Poll: Will the recounts be worth the effort?

Will the recount efforts change the outcome of the election?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • No

    Votes: 59 84.3%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 8 11.4%

  • Total voters
It's not that, but you have millions of Americans out there, that watched Wiki-Leaks hack into supposedly secure government DNC databases to leak emails. You have 17 intelligence agencies saying many of these email leaks were coming from Russia. They never attacked the RNC. Millions of Americans watched FBI director, James Comey break long standing DOJ protocol, (after being warned not to send a letter to congress) and do it anyway, and after millions of people voted during those 7 days, believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton. Then after 7 days Comey gave birth to a nothing burger. We have Huma, Clinton's aid that still states she has no idea how duplicates of her emails ended up on her husband's laptop, who is being investigated by the New York FBI office. Then to add insult to injury, the opposing candidate, Trump was campaigning on a rigged election, while describing how it could be done.

No Jill Stein, nor Hillary Clinton will be looking like a fool over this recount, because it's really not a recount. They are rightfully doing an audit, because in several of these counties, paper ballots were coming in very strong for Hillary Clinton, but the electronic voting machines in the same county were showing a loss of 7%. Over the past couple of weeks cyber experts have alerted them to this, and henceforth, Wisconsin will start the process later this week.

After all of the above--Americans are NOT CONFIDENT of the voting results. Trump won by a mere 100K accumulated votes in 3 battleground states, while Hillary Clinton is now leading him by more than 2 million popular votes.
Recount granted in Wisconsin; same likely coming for Penn., Michigan

If they don't do an audit in these states, it will only fuel the fire, that this election was rigged against Hillary Clinton, insuring that the majority of the population will not accept Trump as the legitimate President, nor will they ever trust our election system again.

And that is the main reason this is being done, regardless of the outcome. It is to restore confidence in our election system, after a very bitter, "hacked" campaign.

Did it ever occur to you that the reason the DNC got hacked and the RNC did not is that one had good security and the other didn't?

Podesta's account was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme for God sake.

Lame is lame and incompetence is incompetence.

No I doubt that very seriously, one is not going to have more security than another. The RNC hasn't even reported attempted attacks. It was clear that they wanted Donald Trump elected, and they were an enormous help. We had Reich wingers on this board actually cheering criminal activity on, and then complaining that wiki-leaks wasn't doing enough for them or putting them out fast enough. So consider this audit poetic justice--LOL

Are you twelve? Both are not run by the same people, so no, they would not have the same.

The republicans have reported no attempt? Just exactly why would they report one way or another? Again, what are you, twelve?

I would also remind you that Podesta's email was hacked by a decade old phishing scheme, what is he, twelve?

The real reason there was nothing from the RNC is the fact that there was nothing interesting to publish. Republicans don't wallow in sleaze as Democrats do.

Yeah right--LOL I'll bet you could find a zillion negative emails in the RNC database regarding Donald Trump. They didn't want him, they tried to block his nomination. One of these days the money trail is going to be found on these wiki-leaks and or who was doing it and why.

It's more than clear they wanted Donald Trump. The question then becomes, if they were this adamant about getting Donald Trump elected would they also go to the extreme of hacking into electronic voting machines to get it done.

We'll find out here shortly.

You can't hack into machines that aren't connected to the internet, moron.
You're talking about half the population with an additional 2 million--airhead--not 1% of the population.

Trump winning 3 states by a mere 100K votes, while Hillary Clinton is leading in the popular vote by over 2 million votes, says Donald Trump is the first LAME DUCK President ever to be sworn into the Oval office.

Look, I have no problem if it helps you heal by coming to terms that the Beast lost. That everyone has to deal with their own pathological damage is abundantly obvious. The sooner you come to terms with it, the better. As long as the taxpayers don't have to pay for this fool's errand, who gives a rats ass?

Regardless of the outcome, this is being done primarily to restore confidence in our election system. And it's because of all the wiki-leaks, criminals committing crimes by breaking into servers, 17 intelligence agencies stating these leaks were coming from Russia. Trump actually encouraging Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States by leaking more information. Trump continually campaigning on a "rigged election" and even describing how it could be accomplished. FBI director, Comey intervening into this election, (after being told not to send a letter to congress by the DOJ) 11 days prior to the election, and during those 7 days millions voted believing that charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton--then to give birth to a nothing burger. Along with Huma,Clinton's aid still stating she has no idea how duplicate emails got on her x-husband's laptop. Probably via the FBI New York Cities office where her husband is being investigated, is how they got on.

Now you can't realistically look at all the above without great suspicion that there were not other things going on. If they were willing to go to the above links to get Donald Trump elected, then's who to say that they wouldn't have taken it to the extreme. That is why this audit is being done.

We can't have over half the population believing that Trump is not the legitimate President, and the ONLY way to solve that problem is to do an audit, and examine these electronic voting machines, where cyber experts see oddities in the voting pattern.

What a giant boatload of pure horseshit. This is being done purely to undermine President Trump. You pretense of some noble motive by left wingers couldn't be more laughable.
The real issue is that, if Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not have their recounts finished by December 13th, the electoral votes could be withheld, which is what Democrats are hoping for. That is why Stein submitted her request just hours before the deadline and why she is waiting to file in Michigan and Pennsylvania. That would give Trump 260 and not a clear path to the Presidency. It would then go to the House for a vote.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.
If the dumb asshole of a President-elect had not just spent the whole day screaming on Twitter, I would have said no. He doth protest too much. Something stinks, and it not just him personally.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.
If the dumb asshole of a President-elect had not just spent the whole day screaming on Twitter, I would have said no. He doth protest too much. Something stinks, and it not just him personally.

How you can lie, you are so full of BS, my computer stinks when I go to your post. :)
The real issue is that, if Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not have their recounts finished by December 13th, the electoral votes could be withheld, which is what Democrats are hoping for. That is why Stein submitted her request just hours before the deadline and why she is waiting to file in Michigan and Pennsylvania. That would give Trump 260 and not a clear path to the Presidency. It would then go to the House for a vote.
None of this would be happening if ANY other republican had won.
The real issue is that, if Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania do not have their recounts finished by December 13th, the electoral votes could be withheld, which is what Democrats are hoping for. That is why Stein submitted her request just hours before the deadline and why she is waiting to file in Michigan and Pennsylvania. That would give Trump 260 and not a clear path to the Presidency. It would then go to the House for a vote.
None of this would be happening if ANY other republican had won.

I don't agree, Bush won and the left went nuts both times. The left can't stand losing, it's been that way for awhile. Intolerance that a Republican can be President.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.
If for some chance that the Libidiots recount the votes to eventually steal the election like they did for Al Franken, I for one of many US citizens will pick up arms, and start going after the Commies/Fascists/Marxists/Liberals/Progressives. You fucktards better hope that the bullshit doesn't happen.

Before the election, the libidiots were saying that there was no voter fraud, and that Trump needs to accept the results. Now that the elections didn't go the libtards way, now they want to steal it.

33,000,000 illegal voters had cast the vote for HRC, that still couldn't get her across the finish line. Trump is right on HIM winning the popular vote.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.
That's right Hillary has nothing to lose.
She sold her soul when she was directly involved with Bill's massive cocaine smuggling business out of Mensa airport.
She and Bill have left a trail of murdered people in their wake.
At least three million illegals voted who had no right to. 100% for Hillary. Take those votes away and Trump wins the PV by about a million.
Anyway the old corrupt bitch has one foot planted in the grave.
She's got a liver the size of a basketball hiding under her 'Dallas Tent And Awning' pant suits.
I give her about 300 more bottles of Bombay gin(300 days) before she kicks the bucket.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.

As a conservative, I think the recounts could be helpful by being therapeutic to some of the liberal Trump deniers. They are so convinced that what happened didn't happen, perhaps the recount will be the reality check they need to help them move on.
It'll put people's minds at ease...we won't go through another 20 years of conspiracy theories on whether the Russians hacked us or not....
If a recount showed Trump actually got more votes than first counted the fucking LIBs will be screaming their dumb-ass heads off for generations that the 'recount was rigged!'.
Same goes if a recount shows Hillary got more votes than first counted but not enough to 'Franken' the outcome.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.
nobody criticized Trump more than your boy hillary for not accepting election results.
And here we are once again, democrats being what they criticize most.

Hillary has conceded the election.

Her wining one or even two non-Florida states if fraud is found will not change outcome, but what it will do going forward is cause election changes that will prevent these issues going forward.

Whats your problem with it?
Computer science experts recommend Hillary Clinton challenge election results in 3 swing states

They are being fronted by election lawyers not tied to Hillary as well. How do we know? Because Hillary initially refused to support a recount.

"While they do not have definitive proof of manipulation or hacking..."

Stopped reading right there. Two "experts" who have no proof whatsoever.

Now, Stein has raised more money at a faster rate than her entire presidential campaign did.

Naaw, couldn't be a total back room job from the left, to cast doubt onto the legitimacy of the election! They're so above that!
It's not like you have an informed opinion on the subject. They do. Look, I realize the whole
Thing could be a waste of time, but if the results are suspicious and the money was raised, why not try? You should be happy about it frankly. If you're so convinced it's a waste of time, Hillary will make a complete ass of herself.
So if a recount proves Trump won legally are you finally going to shut the fuck up?
I didn't think so.
Computer science experts recommend Hillary Clinton challenge election results in 3 swing states

They are being fronted by election lawyers not tied to Hillary as well. How do we know? Because Hillary initially refused to support a recount.

"While they do not have definitive proof of manipulation or hacking..."

Stopped reading right there. Two "experts" who have no proof whatsoever.

Now, Stein has raised more money at a faster rate than her entire presidential campaign did.

Naaw, couldn't be a total back room job from the left, to cast doubt onto the legitimacy of the election! They're so above that!
It's not like you have an informed opinion on the subject. They do. Look, I realize the whole
Thing could be a waste of time, but if the results are suspicious and the money was raised, why not try? You should be happy about it frankly. If you're so convinced it's a waste of time, Hillary will make a complete ass of herself.

Everyone should be concerned whenever Dims are "counting votes." "Counting" is just a euphemism the use for "manufacturing" votes. Whenever they "count" votes, new Democrat votes miraculously appear from nowhere: the trunk of someone's car, boxes left in a polling location, etc..
You just make shit up as you go along. If dems "manufacture" votes, then why did they even lose the election to begin with?
Hillary and her band of asslickers ASSUMED the negroes/blue collar workers/'educated white women/latinos would vote for her. So they felt they didn't have to cache thousands of paper ballots in car trunks in countries they believed they would easily win in.
Once again the stupid Hillary asslickers couldn't even get the voter fraud arrangements correct.
Hillary ought to have spent more time with Al Franken.
"While they do not have definitive proof of manipulation or hacking..."

Stopped reading right there. Two "experts" who have no proof whatsoever.

Now, Stein has raised more money at a faster rate than her entire presidential campaign did.

Naaw, couldn't be a total back room job from the left, to cast doubt onto the legitimacy of the election! They're so above that!
It's not like you have an informed opinion on the subject. They do. Look, I realize the whole
Thing could be a waste of time, but if the results are suspicious and the money was raised, why not try? You should be happy about it frankly. If you're so convinced it's a waste of time, Hillary will make a complete ass of herself.

Everyone should be concerned whenever Dims are "counting votes." "Counting" is just a euphemism the use for "manufacturing" votes. Whenever they "count" votes, new Democrat votes miraculously appear from nowhere: the trunk of someone's car, boxes left in a polling location, etc..
You just make shit up as you go along. If dems "manufacture" votes, then why did they even lose the election to begin with?
The fraud wasn't enough to overcome the Trump landslide.
Right her winning the popular vote automatically means fraud was committed huh? You're so full of shit. Had Trump won the popular vote you wouldn't dare suggest any fraud was made on his part.
Take away the three million votes cast by illegals and Trump wins the PV.
Plain and simple.
I suppose the results of this poll are predictable. All the conservatives will of course say "no" because that kind of narrow-mindedness is expected from them and all the liberals will say vote either "yes" or "maybe".

I'm in the "maybe" camp. I wouldn't be surprised by the results either way. I am encouraged that independent experts believe fraud had occurred. If they were worth the effort, Jill Stein would become my hero. If they turn up with no significant change, it will be an embarrassment for both her and Hillary because Hillary has just announced she supports the recount. I suppose she doesn't have anything to lose.

What independent experts ?

The people we never heard of before this happened ?

Are we so stupid that nobody was watching this before ?

Hillary is already going down as a huge loser. Now she's taking what grace she mustered in conceding and throwing it away.

In one way, I am glad. It will be the cement cap on her political grave.

Good riddance.

Now, if Trump would just have a heart attack.........

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