Possible Hunter Indictment

If any federal prosecutor elects to seek an indictment against Hunter, and assuming that some Grand Jury votes to indict that scumbag, what will that mean? I don’t mean what will it mean to Hunter? I mean “what will it mean to his potato head father?”
If any federal prosecutor elects to seek an indictment against Hunter, and assuming that some Grand Jury votes to indict that scumbag, what will that mean? I don’t mean what will it mean to Hunter? I mean “what will it mean to his potato head father?”
One: The fed prosecutor will be relieved of duties by the DOJ and the charges will be quashed by whomever replaces him.

Two: Biden has nothing to fear because of this.

Now what else could this leak be about? What news is so bad that they would throw the president's son under the bus to create a victim?
Time for an October surprise and this ain't gas prices.

He doesn't look anything but pathetic with that SERIOUSLY receding hairline!

Where did all that Chinese-baby-raping testosterone go, Hunter, you foul parasite?
One: The fed prosecutor will be relieved of duties by the DOJ and the charges will be quashed by whomever replaces him.
I don’t believe that is likely to happen because the blowback would be massive and immediate.
Two: Biden has nothing to fear because of this.
If the case proceeds, the big guy has his fingerprints all over it. He would have a great deal to fear. Accordingly, he might need to engage in pre-damage control: that is, Issue a pardon to his son ahead of time.
Now what else could this leak be about? What news is so bad that they would throw the president's son under the bus to create a victim?
I don’t know. I suppose that’s a good question. Alternatively, maybe this is just their way of being on top of the story which they now realize is coming.

And daddy may not be running again, after all.
Biden announced his intention to seek re-election, the vast majority of Democrats don't want that. This might be the first shot across the bow to get rid of Biden. He's a disaster and brings nothing to the table for the future.
Time for an October surprise and this ain't gas prices.

Hunter Biden will get off because some FBI or DOJ official will state that Hunter had no intention to commit a crime as he was too high on drugs.

Hunter Biden is definitely a Biden and like Joe points out you don’t f**k with a Biden.
Hunter Biden will get off because some FBI or DOJ official will state that Hunter had no intention to commit a crime as he was too high on drugs.

Hunter Biden is definitely a Biden and like Joe points out you don’t f**k with a Biden.
They fuck and shower with each other but no one else allowed to.
Federal agents investigating Hunter Biden believe they have enough evidence to charge him with lying on his taxes and on an application to purchase a gun. The tax charge would likely stem from Biden’s failure to declare income related to his nebulous lobbying work in Ukraine and China. The possible gun charge involves Biden’s answer on a federal firearms-licensing form that asks if the applicant is “an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance.”

If any of that evidence came from the laptop, then every media person, politician, "intelligence expert", and tech executive who claimed it was "Russian disinformation" should lose their jobs.
Due Diligence Dude

You guys are so impatient and accuse others of wrong evil doings on a constant basis.

If they had the info, sat on it to gather further proof, this is a good thing, right?

So are the prosecutor doing their job now?

If any of that evidence came from the laptop, then every media person, politician, "intelligence expert", and tech executive who claimed it was "Russian disinformation" should lose their jobs.

No, because NOTHING will ever come of this. Ever.



Hyyyeyeyeyeyeyeyyyeeeeever. Ever.
If they find/found incriminating evidence against Hunter, then charge him and give him his day(s) in court.

Are you willing to say that about trump?
The DOJ is now saying they will "investigate" the Hunter Biden leak and seek charges for whomever is responsible. The damage is done. You can't put that toothpaste back in the tube

The Federal Prosecutor for the DoJ has been investigating Hunter for 3 years. What is Garland talking about?
There's more than sufficient evidence to indict Hunter on Tax evasion and gun charges.
If they find/found incriminating evidence against Hunter, then charge him and give him his day(s) in court.

Are you willing to say that about trump?
I'm waiting for Tony Bobulinski to die of "mysterious" circumstances.
Due Diligence Dude

You guys are so impatient and accuse others of wrong evil doings on a constant basis.

If they had the info, sat on it to gather further proof, this is a good thing, right?
We live in in another reality now. The real Religion is the godless Prog cult. No matter how much Progs ush Trump cults and of course the Christian one. Progs have no problem ejecting people once used for their purposes. Biden was used. We are back in the swamp, and they have furthered their ambitions over the last two years and have spent trillions and trillions of fiat printed currency that is doing little for stated purposes.
We are getting close to the mid term elections so it's likely that information allegedly leaked from the "Justice Dept" is designed to give the fake impression that the FBI is independent of the Biden regime. Everything is propaganda until proved otherwise. .

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