Poll: Will the recounts be worth the effort?

Will the recount efforts change the outcome of the election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • No

    Votes: 59 84.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 8 11.4%

  • Total voters
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.

It's not that, but you have millions of Americans out there, that watched Wiki-Leaks hack into supposedly secure government DNC databases to leak emails. You have 17 intelligence agencies saying many of these email leaks were coming from Russia. They never attacked the RNC. Millions of Americans watched FBI director, James Comey break long standing DOJ protocol, (after being warned not to send a letter to congress) and do it anyway, and after millions of people voted during those 7 days, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. Then after 7 days Comey gave birth to a nothing burger. We have Huma, Clinton's aid that still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her husband's laptop, who is being investigated by the New York FBI office. Then to add insult to injury, the opposing candidate, Trump was campaigning on a rigged election, while describing how it could be done.

No Jill Stein, nor Hillary Clinton will be looking like a fool over this recount, because it's really not a recount. They are rightfully doing an audit, because in several of these counties, paper ballots were coming in very strong for Hillary Clinton, but the electronic voting machines in the same county were showing a loss of 7%. Over the past couple of weeks cyber experts have alerted them to this, and henceforth, Wisconsin will start the process later this week.

After all of the above--Americans are NOT CONFIDENT of the voting results. Trump won by a mere 100K accumulated votes in 3 battleground states, while Hillary Clinton is now leading him by more than 2 million popular votes.
Recount granted in Wisconsin; same likely coming for Penn., Michigan

If they don't do an audit in these states, it will only fuel the fire, that this election was rigged against Hillary Clinton, insuring that the majority of the population will not accept Trump as the legitimate President, nor will they ever trust our election system again.

And that is the main reason this is being done, regardless of the outcome. It is to restore confidence in our election system, after a very bitter, "hacked" campaign.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason the DNC got hacked and the RNC did not is that one had good security and the other didn't?

Podesta's account was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme for God sake.

Lame is lame and incompetence is incompetence.
This isn't a recount, a recount would only produce the same result. This is an audit of the votes cast, specifically out of electronic machines, specifically in Democrat counties, where the paper ballots were coming in strong for Hillary Clinton but the electronic machines in the same county or precincts were showing a 7% loss. That's what got everyone's attention, specifically the cyber experts.

By paper ballots, you mean the same ballots that the machines count? And if so, who was keeping track of these paper ballots in the first place?

Paper ballots are ones that go through an optical machine at the precinct or are mail-in ballots. Electronic machines are just like ATM machines, you punch buttons on the machines to cast your votes. This is where they're seeing the discrepancies. Ironically, it was Hillary Clinton that pushed for electronic machines back in 2000 after the debacle in Florida over the butterfly punch card ballots. There was a big discussion on how they could verify electronic machines accuracy and they came up with some kind of paper trail that will do that. So they will be looking at these paper trails that is somehow tied to these electronic machines to verify the vote count.
Recount granted in Wisconsin; same likely coming for Penn., Michigan

You didn't answer my question. Who was keeping track of paper ballots and comparing them to the voting machines? Or the better question, why?

As for your link, read the OP. It clearly states that it's next to impossible to get a recount in PA. You have to have evidence, it goes to court, and then it has to be decided that they will break the rules and allow a recount. But you have to come up with compelling evidence first before a court will even hear the complaint.

Ray, Podesta apparently said that PA was out of reach but that Wisconsin had genuinely odd patterns (that may or may not indicate tampering). Clinton is joining the Green Party in all three states because they'd rather be in the room than not.

Given that PA is genuinely out of reach, this means that the only thing that can come from this is a renewed effort to tighten electronic-only voting districts.

In reality, the election system is a joke. There are technological and administrative gaps that allow for shenanigans from anyone with an agenda. Look at Florida 2000. We put a man on the moon but the most important office on planet earth depended on hanging chads? How did we permit such an insane technological lapse at the point where technology was most needed?

There is a lot of work to be done, but we should try to fix this stuff after Trump takes office, IMHO.

Believe it or not, those punch card ballots were more accurate than what we are using today. If not for crybaby Gore, many would still be using them.

I agree with that, there was nothing wrong with the punch cards. But according to data the most accurate are the paper ballot that is then run through the optical machine.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.

It's not that, but you have millions of Americans out there, that watched Wiki-Leaks hack into supposedly secure government DNC databases to leak emails. You have 17 intelligence agencies saying many of these email leaks were coming from Russia. They never attacked the RNC. Millions of Americans watched FBI director, James Comey break long standing DOJ protocol, (after being warned not to send a letter to congress) and do it anyway, and after millions of people voted during those 7 days, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. Then after 7 days Comey gave birth to a nothing burger. We have Huma, Clinton's aid that still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her husband's laptop, who is being investigated by the New York FBI office. Then to add insult to injury, the opposing candidate, Trump was campaigning on a rigged election, while describing how it could be done.

No Jill Stein, nor Hillary Clinton will be looking like a fool over this recount, because it's really not a recount. They are rightfully doing an audit, because in several of these counties, paper ballots were coming in very strong for Hillary Clinton, but the electronic voting machines in the same county were showing a loss of 7%. Over the past couple of weeks cyber experts have alerted them to this, and henceforth, Wisconsin will start the process later this week.

After all of the above--Americans are NOT CONFIDENT of the voting results. Trump won by a mere 100K accumulated votes in 3 battleground states, while Hillary Clinton is now leading him by more than 2 million popular votes.
Recount granted in Wisconsin; same likely coming for Penn., Michigan

If they don't do an audit in these states, it will only fuel the fire, that this election was rigged against Hillary Clinton, insuring that the majority of the population will not accept Trump as the legitimate President, nor will they ever trust our election system again.

And that is the main reason this is being done, regardless of the outcome. It is to restore confidence in our election system, after a very bitter, "hacked" campaign.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason the DNC got hacked and the RNC did not is that one had good security and the other didn't?

Podesta's account was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme for God sake.

Lame is lame and incompetence is incompetence.

No I doubt that very seriously, one is not going to have more security than another. The RNC hasn't even reported attempted attacks. It was clear that they wanted Donald Trump elected, and they were an enormous help. We had Reich wingers on this board actually cheering criminal activity on, and then complaining that wiki-leaks wasn't doing enough for them or putting them out fast enough. So consider this audit poetic justice--LOL
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.

It's not that, but you have millions of Americans out there, that watched Wiki-Leaks hack into supposedly secure government DNC databases to leak emails. You have 17 intelligence agencies saying many of these email leaks were coming from Russia. They never attacked the RNC. Millions of Americans watched FBI director, James Comey break long standing DOJ protocol, (after being warned not to send a letter to congress) and do it anyway, and after millions of people voted during those 7 days, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. Then after 7 days Comey gave birth to a nothing burger. We have Huma, Clinton's aid that still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her husband's laptop, who is being investigated by the New York FBI office. Then to add insult to injury, the opposing candidate, Trump was campaigning on a rigged election, while describing how it could be done.

No Jill Stein, nor Hillary Clinton will be looking like a fool over this recount, because it's really not a recount. They are rightfully doing an audit, because in several of these counties, paper ballots were coming in very strong for Hillary Clinton, but the electronic voting machines in the same county were showing a loss of 7%. Over the past couple of weeks cyber experts have alerted them to this, and henceforth, Wisconsin will start the process later this week.

After all of the above--Americans are NOT CONFIDENT of the voting results. Trump won by a mere 100K accumulated votes in 3 battleground states, while Hillary Clinton is now leading him by more than 2 million popular votes.
Recount granted in Wisconsin; same likely coming for Penn., Michigan

If they don't do an audit in these states, it will only fuel the fire, that this election was rigged against Hillary Clinton, insuring that the majority of the population will not accept Trump as the legitimate President, nor will they ever trust our election system again.

And that is the main reason this is being done, regardless of the outcome. It is to restore confidence in our election system, after a very bitter, "hacked" campaign.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason the DNC got hacked and the RNC did not is that one had good security and the other didn't?

Podesta's account was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme for God sake.

Lame is lame and incompetence is incompetence.

No I doubt that very seriously, one is not going to have more security than another. The RNC hasn't even reported attempted attacks. It was clear that they wanted Donald Trump elected, and they were an enormous help. We had Reich wingers on this board actually cheering criminal activity on, and then complaining that wiki-leaks wasn't doing enough for them or putting them out fast enough. So consider this audit poetic justice--LOL

Are you twelve? Both are not run by the same people, so no, they would not have the same.

The republicans have reported no attempt? Just exactly why would they report one way or another? Again, what are you, twelve?

I would also remind you that Podesta's email was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme, what is he, twelve?
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.

It's not that, but you have millions of Americans out there, that watched Wiki-Leaks hack into supposedly secure government DNC databases to leak emails. You have 17 intelligence agencies saying many of these email leaks were coming from Russia. They never attacked the RNC. Millions of Americans watched FBI director, James Comey break long standing DOJ protocol, (after being warned not to send a letter to congress) and do it anyway, and after millions of people voted during those 7 days, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. Then after 7 days Comey gave birth to a nothing burger. We have Huma, Clinton's aid that still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her husband's laptop, who is being investigated by the New York FBI office. Then to add insult to injury, the opposing candidate, Trump was campaigning on a rigged election, while describing how it could be done.

No Jill Stein, nor Hillary Clinton will be looking like a fool over this recount, because it's really not a recount. They are rightfully doing an audit, because in several of these counties, paper ballots were coming in very strong for Hillary Clinton, but the electronic voting machines in the same county were showing a loss of 7%. Over the past couple of weeks cyber experts have alerted them to this, and henceforth, Wisconsin will start the process later this week.

After all of the above--Americans are NOT CONFIDENT of the voting results. Trump won by a mere 100K accumulated votes in 3 battleground states, while Hillary Clinton is now leading him by more than 2 million popular votes.
Recount granted in Wisconsin; same likely coming for Penn., Michigan

If they don't do an audit in these states, it will only fuel the fire, that this election was rigged against Hillary Clinton, insuring that the majority of the population will not accept Trump as the legitimate President, nor will they ever trust our election system again.

And that is the main reason this is being done, regardless of the outcome. It is to restore confidence in our election system, after a very bitter, "hacked" campaign.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason the DNC got hacked and the RNC did not is that one had good security and the other didn't?

Podesta's account was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme for God sake.

Lame is lame and incompetence is incompetence.

No I doubt that very seriously, one is not going to have more security than another. The RNC hasn't even reported attempted attacks. It was clear that they wanted Donald Trump elected, and they were an enormous help. We had Reich wingers on this board actually cheering criminal activity on, and then complaining that wiki-leaks wasn't doing enough for them or putting them out fast enough. So consider this audit poetic justice--LOL

Are you twelve? Both are not run by the same people, so no, they would not have the same.

The republicans have reported no attempt? Just exactly why would they report one way or another? Again, what are you, twelve?

I would also remind you that Podesta's email was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme, what is he, twelve?

The real reason there was nothing from the RNC is the fact that there was nothing interesting to publish. Republicans don't wallow in sleaze as Democrats do.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.

Every time I’ve heard of this happening—a recount—the winner usually expands her/his margin of victory.
Each time it happens it is an independent result.

Meaning what exactly?
Those recounts happened independently from one another. They don't have the same variables for results. Each case was unique.

Yes, I know.

And the few times there was a recount that was done at the request of one of the losing parties (that I was aware of), the winner usually increased her/his margin of victory.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.

It's not that, but you have millions of Americans out there, that watched Wiki-Leaks hack into supposedly secure government DNC databases to leak emails. You have 17 intelligence agencies saying many of these email leaks were coming from Russia. They never attacked the RNC. Millions of Americans watched FBI director, James Comey break long standing DOJ protocol, (after being warned not to send a letter to congress) and do it anyway, and after millions of people voted during those 7 days, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. Then after 7 days Comey gave birth to a nothing burger. We have Huma, Clinton's aid that still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her husband's laptop, who is being investigated by the New York FBI office. Then to add insult to injury, the opposing candidate, Trump was campaigning on a rigged election, while describing how it could be done.

No Jill Stein, nor Hillary Clinton will be looking like a fool over this recount, because it's really not a recount. They are rightfully doing an audit, because in several of these counties, paper ballots were coming in very strong for Hillary Clinton, but the electronic voting machines in the same county were showing a loss of 7%. Over the past couple of weeks cyber experts have alerted them to this, and henceforth, Wisconsin will start the process later this week.

After all of the above--Americans are NOT CONFIDENT of the voting results. Trump won by a mere 100K accumulated votes in 3 battleground states, while Hillary Clinton is now leading him by more than 2 million popular votes.
Recount granted in Wisconsin; same likely coming for Penn., Michigan

If they don't do an audit in these states, it will only fuel the fire, that this election was rigged against Hillary Clinton, insuring that the majority of the population will not accept Trump as the legitimate President, nor will they ever trust our election system again.

And that is the main reason this is being done, regardless of the outcome. It is to restore confidence in our election system, after a very bitter, "hacked" campaign.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason the DNC got hacked and the RNC did not is that one had good security and the other didn't?

Podesta's account was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme for God sake.

Lame is lame and incompetence is incompetence.

No I doubt that very seriously, one is not going to have more security than another. The RNC hasn't even reported attempted attacks. It was clear that they wanted Donald Trump elected, and they were an enormous help. We had Reich wingers on this board actually cheering criminal activity on, and then complaining that wiki-leaks wasn't doing enough for them or putting them out fast enough. So consider this audit poetic justice--LOL

Are you twelve? Both are not run by the same people, so no, they would not have the same.

The republicans have reported no attempt? Just exactly why would they report one way or another? Again, what are you, twelve?

I would also remind you that Podesta's email was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme, what is he, twelve?

The real reason there was nothing from the RNC is the fact that there was nothing interesting to publish. Republicans don't wallow in sleaze as Democrats do.

Yeah right--LOL I'll bet you could find a zillion negative emails in the RNC database regarding Donald Trump. They didn't want him, they tried to block his nomination. One of these days the money trail is going to be found on these wiki-leaks and or who was doing it and why.

It's more than clear they wanted Donald Trump. The question then becomes, if they were this adamant about getting Donald Trump elected would they also go to the extreme of hacking into electronic voting machines to get it done.

We'll find out here shortly.
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I guess if it's therapeutic for the losers, it's worth it as long as they pay for it.
Yeah, at least 1% of the population are complete airheads.

You're talking about half the population with an additional 2 million--airhead--not 1% of the population.

Trump winning 3 states by a mere 100K votes, while Hillary Clinton is leading in the popular vote by over 2 million votes, says Donald Trump is the first LAME DUCK President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

You're talking about half the population with an additional 2 million--airhead--not 1% of the population.

Trump winning 3 states by a mere 100K votes, while Hillary Clinton is leading in the popular vote by over 2 million votes, says Donald Trump is the first LAME DUCK President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

Look, I have no problem if it helps you heal by coming to terms that the Beast lost. That everyone has to deal with their own pathological damage is abundantly obvious. The sooner you come to terms with it, the better. As long as the taxpayers don't have to pay for this fool's errand, who gives a rats ass?
7 Reasons Jill Stein's Recount Is A Scam

Even renowned democrat water boy Nate Slver can see through this farce.

Nate Silver on Twitter

Wisconsin is going to start an audit of the state vote toward the latter part of next week. They've already agreed to do it.

The thing that raised the eyebrow were several cyber experts noticing that in several democrat precincts the paper ballots were coming in very strong for Hillary Clinton, but the electronic machines were showing her 7% down. When they kept looking at this they noticed a trend of the same thing going on in other states.

IOW--this is a long way from being over. It was the Reich wing and Donald Trump who repeatedly claimed that the election was rigged. We were inundated with Wiki--leaks and 17 different intelligence agencies stated that they were coming from Russia. They were all against the DNC, and none were for the RNC. We had Trump suggest that mail in ballots were a hoax and people could mail one in, and then still go to their precinct to vote again, or vote (twice.) He claimed that dead people voted, he claimed that illegals voted. We had the FBI director, James Comey intervene into this election 11 days prior, and then gave birth to a nothing burger 7 days later. We have Huma, Clinton's aid still saying she has no idea how her emails ended up on her x-husband's laptop.

Americans need to be assured of the integrity of a National Election, and if this does anything, it will restore confidence in our elections. Because right now there are just way too many unanswered questions.

Now the Clinton campaign has joined Jill Stein, so no I don't believe this is just for a fund raiser for the Green party. The audit and recount is on.

Lol! The temper tantrums continue. Lol!
You're talking about half the population with an additional 2 million--airhead--not 1% of the population.

Trump winning 3 states by a mere 100K votes, while Hillary Clinton is leading in the popular vote by over 2 million votes, says Donald Trump is the first LAME DUCK President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

Look, I have no problem if it helps you heal by coming to terms that the Beast lost. That everyone has to deal with their own pathological damage is abundantly obvious. The sooner you come to terms with it, the better. As long as the taxpayers don't have to pay for this fool's errand, who gives a rats ass?

Regardless of the outcome, this is being done primarily to restore confidence in our election system. And it's because of all the wiki-leaks, criminals committing crimes by breaking into servers, 17 intelligence agencies stating these leaks were coming from Russia. Trump actually encouraging Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States by leaking more information. Trump continually campaigning on a "rigged election" and even describing how it could be accomplished. FBI director, Comey intervening into this election, (after being told not to send a letter to congress by the DOJ) 11 days prior to the election, and during those 7 days millions voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton--then to give birth to a nothing burger. Along with Huma,Clinton's aid still stating she has no idea how duplicate emails got on her x-husband's laptop. Probably via the FBI New York Cities office where her husband is being investigated, is how they got on.

Now you can't realistically look at all the above without great suspicion that there were not other things going on. If they were willing to go to the above links to get Donald Trump elected, then's who to say that they wouldn't have taken it to the extreme. That is why this audit is being done.

We can't have over half the population believing that Trump is not the legitimate President, and the ONLY way to solve that problem is to do an audit, and examine these electronic voting machines, where cyber experts see oddities in the voting pattern.
Has it occurred to you even if by some miracle the Dems prevail in both MI and WI, that still wouldn't be enough? Pennsylvania is the key to any such effort but the difference is insurmountable.

It's a fool's errand to pacify fools, nothing more.
Has it occurred to you even if by some miracle the Dems prevail in both MI and WI, that still wouldn't be enough? Pennsylvania is the key to any such effort but the difference is insurmountable.

It's a fool's errand to pacify fools, nothing more.

And here's the million dollar question, or should I say seven million?

If they find no wrongdoing in Wisconsin, will they stop there, or will they continue on their witch hunt?

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