Post June 2015: How to Adopt a Child if you are LGBT

Uh oh...looks like another "authentic" flame war come to shut down a topic the LGBT doesn't approve of.. :bye1:
Or.....We're not going to force women to abide your idea of how a woman should act just because you're obsessed with homosexuals.
One of the two.
There's the "we" again. So you were faking a flame war....

Our Society in general. Our laws. Our courts.

None of it is abiding your insistence that we enforce stereotypes on women because of your insane obsession with gay people.
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Eugenics has to do with 'improving the genetic quality of the population'. Which has nothing to do with same sex marriage. Nazis obviously weren't supporters. And 'homo' means same.

So what relevance did your two word post have to do with anything we're discussing. I suppose you could claim that 'homo' was short for 'homosexual'. But the rest is just gibberish.
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Eugenics has to do with 'improving the genetic quality of the population'. Which has nothing to do with same sex marriage. Nazis obviously weren't supporters. And 'homo' means same.

So what relevance did your two word post have to do with anything we're discussing. I suppose you could claim that 'homo' was short for 'homosexual'. But the rest is just gibberish.
Homozazi are homos who force their agenda onto others like the fascists they are. Perfectly logical and relevant description. Since they cannot procreate they want to create ideal 'families' and use adoption as it's the only selectivity available, a parallel to nazi eugenics.
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Eugenics has to do with 'improving the genetic quality of the population'. Which has nothing to do with same sex marriage. Nazis obviously weren't supporters. And 'homo' means same.

So what relevance did your two word post have to do with anything we're discussing. I suppose you could claim that 'homo' was short for 'homosexual'. But the rest is just gibberish.
Homozazi are homos who force their agenda onto others like the fascists they are.

And by 'force their agenda', you mean get married? Raise kids?
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families. are against gay couples adopting....but you also say that unstructured families are a problem. Makes one go.......huh?
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Eugenics has to do with 'improving the genetic quality of the population'. Which has nothing to do with same sex marriage. Nazis obviously weren't supporters. And 'homo' means same.

So what relevance did your two word post have to do with anything we're discussing. I suppose you could claim that 'homo' was short for 'homosexual'. But the rest is just gibberish.
Homozazi are homos who force their agenda onto others like the fascists they are. Perfectly logical and relevant description. Since they cannot procreate they want to create ideal 'families' and use adoption as it's the only selectivity available, a parallel to nazi eugenics.
What gay people are forcing you to have a gay marriage, to have a gay adoption?
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Eugenics has to do with 'improving the genetic quality of the population'. Which has nothing to do with same sex marriage. Nazis obviously weren't supporters. And 'homo' means same.

So what relevance did your two word post have to do with anything we're discussing. I suppose you could claim that 'homo' was short for 'homosexual'. But the rest is just gibberish.
Homozazi are homos who force their agenda onto others like the fascists they are.

And by 'force their agenda', you mean get married? Raise kids?
Legal mandate forcing recognizing a personal irrelevant relationship and forcing children into a home based in that irrelevant personal behavior, yes, that force.
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families. are against gay couples adopting....but you also say that unstructured families are a problem. Makes one go.......huh?
A family devoid of both a mother and a father is unstructured.
Homonazi eugenics.

Appleburg Brickmellow.

Now what did either of our posts have to do with anything being discussed?
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Eugenics has to do with 'improving the genetic quality of the population'. Which has nothing to do with same sex marriage. Nazis obviously weren't supporters. And 'homo' means same.

So what relevance did your two word post have to do with anything we're discussing. I suppose you could claim that 'homo' was short for 'homosexual'. But the rest is just gibberish.
Homozazi are homos who force their agenda onto others like the fascists they are. Perfectly logical and relevant description. Since they cannot procreate they want to create ideal 'families' and use adoption as it's the only selectivity available, a parallel to nazi eugenics.
What gay people are forcing you to have a gay marriage, to have a gay adoption?
That' s a disingenuous and dishonest question. You're being obtuse.
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Well homosexual "marriage" does a lot more than that, doesn't it? It creates a psychological atmosphere of lies. Those lies will be uncovered by the children as they see one of their moms acting like, looking like and talking like a masculine figure and the other playing a woman's role. Eventually the child will reach the age of ten and see that their "parents" were actually just crazy. It would be like one of your parents wearing a goat's head costume every day you knew them; while every day they lived out the manifest lesson of "we're not into goats". This is crazy-making behavior to model in an atmosphere where children's minds depend on the adults in their midst to help them process the world's realities.

The only thing that would loom in the child's future of any child trapped in this situation would be schism where the only eventual realization would be either 1. "My two moms (dads) are insane and my whole life I've been raised under the roof of insanity"...which always turns out well as a realization when that child reaches..oh..say the age of 14 or 15...or 2. "My two moms (dads) are perfectly normal and the rest of society is the one who has a problem." ...thereby teaching others by spreading example that "to wear a goat's head and denounce goats every day of your life is perfectly sane behavior."

Either there will be a massive rebellion and its dire consequences in the child's mind and future or the child will grow up incapable of properly processing reality...which is the definition of insanity. So the child will predictably experience a volitile separation from his family or insanity. Great choice for them. Goat's head soup in the worst way.
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Well homosexual "marriage" does a lot more than that, doesn't it? It creates a psychological atmosphere of lies. Those lies will be uncovered by the children as they see one of their moms acting like, looking like and talking like a masculine figure and the other playing a woman's role. Eventually the child will reach the age of ten and see that their "parents" were actually just crazy. It would be like one of your parents wearing a goat's head costume every day you knew them; while every day they lived out the manifest lesson of "we're not into goats". This is crazy-making behavior to model in an atmosphere where children's minds depend on the adults in their midst to help them process the world's realities.

And how does denying same sex marriage help any child? Does denying same sex marriage magically make same sex parents into opposite sex parents?

Of course not. All it does is guarantee that these children will never have married parents. Which only hurts them. And helps no one. This is the great fallacy of your argument: it has nothing to do with what you're railing against.

Oh, and a same sex couple marrying and raising kids is a family structure. Nixing the nonsense idea that these families somehow cause 'unstructured families'.
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Well homosexual "marriage" does a lot more than that, doesn't it? It creates a psychological atmosphere of lies. Those lies will be uncovered by the children as they see one of their moms acting like, looking like and talking like a masculine figure and the other playing a woman's role. Eventually the child will reach the age of ten and see that their "parents" were actually just crazy. It would be like one of your parents wearing a goat's head costume every day you knew them; while every day they lived out the manifest lesson of "we're not into goats". This is crazy-making behavior to model in an atmosphere where children's minds depend on the adults in their midst to help them process the world's realities.

And how does denying same sex marriage help any child? Does denying same sex marriage magically make same sex parents into opposite sex parents?

Of course not. All it does is guarantee that these children will never have married parents. Which only hurts them. And helps no one. This is the great fallacy of your argument: it has nothing to do with what you're railing against.

Oh, and a same sex couple marrying and raising kids is a family structure. Nixing the nonsense idea that these families somehow cause 'unstructured families'.
It's the aspect of legal marriages and the privilege for adoption that creates potential problems for children. The increased odds that some will be forced into unstructured family situations by law.
From this link: How to Find an LGBT-Friendly Adoption Agency |

To get certified by HRC as LGBT-friendly, agencies work with the HRC Family Project and All Children-All Families Advisory Council members to evaluate and update their policies as needed, working toward 10 benchmarks of LGBT competence outlined in the Promising Practices Guide. When an agency achieves each of the 10 benchmarks, it is awarded the All Children-All Families Agency Seal of Recognition. Here are the 10 benchmarks:
1. The agency’s client nondiscrimination statement includes “sexual orientation.”

2. The agency’s client nondiscrimination statement includes “gender identity” and “gender expression.”

3. The agency’s employment nondiscrimination statement includes “sexual orientation.”

4. The agency’s employment nondiscrimination statement includes “gender identity.”

5. All agency employees receive the training required to work effectively and competently with LGBT clients.

6. The agency proactively educates and advocates for LGBT-inclusive and affirming practices among its organizational partners, collaborators, and contractors.

7. All agency-controlled forms and internal documents use inclusive language (e.g., “partner” instead of “spouse” or “parent 1” and “parent 2” rather than “mother” and “father”).

8. All external communications (website, printed materials and recruitment activities) explicitly reflect the agency’s commitment to working with LGBT individuals and families.

9. The agency includes standardized LGBT-specific language, examples and exercises in all family training and education activities (MAPP, PRIDE, etc.).

10. The agency has had placements/finalized adoptions with several LGBT foster or adoptive parents and/or has provided foster/adoption services to LGBT families within the past year.

This could be a new industry and it looks like it is well underway. Entirely all-LGBT friendly adoption agencies as holding and contracting entities for all the at-risk and vulnerable orphans in the country. Pretty soon there won't even be a need for catholic charities to run this vital service to our country by and large. I can see LGBT outfits lining up to take this custodial position of children on as just another branch of their rainbow tree of activism.


Used to be worse. Americans used to have very large families simply to exploit them as free labor. :)
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Well homosexual "marriage" does a lot more than that, doesn't it? It creates a psychological atmosphere of lies. Those lies will be uncovered by the children as they see one of their moms acting like, looking like and talking like a masculine figure and the other playing a woman's role. Eventually the child will reach the age of ten and see that their "parents" were actually just crazy. It would be like one of your parents wearing a goat's head costume every day you knew them; while every day they lived out the manifest lesson of "we're not into goats". This is crazy-making behavior to model in an atmosphere where children's minds depend on the adults in their midst to help them process the world's realities.

And how does denying same sex marriage help any child? Does denying same sex marriage magically make same sex parents into opposite sex parents?

Of course not. All it does is guarantee that these children will never have married parents. Which only hurts them. And helps no one. This is the great fallacy of your argument: it has nothing to do with what you're railing against.

Oh, and a same sex couple marrying and raising kids is a family structure. Nixing the nonsense idea that these families somehow cause 'unstructured families'.
It's the aspect of legal marriages and the privilege for adoption that creates potential problems for children. The increased odds that some will be forced into unstructured family situations by law.

A same sex couple marrying and raising kids isn't an 'unstructured family situation'. Nixing your entire argument.
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Well homosexual "marriage" does a lot more than that, doesn't it? It creates a psychological atmosphere of lies. Those lies will be uncovered by the children as they see one of their moms acting like, looking like and talking like a masculine figure and the other playing a woman's role. Eventually the child will reach the age of ten and see that their "parents" were actually just crazy. It would be like one of your parents wearing a goat's head costume every day you knew them; while every day they lived out the manifest lesson of "we're not into goats". This is crazy-making behavior to model in an atmosphere where children's minds depend on the adults in their midst to help them process the world's realities.

And how does denying same sex marriage help any child? Does denying same sex marriage magically make same sex parents into opposite sex parents?

Of course not. All it does is guarantee that these children will never have married parents. Which only hurts them. And helps no one. This is the great fallacy of your argument: it has nothing to do with what you're railing against.

Oh, and a same sex couple marrying and raising kids is a family structure. Nixing the nonsense idea that these families somehow cause 'unstructured families'.
It's the aspect of legal marriages and the privilege for adoption that creates potential problems for children. The increased odds that some will be forced into unstructured family situations by law.

A same sex couple marrying and raising kids isn't an 'unstructured family situation'. Nixing your entire argument.
Structured family is the term for a family involving the two natural parents. If you want to apply a different nomenclature you'll need to provide a glossary.
Yours, nothing. Mine was perfectly relevant.
Homonazi eugenics. Since they can't mate they need to find ways to create 'families' they think will be ideal.
Meanwhile they contribute to the growing social demise problem caused by unstructured families.

Well homosexual "marriage" does a lot more than that, doesn't it? It creates a psychological atmosphere of lies. Those lies will be uncovered by the children as they see one of their moms acting like, looking like and talking like a masculine figure and the other playing a woman's role. Eventually the child will reach the age of ten and see that their "parents" were actually just crazy. It would be like one of your parents wearing a goat's head costume every day you knew them; while every day they lived out the manifest lesson of "we're not into goats". This is crazy-making behavior to model in an atmosphere where children's minds depend on the adults in their midst to help them process the world's realities.

And how does denying same sex marriage help any child? Does denying same sex marriage magically make same sex parents into opposite sex parents?

Of course not. All it does is guarantee that these children will never have married parents. Which only hurts them. And helps no one. This is the great fallacy of your argument: it has nothing to do with what you're railing against.

Oh, and a same sex couple marrying and raising kids is a family structure. Nixing the nonsense idea that these families somehow cause 'unstructured families'.
It's the aspect of legal marriages and the privilege for adoption that creates potential problems for children. The increased odds that some will be forced into unstructured family situations by law.

A same sex couple marrying and raising kids isn't an 'unstructured family situation'. Nixing your entire argument.
Structured family is the term for a family involving the two natural parents. If you want to apply a different nomenclature you'll need to provide a glossary.

Says who? Where are you getting your definitions?

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