Pollution, climate change, or control?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

Thankfully we have a government that cares about pollution unlike China or India that allows trash and air pollution so bad that it kills people by unimaginable numbers.

yes, and that's good. our fight against pollution would be much more effective if it wasn't tied to a false link to climate.

Why do liberals think it necessary to link pollution to climate in order to fight pollution? I think the answer is that for them its not just about pollution, its about controlling how other people live. Orwell and Rand saw this coming and wrote about it. They were prophets.
Let see, CO2 is a greenhouse gas. Human Activity is raising the % of CO2 in the atmosphere.

But you claim the link is false?
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

When it comes down to it reduction of pollution and respect for our environment is all we can really do. It doesn't matter if there is a link between mans actions and climate change. We should all be able to agree that the cleaner we live the better for all.

Now yes, there are wingnuts on the left that point to doomsday and want too much government control/regulations over our daily lives... and there are rightwing nuts that focus on discrediting all environmental discussion because they don't really give a shit what they do as long as they can make a buck. I believe the majority of people fall in the middle. They don't want big business and our government destroying our habitat, they support development of clean energy methods, they support infrastructure that keeps our water and air clean, and they support better education about environmental issues.

It would be great to have a constructive discussion about the best ways to move forward without the voices of the wingnuts taking over.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

Whoever Controls Words Controls Thought

Despite what it sounds like, natural "clean" air is the most toxic of all. It is full of harmful insects, bacteria, and viruses, which "pollution" kills. This Eco-Eunuchs' buzzword should be replaced by a neutral term like "byproducts." As usually happens with falsely pejorative terms, it should only be criticized if it goes to extremes.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

Whoever Controls Words Controls Thought

Despite what it sounds like, natural "clean" air is the most toxic of all. It is full of harmful insects, bacteria, and viruses, which "pollution" kills. This Eco-Eunuchs' buzzword should be replaced by a neutral term like "byproducts." As usually happens with falsely pejorative terms, it should only be criticized if it goes to extremes.
So your argument is that pollution is healthy? Really?
well said sir. global warming is an excuse so hyper liberals can act histrionic.
i hate to say it, but it was on it's way to being like scientology, which actually has more correct facts up to and including xenu. :)

climate deniers....imagine that....... that's how it starts.
but, luckily, like the march toward socialism, it's dead.
Trump won't allow hard earned tax money to be wasted on nefarious science.
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well said sir. global warming is an excuse so hyper liberals can act histrionic.
i hate to say it, but it was on it's way to being like scientology, which actually has more correct facts up to and including xenu. :)

climate deniers....imagine that....... that's how it starts.
but, luckily, like the march toward socialism, it's dead.
Trump won't allow hard earned tax money to be wasted on nefarious science.
Why do you think climate science is nefarious?
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

doesnt the shifting positions/angles of the sun have anything to do with climate change? so the white man is making the sun get closer to earth?
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

You are a liar. One of the orange clown's first moves was to sign an EO letting the coal companies pollute our watersheds and air.

The link between the changing climate and GHGs has been known for a long time. Here, actually read what real scientists have to say;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

When it comes down to it reduction of pollution and respect for our environment is all we can really do. It doesn't matter if there is a link between mans actions and climate change. We should all be able to agree that the cleaner we live the better for all.

Now yes, there are wingnuts on the left that point to doomsday and want too much government control/regulations over our daily lives... and there are rightwing nuts that focus on discrediting all environmental discussion because they don't really give a shit what they do as long as they can make a buck. I believe the majority of people fall in the middle. They don't want big business and our government destroying our habitat, they support development of clean energy methods, they support infrastructure that keeps our water and air clean, and they support better education about environmental issues.

It would be great to have a constructive discussion about the best ways to move forward without the voices of the wingnuts taking over.
Right now, solar and wind are the cheapest form of generation by kw delivered. And continuing to get cheaper. And at the same time, the technology for building affordable grid scale batteries is already here, with some being installed as we post. That make wind and solar 24/7. So we will see renewables win out because of economics, not ideology.

In the meantime, we know that the GHGs increase the temperature of our atmosphere and ocean. And that increase will have some very definate negative effects. Just how serous those will be, we don't know yet. We have not been down this road before.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

doesnt the shifting positions/angles of the sun have anything to do with climate change? so the white man is making the sun get closer to earth?
Whatever you are smoking, best dial the amount back a bit. You might want, when in a better mental state, to look us Milankovic Cycles.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

You are a liar. One of the orange clown's first moves was to sign an EO letting the coal companies pollute our watersheds and air.

The link between the changing climate and GHGs has been known for a long time. Here, actually read what real scientists have to say;

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere, .039%. think about that.

it was virtually the same % as far back as we can determine using scientific methods, ice cores, etc. Without CO2 there would be no plant life on earth, and with no plant life there would be no animal life.

CO2 is not a pollutant. never was, never will be.

focus on reducing pollution, you don't need to create a fake link between pollution and climate in order to reduce pollution---------------IF, and only if, your real goal is to reduce pollution--------------is it?
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

doesnt the shifting positions/angles of the sun have anything to do with climate change? so the white man is making the sun get closer to earth?
Whatever you are smoking, best dial the amount back a bit. You might want, when in a better mental state, to look us Milankovic Cycles.

Yes, the climate of earth is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now. Man has never had anything to do with it, and short or all out nuclear war, never will.

Sunspots, a slight wobble on earth's axis, changes in ocean currents----------affect climate, but soccer moms driving big SUVs don't.
well said sir. global warming is an excuse so hyper liberals can act histrionic.
i hate to say it, but it was on it's way to being like scientology, which actually has more correct facts up to and including xenu. :)

climate deniers....imagine that....... that's how it starts.
but, luckily, like the march toward socialism, it's dead.
Trump won't allow hard earned tax money to be wasted on nefarious science.
Why do you think climate science is nefarious?
great question. it's tainted by and for a liberal agenda. it's a way to control people and on a world scale. it's about money too, and lot's of it. the science it's self has been cooked, embellished, in some cases invented. the idea of controlling the weather is preposterous, that we can somehow stop hurricanes and tornados by not burning coal is outrageous. the global community has hijacked people's good spirit toward environment, everyone wants a greener earth, not just liberals.

if you really dig into it, for instance CO2 or vapors as "greenhouse gases". their quantity and effect has been overblown.

it's a mantra that started out with shivering polar bears stranded on a piece of floating ice. over the years it progressed to climate deniers should be persecuted. the science was wrong when al gore invented this "crisis", and it's wrong today. there was never a consensus.

the underlying tone is inherently evil/insidious, because the premise is pinned to taking people's hard earned money and wasting it on chasing windmills.

all i'm saying is let's secure the borders, stop inner city genocide fix some bridges, before we obsess over the pie in the sky, and how we decide how many blue sky days we want. that technology is a wayoff.
well said sir. global warming is an excuse so hyper liberals can act histrionic.
i hate to say it, but it was on it's way to being like scientology, which actually has more correct facts up to and including xenu. :)

climate deniers....imagine that....... that's how it starts.
but, luckily, like the march toward socialism, it's dead.
Trump won't allow hard earned tax money to be wasted on nefarious science.
Why do you think climate science is nefarious?
great question. it's tainted by and for a liberal agenda. it's a way to control people and on a world scale. it's about money too, and lot's of it. the science it's self has been cooked, embellished, in some cases invented. the idea of controlling the weather is preposterous, that we can somehow stop hurricanes and tornados by not burning coal is outrageous. the global community has hijacked people's good spirit toward environment, everyone wants a greener earth.

if you really dig into it, for instance CO2 or vapors as "greenhouse gases".

it's a mantra that started out with shivering polar bears stranded on a piece of floating ice. over the years it progressed to climate deniers should be persecuted. the science was wrong when al gore invented this "crisis", and it's wrong today. there was never a consensus.

the underlying tone is inherently evil/insidious, because the premise is pinned to taking people's hard earned money and wasting it on chasing windmills.

all i'm saying is let's secure the borders, stop inner city genocide fix some bridges, before we obsess over the pie in the sky, and how we decide how many blue sky days we want. that technology is a wayoff.

nice summary. what's really happening is that liberals are losing on every front and are getting desperate. Desperate people lie, cheat, loot, burn, and riot. They also demonize anyone who dares speak out against their screwed up view of the world. The Berkeley riots are a perfect example. Shut down with violence anyone who does not agree with you. Hitler did it, Mao did it, Stalin did it. If Hillary had won, she would be doing it.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

doesnt the shifting positions/angles of the sun have anything to do with climate change? so the white man is making the sun get closer to earth?
Whatever you are smoking, best dial the amount back a bit. You might want, when in a better mental state, to look us Milankovic Cycles.

Yes, the climate of earth is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now. Man has never had anything to do with it, and short or all out nuclear war, never will.

Sunspots, a slight wobble on earth's axis, changes in ocean currents----------affect climate, but soccer moms driving big SUVs don't.

i guess one of my main objections is why would they have to get caught cooking the numbers if they were all that great to begin with. it's been politicized, to keep high paying jobs for academic societies, like government research and institutions of higher learning. carbon credits are scary.
trying to understand what is really behind the left's obsession with "man made climate change".

If its reducing man made pollution, I am all in with them. So are 99% of the people of planet earth.

If its an unproven link between pollution and climate, its bunk and not necessary----- if the goal is reducing pollution

If its controlling human activity, which I believe it is, then they can stick it where the sun never shines.
Liberals seem to think that they know how the rest of us should live and want to force us to live as they dictate, where to set our thermostats, what kind of light bulbs, what kind of cars, what kind of food, how our power is generated, where we can travel, and what we must believe---------------because they have all the answers and they are always right.

Listen libs, pollution is bad, everyone wants to stop pollution. You don't need a fake link between pollution and climate to make the case for stopping pollution. Soooooooooo, your real issue has to be control of the actions of others.

doesnt the shifting positions/angles of the sun have anything to do with climate change? so the white man is making the sun get closer to earth?
Whatever you are smoking, best dial the amount back a bit. You might want, when in a better mental state, to look us Milankovic Cycles.

Yes, the climate of earth is changing, it has been changing for hundreds of millions of years and will be changing hundreds of millions of years from now. Man has never had anything to do with it, and short or all out nuclear war, never will.

Sunspots, a slight wobble on earth's axis, changes in ocean currents----------affect climate, but soccer moms driving big SUVs don't.

i guess one of my main objections is why would they have to get caught cooking the numbers if they were all that great to begin with. it's been politicized, to keep high paying jobs for academic societies, like government research and institutions of higher learning. carbon credits are scary.

its about money and control. nothing more
well said sir. global warming is an excuse so hyper liberals can act histrionic.
i hate to say it, but it was on it's way to being like scientology, which actually has more correct facts up to and including xenu. :)

climate deniers....imagine that....... that's how it starts.
but, luckily, like the march toward socialism, it's dead.
Trump won't allow hard earned tax money to be wasted on nefarious science.
Why do you think climate science is nefarious?
great question. it's tainted by and for a liberal agenda. it's a way to control people and on a world scale. it's about money too, and lot's of it. the science it's self has been cooked, embellished, in some cases invented. the idea of controlling the weather is preposterous, that we can somehow stop hurricanes and tornados by not burning coal is outrageous. the global community has hijacked people's good spirit toward environment, everyone wants a greener earth.

if you really dig into it, for instance CO2 or vapors as "greenhouse gases".

it's a mantra that started out with shivering polar bears stranded on a piece of floating ice. over the years it progressed to climate deniers should be persecuted. the science was wrong when al gore invented this "crisis", and it's wrong today. there was never a consensus.

the underlying tone is inherently evil/insidious, because the premise is pinned to taking people's hard earned money and wasting it on chasing windmills.

all i'm saying is let's secure the borders, stop inner city genocide fix some bridges, before we obsess over the pie in the sky, and how we decide how many blue sky days we want. that technology is a wayoff.

nice summary. what's really happening is that liberals are losing on every front and are getting desperate. Desperate people lie, cheat, loot, burn, and riot. They also demonize anyone who dares speak out against their screwed up view of the world. The Berkeley riots are a perfect example. Shut down with violence anyone who does not agree with you. Hitler did it, Mao did it, Stalin did it. If Hillary had won, she would be doing it.
i agree, colleges like berkeley are so cloistered, they will end up being the steam release valve for some of the battles. liberals will protest, even without a cause.

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