Poverty and ignorance breeds crime. Economic immigrants and refugees are poor and uneducated. 2+2=4

Help them where they live? I guess that might work great if you didn't live in Guatemala where gangs were after your 12 year old to join or Syria where bombs are dropping.

Look, I'm all for helping governments to be more prosperous, reduce violence and put more people to work. But that ain't gonna work short-term in countries where murderous pricks run the show.

You immigration hardliners need to grow the hell up. Little ol' Boise, ID has brought in thousands of immigrants from "shithole" countries. More from Syria than LA and NYC combined.

We've had no crime and no problems from our immigrant community other than a few hate crimes committed by hate-mongering Trumplandian assholes against them. They have proven themselves to be hard workers. Several have opened successful, amazing restaurants and other interesting shops and businesses.

Stop Being Afraid

U.S. Reaches Goal of Admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees. Here’s Where They Went.
What Are Immigrants Doing For Idaho's Economy?
Boise, Idaho, A Global Home for Refugees

A leftist batshit insane person putting illegals first.

Why am I not surprised?

There are no short term solutions to the shit-hole countries, with or without our help. Stop trying to pretend that importing all of them here is one, because once they all get in, we will all be living in a shit hole.
lol. like the right wing really puts the People, first.

I think Republicans and Democrats are both hurting Americans in different ways.
the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform.
Help them where they live? I guess that might work great if you didn't live in Guatemala where gangs were after your 12 year old to join or Syria where bombs are dropping.

Look, I'm all for helping governments to be more prosperous, reduce violence and put more people to work. But that ain't gonna work short-term in countries where murderous pricks run the show.

You immigration hardliners need to grow the hell up. Little ol' Boise, ID has brought in thousands of immigrants from "shithole" countries. More from Syria than LA and NYC combined.

We've had no crime and no problems from our immigrant community other than a few hate crimes committed by hate-mongering Trumplandian assholes against them. They have proven themselves to be hard workers. Several have opened successful, amazing restaurants and other interesting shops and businesses.

Stop Being Afraid

U.S. Reaches Goal of Admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees. Here’s Where They Went.
What Are Immigrants Doing For Idaho's Economy?
Boise, Idaho, A Global Home for Refugees

A leftist batshit insane person putting illegals first.

Why am I not surprised?

There are no short term solutions to the shit-hole countries, with or without our help. Stop trying to pretend that importing all of them here is one, because once they all get in, we will all be living in a shit hole.
lol. like the right wing really puts the People, first.

I think Republicans and Democrats are both hurting Americans in different ways.
the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform.

Bernie Sanders is for that. You won't find a lot of Democrats that would say that. Certainly not Hillary Clinton.
Latinos are already much better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans were when they arrived in large numbers. Indeed, Latin American culture has made a such a deep imprint on the United States that it might fairly be considered a constitutive element of American culture as whole.

How do they figure that Latinos are better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans "Were:" back when?

Between 1/4th - 1/3rd of Texas speaks Spanish as their first language.

I can't remember when that concentration of New York spoke Italian as their first language, do you?

As for Irish it's pretty ridiculous to even include them, Irish were integrated to English culture on arrival.

Irish people in Ireland it's self almost all speak English first, and furthermore they eat similar foods like Bangers, and Mash, or Fish, and Chips, and Lamb Chops.

I fail to see how Irish people could possibly be less integrated than Texas Mexicans are?
Please do enlighten us on this ridiculous theory.

Spanish once WAS the primary language of Texas. What's your point?

Just before the war Texas already was more Anglo, than Mex, a trend that continued until well about now.....

But, Mexicans aren't only in the South-West, cities like New York, and Chicago among other cities far outside the South-West are also well onto becoming large Mexican populated cities.

Obviously the trend isn't - because there are still many spanish speakers in Texas, lots of towns, landmarks etc are named in spanish, the cuisine has a heavy Mexican influence. Many long time residents of those areas speak both English and Spanish. I don't see any problems there nor do I see any problems with acknowledging the role Spanish plays in our country's collective heritage.

The real Natives of Texas fought Mexicans / Spaniards as Comanche, and Apache etc.

This is a big part of the reason why a lot Anglo's moved to Texas to help govern, and build up tax base for Mexico against the Native American raiders...

Just as Mexico gained it's independence against Spain, Texas gained it's independence against Mexico.
(Keep in mind Mexico was only an independent nation briefly before Texas wanted to break away)
That means if they are begging for asylum, they get their hearings, without having their children ripped away and thrown into foster care. It's nothing more than than behaving like a civilized country.

Of course the media isn’t reporting this, but some of these children who’ve been “ripped away” were with dangerous people, some of them who weren’t who they said they were in relation to the child. I guess you’d rather keep children with criminals than make sure they’re in a safe situation? The biggest problem I see with lefties is they can’t see past their own nose and this is a good example of that. Before getting all fired up about child separations, maybe think of WHY they may be happening in the first place—is that not reasonable?

Some of them, yes. And border agents have always had the leeway to seperate them if they have reasonable cause to believe that is the case. They are trained to look for it and know how to recognize it.

On the other hand most of those children were in fact with their parents. And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? This is a new policy mandating the 100 % conviction and seperation regardless of whether there is cause to believe there is trafficking involved. Maybe it is just as bad for the righties to jump on board this policy without thinking through what it does. Would that not be reasonable? Let us not forget the actual stated reasons, by Trump, Kelly, Sessions and others who stated this was for deterrence. Not about stopping trafficking.

So who was deported without their children, have any links to that?

That is unless there was reason to believe that the kids with them were not their children.

Well that was the problem they could not verify that the adults with the children were their parents or relatives.

But Trump could just do what Obama did and ship the kids all over the country..

He did.
A lot of Mexicans I've met in New York aren't even from anywhere near Texas, but rather from Puebla, or Mexico city..........
Help them where they live? I guess that might work great if you didn't live in Guatemala where gangs were after your 12 year old to join or Syria where bombs are dropping.

Look, I'm all for helping governments to be more prosperous, reduce violence and put more people to work. But that ain't gonna work short-term in countries where murderous pricks run the show.

You immigration hardliners need to grow the hell up. Little ol' Boise, ID has brought in thousands of immigrants from "shithole" countries. More from Syria than LA and NYC combined.

We've had no crime and no problems from our immigrant community other than a few hate crimes committed by hate-mongering Trumplandian assholes against them. They have proven themselves to be hard workers. Several have opened successful, amazing restaurants and other interesting shops and businesses.

Stop Being Afraid

U.S. Reaches Goal of Admitting 10,000 Syrian Refugees. Here’s Where They Went.
What Are Immigrants Doing For Idaho's Economy?
Boise, Idaho, A Global Home for Refugees

A leftist batshit insane person putting illegals first.

Why am I not surprised?

There are no short term solutions to the shit-hole countries, with or without our help. Stop trying to pretend that importing all of them here is one, because once they all get in, we will all be living in a shit hole.
lol. like the right wing really puts the People, first.

I think Republicans and Democrats are both hurting Americans in different ways.
the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform.

Bernie Sanders is for that. You won't find a lot of Democrats that would say that. Certainly not Hillary Clinton.
Trump won on tax cut economics?

So...speaking of fairness. Why is there such a bottleneck with LEGAL immigration?
But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Irish were basically poor under colonial conditions, they long couldn't even own land in Ireland under British rule, and thus almost all Irish were forced into the peasantry, when the Irish Potato famine hit, despite enough food to go around, the exports to Britain were increased by the famine lords, thus Irish starved to death by over a million.

I can't really grasp what kind of similarity modern Mexico has to this?
Fact is it's been ages since Mexico was under Spanish rule.[
Poverty is poverty.

Poverty caused by oppression is a little different than poverty caused by corruption, laziness, and stupidity.

Well here is food for thought then. Many of the immigrants from Guatamala, Hondoras, and El Salvador are oppressed by corrupt authoritarian governments in the pockets of violent gangs. In addition, many are members of the various indiginous people's who are oppressed and disengranchized. In fact - many do not even speak Spanish, but their native tongues which poses particular problems in finding translators. I'm not sure WHY you think poverty in Mexico is caused by laziness and stupidy when they come here to work, and are hired because they will work hard and reliably.
How do they figure that Latinos are better integrated than Irish, Italians, or Germans "Were:" back when?

Between 1/4th - 1/3rd of Texas speaks Spanish as their first language.

I can't remember when that concentration of New York spoke Italian as their first language, do you?

As for Irish it's pretty ridiculous to even include them, Irish were integrated to English culture on arrival.

Irish people in Ireland it's self almost all speak English first, and furthermore they eat similar foods like Bangers, and Mash, or Fish, and Chips, and Lamb Chops.

I fail to see how Irish people could possibly be less integrated than Texas Mexicans are?
Please do enlighten us on this ridiculous theory.

Spanish once WAS the primary language of Texas. What's your point?

Just before the war Texas already was more Anglo, than Mex, a trend that continued until well about now.....

But, Mexicans aren't only in the South-West, cities like New York, and Chicago among other cities far outside the South-West are also well onto becoming large Mexican populated cities.
let's end our drug war and help them build new cities over there, on a for-profit basis.

Because legalizing hard drugs will surely turn out great. (Rolls eyes)
cognitive dissonance, thy name is right wingers.

don't believe in Individual Responsibility or Capitalism?

I'm not an Individualist, nor a Capitalist, really.
A leftist batshit insane person putting illegals first.

Why am I not surprised?

There are no short term solutions to the shit-hole countries, with or without our help. Stop trying to pretend that importing all of them here is one, because once they all get in, we will all be living in a shit hole.
lol. like the right wing really puts the People, first.

I think Republicans and Democrats are both hurting Americans in different ways.
the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform.

Bernie Sanders is for that. You won't find a lot of Democrats that would say that. Certainly not Hillary Clinton.
Trump won on tax cut economics?

Trump won and will win again because views on immigration are shifting. Also our economy is doing quite well.
Last edited:
But if anything, America is better positioned to absorb the current generation of immigrants than it was 160 years ago, when poverty-stricken Irish families were piling into New York City by the tens of thousands.

Irish were basically poor under colonial conditions, they long couldn't even own land in Ireland under British rule, and thus almost all Irish were forced into the peasantry, when the Irish Potato famine hit, despite enough food to go around, the exports to Britain were increased by the famine lords, thus Irish starved to death by over a million.

I can't really grasp what kind of similarity modern Mexico has to this?
Fact is it's been ages since Mexico was under Spanish rule.[
Poverty is poverty.

Poverty caused by oppression is a little different than poverty caused by corruption, laziness, and stupidity.

Well here is food for thought then. Many of the immigrants from Guatamala, Hondoras, and El Salvador are oppressed by corrupt authoritarian governments in the pockets of violent gangs. In addition, many are members of the various indiginous people's who are oppressed and disengranchized. In fact - many do not even speak Spanish, but their native tongues which poses particular problems in finding translators. I'm not sure WHY you think poverty in Mexico is caused by laziness and stupidy when they come here to work, and are hired because they will work hard and reliably.

Well then, wouldn't they be inclined to setup the same kind of problems here, as they've fled from?

Granted, a lot of the Hispanics we've gotten are the ones who can make it.

None the less, it seems the higher the concentration of Hispanics in the U.S.A, the lower the quality of life in that region..
lol. like the right wing really puts the People, first.

I think Republicans and Democrats are both hurting Americans in different ways.
the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform.

Bernie Sanders is for that. You won't find a lot of Democrats that would say that. Certainly not Hillary Clinton.
Trump won on tax cut economics?

Trump won and will win again because of views on immigration are shifting. Also our economy is doing quite well.

Maybe not in the way you are thinking....

Irish were basically poor under colonial conditions, they long couldn't even own land in Ireland under British rule, and thus almost all Irish were forced into the peasantry, when the Irish Potato famine hit, despite enough food to go around, the exports to Britain were increased by the famine lords, thus Irish starved to death by over a million.

I can't really grasp what kind of similarity modern Mexico has to this?
Fact is it's been ages since Mexico was under Spanish rule.[
Poverty is poverty.

Poverty caused by oppression is a little different than poverty caused by corruption, laziness, and stupidity.

Well here is food for thought then. Many of the immigrants from Guatamala, Hondoras, and El Salvador are oppressed by corrupt authoritarian governments in the pockets of violent gangs. In addition, many are members of the various indiginous people's who are oppressed and disengranchized. In fact - many do not even speak Spanish, but their native tongues which poses particular problems in finding translators. I'm not sure WHY you think poverty in Mexico is caused by laziness and stupidy when they come here to work, and are hired because they will work hard and reliably.

Well then, wouldn't they be inclined to setup the same kind of problems here, as they've fled from?

Granted, a lot of the Hispanics we've gotten are the ones who can make it.

None the less, it seems the higher the concentration of Hispanics in the U.S.A, the lower the quality of life in that region..

Why would they? Did our ancestors do so when they fled here?
I think Republicans and Democrats are both hurting Americans in different ways.
the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform.

Bernie Sanders is for that. You won't find a lot of Democrats that would say that. Certainly not Hillary Clinton.
Trump won on tax cut economics?

Trump won and will win again because of views on immigration are shifting. Also our economy is doing quite well.

Maybe not in the way you are thinking....

I guess we'll see what happens. ;)
Irish were basically poor under colonial conditions, they long couldn't even own land in Ireland under British rule, and thus almost all Irish were forced into the peasantry, when the Irish Potato famine hit, despite enough food to go around, the exports to Britain were increased by the famine lords, thus Irish starved to death by over a million.

I can't really grasp what kind of similarity modern Mexico has to this?
Fact is it's been ages since Mexico was under Spanish rule.[
Poverty is poverty.

Poverty caused by oppression is a little different than poverty caused by corruption, laziness, and stupidity.

Well here is food for thought then. Many of the immigrants from Guatamala, Hondoras, and El Salvador are oppressed by corrupt authoritarian governments in the pockets of violent gangs. In addition, many are members of the various indiginous people's who are oppressed and disengranchized. In fact - many do not even speak Spanish, but their native tongues which poses particular problems in finding translators. I'm not sure WHY you think poverty in Mexico is caused by laziness and stupidy when they come here to work, and are hired because they will work hard and reliably.

Well then, wouldn't they be inclined to setup the same kind of problems here, as they've fled from?

Granted, a lot of the Hispanics we've gotten are the ones who can make it.

None the less, it seems the higher the concentration of Hispanics in the U.S.A, the lower the quality of life in that region..

Why would they? Did our ancestors do so when they fled here?

The U.S.A is sort of dominated by Colonial Brits who dominate the Southern states.

The Colonials have a much different way of thinking than the later arrivals of White Protestants, White Catholics, and even more so Jews.

Generally speaking, a lot of the time Whites who came to the U.S.A since the Civil War are more European in their views, and less Colonial being that they are more likely to be Collectivists, and believe in helping one-another, limit guns, and limit war among other noticed conflicts with the "Colonial types"

So, yes European immigrants have changed America by different waves.......
Judge rejects U.S. efforts to strip terrorist of citizenship

COLUMBUS, Ohio — The government can’t strip a terrorist of his U.S. citizenship, a federal judge ruled this month in a decision siding with a Pakistan-born man serving the last few years of a 20-year prison sentence for his guilty plea to plotting to destroy New York’s Brooklyn Bridge.

The case involves Iyman Faris, who was sentenced in 2003 for aiding and abetting al-Qaida by scoping out the bridge as part of a plot to cut through cables that support it. His case was among the first and highest-profile terrorism cases after the Sept. 11 attacks.

Faris, who’s 49, was known as Mohammad Rauf before becoming a U.S. citizen, worked as a truck driver in Columbus and was married to an American woman for a while. He is scheduled for release Dec. 23, 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.

Federal Judge Staci Yanle said this month there’s not enough evidence to prove Faris’ misrepresentations influenced the decision to grant him citizenship.

“American citizenship is precious, and the government carries a heavy burden of proof when attempting to divest a naturalized citizen of his or her citizenship,” she wrote on July 11.

Judge rejects U.S. efforts to strip terrorist of citizenship

Oh, and did I forget to mention that liberal judges are another problem with foreigners coming here?
lol. like the right wing really puts the People, first.

I think Republicans and Democrats are both hurting Americans in different ways.
the left is for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and health care reform.

Bernie Sanders is for that. You won't find a lot of Democrats that would say that. Certainly not Hillary Clinton.
Trump won on tax cut economics?

Trump won and will win again because of views on immigration are shifting. Also our economy is doing quite well.

lol. ignore moral turpitudes to not help those in need; only the right wing does that.
Whites in New York's Hudson Valley region, are definitely much more varied, and diverse than the rest of the Whites in this country.

Obviously each immigrant group left differences, I can't say that we didn't..

Remember, Dutch were here first, there were pockets of French Hugenots, of course English settlers, and German farmers, before Irish Catholics moved in mass, then Italians, Poles, Jews, more Irish Catholics, more Italians, more Poles, Jews, and more Jews.

Each group is drastically different.

Towns here aren't like else where.

We have pockets of "Appalachia" original British Hicks here like Onion-Town, as well as pockets of the Gentry, and posh original Brits, like we see in parts of Millbrook, or Quaker Hill in Pawling,pockets of original Dutch in parts of Northern Dutchess, Ulster, and Colombia etc.

There's even 2 drastically different pockets of Jews, being super wealthy Liberal Jews in Scarsdale, or super poor Conservative Jews in Kiryas Joel.

Then there's a lot of Italian suburbs in between.

As well as German farmers in the Mid, and Northern Hudson Valley.

Also pockets of Albanians in Mahopac, Yorktown, and other places.

Not to mention a lot of Poles in Florida New York (An Onion farmer capital)
.... And now we have parents deported without their children and no idea where their children are or how to get them back. Is this a good thing in your rightie world? .....

Is it a good thing in your world?

No. As I have consistently said.

Then parents who deliberately put their children in circumstances where that is a likely outcome are being abusive, aren’t they?

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