thereby enhancing the power of the Federal Reserve; and that Executive Order 11110 was a technicality that only delegated existing presidential powers to the Secretary of the Treasury for administrative convenience during a period of transition.[17][18]
trump is perpetuating the war on terror which tells me he will continue the dismantling of the US for the new world order. He is a corporatist! He IS the 1%...dont you get it?
We havent had a president since Kennedy and they killed him because he wanted to abolish the federal reserve.

Do you know where the Conspiracy Forum is?

Ummm yes I do. Just before the truth come out Then its not a conspiracy any longer. Now its factual history. Of course there is no proof. You do not have the inelegance or the desire to find truth because your a mediocre sheep. Say bah baaaaah and finish chowin' on that clump of grass..
Let's assume that Trump is inaugurated and take that whole story line out of the thread.

Will you say "President Trump" and "Donald Trump is my President" then?


I'm very disturbed about voting irregularities in some key swing states, and I'm very worried about his cabinet choices, and I'm deeply disturbed that he rose to power on the Birther Movement (which sought to undermine the legitimacy of Obama). I'm also scared we may lose the free press and see politically motivated prosecutions. I also think we may see the rise of neo-nazis and hate crimes, but I believe deeply that he deserves the chance to unite this country.

Trump has surprised everybody from day one.

Perhaps he's got another ace up his sleeve, and perhaps the office of the presidency will force his better angels to rise.

Perhaps the Left will have the courage to give him the support that Obama never got.

If he moves forward with an infrastructure bill, and if he supports States Rights and the recent Supreme Court decision on Gay Marriage, than I will do more than call him my president. I will consider voting for him in 2020. If, on the other hand, he moves hard right after losing the popular vote by over 2 million votes, than I will be extremely disappointed and critical - but he is my president.

You are concerned because you believe all of the lies. I recommend critical thinking.
I voted for McMullin.
I plan to give Trump, the same trial period I have given each new president, whether I voted for them or not. 1,000 days.
It's the Trump supporters I have issues with. You dumb asses think you have a mandate, you don't. Numbers don't lie.
The HoR, the Senate, the Oval Office. The democrats have lost around 70 HoR seats, a dozen in the Senate, over 900 in the state legislatures, a dozen Governors. All since 2009.

Numbers don't lie.

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