Pope says Europe will die unless European females breed more with Africans & Muslims


Silver Member
Oct 31, 2016
Pope Francis has said that populists are "creating a psychosis" on the issue of immigration. In an interview with Reuters published on Wednesday, he said that ageing societies in Europe face "a great demographic winter" and "will become empty" without migration.

[Ticker] Pope: populists 'creating a psychosis' on migrants
Populists cause migrant 'psychosis'-pope (2) - English


The Pope is nuts. That's all there is too it. An internationalist gone off the deep end. Has zero sense of nationalism.
Some may wonder: Why are top level leaders [Satanic minions] of Western Civilization, from pope on down, deliberately sabotaging/destroying Western Civilization ?

It's because you have to break eggs to make an omelet.
The NWOrder/world government is the "omelet" that is being made, and ALL "sovereign" nations are the "eggs" that must be broken to make it.

Islam a big tool in breaking the eggs. Economic collapse another big tool. Racial conflict another big tool. Nukes will also be used.

The NWOrder/world government is ORDAINED BY GOD to come into existence.
There is no stopping the coming into being of the NWOrder/world government [which will be the throne of the coming final supreme "beast" first revealed in Revelation 13].

[Beast will rule 3.5 years .... and his reign ends the same day as Christ returns in power as per Rev 19]

The pope and such as POTUS Bush Sr openly and plainly revealed their enthusiasm and support for the coming NWOrder.
MANY "elites" [Satan's hi-level minions] spoke likewise.

Revelation 13->forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else.

Thailand is the only nation that will not become a province of the world government.
Thailand will be a very unique significant way Jesus will “bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,...."
Thailand will be Jesus's "burning bush" nation.

Pope Francis has said that populists are "creating a psychosis" on the issue of immigration. In an interview with Reuters published on Wednesday, he said that ageing societies in Europe face "a great demographic winter" and "will become empty" without migration.

[Ticker] Pope: populists 'creating a psychosis' on migrants
Populists cause migrant 'psychosis'-pope (2) - English



Can that stupid fuck get anymore obvious?
Jesus Christ,he's such an obvious political plant that you'd have to be blind to miss it!!!!
Pope Francis has said that populists are "creating a psychosis" on the issue of immigration. In an interview with Reuters published on Wednesday, he said that ageing societies in Europe face "a great demographic winter" and "will become empty" without migration.

[Ticker] Pope: populists 'creating a psychosis' on migrants
Populists cause migrant 'psychosis'-pope (2) - English



Those are mistruths.

Also it was the Catholics who were against the Nazism.

I get you call yourself a Christian and yet you are spreading lies.
Some may wonder: Why are top level leaders [Satanic minions] of Western Civilization, from pope on down, deliberately sabotaging/destroying Western Civilization ?

It's because you have to break eggs to make an omelet.
The NWOrder/world government is the "omelet" that is being made, and ALL "sovereign" nations are the "eggs" that must be broken to make it.

Islam a big tool in breaking the eggs. Economic collapse another big tool. Racial conflict another big tool. Nukes will also be used.

The NWOrder/world government is ORDAINED BY GOD to come into existence.
There is no stopping the coming into being of the NWOrder/world government [which will be the throne of the coming final supreme "beast" first revealed in Revelation 13].

[Beast will rule 3.5 years .... and his reign ends the same day as Christ returns in power as per Rev 19]

The pope and such as POTUS Bush Sr openly and plainly revealed their enthusiasm and support for the coming NWOrder.
MANY "elites" [Satan's hi-level minions] spoke likewise.

Revelation 13->forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else.

Thailand is the only nation that will not become a province of the world government.
Thailand will be a very unique significant way Jesus will “bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations,...."
Thailand will be Jesus's "burning bush" nation.


Get help.
Pope Francis has said that populists are "creating a psychosis" on the issue of immigration. In an interview with Reuters published on Wednesday, he said that ageing societies in Europe face "a great demographic winter" and "will become empty" without migration.

[Ticker] Pope: populists 'creating a psychosis' on migrants
Populists cause migrant 'psychosis'-pope (2) - English



Can that stupid fuck get anymore obvious?
Jesus Christ,he's such an obvious political plant that you'd have to be blind to miss it!!!!

I kinda agree--------the Pope seems, to me, to be delving into
murky waters.
The grand ongoing Global conspiracy is the Pope led Globalist project of turning "sovereign" USA and "sovereign" nations of Europe into failed states ....
thence to be made provinces of the One World Government (that the Beast will rule for 3.5 years).

If you think you know of a more significant ongoing conspiracy, then cite it.
If you think you know of a person with a more powerful personal following than the pope, then name him.

Revelation 13 reveals two Beasts.

The Pope is preparing the throne of the Beast. The Pope himself is neither of the Beasts.

Satan’s Pope led Globalist cabal caused Trump to become POTUS just so a Nationalist Republicanish
Christianish straight white man would be captain (to be blamed) when the Globalist sink the ship.

Globalist [“elites”] are top level minions of Satan, the “god of this world.”
Globalist human kingpin is the pope
Globalist had POTUS minions for decades

Globalist have Trillions of $ with which to bribe
Globalist have files on everybody that is anybody
Globalist have death squads

Globalist have access to all kinds of weapons
Globalist have CIA minion.
Globalist have MSMedia minion

Globalist are creating the One World Government
Globalist One World Government is ordained to come to be.
Globalist have planned for decades

Globalist will bring down Trump and the Nationalist and end “sovereign” USA and end the “sovereign” nations of Europe.
Globalist will have nukes used to end the current world order.

See Vatican’s FAZZINI sculpture named “Christ rising from crater of nuke blast”
Catholics: What is this demonic looking sculpture behind the Pope?

See St John the Divine Cathedral “sinister sites”
Sinister Sites - St. John the Divine Cathedral

Revelation 13->forward reveals soul saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else.
this pope has very strange tastes in ART

Catholics: What is this demonic looking sculpture behind the Pope?

The 'dark side' likes to give 'hidden in plain sight' indicators of what is to come .... like the Vatican's FAZZINI sculpture
One reason is so later they can say "you were warned"

the weird sculpture reminds me of the NITEMARISH stuff
created by ALBRECHT DURER (with an umlat on top) --
scary. I kinda associate it with the Inquisition
If Europe is repopulated with other cultures, it will not be Europe anymore, sooooo what's the point?
The devil is out to destroy the white race. He won't win, but right now it sure looks that way.

We are at the threshold of The Great Tribulation, aka The Time of Jacob's (Israel's) Trouble
We are at the threshold of nuking of New York City, and comencement of the all out attack on the "sovereign" nations, ....... It will be "tribulation" for many ...
but also around this same time Jesus will empower many who are waiting on Jesus as per Isaiah 40:31.

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