Poor Broke Hillary

All that matters is the party.

Someone like Puddly Pillowbite lacks the intellect requisite to grasp the agenda of eradicating the United States Constitutions and establishing a Marxist dictatorship ruled by a tiny elite.

Pillowbite understands "democrat GOOD, Republican BAD." That's it - the sum total of his grasp.

IOW, you're wrong but don't have the balls to admit it.


You know me better than that.

I know that you're so deeply invested in your own agenda, you can't be bothered with facts. Instead of taking the 43 seconds to google presidential living expenses, you just couldn't wait to call me a liar. You were wrong, as usual, and you made an ass of yourself.

Your choice and I really don't care.
Bill Clinton stated after Bush's tax cuts, that he made a lot of money and didn't need a tax cut. So which is it, is he broke or was he wealthy. I know he cannot tell the truth.
It's amazing you can have a salary of over $400,000 a year for 8 years, have everything in your life taken care of by the tax payers, and still somehow be broke.

So much about those evil rich making over $100,000 a year eh?

Educate yourself. very little of the president's living expenses are paid for by tax payers and we expect our president to look like royalty.
$100,000 a year is hardly "rich".


This is actually all the more reason to vote for her.

Her husband brought the country back from the brink and left a budget surplus (which, as we all know, Bush treated like his own personal petty cash fund). The Clintons then did the same thing with their personal finances.

No reason to think President Hilary would not or could not do the same thing again.

Speaking of educating yourself. Actually most of his expenses are paid for. He is given a salary which for some crazy reason continues on for the rest of his life. He has a personal staff of doctors and an on site hospital. His food. His $100 wine. $1500 suits and $150 shoes. And for the times when something isn't he gets a nice 50k allowance. Not an account..an allowance.
Hillary was in Chicago yesterday and said Abraham Lincoln was a Senator from Illinois. He lost that bid. No problem cause her cult thinks Daniel Day Lewis is Lincoln.
Dead Broke and worth 6-30 million at the time. What are we 'little people' supposed to think? If they were dead broke what are the masses?

Not to mention they earned 12 million dollars the year they were dead broke.

Hillary Clinton's Senate disclosure forms show that in 2001, they reported earning nearly $12 million. Most of that came from Bill Clinton's speechmaking, and the rest came from an advance for Hillary Clinton's book.

And that didn't even include Hillary Clinton's Senate salary, Bill Clinton's pension or money made on investments.

As soon as they left the White House, Hillary Clinton entered the Senate and was earning a $145,000 salary; her husband's pension was also north of $150,000.

All told, their financial snapshot in 2001 was drastically different than when they left the White House -- assets were listed at between $6 million and $30 million; liabilities were between $1.3 million and $5.6 million. And despite their financial issues, they got help from family friend and fundraiser

Clintons 'dead broke' after White House? Actually, they earned over $12M that year | Fox News

I want to be 'broke' like that!!!!

Wonder if she still dreams about dodging bullets with Sinbad while saving Chelsea's life in Bosnia by providing cover from all those nasty snipers?
CaféAuLait;9255213 said:
Wonder if she still dreams about dodging bullets with Sinbad while saving Chelsea's life in Bosnia by providing cover from all those nasty snipers?

Amazing that she can remember any dreams at all. That she still responds to her own name is remarkable.
She struggled "...to piece together resources, for houses..." From her book. Poor girl, lived in public housing with pretty everything covered for 8 years. I used a left-wing rag intentionally.

"We came out of the White House not only dead broke, but in debt," Clinton told ABC News at the start of a tour to promote her memoir, Hard Choices, which is released on Tuesday. "We had no money when we got there and we struggled to piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses, for Chelsea's education. You know, it was not easy."

Hillary Clinton memoir: we 'were broke' after presidency | World news | The Guardian

What a bunch of bullshit.
They bought a house in Chappaqua, NY....Where a "cheap" home is $750k...
Chappaqua NY Real Estate - 175 Homes For Sale - Zillow
This is frggin hilarious. The President's salary is $400k per year. The POTUS and the first family do not pay for ANYTHING for the entire time the POTUS is POTUS...
I cannot believe anyone would swallow this bullshit.
Actually common for our politicians because they're expected to live like royalty on next to no money. Indeed, when a R talked about this, the RWs here all lined up to agree. Now that its Hilary, they're all hating on her.

BUT, this is just more reason to vote for her. Country was in hard times and Bill Clinton left office with a surplus. Her husband did it for the country and then they did it for themselves. No reason not to think she would do it again.

Oh. When did a republican ever complain about being broke after leaving the White House?
Let me tell you something...anyone who makes that kind of money and has to spend very little of it, cries poverty is a PIECE OF SHIT...
So cut the fucking partisan bullshit.
BTW, they DO live like royalty. And pay for NOTHING..
Do you think the Clintons were clipping coupons for groceries?
", this is just more reason to vote for her"
Why? Because she was able to bullshit you into believing this nonsense?
Have you ever put a single thought into the issues before voting? Or is it the "D" that butters your muffin?
You go ahead and vote for Hillary....I don't think she's going to run anyway. If she does, she will not get the nomination.
CaféAuLait;9255213 said:
Dead Broke and worth 6-30 million at the time. What are we 'little people' supposed to think? If they were dead broke what are the masses?

Not to mention they earned 12 million dollars the year they were dead broke.

Hillary Clinton's Senate disclosure forms show that in 2001, they reported earning nearly $12 million. Most of that came from Bill Clinton's speechmaking, and the rest came from an advance for Hillary Clinton's book.

And that didn't even include Hillary Clinton's Senate salary, Bill Clinton's pension or money made on investments.

As soon as they left the White House, Hillary Clinton entered the Senate and was earning a $145,000 salary; her husband's pension was also north of $150,000.

All told, their financial snapshot in 2001 was drastically different than when they left the White House -- assets were listed at between $6 million and $30 million; liabilities were between $1.3 million and $5.6 million. And despite their financial issues, they got help from family friend and fundraiser

Clintons 'dead broke' after White House? Actually, they earned over $12M that year | Fox News

I want to be 'broke' like that!!!!

Wonder if she still dreams about dodging bullets with Sinbad while saving Chelsea's life in Bosnia by providing cover from all those nasty snipers?

If she is stupid enough to run for President, this WILL be a major issue.

Marie Antoinette was FAR more in touch with the needs and views of the common people than Hillary is.

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