Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

Show where your far left masters want to fix the problem!
There have been multiple immigration bills attempted by the Dems that never gain traction. Same with Republicans. Congress as a whole does not want to deal with it or can not.

Yes and how many of the (D) addressed this particular problem?

Please cite the bills where they address this..
No, google is your friend if you are that curious.

Here is one article of an idea that was being proposed though but the sticking point was Dems wanted to offer a path to citizenship as well. I agree with the Republicans on this one.

Should foreign farm workers be allowed to become citizens? GOP, Democrats disagree

That has nothing to do with what you posted making easier to get work visas.

And you still did not cite where the (D)'s want to really fix the problem. Just another article that derails from the point you were even trying to make.

Yes you would agree as it is about amnesty! That is the far left drone in you that agrees with that!
Did you even read it Kosh? I swear, you act like a little automatim with a fixed set of index cards with which to answer from. You did not read it. The sticking point is whether to provide a path to citizenship for agricultural workers who came in illegally. I agree with the Republicans on this. Increasing and streamlining the worker visa system, allowing them to apply and get a legal worker status (as long as they haven’t committed serious crimes) but no jumping to the head of the immigration line would be a possible solution.

Yes I read obviously you did not! It talks about amnesty being the solution.

Please read your own links there far left drone troll!

They cite example of the legal way things are done and yet no seems to want to fix them, especially the far left.

So get your side on board and fix the problem..
This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?

Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

How do they figure that Latinos are better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans "Were:" back when?

Between 1/4th - 1/3rd of Texas speaks Spanish as their first language.

I can't remember when that concentration of New York spoke Italian as their first language, do you?

As for Irish it's pretty ridiculous to even include them, Irish were integrated to English culture on arrival.

Irish people in Ireland it's self almost all speak English first, and furthermore they eat similar foods like Bangers, and Mash, or Fish, and Chips, and Lamb Chops.

I fail to see how Irish people could possibly be less integrated than Texas Mexicans are?
Please do enlighten us on this ridiculous theory.
We need to quit making other nations suffer for our gain.

I agree, but overloading our social programs with poor migrants that are high risk to commit crimes because of their impoverished status is not the answer. Even if everything is our fault the answer is not to bring them here. It won't work, and a lot of people are waking up. Donald WILL win again if the left doesn't start to change its tune on immigration, especially illegal immigration.

How do we make our own people (especially anti-Trumpers) understand that the reasons the right don’t want the country flooded unchecked with foreigners is bc it’s not in our best interest? These people refuse to see beyond their inaccurate belief that it’s bc of racism and attempts to make them see things rationally is usually a waste of time bc they’re incapable of getting past their own bias.

If Americans were more open-minded and we didn’t have a government set on playing partisan games over doing what’s best for the people, we’d be a whole lot better off. Sadly I don’t see either of these things happening anytime soon.
There is no unchecked flood of foreigners nor is anyone advocating that.

Hillary Clinton wanted to increase the number of refugees Obama was letting in from the Middle East. Top national security advisors have stated that it’s impossible to obtain proper background checks from people in that part of the world... so yes I do see that as flooding in unchecked and yes some people do advocate for that.
This is the year 2018 and we face problems unique to the era we live in. The left wants to invite in millions of immigrants/refugees and ignore millions more illegal ones, and God only knows how bad it would be without Republican opposition.

As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

How can we hope to have affordable social programs for Americans with that going on? Also poor and uneducated people are going to commit more crime. I recognize not all of them will do that, but a lot will because they're poor and uneducated. I personally can't justify increased victimization of Americans for the sake of foreigners.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

Unsurprisingly diminishing the quality of life in America for the sake of foreigners is becoming more and more unpopular among voters.

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?
But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Irish were basically poor under colonial conditions, they long couldn't even own land in Ireland under British rule, and thus almost all Irish were forced into the peasantry, when the Irish Potato famine hit, despite enough food to go around, the exports to Britain were increased by the famine lords, thus Irish starved to death by over a million.

I can't really grasp what kind of similarity modern Mexico has to this?
Fact is it's been ages since Mexico was under Spanish rule.[
That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

Of course the media isn’t reporting this, but some of these children who’ve been “ripped away” were with dangerous people, some of them who weren’t who they said they were in relation to the child. I guess you’d rather keep children with criminals than make sure they’re in a safe situation? The biggest problem I see with lefties is they can’t see past their own nose and this is a good example of that. Before getting all fired up about child separations, maybe think of WHY they may be happening in the first place—is that not reasonable?

Some of them, yes. And border agents have always had the leeway to seperate them if they have reasonable cause to believe that is the case. They are trained to look for it and know how to recognize it.

On the other hand most of those children were in fact with their parents. And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? This is a new policy mandating the 100 % conviction and seperation regardless of whether there is cause to believe there is trafficking involved. Maybe it is just as bad for the righties to jump on board this policy without thinking through what it does. Would that not be reasonable? Let us not forget the actual stated reasons, by Trump, Kelly, Sessions and others who stated this was for deterrence. Not about stopping trafficking.
Because the theory is that we only allow so many into our country so as to assimilate into our society. Right now, against our will, we are becoming a bilingual nation because we are so overrun by Spanish speaking immigrants legal and illegal.

It's clear we are allowing too many in.

There is a lot of myth in that. We have no problem with assimilation, language learning rates are no different today then a century ago. Contrary to popular rhetoric we are not being flooded. The real irony is we have ALWAYS been bilingual. A big irony when people make these claims is a big chunk of America was Spanish speaking when we took it. Spanish is a part of our culture whether you like it or not.

The myth of America's immigration problem

America is home to tens of millions of immigrants. Indeed, "a record 43.2 million immigrants [were] living in the U.S. in 2015, making up 13.4 percent of the nation's population," Pew reports. They are, of course, just as diverse as their varied origins suggest. But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction; while Asian immigrants tend to be college-educated and working middle-class or higher jobs. Latin American immigrants from outside Mexico are in the middle, a bit worse off than the American average but not by much.

This makes less difference than quietly race-obsessed conservatives assume. In terms of actually existing American culture, Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

Latinos have been living in parts of the United States since before the very first colonial British immigrants. Spanish is a de facto second language in much of the country, Mexican food (and its various adaptations) can be found in virtually every city and town, and Catholicism has long since become just another ordinary flavor of American Christianity. If we consider history, this shouldn't be remotely surprising. It turns out when you flagrantly steal half of Mexico, it makes a bit of a lasting imprint.

It is surely true that immigrants can create some social tension, especially in communities without a lot of experience with them. But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Hmmm. Then I guess I imagined my entire life because you see, I'm probably older than you are, and I remember this country as an English only nation. Granted, we used to have pockets of immigrants here and there, but their languages were not nationally spread like it is today.

When you called a business, you only got one language--English. When you seen a sign on a door, it was only in one language--English. When you called your bank or department store, they only spoke one language--English. When you got a job, the only language you needed to be proficient at was English. When you voted, you only got one ballot--English.

In places like Miami you'll see more Spanish than English. Even the road signs are in Spanish.

That's exactly what I mean: too many of them here.
That is what they said about the Irish, Italians, Poles....

When did that stop, exactly?

Italians, and Poles are still the butts of the media, and Hollywood establishment "Jokes".
As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants. I DO want us to do OUR SHARE in alleviating the world's refugee crisis PARTICULARLY in those countries where we played a part in their demise.

I want illegal immigrants to be treated with the same basic human dignity and rights as any other person in America. That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

I don't see why that is so abhorrant to you.

Sentence 1: contrary to rightwing mythology, immigrants don't come here for welfare. They come here to work, to try and make a better life than they left. Most work. At crap jobs.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans. They are also more likely to be victimized.

Sentence 3: We were all foreigners once...

What diminishing quality of life and what evidence do you have that it is caused by "foreigners"?

I addressed your points.

One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?
But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Irish were basically poor under colonial conditions, they long couldn't even own land in Ireland under British rule, and thus almost all Irish were forced into the peasantry, when the Irish Potato famine hit, despite enough food to go around, the exports to Britain were increased by the famine lords, thus Irish starved to death by over a million.

I can't really grasp what kind of similarity modern Mexico has to this?
Fact is it's been ages since Mexico was under Spanish rule.[
Poverty is poverty.
We need to quit making other nations suffer for our gain.

I agree, but overloading our social programs with poor migrants that are high risk to commit crimes because of their impoverished status is not the answer. Even if everything is our fault the answer is not to bring them here. It won't work, and a lot of people are waking up. Donald WILL win again if the left doesn't start to change its tune on immigration, especially illegal immigration.

How do we make our own people (especially anti-Trumpers) understand that the reasons the right don’t want the country flooded unchecked with foreigners is bc it’s not in our best interest? These people refuse to see beyond their inaccurate belief that it’s bc of racism and attempts to make them see things rationally is usually a waste of time bc they’re incapable of getting past their own bias.

If Americans were more open-minded and we didn’t have a government set on playing partisan games over doing what’s best for the people, we’d be a whole lot better off. Sadly I don’t see either of these things happening anytime soon.
There is no unchecked flood of foreigners nor is anyone advocating that.

Hillary Clinton wanted to increase the number of refugees Obama was letting in from the Middle East. Top national security advisors have stated that it’s impossible to obtain proper background checks from people in that part of the world... so yes I do see that as flooding in unchecked and yes some people do advocate for that.
There was and is a very good system in place for actual refugees. They take years to go through checks are probably the most checked group. Even then they are a trickle not a flood.
One of the often repeated statements from the left is the need for fairness.
Despite all arguments to the contrary ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS represent actions and attitudes which are inherently UNFAIR to the more than 6 million people each year who apply for immigrant visas and wait to legally enter the US. Tens of millions of applicants, many who have been waiting years continue to wait while illegals jump the line.
Can the left truly claim that illegals are more deserving than the millions worldwide who have done everything asked of them and followed the law?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?
But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Irish were basically poor under colonial conditions, they long couldn't even own land in Ireland under British rule, and thus almost all Irish were forced into the peasantry, when the Irish Potato famine hit, despite enough food to go around, the exports to Britain were increased by the famine lords, thus Irish starved to death by over a million.

I can't really grasp what kind of similarity modern Mexico has to this?
Fact is it's been ages since Mexico was under Spanish rule.[
Poverty is poverty.

Poverty caused by oppression is a little different than poverty caused by corruption, laziness, and stupidity.
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.

Yes I know you did not read the topic as your comments have nothing to with poverty, show in your post that has anything to with the OP..
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?

It is part of the broader conversation in this thread which you are trying to troll and derail because you you got spanked for derailing another thread. If you want to continue down this road Kosh we can go there. I can ask another mod to take a look so you can’t whine about bias. It is your choice.

I see that your personal feelings spill into the conversation, but yes please do it. Especially since you mention moderator actions in your post! Make sure it is all senior mods and administration..

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it. Now that is rich!

Again what does that have to do with poverty? Can you answer the question or not?

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it.
the only trolling I see is from you.

You're attacking a poster, instead of debating.
Last edited:
As a member of the left, no - I don't want to ignore millions of of illegal immigrants.

Sentence 2: So what? Immigrants have a lower rate of crime than native born Americans.

Poor and uneducated people are more likely to commit crime in general regardless of their ethnicity. When you let millions of poor and uneducated people into the country crime rates will go up.

This is probably only a slight truth, not a full truth.

Poverty decreased by half from 1950's - 1980's but murder rates at least doubled in this period in the U.S.A.

Really, race is the most direct characteristic determiner of crime patterns.

I.E Asians in NYC have modest murder rates, and have the highest poverty rates of races in NYC, which these other races with less poverty issues in NYC have much more murder issues in NYC.
Blacks in Prince George's County, Maryland, have high murder rates, and low poverty rates.
Yes I know you did not read the topic as your comments have nothing to with poverty, show in your post that has anything to with the OP..
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?

It is part of the broader conversation in this thread which you are trying to troll and derail because you you got spanked for derailing another thread. If you want to continue down this road Kosh we can go there. I can ask another mod to take a look so you can’t whine about bias. It is your choice.

I see that your personal feelings spill into the conversation, but yes please do it. Especially since you mention moderator actions in your post! Make sure it is all senior mods and administration..

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it. Now that is rich!

Again what does that have to do with poverty? Can you answer the question or not?

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it.
the only trolling I see is from you.

You're attacking a poster, instead of debating.

No just pointing out the obvious!

Calling someone what they are, like far left drone is what it is. It is not different than what anyone else does here.

And they never address the poverty issue, which is the point of the entire thread!
They might if there were an efficient legal process that fit our need for workers and their need for work.

See how the far left justifies "illegal" immigration?

They do not want it, that is what you far left drones fail to understand which you have just proven with this post!

But again what does it have to do with poverty?

It isn’t justifying illegal immigration, except in your little echo chamber of thought. It is looking at providing a legal avenue of immigration to reduce the pressure to immigrate illegally. As to what it has to do with poverty, that is pretty simple...even you should grasp it. Poverty is what is driving economic migrants,

Again far left drone troll, they do not want to go through any process.

A process already exists and if the far left wanted to fix it they could, but they choose not to. So it must not be a problem now is it?

Get your side to fix it and change it instead of allowing it!
In this case it is your side that holds all the power. Why can’t you fix it?

My side is not supporting the far left!

They tried to fix it, the (D) will block anything being part of the resistance, it is your side being the problem and not wanting to fix anything!

They only want to give out free money other than that they do not have any interest in fixing any problems on the border. Your side promotes the problem by ignoring it!

Again what does it have to do with poverty?

They tried to fix it, the (D) will block anything being part of the resistance,

and when the Ds are in charge, the Rs block it.

Perpetual cycle..

It needs to be bipartisan, as Coyote stated
Did you say it or not?

Do you have something relevant to say about the topic, or are you just going to follow me around and whine like a little bitch in posts I make? You have nothing intellectual to say or argue. Not now, not ever. I'm sorry it hurts your feelings that I speak my mind. I'm allowed to give my opinion about this country even though I think it sucks and I'll be leaving soon.

It is a directly relevant question if you hate this country and plan (yeah, right) to leave 'soon' why this or any other issue really matters to you. Surely, whatever country to which you plan to flee has similar questions to deal with. It would be interesting to hear about the situation in that country, as I'm sure you have researched it in depth by now. We could compare and contrast the circumstances in whatever place will take you and my great nation.

So, go ahead...
See how the far left justifies "illegal" immigration?

They do not want it, that is what you far left drones fail to understand which you have just proven with this post!

But again what does it have to do with poverty?

It isn’t justifying illegal immigration, except in your little echo chamber of thought. It is looking at providing a legal avenue of immigration to reduce the pressure to immigrate illegally. As to what it has to do with poverty, that is pretty simple...even you should grasp it. Poverty is what is driving economic migrants,

Again far left drone troll, they do not want to go through any process.

A process already exists and if the far left wanted to fix it they could, but they choose not to. So it must not be a problem now is it?

Get your side to fix it and change it instead of allowing it!
In this case it is your side that holds all the power. Why can’t you fix it?

My side is not supporting the far left!

They tried to fix it, the (D) will block anything being part of the resistance, it is your side being the problem and not wanting to fix anything!

They only want to give out free money other than that they do not have any interest in fixing any problems on the border. Your side promotes the problem by ignoring it!

Again what does it have to do with poverty?

They tried to fix it, the (D) will block anything being part of the resistance,

and when the Ds are in charge, the Rs block it.

Perpetual cycle..

It needs to be bipartisan, as Coyote stated

Not true! The (D)'s have never addressed that particular issue.

I have asked for examples where they have, so far the far left drone troll has not provided any evidence to support their side wants to change the worker visa and streamline the process.

Thus derailing the thread with other links and avoiding answer the specific question..

And again what does it have to do with poverty?
.... And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? .....

Is it a good thing in your world?
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.

It seems your bigotry and ignorance has befuddled you.

1. The R's are in charge. the chaos on the border is all on them (McConnell, Ryan & Trump). They alone fucked up everything.
2. Trump barely won (70,000 votes in WI, MI and PA decided the election, when HRC received 2.9 million more popular votes than did Trump).
3. Recent investigation into Russiagate have uncovered evidence that much more than collusion worked to advantage Trump in the three critical states noted in #2.
4. This evidence may very well put the question to bed as to what Trump new and when he knew it.
5. The evidence in #4 will prove that money in politics is the death to democracy in America.
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?

It is part of the broader conversation in this thread which you are trying to troll and derail because you you got spanked for derailing another thread. If you want to continue down this road Kosh we can go there. I can ask another mod to take a look so you can’t whine about bias. It is your choice.

I see that your personal feelings spill into the conversation, but yes please do it. Especially since you mention moderator actions in your post! Make sure it is all senior mods and administration..

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it. Now that is rich!

Again what does that have to do with poverty? Can you answer the question or not?

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it.
the only trolling I see is from you.

You're attacking a poster, instead of debating.

No just pointing out the obvious!

Calling someone what they are, like far left drone is what it is. It is not different than what anyone else does here.

And they never address the poverty issue, which is the point of the entire thread!

Calling someone what they are, like far left drone is what it is.

It's also, by your own admission, name calling.

"And they never address the poverty issue, which is the point of the entire thread!"

doesn't fit YOUR definition of talking about poverty?

Too bad
Did you say it or not?

Do you have something relevant to say about the topic, or are you just going to follow me around and whine like a little bitch in posts I make? You have nothing intellectual to say or argue. Not now, not ever. I'm sorry it hurts your feelings that I speak my mind. I'm allowed to give my opinion about this country even though I think it sucks and I'll be leaving soon.

It is a directly relevant question if you hate this country and plan (yeah, right) to leave 'soon' why this or any other issue really matters to you. Surely, whatever country to which you plan to flee has similar questions to deal with. It would be interesting to hear about the situation in that country, as I'm sure you have researched it in depth by now. We could compare and contrast the circumstances in whatever place will take you and my great nation.

So, go ahead...

You're an idiot. If you decide you want to discuss the topic let me know.

I proposed a relevant discussion just now. Why would you avoid it?

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