Possible Hunter Indictment

This is probably just thrown out there so the DOJ can can make it look like they are being unbiased as they go after Trump.
We are getting close to the mid term elections so it's likely that information allegedly leaked from the "Justice Dept" is designed to give the fake impression that the FBI is independent of the Biden regime. Everything is propaganda until proved otherwise. .
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Why is the right wing so dependent upon conspiracies

I know…..it’s all about Deflection and Lies.
Unfortunately every American must acknowledge that Hunter Biden is possibly the most powerful man on this planet. His father, Joe Biden, ignored his sons cries for help, and instead of seeking treatment for his addicted son, Joe used his own son as a bagman for seriously shady deals in Ukraine, China, and Russia..... Often times, drug addicts will "lash out" against a parent that enabled (or profited) from their addictions. Hunter Biden could very easily do an interview, and clearly state that the "big guy" was Joe, and that he witnessed his father sexually abusing his sister. Even if those statements were false , the leader of the free world (Pedo Peter) would be toast.... Let that sink in....Hunter could destroy our president in a matter of minutes, in a drug induced episode of "lashing out" against his heartless father.
We've all seen the reality cop shows where addicts fight like hell to avoid going to jail for even small infractions. This is because they know that they will not get their "fix" that night, and the ensuing withdrawal symptoms are their worst nightmare. Like all addicts, Hunter will say or do anything, including destroying his family, to avoid going through withdrawals in jail. This is the "thin thread" that our world hangs from now. I'm amazed that "they" haven't disposed of Hunter already. Junkies overdose all the time.
Some may say that Hunter is not a "junkie". Wrong. He is in fact the definition of a "junkie". He got special consideration to enter the Navy (from Pedo Peter) and was kicked out for drug use. That should have been a wakeup call, for anyone with a "drug problem". But not Hunter, he went from coke to meth. He smoked meth long after his teeth had completely rotted away (he took the photos himself). That is what a junkie does. That is not casual drug use. The filming of himself doing nasty things is quite normal for a tweeker that has damaged their own brain to the point of nonsensical thinking...Folks, if this was any body else besides the son of an "elite" (Joe Biden) he would just be another fried out tweeker.
There's nothing here that would result in a jail sentence. Nothing but a fine and probation. If they move forward on this petty shit, it's fairly certain that they know about more more serious criminality that will be swept under the rug as this blows over.
This is why the "laptop" is ever so important. I've heard leftest state silly comments like " Well, then I will never vote for Hunter".... those kind of flippant remarks do not erase the precarious position our nation is in with the "Hunter laptop". This is why the "laptop" story was so important to any voter that truly wanted to be informed in our last election. And this why all Americans should be royally pissed off at the 51 intelligence officers that claimed it was " Russian interference". And also be royally pissed off that hi-tech censored any discussion amongst Americans regarding this laptop.
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Essentially, our president, the leader of the free world, only exist until his junkie son decides to "spill the beans"... How scary is that?
One must ask why now? OPEC just slammed democrats with very bad news on fuels and heating of homes for the US. This news is going to put home heating out of reach for millions of Americans this winter. Why would they do this when the economic news is devastating?

I think this is an orchestrated deflection. Hunter will never be charged. Bidens DOJ won't allow it. SO why make Hunter a "victim" of the republicans? Distraction from what just happened yesterday. OPEC shooting of Bidens loaded guns into Americans feet..

I'm very skeptical that this leak was not intentional, given who it was leaked to and how it might change the leed stories in the news...
Howabout a hit on Joey forced to resign?
Hunter Biden will get off because some FBI or DOJ official will state that Hunter had no intention to commit a crime as he was too high on drugs.

Hunter Biden is definitely a Biden and like Joe points out you don’t f**k with a Biden.
Your claim seems to be in direct conflict to what the FBI has released.

Being too stoned is not a defense in any state in the USA.

They're going to get him on a lesser charge so people will stop complaining and they won't have to deal with the laptop.

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