Polygamists to be allowed to legally marry soon

A spiritual allegory meant to teach one that that which has been inflicted upon one, is not the same as that which is willingly issued forth by one. Exposure vs. issuance. It’s pretty basic.

Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven:
but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

Those commands are the Torah. And Jesus was not only Torah observant. He was the “Law” (Torah made flesh).

end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done.” (Isaiah 46:10). Therefore, he does not and cannot change his mind

I guess... that has nothing to do with the Old and New Covenants. Which is elementary Biblical knowledge

But only because 3 gay guys want to get married in New York City.
Lol, what do I care. Does not effect me. You wanna be a polygamist or something?
What will the Left legalize next?
Will it be marrying your pets or children?

Why do people always go to those idiotic, retarded examples of things they don't want to see??

The sky's not falling. Chill out.
If some guy wants to double his misery by having two wives, that has no effect on me. I couldn't give a shit...
I'm all over having two wives man. Believe it or not there are good women who take interest in the idea, and I've always wanted a threesome.
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Show me the verse where Jesus, or an Apostle ate, or condoned the eating of shellfish, or pork. Don’t worry. I’ll wait…

I can show you were he didn't condone the OT law of stoning adulterers.
Let em marry. And if i want to screw my life up and marry more than one woman, let me. If you dont like it, get the govt out of marriage!
This shit was a religious thing anyways. The religious should be controlling it but no. You tards gave all this power to the corrupt bastards in DC.
This is YOUR fault.
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It doesn’t matter that “I say so”. The Bible does not say so. Perhaps you are reading into the book, that which you wish to believe…

Jesus never condemned the eating of shellfish either.

“Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience.”

1 Corinthians‬ 10:25‬
Jesus never condemned the eating of shellfish either.

“Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any question on the ground of conscience.”

1 Corinthians‬ 10:25‬
That was Paul. And that verse is in reference to food offerings to false idols, that were then sold for profit…
Why do people always go to those idiotic, retarded examples of things they don't want to see??

The sky's not falling. Chill out.
If some guy wants to double his misery by having two wives, that has no effect on me. I couldn't give a shit...

And that's why our society is on the decline. Hand waving.

People always rattle off "doesn't bother me who cares". They do that for little things constantly. And yes what it is by itself is miniscule but it's what it leads to is the real problem.

America is a young country but we skyrocketed to the top of the food chain. We did so because we were tough, strong, had American morals and values. But we aren't that anymore. American society is on the decline and it coincides with our lowering of morals and values and standards.

Like now we have people defending pedophiles and people publicly calling themselves minor attracted person's and we have people turning kids into trannies. It started with letting gays get married. At the time most didn't care and hand waved it. But every time you let some fringe groups get there way and it becomes normal and once it becomes normal the next fringe groups steps up the plate and then they become normalized. So we went from gays, to trannies and now that trannies are becoming normal now they are trying to normalize tranny kids, next up is kid banging. All thanks to People's hand waving and saying "chill out. It's not the end of the world".

I'm all over having two wives man. Believe it or not there are good women who take interest in the idea, and I've always wanted a threesome.

Have fun with double alimony when you all get divorced.

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