Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?

Because the theory is that we only allow so many into our country so as to assimilate into our society. Right now, against our will, we are becoming a bilingual nation because we are so overrun by Spanish speaking immigrants legal and illegal.

It's clear we are allowing too many in.

There is a lot of myth in that. We have no problem with assimilation, language learning rates are no different today then a century ago. Contrary to popular rhetoric we are not being flooded. The real irony is we have ALWAYS been bilingual. A big irony when people make these claims is a big chunk of America was Spanish speaking when we took it. Spanish is a part of our culture whether you like it or not.

The myth of America's immigration problem

America is home to tens of millions of immigrants. Indeed, "a record 43.2 million immigrants [were] living in the U.S. in 2015, making up 13.4 percent of the nation's population," Pew reports. They are, of course, just as diverse as their varied origins suggest. But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction; while Asian immigrants tend to be college-educated and working middle-class or higher jobs. Latin American immigrants from outside Mexico are in the middle, a bit worse off than the American average but not by much.

This makes less difference than quietly race-obsessed conservatives assume. In terms of actually existing American culture, Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

Latinos have been living in parts of the United States since before the very first colonial British immigrants. Spanish is a de facto second language in much of the country, Mexican food (and its various adaptations) can be found in virtually every city and town, and Catholicism has long since become just another ordinary flavor of American Christianity. If we consider history, this shouldn't be remotely surprising. It turns out when you flagrantly steal half of Mexico, it makes a bit of a lasting imprint.

It is surely true that immigrants can create some social tension, especially in communities without a lot of experience with them. But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left hack site for their facts.

It is not a myth until you can prove otherwise. Using a far left hack site just proves you are a far left drone troll!

And as always you far left drones missed the point, illegal immigration is not legal immigration and is off topic of this thread
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.
---------------------------------------------- GOOD , send them back , maybe they have learned enough to build something useful Coyote . Go TRUMP !!

That is actually one of the reason they do not want to come here legally or assimilate.

Many come here to work and send money back to their home country (tax free). After so many years like 10 or 15 go back home and live like kings. They do not want to be part of the US, ever.
So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?

Because the theory is that we only allow so many into our country so as to assimilate into our society. Right now, against our will, we are becoming a bilingual nation because we are so overrun by Spanish speaking immigrants legal and illegal.

It's clear we are allowing too many in.

There is a lot of myth in that. We have no problem with assimilation, language learning rates are no different today then a century ago. Contrary to popular rhetoric we are not being flooded. The real irony is we have ALWAYS been bilingual. A big irony when people make these claims is a big chunk of America was Spanish speaking when we took it. Spanish is a part of our culture whether you like it or not.

The myth of America's immigration problem

America is home to tens of millions of immigrants. Indeed, "a record 43.2 million immigrants [were] living in the U.S. in 2015, making up 13.4 percent of the nation's population," Pew reports. They are, of course, just as diverse as their varied origins suggest. But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction; while Asian immigrants tend to be college-educated and working middle-class or higher jobs. Latin American immigrants from outside Mexico are in the middle, a bit worse off than the American average but not by much.

This makes less difference than quietly race-obsessed conservatives assume. In terms of actually existing American culture, Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

Latinos have been living in parts of the United States since before the very first colonial British immigrants. Spanish is a de facto second language in much of the country, Mexican food (and its various adaptations) can be found in virtually every city and town, and Catholicism has long since become just another ordinary flavor of American Christianity. If we consider history, this shouldn't be remotely surprising. It turns out when you flagrantly steal half of Mexico, it makes a bit of a lasting imprint.

It is surely true that immigrants can create some social tension, especially in communities without a lot of experience with them. But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left hack site for their facts.

It is not a myth until you can prove otherwise. Using a far left hack site just proves you are a far left drone troll!

And as always you far left drones missed the point, illegal immigration is not legal immigration and is off topic of this thread
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.

Yes I know you did not read the topic as your comments have nothing to with poverty, show in your post that has anything to with the OP..
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;
Because the theory is that we only allow so many into our country so as to assimilate into our society. Right now, against our will, we are becoming a bilingual nation because we are so overrun by Spanish speaking immigrants legal and illegal.

It's clear we are allowing too many in.

There is a lot of myth in that. We have no problem with assimilation, language learning rates are no different today then a century ago. Contrary to popular rhetoric we are not being flooded. The real irony is we have ALWAYS been bilingual. A big irony when people make these claims is a big chunk of America was Spanish speaking when we took it. Spanish is a part of our culture whether you like it or not.

The myth of America's immigration problem

America is home to tens of millions of immigrants. Indeed, "a record 43.2 million immigrants [were] living in the U.S. in 2015, making up 13.4 percent of the nation's population," Pew reports. They are, of course, just as diverse as their varied origins suggest. But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction; while Asian immigrants tend to be college-educated and working middle-class or higher jobs. Latin American immigrants from outside Mexico are in the middle, a bit worse off than the American average but not by much.

This makes less difference than quietly race-obsessed conservatives assume. In terms of actually existing American culture, Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

Latinos have been living in parts of the United States since before the very first colonial British immigrants. Spanish is a de facto second language in much of the country, Mexican food (and its various adaptations) can be found in virtually every city and town, and Catholicism has long since become just another ordinary flavor of American Christianity. If we consider history, this shouldn't be remotely surprising. It turns out when you flagrantly steal half of Mexico, it makes a bit of a lasting imprint.

It is surely true that immigrants can create some social tension, especially in communities without a lot of experience with them. But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left hack site for their facts.

It is not a myth until you can prove otherwise. Using a far left hack site just proves you are a far left drone troll!

And as always you far left drones missed the point, illegal immigration is not legal immigration and is off topic of this thread
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.
---------------------------------------------- GOOD , send them back , maybe they have learned enough to build something useful Coyote . Go TRUMP !!

That is actually one of the reason they do not want to come here legally or assimilate.

Many come here to work and send money back to their home country (tax free). After so many years like 10 or 15 go back home and live like kings. They do not want to be part of the US, ever.
Perhaps for those people, who seem to fill jobs no one one else will, we should have more work visa’s instead of citizenship.
Because the theory is that we only allow so many into our country so as to assimilate into our society. Right now, against our will, we are becoming a bilingual nation because we are so overrun by Spanish speaking immigrants legal and illegal.

It's clear we are allowing too many in.

There is a lot of myth in that. We have no problem with assimilation, language learning rates are no different today then a century ago. Contrary to popular rhetoric we are not being flooded. The real irony is we have ALWAYS been bilingual. A big irony when people make these claims is a big chunk of America was Spanish speaking when we took it. Spanish is a part of our culture whether you like it or not.

The myth of America's immigration problem

America is home to tens of millions of immigrants. Indeed, "a record 43.2 million immigrants [were] living in the U.S. in 2015, making up 13.4 percent of the nation's population," Pew reports. They are, of course, just as diverse as their varied origins suggest. But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction; while Asian immigrants tend to be college-educated and working middle-class or higher jobs. Latin American immigrants from outside Mexico are in the middle, a bit worse off than the American average but not by much.

This makes less difference than quietly race-obsessed conservatives assume. In terms of actually existing American culture, Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

Latinos have been living in parts of the United States since before the very first colonial British immigrants. Spanish is a de facto second language in much of the country, Mexican food (and its various adaptations) can be found in virtually every city and town, and Catholicism has long since become just another ordinary flavor of American Christianity. If we consider history, this shouldn't be remotely surprising. It turns out when you flagrantly steal half of Mexico, it makes a bit of a lasting imprint.

It is surely true that immigrants can create some social tension, especially in communities without a lot of experience with them. But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left hack site for their facts.

It is not a myth until you can prove otherwise. Using a far left hack site just proves you are a far left drone troll!

And as always you far left drones missed the point, illegal immigration is not legal immigration and is off topic of this thread
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.

Yes I know you did not read the topic as your comments have nothing to with poverty, show in your post that has anything to with the OP..
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?
There is a lot of myth in that. We have no problem with assimilation, language learning rates are no different today then a century ago. Contrary to popular rhetoric we are not being flooded. The real irony is we have ALWAYS been bilingual. A big irony when people make these claims is a big chunk of America was Spanish speaking when we took it. Spanish is a part of our culture whether you like it or not.

The myth of America's immigration problem

America is home to tens of millions of immigrants. Indeed, "a record 43.2 million immigrants [were] living in the U.S. in 2015, making up 13.4 percent of the nation's population," Pew reports. They are, of course, just as diverse as their varied origins suggest. But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction; while Asian immigrants tend to be college-educated and working middle-class or higher jobs. Latin American immigrants from outside Mexico are in the middle, a bit worse off than the American average but not by much.

This makes less difference than quietly race-obsessed conservatives assume. In terms of actually existing American culture, Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

Latinos have been living in parts of the United States since before the very first colonial British immigrants. Spanish is a de facto second language in much of the country, Mexican food (and its various adaptations) can be found in virtually every city and town, and Catholicism has long since become just another ordinary flavor of American Christianity. If we consider history, this shouldn't be remotely surprising. It turns out when you flagrantly steal half of Mexico, it makes a bit of a lasting imprint.

It is surely true that immigrants can create some social tension, especially in communities without a lot of experience with them. But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left hack site for their facts.

It is not a myth until you can prove otherwise. Using a far left hack site just proves you are a far left drone troll!

And as always you far left drones missed the point, illegal immigration is not legal immigration and is off topic of this thread
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.
---------------------------------------------- GOOD , send them back , maybe they have learned enough to build something useful Coyote . Go TRUMP !!

That is actually one of the reason they do not want to come here legally or assimilate.

Many come here to work and send money back to their home country (tax free). After so many years like 10 or 15 go back home and live like kings. They do not want to be part of the US, ever.
Perhaps for those people, who seem to fill jobs no one one else will, we should have more work visa’s instead of citizenship.

They do not want to go through the legal process, that is what you far left drones fail to grasp!
Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left hack site for their facts.

It is not a myth until you can prove otherwise. Using a far left hack site just proves you are a far left drone troll!

And as always you far left drones missed the point, illegal immigration is not legal immigration and is off topic of this thread
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.
---------------------------------------------- GOOD , send them back , maybe they have learned enough to build something useful Coyote . Go TRUMP !!

That is actually one of the reason they do not want to come here legally or assimilate.

Many come here to work and send money back to their home country (tax free). After so many years like 10 or 15 go back home and live like kings. They do not want to be part of the US, ever.
Perhaps for those people, who seem to fill jobs no one one else will, we should have more work visa’s instead of citizenship.

They do not want to go through the legal process, that is what you far left drones fail to grasp!
They might if there were an efficient legal process that fit our need for workers and their need for work.
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.

What do you care? You said you hate America and Americans.

Nice non-argument as always, halfwit.
There is a lot of myth in that. We have no problem with assimilation, language learning rates are no different today then a century ago. Contrary to popular rhetoric we are not being flooded. The real irony is we have ALWAYS been bilingual. A big irony when people make these claims is a big chunk of America was Spanish speaking when we took it. Spanish is a part of our culture whether you like it or not.

The myth of America's immigration problem

America is home to tens of millions of immigrants. Indeed, "a record 43.2 million immigrants [were] living in the U.S. in 2015, making up 13.4 percent of the nation's population," Pew reports. They are, of course, just as diverse as their varied origins suggest. But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction; while Asian immigrants tend to be college-educated and working middle-class or higher jobs. Latin American immigrants from outside Mexico are in the middle, a bit worse off than the American average but not by much.

This makes less difference than quietly race-obsessed conservatives assume. In terms of actually existing American culture, Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

Latinos have been living in parts of the United States since before the very first colonial British immigrants. Spanish is a de facto second language in much of the country, Mexican food (and its various adaptations) can be found in virtually every city and town, and Catholicism has long since become just another ordinary flavor of American Christianity. If we consider history, this shouldn't be remotely surprising. It turns out when you flagrantly steal half of Mexico, it makes a bit of a lasting imprint.

It is surely true that immigrants can create some social tension, especially in communities without a lot of experience with them. But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left hack site for their facts.

It is not a myth until you can prove otherwise. Using a far left hack site just proves you are a far left drone troll!

And as always you far left drones missed the point, illegal immigration is not legal immigration and is off topic of this thread
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.

Yes I know you did not read the topic as your comments have nothing to with poverty, show in your post that has anything to with the OP..
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?

It is part of the broader conversation in this thread which you are trying to troll and derail because you you got spanked for derailing another thread. If you want to continue down this road Kosh we can go there. I can ask another mod to take a look so you can’t whine about bias. It is your choice.
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.
---------------------------------------------- GOOD , send them back , maybe they have learned enough to build something useful Coyote . Go TRUMP !!

That is actually one of the reason they do not want to come here legally or assimilate.

Many come here to work and send money back to their home country (tax free). After so many years like 10 or 15 go back home and live like kings. They do not want to be part of the US, ever.
Perhaps for those people, who seem to fill jobs no one one else will, we should have more work visa’s instead of citizenship.

They do not want to go through the legal process, that is what you far left drones fail to grasp!
They might if there were an efficient legal process that fit our need for workers and their need for work.

See how the far left justifies "illegal" immigration?

They do not want it, that is what you far left drones fail to understand which you have just proven with this post!

But again what does it have to do with poverty?
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.

What do you care? You said you hate America and Americans.

Nice non-argument as always, halfwit.

Did you say it or not?
Leave it to a far left drone to use a far left hack site for their facts.

It is not a myth until you can prove otherwise. Using a far left hack site just proves you are a far left drone troll!

And as always you far left drones missed the point, illegal immigration is not legal immigration and is off topic of this thread
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.

Yes I know you did not read the topic as your comments have nothing to with poverty, show in your post that has anything to with the OP..
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?

It is part of the broader conversation in this thread which you are trying to troll and derail because you you got spanked for derailing another thread. If you want to continue down this road Kosh we can go there. I can ask another mod to take a look so you can’t whine about bias. It is your choice.

I see that your personal feelings spill into the conversation, but yes please do it. Especially since you mention moderator actions in your post! Make sure it is all senior mods and administration..

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it. Now that is rich!

Again what does that have to do with poverty? Can you answer the question or not?
---------------------------------------------- GOOD , send them back , maybe they have learned enough to build something useful Coyote . Go TRUMP !!

That is actually one of the reason they do not want to come here legally or assimilate.

Many come here to work and send money back to their home country (tax free). After so many years like 10 or 15 go back home and live like kings. They do not want to be part of the US, ever.
Perhaps for those people, who seem to fill jobs no one one else will, we should have more work visa’s instead of citizenship.

They do not want to go through the legal process, that is what you far left drones fail to grasp!
They might if there were an efficient legal process that fit our need for workers and their need for work.

See how the far left justifies "illegal" immigration?

They do not want it, that is what you far left drones fail to understand which you have just proven with this post!

But again what does it have to do with poverty?

It isn’t justifying illegal immigration, except in your little echo chamber of thought. It is looking at providing a legal avenue of immigration to reduce the pressure to immigrate illegally. As to what it has to do with poverty, that is pretty simple...even you should grasp it. Poverty is what is driving economic migrants,
That is actually one of the reason they do not want to come here legally or assimilate.

Many come here to work and send money back to their home country (tax free). After so many years like 10 or 15 go back home and live like kings. They do not want to be part of the US, ever.
Perhaps for those people, who seem to fill jobs no one one else will, we should have more work visa’s instead of citizenship.

They do not want to go through the legal process, that is what you far left drones fail to grasp!
They might if there were an efficient legal process that fit our need for workers and their need for work.

See how the far left justifies "illegal" immigration?

They do not want it, that is what you far left drones fail to understand which you have just proven with this post!

But again what does it have to do with poverty?

It isn’t justifying illegal immigration, except in your little echo chamber of thought. It is looking at providing a legal avenue of immigration to reduce the pressure to immigrate illegally. As to what it has to do with poverty, that is pretty simple...even you should grasp it. Poverty is what is driving economic migrants,

Again far left drone troll, they do not want to go through any process.

A process already exists and if the far left wanted to fix it they could, but they choose not to. So it must not be a problem now is it?

Get your side to fix it and change it instead of allowing it!
Actually Kosh I don’t think you read the topic. It makes no mention of legal or illegal status but rather economic status of immigrants. In addition we have an administration actively going after immigrants here legally looking for reasons to strip them of their status and send them back.

Maybe you should read it. Just a thought. Or in your case a novel idea that has yet to be entertained in that warped little cavity that passes for your head.

Yes I know you did not read the topic as your comments have nothing to with poverty, show in your post that has anything to with the OP..
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?

It is part of the broader conversation in this thread which you are trying to troll and derail because you you got spanked for derailing another thread. If you want to continue down this road Kosh we can go there. I can ask another mod to take a look so you can’t whine about bias. It is your choice.

I see that your personal feelings spill into the conversation, but yes please do it. Especially since you mention moderator actions in your post!

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it. Now that is rich!

Again what does that have to do with poverty? Can you answer the question or not?

It is a moderator message Kosh, and clearly being nice and low key about it isn’t working, you just want to keep escalating. Knock it off or take this fight to the FZ.
Perhaps for those people, who seem to fill jobs no one one else will, we should have more work visa’s instead of citizenship.

They do not want to go through the legal process, that is what you far left drones fail to grasp!
They might if there were an efficient legal process that fit our need for workers and their need for work.

See how the far left justifies "illegal" immigration?

They do not want it, that is what you far left drones fail to understand which you have just proven with this post!

But again what does it have to do with poverty?

It isn’t justifying illegal immigration, except in your little echo chamber of thought. It is looking at providing a legal avenue of immigration to reduce the pressure to immigrate illegally. As to what it has to do with poverty, that is pretty simple...even you should grasp it. Poverty is what is driving economic migrants,

Again far left drone troll, they do not want to go through any process.

A process already exists and if the far left wanted to fix it they could, but they choose not to. So it must not be a problem now is it?

Get your side to fix it and change it instead of allowing it!
No one side can fix immigration, it is a bipartisan problem needing bipartisan solutions.
Yes I know you did not read the topic as your comments have nothing to with poverty, show in your post that has anything to with the OP..
Actually the article I quoted also mentions the greater amount of economic poverty in Mexican immigrants. Again, I suspect you did not actually read it so I will help you out here:

But broadly speaking, Mexican immigrants are disproportionately less educated and poor, typically working in agriculture, low-paying service jobs, manufacturing, or construction;

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?

It is part of the broader conversation in this thread which you are trying to troll and derail because you you got spanked for derailing another thread. If you want to continue down this road Kosh we can go there. I can ask another mod to take a look so you can’t whine about bias. It is your choice.

I see that your personal feelings spill into the conversation, but yes please do it. Especially since you mention moderator actions in your post!

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it. Now that is rich!

Again what does that have to do with poverty? Can you answer the question or not?

It is a moderator message Kosh, and clearly being nice and low key about it isn’t working, you just want to keep escalating. Knock it off or take this fight to the FZ.

Sorry you mentioned past moderation actions not me, so please get all senior mods and administration to look.
They do not want to go through the legal process, that is what you far left drones fail to grasp!
They might if there were an efficient legal process that fit our need for workers and their need for work.

See how the far left justifies "illegal" immigration?

They do not want it, that is what you far left drones fail to understand which you have just proven with this post!

But again what does it have to do with poverty?

It isn’t justifying illegal immigration, except in your little echo chamber of thought. It is looking at providing a legal avenue of immigration to reduce the pressure to immigrate illegally. As to what it has to do with poverty, that is pretty simple...even you should grasp it. Poverty is what is driving economic migrants,

Again far left drone troll, they do not want to go through any process.

A process already exists and if the far left wanted to fix it they could, but they choose not to. So it must not be a problem now is it?

Get your side to fix it and change it instead of allowing it!
No one side can fix immigration, it is a bipartisan problem needing bipartisan solutions.

Show where your far left masters want to fix the problem!
Did you say it or not?

Do you have something relevant to say about the topic, or are you just going to follow me around and whine like a little bitch in posts I make? You have nothing intellectual to say or argue. Not now, not ever. I'm sorry it hurts your feelings that I speak my mind. I'm allowed to give my opinion about this country even though I think it sucks and I'll be leaving soon.
They might if there were an efficient legal process that fit our need for workers and their need for work.

See how the far left justifies "illegal" immigration?

They do not want it, that is what you far left drones fail to understand which you have just proven with this post!

But again what does it have to do with poverty?

It isn’t justifying illegal immigration, except in your little echo chamber of thought. It is looking at providing a legal avenue of immigration to reduce the pressure to immigrate illegally. As to what it has to do with poverty, that is pretty simple...even you should grasp it. Poverty is what is driving economic migrants,

Again far left drone troll, they do not want to go through any process.

A process already exists and if the far left wanted to fix it they could, but they choose not to. So it must not be a problem now is it?

Get your side to fix it and change it instead of allowing it!
No one side can fix immigration, it is a bipartisan problem needing bipartisan solutions.

Show where your far left masters want to fix the problem!
There have been multiple immigration bills attempted by the Dems that never gain traction. Same with Republicans. Congress as a whole does not want to deal with it or can not.
How much of our own comfort are we willing to sacrifice for this feel good bullshit? Do you have any idea how many poor and desperate people there are in the world? I'll give you a hint; there are a fuck load. The first world can't save everybody, and in attempting to do so we're just going to shoot ourselves in the foot. If the left got its way we would actually be fucked. The Republicans do a lot of stupid shit, but thank fuck for their stance on immigration. If we actually want to help these people we need to figure out how to help them where they live.

Do you disappointed lefties want to know why Trump won, and why he will win again? It's because you people would fuck up everything if you had full control of the immigration situation. That one issue is hurting the left badly. If you'd just pull your heads out of your asses and focus on Americans you would start dominating elections.
“Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4”

This fails as a confusion of correlation and causation fallacy.

It’s also factually wrong:

Contrary to Trump’s Claims, Immigrants Are Less Likely to Commit Crimes

“A central point of an executive order President Trump signed on Wednesday — and a mainstay of his campaign speeches — is the view that undocumented immigrants pose a threat to public safety.

But several studies, over many years, have concluded that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than people born in the United States. And experts say the available evidence does not support the idea that undocumented immigrants commit a disproportionate share of crime.”


Trump won in part the consequence of ignorance, hate, and an unwarranted fear of immigrants – having nothing to do with ‘the left.’

The same ignorance and hate exhibited in this thread’s premise.

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