POTUS to donate $1 million to Harvey relief effort

A guy worth 10 billion donates 1 million, what's his sacrifice?

But has he?

I can't find any link to him actually donating this minuscule amount.

"No way Trump donates $1m of own money to Harvey victims. He only promises to give. Never actually does," said the author, whose book with Trump describes the president's work in real estate and famed reputation for deal-making.

I'll believe it when I see it because pino trump ALWAYS lies.

But, if someone can prove he has actually donated, I will gladly acknowledge it.
The sky is blue.

Water is wet.

LWNJ's hate.

If Trump gave away all of his $Bs and then committed suicide, it still wouldn't be enough for these Prog Haters.
Trump is laundering some ill gotten gain and seeking to rescue his reputation.

You may be on to something with this.

The trump klan laundered gazillions in cash real estate sales in NYC. It wouldn't surprise me if they did the same with charitable donations.

But, he won't make the donation.

But he might tell us he'll have an announcement in two weeks!

Miley Cyrus just coughed up a half a million and she is nowhere near being a billionaire. She has a history of mocking and bad-mouthing trump and supporting liberal causes.

Miley is much more likely to cough up the money than Lying Donnie

You post stupid shit like that and then you wonder why we ridicule you so much for being an idiot Moon Bat.

You voted for that Obama asshole that until he became President and scrutinized hardly ever gave a dime to charity. Typical selfish Libtard.

Trump has a history of not paying what he promised. He already got the publicity of giving. Why not wait a few months and everyone will forget your offer?

Obama had a history of lying about things like Obamacare and Crooked Hillary had a history of lying about everything but yet you still voted for both of them so your credibility on being concerned about dishonesty is pretty much shot to hell, isn't it?
Something is wrong with you. Seek professional help.
Oh he is such a showoff
Does he not realize how many unwed mother of 5 welfare queens that money should have gone to?
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News from The Associated Press

I know, I know....this is bad somehow...right?
A liberal will find a way. That's just how they want to see things. I was telling my liberal acquaintance this true story just the other day.

A single woman friend of mine had always driven new Cadillacs every few years so when she married the local small-town owner of a pharmacy, she said it was time she would like a new one. He told her, it would look pretentious to the community ( his customers ) but that it would look less garish if she drove a new Buick, instead, and she could see the reasoning for this and didn't want to appear ostentatious. So, she bought a Buick. He had always driven Buicks. ( the less-than-wealthy- people in the small town were used to this )

I, as a conservative, saw this solution as a good and thoughtful compromise and call.

My liberal acquaintance actually said to me, "why didn't she just buy a Ford?"

The only way Trump is going to end up donating is if he's shamed into it like he was with the veterans donation.
Word is he was going to donate 2 million, but was informed 50% of Texas is black.
The continued butt hurt of the left continues...................It is expected...............It's what they are...........

And is to be ignored.
Trump isn't liquid enough to scrape together more than a million dollars.

99 percent of his "billions" are in his name, Trump. That's how full of himself he is. He values his very name in the billions.

The rest of his assets are tied up in Russia and his golf clubs.
Leftists HATE That Trump Is Donating $1 MILLION To Harvey Victims

As soon as it was announced Thursday that the President is to donate $1 million of his own money to help Texans affected by catastrophic flooding, leftists were triggered into showing their true colors, spewing hate and vitriol at the idea that Trump would be so charitable.

We have the perfect examples on here how they can't stand he donated a million why look how they made up their own bs lies there's no proof they say LMFAO. Now that is today's totally brain dead morons.
It isn't hated and vitriol. You trump cult snowflakes and whiners just don't recognize mocking when you see it.
It is never enough with the hateful left.

Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and they'd be screaming about all the oncologists he put out of work.

That is funny shit right there, but it doesn't make him seem like any less of a turd! Like I have said, he is not obligated to donate a dime. A humble human being would not be making a public pledge though! Hope he follows through and those folks get their relief!
It is never enough with the hateful left.

Trump could cure cancer tomorrow and they'd be screaming about all the oncologists he put out of work.

That is funny shit right there, but it doesn't make him seem like any less of a turd! Like I have said, he is not obligated to donate a dime. A humble human being would not be making a public pledge though! Hope he follows through and those folks get their relief!

Like I've said before, usually when people want to get credit for donating to a cause, they make the donation FIRST, then they tell everyone about it afterwards.

Trump is just telling people what he would like them to hear because it's politically expedient right now. If he doesn't give the money later, it will become yet another liability to his presidency.
Good for anyone who donates. Imagine how much Hillary supporters could have donated from the $1.2 billion she shit away on her failed campaign.
LOL, can't even back up your own post! Gotta go with a Hillary deflection. :laugh2:

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