Post Any Evidence you are Aware of that Donald Trump Falsified Business Records to Conceal a Crime

But ultimately, the falsified records, the signed checks, and the correspondence between the two men --

I.E., the mountain of documentary evidence that the Super Sealion OP pretends not to know about --

Will sink the Donald.
Cohen will provide an explanation of events that makes sense to the Jury

Trump will deny he kneel or had sex with Stormy, deny he made or knew about any payments and say Cohen devised the whole thing without his knowledge

Which story will the jury believe?
Cohen will provide an explanation of events that makes sense to the Jury

Trump will deny he kneel or had sex with Stormy, deny he made or knew about any payments and say Cohen devised the whole thing without his knowledge

Which story will the jury believe?
You forgot the correspondence between the two showing Trump knew exactly what Cohen was doing and was the one giving orders.

The jury would have to be blind and deaf, to believe Trump.
Let's keep this thread clean, folks.

If you don't know of evidence that Donald Trump falsified business records to conceal a crime, move along to another thread.


A more critical question might be.....

Why can't you stop using Facebook?
You Do know they are against everything you believe in, right?

If the vast majority of RightWingers didn't go on Facebook, they couldn't control you.
You complain about the Left abusing you, your country and ushering in Communism...but you remain loyal to FB (wtf?)
Nearly EVERYONE I know who calls themselves Rightwing is on Facebook for one excuse or the other. THERE ARE NONE.
(Directed toward MOST on the Right and not necessarily specifically you)
Andy Martin. Ring a bell. Oh, they say he and other Clinton supporters weren’t part of the campaign. But if you can claim far right wingers and fascists are speaking for Trump then these people spoke for Clinton. You can’t have it both ways.
All you have to do is Google it.
Show me
Andy Martin. Ring a bell. Oh, they say he and other Clinton supporters weren’t part of the campaign. But if you can claim far right wingers and fascists are speaking for Trump then these people spoke for Clinton. You can’t have it both ways.
show us

Show where Hillary or her campaign ever embraced birtherism

Martin is a crackpot not a member of
Hillarys campaIgn

Even Leftist trashsite Snopes agrees with this fact. Rightwinger suck crank.

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.

Even Leftist trashsite Snopes agrees with this fact. Rightwinger suck crank.

Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago's South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.
Read your own link and its origins and get back to me
Cohen will provide an explanation of events that makes sense to the Jury

Trump will deny he kneel or had sex with Stormy, deny he made or knew about any payments and say Cohen devised the whole thing without his knowledge

Which story will the jury believe?
Cohen will be caught lying in cross examination. He can’t help himself.

It’s almost unbelievable that they’ll use a known liar as a witness.
Read your own link and its origins and get back to me

The publishe claiming “by mistake” in 1991? yet not change it till Election time. That one? Massive crank choking you. Get off the boards you troublemaking making gullible sea urchin.
Cohen will be caught lying in cross examination. He can’t help himself.

It’s almost unbelievable that they’ll use a known liar as a witness.

What happens if Michael Cohen's testimony is confirmed by...
  • Stormy Daniels
  • Keith Davidson
  • Karen McDougal
  • David Pecker
  • Dylan Howard
  • Jeffrey McConney
  • Kellyanne Conway
  • Rhona Graff
  • Madeline Westerhout
  • Hope Hicks
  • Plus others
  • Texts
  • Emails
  • Phone Records
  • Contemporaneous Notes (by those in the above list)
The publishe claiming “by mistake” in 1991? yet not change it till Election time. That one? Massive crank choking you. Get off the boards you troublemaking making gullible sea urchin.
The woman admitted she just assumed he was born in Kenya and apologized for the error.

Only dumfuk Birthers give a magazine error more credibility than a state certified Birth Certificate
Cohen will be caught lying in cross examination. He can’t help himself.

It’s almost unbelievable that they’ll use a known liar as a witness.

Cohen will admit he lied to protect Trump
I doubt the jury will hold it against him.

Cohens descriptions of what was done and why will have more merit than Trumps declaration of “I dindu noth’n” and everyone lies except me.
Does any of you know how stupid it would look in a real court of law if you tried to bring out your links and stuff I saw on the internet? You have no evidence, all you have is bullshit and innuendo which agrees with your current state of mind.
Does any of you know how stupid it would look in a real court of law if you tried to bring out your links and stuff I saw on the internet? You have no evidence, all you have is bullshit and innuendo which agrees with your current state of mind.

I can assure you they have much more evidence and testimony than has been publicly released

Just the Stormy Daniels testimony will be crushing.
What happens if Michael Cohen's testimony is confirmed by...
  • Stormy Daniels
  • Keith Davidson
  • Karen McDougal
  • David Pecker
  • Dylan Howard
  • Jeffrey McConney
  • Kellyanne Conway
  • Rhona Graff
  • Madeline Westerhout
  • Hope Hicks
  • Plus others
  • Texts
  • Emails
  • Phone Records
  • Contemporaneous Notes (by those in the above list)
Which ones of them saw Trump make a false entry in a business record to conceal a crime?

Or are they just going to be negative character witnesses, who have no information on the actual crimes charged?
Which ones of them saw Trump make a false entry in a business record to conceal a crime?

You assume he has to make them himself, which is kind of dishonest.

What the DA has to show is that FPOTUS#45 made the arrangements and was part of the planning to cause the false records to be created. Not that FPOUTS#45 jumped into a seat and made an entry on an Excel sheet.

Or are they just going to be negative character witnesses, who have no information on the actual crimes charged?

Cohen, Daniels, Pecker, and others are going to provide direct testimony about the planning and implementation of the scheme and why it was done.

That is direct evidence of the actual crime (both Cohen's and FPOTUS#45's) and * * WHY * * * the felony enhancement is justified.

I know you like reducing the case to a binary (TRUE/FALSE, YES/NO) condition and then think that torpedo's the case. But in a court of law, not quite the case.

You know, kind of like that the State of New York did in the Trump Organization Tax Fraud case. You build a whole picture for a jury, which consists of more than one pixel.


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