Possible Mass Shooting at Chiefs Super Bowl Victory Rally


Ain't happened yet.

Not holding my breath.

There are quite a few fake-black self-loathing White folk here who have the same curious habit of never being able to back up what comes out of their mouths.

I have a few minutes more.


Just bash their teeth in and keep moving. It's a target rich environment
That's a fever dream.

No its a fact. That poor women answered her door with a gun to protect herself not knowing who was there and the cops uploaded.
The NRA launched a national campaign to scary black women into buying guns. This poor women did. The NRA propaganda worked. She is dead. No one cares. Profits rose.
Fact is, guns make you less safe. The NRA lies to sell more guns.
Think tobacco.
Time for the NRA to face the music.
The "difference" is that the goddamn Negroes commit crimes way out of proportion to their demographics. They have a culture of violence and the stupid Libtards pander to them so they don't think they are accountable for any crimes they commit.

Fact is, their is no more crime among poor blacks than poor whites.
Problem is, way more poor blacks.
Poverty is most responsible for crime and a history of poverty leads to a culture of crime.
Understand now?
Details are sketchy, as is always the case when this stuff first comes out. Sounds like multiple shots were fired and some people may or may not have been hit. A lot of unknowns at the moment.

Girlfriend's brother was there with his fiance. they say 22 injured, one dead, three in custody, and believe it was gang related.
They receive false sense of security just like men.
The gun makes them lass safe.
So...you believe that a woman who has been raped and murdered is better than one whose attacker got shot.
No its a fact. That poor women answered her door with a gun to protect herself not knowing who was there and the cops uploaded.
The NRA launched a national campaign to scary black women into buying guns. This poor women did. The NRA propaganda worked. She is dead. No one cares. Profits rose.
Fact is, guns make you less safe. The NRA lies to sell more guns.
Think tobacco.
Time for the NRA to face the music.
That's the stupidest thing I've seen in years.

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