Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.

Of course he is. He's done for ----AGAIN! LOL!!
Only with people who have any sense of moral principles......people like you will remain uneffected.

That will include most all American voters then. Suck it up or crawl off into a corner and sulk.
I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.
If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.

Of course he is. He's done for ----AGAIN! LOL!!
Only with people who have any sense of moral principles......people like you will remain uneffected.

That will include most all American voters then. Suck it up or crawl off into a corner and sulk.

yah... just like Romney is president.
If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.

Of course he is. He's done for ----AGAIN! LOL!!
Only with people who have any sense of moral principles......people like you will remain uneffected.

That will include most all American voters then. Suck it up or crawl off into a corner and sulk.
I have no idea what this incoherent scree of nonsense means.

neither does he
If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.
FOOL. Both of you.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.

I think you should. it would also probably be helpful if you learned to write complete sentences. it won't improve your content, but it will make it immeasurably easier to read.
If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.
FOOL. Both of you.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed. Have you ever wondered why Trump followers are statistically the least educated constituency?
Brazil a predominantly Catholic country built this huge wall to keep people in the slums. 17 miles of walls to keep in 19 communities. I haven't heard old Francis bitch about this.
If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.
FOOL. Both of you.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed. Have you ever wondered why Trump followers are statistically the least educated constituency?
Did Rachel tell you that? Or are you naturally braindead?
If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.
FOOL. Both of you.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.

I think you should. it would also probably be helpful if you learned to write complete sentences. it won't improve your content, but it will make it immeasurably easier to read.
You Takers are pretty witty this afternoon...
Why would he do that when he's so much a part of it?
Career politicians are the enemy of the country...
And Donald Trump is so different because he's one of the buyers instead of being one of the bought.....is that right?

Exactly. Unlike Bernie and Sanders, Trump is self-funding and in the pockets of no special interest groups, Super Pacs or billionaires.

Trump isn't self funding. He's taking contributions and spending that money instead of his own.

Only very small donations from everyday people. Not from Planned Parenthood and Wall Street like Hillary does and not from Super Pacs like both Bernie and Hillary do. He has also said he would only take $1.00 per year in salary if he is elected. No one else has said that. Suck it up.

Is he the richest guy running?
Whatever Trump says about the Pope or how much Pope bashing his followers and supporters participate in, it shouldn't make much difference. Only about 24% of the population or about 70+ million Americans identify with the Catholic Church, and some of them won't even care about Pope bashing or disparaging and disrespecting Catholics.
Since Papal Pig Francis fellates Islam more than several clones of Obama, I don't think this papal, Chef-Boyardee-dressed, sanctimonious, fraudulent, nightcrawling imitation of a real lifeform is much of a Christian either; he loves sucking the dick of the Islam religion that is currently exterminating his fellow Christians in the ME.
Trump just responded to the Pope. He said for any religious leader to remark about another man's faith is disgraceful especially since he has not remarked against Obama's faith. Trump is absolutely correct on this. The only one who knows about any man's faith is God. The Pope is not God.
Trump is going to have sue. No question about it. He will have to defend himself against such a malicious lie. Now he would be suing the catholic church but that shouldn't be a problem with his supporters since the church is certainly part of the establishment plus no real christian in his right mind would support Trump.

So you think he should sue the catholic church for defamation? In an election year? With a case he will lose because he is a public figure and there is no mal intent?

The Pope threw the first punch. He is the aggressor in this exchange. I hope people recognize this fact.
This is what the Pope said:
"And then, a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the gospel. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt."
This is an ATTACK? A punch? The Pope is an Aggressor? Who's being a candy assed whiner this time?

He is using his position of Authority to argue against ANY limitations on immigration into the US.

That is an attack.

His spin does not hide that, not if you spend a second thinking about the ramifications of his message.
No, that is not what the Pope said. Go back and read it again, more slowly this time, please.

His denies that Trump can be a Christian because he wants to build a Wall.

By those standards the simple act of trying to enforce limitations on immigration is unchristian.

That's a pretty clear condemnation.
NO NO NO NO NO! He denies Trump can be a Christian if he refuses to also build bridges! Do you ever go to Church at all? This is about being a humanitarian, not a Democrat or Republican.
We have to recognize there are different kinds of bridges as well, not ones that are physical bridges meant for pedestrians or cars. There is an emotional bridge or an ideological bridge that can be built between factions.

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