Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

Exactly it has nothing to do with poverty at all, but using an overly biased article (from aa far left hack site) does not help your case.

So you really have anything are do you just get away with derailing the thread with far left religious dogma?

But you do prove that the far left does not see a different in "illegal" and "legal" immigration!

So again what doe sit have to do with poverty?

It is part of the broader conversation in this thread which you are trying to troll and derail because you you got spanked for derailing another thread. If you want to continue down this road Kosh we can go there. I can ask another mod to take a look so you can’t whine about bias. It is your choice.

I see that your personal feelings spill into the conversation, but yes please do it. Especially since you mention moderator actions in your post! Make sure it is all senior mods and administration..

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it. Now that is rich!

Again what does that have to do with poverty? Can you answer the question or not?

Once again the far left troll derails the thread and the claims someone else is doing it.
the only trolling I see is from you.

You're attacking a poster, instead of debating.

No just pointing out the obvious!

Calling someone what they are, like far left drone is what it is. It is not different than what anyone else does here.

And they never address the poverty issue, which is the point of the entire thread!

Calling someone what they are, like far left drone is what it is.

It's also, by your own admission, name calling.

"And they never address the poverty issue, which is the point of the entire thread!"

doesn't fit YOUR definition of talking about poverty?

Too bad

Calling someone what they are is not name calling right?

I see the name calling of idiot and moron all over this thread, you have real point?

Also the point of the thread is poverty and it is not addressed, especially after the big announcement!
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Did you say it or not?

Do you have something relevant to say about the topic, or are you just going to follow me around and whine like a little bitch in posts I make? You have nothing intellectual to say or argue. Not now, not ever. I'm sorry it hurts your feelings that I speak my mind. I'm allowed to give my opinion about this country even though I think it sucks and I'll be leaving soon.

It is a directly relevant question if you hate this country and plan (yeah, right) to leave 'soon' why this or any other issue really matters to you. Surely, whatever country to which you plan to flee has similar questions to deal with. It would be interesting to hear about the situation in that country, as I'm sure you have researched it in depth by now. We could compare and contrast the circumstances in whatever place will take you and my great nation.

So, go ahead...

You're an idiot. If you decide you want to discuss the topic let me know.

I proposed a relevant discussion just now. Why would you avoid it?

It's funny that I impacted you so much that you now can't help but bitch and whine about the same thing in every topic I make. You're obsessed.
Did you say it or not?

Do you have something relevant to say about the topic, or are you just going to follow me around and whine like a little bitch in posts I make? You have nothing intellectual to say or argue. Not now, not ever. I'm sorry it hurts your feelings that I speak my mind. I'm allowed to give my opinion about this country even though I think it sucks and I'll be leaving soon.

It is a directly relevant question if you hate this country and plan (yeah, right) to leave 'soon' why this or any other issue really matters to you. Surely, whatever country to which you plan to flee has similar questions to deal with. It would be interesting to hear about the situation in that country, as I'm sure you have researched it in depth by now. We could compare and contrast the circumstances in whatever place will take you and my great nation.

So, go ahead...

You're an idiot. If you decide you want to discuss the topic let me know.

I proposed a relevant discussion just now. Why would you avoid it?

It's funny that I impacted you so much that you now can't help but bitch and whine about the same thing in every topic I make. You're obsessed.

I asked you specific questions. What the hell is wrong with you?
.... And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? .....

Is it a good thing in your world?

Parents being deported is a good thing....period.

All parents? That sounds problematic. Citizens too? Legal immigrants too?

Sorry....all illegal adults...kids or no.
.... And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? .....

Is it a good thing in your world?

Parents being deported is a good thing....period.

All parents? That sounds problematic. Citizens too? Legal immigrants too?

Sorry....all illegal adults...kids or no.

But poverty is better in the US than in their home countries right?
.... And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? .....

Is it a good thing in your world?

Parents being deported is a good thing....period.

All parents? That sounds problematic. Citizens too? Legal immigrants too?

Sorry....all illegal adults...kids or no.

But poverty is better in the US than in their home countries right?

I don't understand the question.
Is it a good thing in your world?

Parents being deported is a good thing....period.

All parents? That sounds problematic. Citizens too? Legal immigrants too?

Sorry....all illegal adults...kids or no.

But poverty is better in the US than in their home countries right?

I don't understand the question.

Well the illegals come here and live in poverty as we have been told by the far left.

The argument they make is that living in poverty in the US is better than living in poverty, such as Mexico.
That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

Of course the media isn’t reporting this, but some of these children who’ve been “ripped away” were with dangerous people, some of them who weren’t who they said they were in relation to the child. I guess you’d rather keep children with criminals than make sure they’re in a safe situation? The biggest problem I see with lefties is they can’t see past their own nose and this is a good example of that. Before getting all fired up about child separations, maybe think of WHY they may be happening in the first place—is that not reasonable?

Some of them, yes. And border agents have always had the leeway to seperate them if they have reasonable cause to believe that is the case. They are trained to look for it and know how to recognize it.

On the other hand most of those children were in fact with their parents. And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? This is a new policy mandating the 100 % conviction and seperation regardless of whether there is cause to believe there is trafficking involved. Maybe it is just as bad for the righties to jump on board this policy without thinking through what it does. Would that not be reasonable? Let us not forget the actual stated reasons, by Trump, Kelly, Sessions and others who stated this was for deterrence. Not about stopping trafficking.

So who was deported without their children, have any links to that?

That is unless there was reason to believe that the kids with them were not their children.
why do we wage war on abstractions such as crime, drugs, and terror; when the right wing alleges to be for tax cut economics and we should be cutting that spending.
That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

Of course the media isn’t reporting this, but some of these children who’ve been “ripped away” were with dangerous people, some of them who weren’t who they said they were in relation to the child. I guess you’d rather keep children with criminals than make sure they’re in a safe situation? The biggest problem I see with lefties is they can’t see past their own nose and this is a good example of that. Before getting all fired up about child separations, maybe think of WHY they may be happening in the first place—is that not reasonable?

Some of them, yes. And border agents have always had the leeway to seperate them if they have reasonable cause to believe that is the case. They are trained to look for it and know how to recognize it.

On the other hand most of those children were in fact with their parents. And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? This is a new policy mandating the 100 % conviction and seperation regardless of whether there is cause to believe there is trafficking involved. Maybe it is just as bad for the righties to jump on board this policy without thinking through what it does. Would that not be reasonable? Let us not forget the actual stated reasons, by Trump, Kelly, Sessions and others who stated this was for deterrence. Not about stopping trafficking.

So who was deported without their children, have any links to that?

That is unless there was reason to believe that the kids with them were not their children.

Well that was the problem they could not verify that the adults with the children were their parents or relatives.

But Trump could just do what Obama did and ship the kids all over the country..
We need to quit making other nations suffer for our gain.

I agree, but overloading our social programs with poor migrants that are high risk to commit crimes because of their impoverished status is not the answer. Even if everything is our fault the answer is not to bring them here. It won't work, and a lot of people are waking up. Donald WILL win again if the left doesn't start to change its tune on immigration, especially illegal immigration.

How do we make our own people (especially anti-Trumpers) understand that the reasons the right don’t want the country flooded unchecked with foreigners is bc it’s not in our best interest? These people refuse to see beyond their inaccurate belief that it’s bc of racism and attempts to make them see things rationally is usually a waste of time bc they’re incapable of getting past their own bias.

If Americans were more open-minded and we didn’t have a government set on playing partisan games over doing what’s best for the people, we’d be a whole lot better off. Sadly I don’t see either of these things happening anytime soon.

The leftist media and politicians tell their followers what to think, not why they should think it.
Parents being deported is a good thing....period.

All parents? That sounds problematic. Citizens too? Legal immigrants too?

Sorry....all illegal adults...kids or no.

But poverty is better in the US than in their home countries right?

I don't understand the question.

Well the illegals come here and live in poverty as we have been told by the far left.

The argument they make is that living in poverty in the US is better than living in poverty, such as Mexico.

So ?

Apply to come here legally and live in poverty.

Otherwise...get deported.

Illelgal is just that.
Help them where they live? I guess that might work great if you didn't live in Guatemala where gangs were threatening to kill your entire family unless your 12 year old joined, or Syria where bombs are dropping and rubble and constant hunger/ fear is what you live in.

Look, I'm all for helping governments to be more prosperous, reduce violence and put more people to work. But that ain't gonna work short-term in countries where murderous pricks run the show.

You immigration hardliners need to grow the hell up. Little ol' Boise, ID has brought in thousands of immigrants from "shithole" countries. More from Syria than LA and NYC combined.

We've had no crime and no problems from our immigrant community other than a few hate crimes committed by hate-mongering Trumplandian assholes against them. They have proven themselves to be hard workers. Several have opened successful, amazing restaurants and other interesting shops and businesses.

Stop Being Afraid

U.S. Reaches Goal of Admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees. Here’s Where They Went.
What Are Immigrants Doing For Idaho's Economy?
Boise, Idaho, A Global Home for Refugees
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Help them where they live? I guess that might work great if you didn't live in Guatemala where gangs were after your 12 year old to join or Syria where bombs are dropping.

Look, I'm all for helping governments to be more prosperous, reduce violence and put more people to work. But that ain't gonna work short-term in countries where murderous pricks run the show.

You immigration hardliners need to grow the hell up. Little ol' Boise, ID has brought in thousands of immigrants from "shithole" countries. More from Syria than LA and NYC combined.

We've had no crime and no problems from our immigrant community other than a few hate crimes committed by hate-mongering Trumplandian assholes against them. They have proven themselves to be hard workers. Several have opened successful, amazing restaurants and other interesting shops and businesses.

Stop Being Afraid

U.S. Reaches Goal of Admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees. Here’s Where They Went.
What Are Immigrants Doing For Idaho's Economy?
Boise, Idaho, A Global Home for Refugees

A leftist batshit insane person putting illegals first.

Why am I not surprised?

There are no short term solutions to the shit-hole countries, with or without our help. Stop trying to pretend that importing all of them here is one, because once they all get in, we will all be living in a shit hole.
A leftist batshit insane person putting illegals first.

Why am I not surprised?

There are no short term solutions to the shit-hole countries, with or without our help. Stop trying to pretend that importing all of them here is one, because once they all get in, we will all be living in a shit hole.

Our refugee immigrants are not illegal. Most of them go through at least a two year vetting process and they are INVITED here.
Boise "Welcoming City" Resolution Affirms City Commitment to Immigrants, Disgust With National Immigration Actions
Sadly, thanks to Trump .. the pace we've been able to get him here has slowed. But we've no interest in "importing all of them".
You should learn something before you die Norman. I bet you haven't been outside of Bumfuck in years. :wink:
A leftist batshit insane person putting illegals first.

Why am I not surprised?

There are no short term solutions to the shit-hole countries, with or without our help. Stop trying to pretend that importing all of them here is one, because once they all get in, we will all be living in a shit hole.

Our refugee immigrants are not illegal. Most of them go through at least a two year vetting process and they are INVITED here.
Boise "Welcoming City" Resolution Affirms City Commitment to Immigrants, Disgust With National Immigration Actions
Sadly, thanks to Trump .. the pace we've been able to get him here has slowed. But we've no interest in "importing all of them".
You should learn something before you die Norman. I bet you haven't been outside of Bumfuck in years. :wink:

I have learned enough.

Get the illegals out, don't let more 3rd world immigrants in and most importantly...

Most importantly, ship this guy to his preferred socialist paradise.
Help them where they live? I guess that might work great if you didn't live in Guatemala where gangs were threatening to kill your entire family unless your 12 year old joined, or Syria where bombs are dropping and rubble and constant hunger/ fear is what you live in.

Some Guatemalans are alright, being that a good deal of them seem to be friendly, hard working, and law abiding, however even those ones tend to extra pressures on the system because they pay less in taxes while they tend to have more kids, they tend to overload apartments with their "Amigos" so they can actually afford to live there, causing towns to deteriorate, and furthermore causing overloads on public services, and a giant fire-hazard.

No, I can't see the ultimate benefits, point blank.

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