Pope Francis Says Christmas Too Commercialized


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Something I totally agree with him about. Hell, businesses have Xmas decorations up before Thanksgiving!

This week, Francis told a group of schoolchildren that if Jesus Christ is removed from the holidays, Christmas is emptied of all significance.

Addressing a group of youngsters who came to the Vatican for the blessing of the figures of Jesus for their Nativity scenes, the pope told them that only a Christ-centered celebration is the “real Christmas.”

And an Irish priest said the word Christmas needs to be taken out of the holiday.

Story @ Pope Francis: Christmas Has Been ‘Taken Hostage by Worldliness’
I'm sure Frannie the Foot Fetishist pope will comfort himself by getting on his hands and knees and sucking on muslim men's feet some more. Which he did one day after the Brussels terrorist attack; clearly this papal pig sexually gets off on muslim violence. Thanks to him, that corrupt, criminal organization, the Catholic church, will NEVER be able to scrub the muslim semen stains off it. With their dreary, downbeat obsession with guilt and suffering, Catbolicism is to masochism what Pisslam is to sadism: no religion does it better. Fuck the Catholic church and fuck every one of its pederast-enabler popes and fuck their stupid costumes and headdresses and golden scepter the wave. Even before Pope Franni-Foot-Fetishist, that despicable church was instrumental in importing a gazillion Somali muslims to Minnesota (along with the Lutherans).

Just because I'm intelligent enough to know that Islam is a thousandfold orders of magnitude WORSE than Catholicrap, that does NOT mean I have any use for the Catholic church whatsoever. Fuck Catholicism and all the slimy shenanigans it's about. I HATE that religion.
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Tell us something new. The catholic church has been saying that since at least the sixties.

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