Pope calls for abolition of the death penalty

One of my biggest problems with abolishing the death penalty and warehousing these murderers for life is economic.

From what I understand it costs the US taxpayer $50-60 thousand dollars per year per prisoner to keep these convicts locked up.

That is the price per semester of a Harvard/Yale/Princeton/Duke education.

Wouldn't it make more sense to carry out the death penalty and then use the money to educate our young people? ...... :cool:

The US executed 35 people last year.
We have 2,200,000 in prison in this country. I don't think an extra 35 is a burden

I guess we need to pick up the pace.
Quite true

It is almost exclusively Jesusland that supports the death penalty. Bet they would crucify if they had the option

Let me help your little brain. The death penalty is called justice. It is the "killing" of a guilty scum to pay back society and to make sure the scum never does it again. A fetus/baby never did anything wrong. Capiche? Innocent helpless babies need protection and guilty scum do not.
The problem is that liberals will never give up abortion, it's too important to them. Most liberals don't have children, or maybe have one. The rest they aborted.
Cue conservative outrage

Pope calls for abolition of death penalty in address to Congress

Francis says that every life is sacred and society can only benefit from rehabilitating those convicted of crimes.
The pope noted that U.S. bishops have renewed their call to abolish capital punishment. That idea is unpopular, however, with many American politicians
You're just stupid enough to believe that the death penalty falls along conservative and leftist lines. It's not even remotely true.

Thats where it falls.....most Blue States have either abolished the death penalty or no longer use it

The vast majority of our executions take place in Jesusland
Most Leftists support capital punishment. Are you really this stupid?
Really, you have a source for that?
How many millions have the church killed in it's history?

And there we have it....
Time to bring up the Crusades again....

Inquisition, Italian wars, religious conquest of other lands, superstition instead of common sense during times of plagues, witch hunts, persecution and executions of jews, war between the Christian factions, ..................
Cue conservative outrage

Pope calls for abolition of death penalty in address to Congress

Francis says that every life is sacred and society can only benefit from rehabilitating those convicted of crimes.
The pope noted that U.S. bishops have renewed their call to abolish capital punishment. That idea is unpopular, however, with many American politicians

And back when Catholics were burning people at the stake for not coverting did some foreign head of state come along and demand they stop doing that?

Can say his mind, but if American Catholic politicians seem to be changing their minds because their head honcho said something, that's something we should worry about because now a foreign head of state has undo influence on American law.
One of my biggest problems with abolishing the death penalty and warehousing these murderers for life is economic.

From what I understand it costs the US taxpayer $50-60 thousand dollars per year per prisoner to keep these convicts locked up.

That is the price per semester of a Harvard/Yale/Princeton/Duke education.

Wouldn't it make more sense to carry out the death penalty and then use the money to educate our young people? ...... :cool:

The US executed 35 people last year.
We have 2,200,000 in prison in this country. I don't think an extra 35 is a burden


2,199,965 to go.
Cue conservative outrage

Pope calls for abolition of death penalty in address to Congress

Francis says that every life is sacred and society can only benefit from rehabilitating those convicted of crimes.
The pope noted that U.S. bishops have renewed their call to abolish capital punishment. That idea is unpopular, however, with many American politicians
You're just stupid enough to believe that the death penalty falls along conservative and leftist lines. It's not even remotely true.

Thats where it falls.....most Blue States have either abolished the death penalty or no longer use it

The vast majority of our executions take place in Jesusland
Most Leftists support capital punishment. Are you really this stupid?
Really, you have a source for that?
Already posted on another thread of a similar topic. As I am not your link slave, you can find it your damn self.
I strongly support the death penalty. I would change it. I would reserve the death penalty to serial killers, thrill killers and anyone who kills while in prison. I would abandon appeals in such cases and carry out the sentence within 24 hours.
It all boils down to money and revenge. The money to house them, the eye for an eye thing. I don't think it's a party line deal, but I do think it falls more on the right in America because of "responsibility." The criminal is responsible for their actions, our wallets are not, vs the left generally being more "emotional" about their opinions and perhaps not trusting government/rich people. There's a bit of "What is the purpose of a jail in your opinion?" question involved; is a jail a place of punishment or a place of rehabilitation? etc.

I [personally] think that in some cases a death penalty is "the best option" all things considered as there is no possibility of those folks being "safe" to be around others thus no point to spending a bunch of money to keep them jailed, but there are a lot of cases where I would be against a death ruling; like an 18 year old sleeping with their 16 year old GF shouldn't get the death penalty even if they rule it rape, nor should a marijuana dealer who didn't shoot anyone, etc. stuff like that. There's a specific idk type of violence that must be hit before the death penalty is acceptable to me.

Of course, therein lies the problem, opinion on what crimes warrant such a penalty; if the far right had their way all gays would be executed, if BLM had their way Officer Wilson would be executed, and so forth and so forth. So in some ways I can see how it might be better to just get rid of it entirely, rather then trying to decide what "qualifies" for the death penalty. Complicated issue.

I say we leave it up to the states like it is.

(And for the record, I could care less what the Pope has to say about it heh)
The majority of the world already considers the death penalty as barbaric

The US stands alone with China, India and the Muslim states as the only ones still using the death penalty

And if used properly it's a good thing.
It's the responsibility of a society to execute those that showed no remorse for
despicable acts against us....

Boston bomber comes to mind.

And then there are those who want to keep them alive and feed and clothed them and provide
medical attention and a roof over their head...for years and years....

Lock him up and throw away the key
Quite true

It is almost exclusively Jesusland that supports the death penalty. Bet they would crucify if they had the option

Let me help your little brain. The death penalty is called justice. It is the "killing" of a guilty scum to pay back society and to make sure the scum never does it again. A fetus/baby never did anything wrong. Capiche? Innocent helpless babies need protection and guilty scum do not.

But.....but.....What about abortion?
Save it for another thread

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