Poor Broke Hillary

It's fascinating to watch the useful idiots defend a lefty elitist bureaucrat. All that matters is the agenda.

Not at all.

What I have posted is fact - that our president pays for his own food and other expenses.

That RWs like [MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION] keep telling the same lies, over and over again, isn't my problem.
She walked out of the WH broke lol. She walked out with an 8 mil advance check and a guaranteed 200k per pop speaking job.

When Bill and Hillary left the White House, they were down to their last hundred million. They once had to borrow Michael Moore's yacht, because they couldn't afford to have the hull redone on their 200 footer. They once were SO poor that they had a party for Stephen Spielberg and the caviar they served WASN'T Beluga. These people have suffered CRUSHING poverty. It was SO BAD once that they had to have the attendant pumping gas into Hillary's limo driven in, they couldn't afford to fly him in by helicopter.

When they left the WH, they were $12mil in debt.

How did they get 12 million in debt?
When Bill and Hillary left the White House, they were down to their last hundred million. They once had to borrow Michael Moore's yacht, because they couldn't afford to have the hull redone on their 200 footer. They once were SO poor that they had a party for Stephen Spielberg and the caviar they served WASN'T Beluga. These people have suffered CRUSHING poverty. It was SO BAD once that they had to have the attendant pumping gas into Hillary's limo driven in, they couldn't afford to fly him in by helicopter.

When they left the WH, they were $12mil in debt.

How did they get 12 million in debt?

All your childish name calling won't change the fact that you're wrong. I already posted proof that the prez pays for god own food and other expenses I suggest you read that or do your own research.

ROFL; you dumb fuck, you failed to read your own link.

"The White House kitchen staff provides all meals for the president and his family. "
When they left the WH, they were $12mil in debt.
From the Washington Post, no less:

Something really doesn’t compute about the Clinton family finances. In an interview Monday, Hillary Clinton claimed that when she and Bill Clinton left the White House, they were $12 million in debt. How in the world did this happen?
For eight years they lived in public housing. In 1999 the Clinton’s federal tax return showed their joint income of over $417,000. That was dramatically up from 1992, which they later told the public was over $290,000. How did they rack up $12 million in bills? Granted, the president, over the course of his presidency, had some legal bills. But even that wouldn’t explain it. His legal defense fund raised millions for him. Hillary Clinton left the White House with a tidy $8 million book advance.
Their finances surely improved from 2000-2008. The New York Times reported in April 2008: “Former President Bill Clinton and Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton earned a combined $109 million between 2000 and 2007 and paid $33.8 million in federal taxes.” Between 2008 and 2012, Bill Clinton got his annual $200,000 presidential pension and gave speeches on a regular basis; Hillary Clinton drew her salary as secretary of state, about $200,000 per year. Bill Clinton released a book in 2011, with an undisclosed advance. The advance for Hillary Clinton’s just-published memoir was pegged at $13 million to $14 million. That still didn’t stop her quest for more income.
Hillary Clinton has been giving six-figure speeches since she left the State Department, accepting the largess of all sorts of private financial interests. So when is enough money, you know, enough? It is impossible to claim that she needed the money in a sense regular people could understand. Why would Hillary Clinton claim poverty with an income record like that? When did the debt get paid off? All this matters for several reasons.
First, how she made her money and to whom she is indebted matters greatly. Between the two of them, they’ve taken in a whole lot of speaking fees from industries that do a lot of business with or are regulated by the federal government. She runs in circles with the richest of the rich, at a time when government cronyism is a pressing public issue. Second, if it mattered how much Mitt Romney made — in part because it reflects on his ability to relate to average people — then it matters for Hillary Clinton. And, finally, there is something distasteful about a woman supposedly so dedicated to women and kids and the world’s needy who spends her time making millions upon millions of dollars speaking to rich people. For some voters, it suggests a skewed sense of values, and for others it reminds us that the Clintons have always had a very wealthy circle of friends with lavish lifestyles. The determination to keep up with the Joneses (or the Spielbergs) is perfectly legitimate — but not if you harangue the 1 percent and cast oneself as a selfless servant of the underprivileged.
Why has she been so financially driven when her wealth far exceeds those of almost every American? It is worth asking her, and her answer might provide some insight into what motivates her and why she apparently has felt so deprived while living in the lap of luxury.

Hillary Clinton?s impoverished claims
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When Bill and Hillary left the White House, they were down to their last hundred million. They once had to borrow Michael Moore's yacht, because they couldn't afford to have the hull redone on their 200 footer. They once were SO poor that they had a party for Stephen Spielberg and the caviar they served WASN'T Beluga. These people have suffered CRUSHING poverty. It was SO BAD once that they had to have the attendant pumping gas into Hillary's limo driven in, they couldn't afford to fly him in by helicopter.

When they left the WH, they were $12mil in debt.

How did they get 12 million in debt?

Ask them.

I've read that, going way back to the beginning, presidents are deep in debt when they leave office.

I'm not defending them or anything of the kind. I'm just talking facts instead of the usual RW lies. The fact is, presidents DO pay for their own food and other expenses. Including a "doughnut".
When they left the WH, they were $12mil in debt.

How did they get 12 million in debt?

Ask them.

I've read that, going way back to the beginning, presidents are deep in debt when they leave office.

I'm not defending them or anything of the kind. I'm just talking facts instead of the usual RW lies. The fact is, presidents DO pay for their own food and other expenses. Including a "doughnut".

No other president left office 12 million in debt, yet you can't tell us why. You're not very informed, are you.
When they left the WH, they were $12mil in debt.

Sure sploogy...

Poor Hillary was so destitute that her hamburger, ground from prime Filet Mignon, wasn't even Kobe beef.

You Communists are all about the little guy! :thup:

One time poor Hillary wanted Sushi and couldn't afford a Lear Jet to fly Hirohito Nobu in from Vegas to prepare it - I mean she has SUFFERED...
And the prez gets a bill.

Lying again, stupid?

The only expense would be if he ordered out. Any food prepared and served in the White House is part of the perqs of being president.


Who Pays for the Obama Family's Food? | Mental Floss

Like all presidents, Barack Obama and his family will have to pay for their own food while they're living in the White House. But does someone actually send them a bill? How does this system work?

President Obama may have his own executive chef now, but when his family and personal guests eat what's coming out of the kitchen, he'll have to foot the bill himself. Luckily for him, though, the government picks up the tab if he's having a state function at the White House, which could get pricey since the White House's website touts that its five chefs can crank out dinner for 140 or hors d'oeuvres for over a thousand people.

Does someone really keep track? Apparently, the White House functions like a luxury hotel in this regard. At the end of each month, the president receives a bill for his food and incidental expenses. Nancy Reagan was famously taken aback by this practice when an usher presented her first bill in 1981, saying, "Nobody ever told us the president and his wife are charged for every meal, as well as incidentals like dry cleaning, toothpaste, and other toiletries." (Once they got used to the bills, though, the Reagans loved the White House; President Reagan often joked that all the amenities made it like living in an eight-star hotel.)

The president and his family get to pick what snacks they want, what brand of toothpaste they use, and what menu they want the chef to prepare for them, but it can still get a bit pricier than new commanders in chief expect. In a fascinating article in this month's National Geographic, former White House chief usher Gary Walters said that he couldn't remember any first families not complaining about the high prices of the food. Walters added that Rosalynn Carter was particularly miffed by the high-priced fare, which must have been a bit more expensive than what she'd been getting in Georgia.

[MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION] Feel free to post proof to the contrary. :badgrin:
White House living not total free ride - CNN.com

How, they wondered, could a family making six-figures, living rent free, and writing best-sellers possibly run out of cash?


Former first lady Laura Bush wrote in her post-White House memoir that she was expected to pick up the tab for every meal she ate at the White House or the presidential Camp David retreat -- for her husband's two terms.


"There were some costs that I was not prepared for," [Laura] Bush wrote. "I was amazed by the sheer number of designer clothes that I was expected to buy, like the women before me, to meet the expectations for a first lady."
It's fascinating to watch the useful idiots defend a lefty elitist bureaucrat. All that matters is the agenda.

All that matters is the party.

Someone like Puddly Pillowbite lacks the intellect requisite to grasp the agenda of eradicating the United States Constitutions and establishing a Marxist dictatorship ruled by a tiny elite.

Pillowbite understands "democrat GOOD, Republican BAD." That's it - the sum total of his grasp.
It's fascinating to watch the useful idiots defend a lefty elitist bureaucrat. All that matters is the agenda.

All that matters is the party.

Someone like Puddly Pillowbite lacks the intellect requisite to grasp the agenda of eradicating the United States Constitutions and establishing a Marxist dictatorship ruled by a tiny elite.

Pillowbite understands "democrat GOOD, Republican BAD." That's it - the sum total of his grasp.

IOW, you're wrong but don't have the balls to admit it.

And the prez gets a bill.

Lying again, stupid?

The only expense would be if he ordered out. Any food prepared and served in the White House is part of the perqs of being president.


Who Pays for the Obama Family's Food? | Mental Floss

Like all presidents, Barack Obama and his family will have to pay for their own food while they're living in the White House. But does someone actually send them a bill? How does this system work?

President Obama may have his own executive chef now, but when his family and personal guests eat what's coming out of the kitchen, he'll have to foot the bill himself. Luckily for him, though, the government picks up the tab if he's having a state function at the White House, which could get pricey since the White House's website touts that its five chefs can crank out dinner for 140 or hors d'oeuvres for over a thousand people.

Does someone really keep track? Apparently, the White House functions like a luxury hotel in this regard. At the end of each month, the president receives a bill for his food and incidental expenses. Nancy Reagan was famously taken aback by this practice when an usher presented her first bill in 1981, saying, "Nobody ever told us the president and his wife are charged for every meal, as well as incidentals like dry cleaning, toothpaste, and other toiletries." (Once they got used to the bills, though, the Reagans loved the White House; President Reagan often joked that all the amenities made it like living in an eight-star hotel.)

The president and his family get to pick what snacks they want, what brand of toothpaste they use, and what menu they want the chef to prepare for them, but it can still get a bit pricier than new commanders in chief expect. In a fascinating article in this month's National Geographic, former White House chief usher Gary Walters said that he couldn't remember any first families not complaining about the high prices of the food. Walters added that Rosalynn Carter was particularly miffed by the high-priced fare, which must have been a bit more expensive than what she'd been getting in Georgia.

[MENTION=27995]Uncensored2008[/MENTION] Feel free to post proof to the contrary. :badgrin:

Has there ever been a dinner or snack under Obama that was NOT a state function?

I concede this point, though.
It's fascinating to watch the useful idiots defend a lefty elitist bureaucrat. All that matters is the agenda.

All that matters is the party.

Someone like Puddly Pillowbite lacks the intellect requisite to grasp the agenda of eradicating the United States Constitutions and establishing a Marxist dictatorship ruled by a tiny elite.

Pillowbite understands "democrat GOOD, Republican BAD." That's it - the sum total of his grasp.

IOW, you're wrong but don't have the balls to admit it.


You know me better than that.
It's fascinating to watch the useful idiots defend a lefty elitist bureaucrat. All that matters is the agenda.

All that matters is the party.

Someone like Puddly Pillowbite lacks the intellect requisite to grasp the agenda of eradicating the United States Constitutions and establishing a Marxist dictatorship ruled by a tiny elite.

Pillowbite understands "democrat GOOD, Republican BAD." That's it - the sum total of his grasp.

Don't make any sudden moves. They spook easily.
Actually common for our politicians because they're expected to live like royalty on next to no money. Indeed, when a R talked about this, the RWs here all lined up to agree. Now that its Hilary, they're all hating on her.

BUT, this is just more reason to vote for her. Country was in hard times and Bill Clinton left office with a surplus. Her husband did it for the country and then they did it for themselves. No reason not to think she would do it again.

"... Bill Clinton left office with a surplus."

The national debt went up 41% over Clinton's term.
It's fascinating to watch the useful idiots defend a lefty elitist bureaucrat. All that matters is the agenda.

All that matters is the party.

Someone like Puddly Pillowbite lacks the intellect requisite to grasp the agenda of eradicating the United States Constitutions and establishing a Marxist dictatorship ruled by a tiny elite.

Pillowbite understands "democrat GOOD, Republican BAD." That's it - the sum total of his grasp.

IOW, you're wrong but don't have the balls to admit it.


I have the same problem with uncensored. Join the club.
Hey, go easy on the old harridan.

It's not cheap dodging all those sniper bullets.

Misspoke is Clintonista language for getting caught in a lie.



Please......this one is the classic:

"Hillary Rodham Clinton was not named after the man who conquered Mount Everest Sir_Edmund_Hillary as she has claimed for so many years. Say it isn ’t so. Not like any of us in the blogosphere didn’t know about that lie early on. Everyone knows that on May 29, 1953, Edmund Hillary of New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay of Nepal became the first human beings to conquer Mount Everest.

For more than a decade, Sen. Clinton’s informal biography repeated the story, and it was recounted in former President Bill Clinton’s 2004 autobiography, “My Life.”

The problem with the tale, however, is one of timing. Sir Edmund and his Sherpa guide, Tenzing Norgay, became known to the world only in 1953, after becoming the first men to reach Everest’s summit. Sen. Clinton was born in 1947. "
Hillary Rodham Clinton Finally Admits she was not named after Sir Edmund Hillary of Mt Everest Fame ? Really? | Scared Monkeys
All that matters is the party.

Someone like Puddly Pillowbite lacks the intellect requisite to grasp the agenda of eradicating the United States Constitutions and establishing a Marxist dictatorship ruled by a tiny elite.

Pillowbite understands "democrat GOOD, Republican BAD." That's it - the sum total of his grasp.

IOW, you're wrong but don't have the balls to admit it.


I have the same problem with uncensored. Join the club.

The problem with these lying, partisan hacks is that they are in such a big hurry to hate the black guy, they simply ignore facts.

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