Poverty in blue cities...

There'd be a lot less poverty all over if our political class had not been incentivizing globalization at the expense of our manufacturing & industrial jobs.
Between onerous regulations & degeneration of unions into corrupt political organizations, our industries & middle class withered while the connected grew rich with foreign money
The poor will always be with us especially if the govt has anything to say about it

Tell me what kind of corporation in their right mind would go to Vanceburg Kentucky.
Look at the once beautiful Venice Beach.... people living like animals in filth suffering from mental illness and or drug abuse... And its in every big city across America as well as some smaller cities...

Look at this going on as Biden sends billions of dollars to Ukraine and Newsome writes an executive order to provide abortions to the women of America free of charge....

What kind of evil does it take to welcome this and do nothing to help and turn this around.... Welcome to the new America..... Its become what liberals use to warn us about.... Now they celebrate what they once fought so hard against....

All because of mean tweets and a propaganda news machine....

Oh... that btw is where most of the crime statistics come from also..... Hmmmmm
Yes, there is poverty everywhere, but the druggie filth on the streets is mostly in Democrat areas.

well to be fair...there is a fair percentage of Jacksonian America ( whites mostly) that live by the bottle, the pill and the bullet. But you are right....most of the problem is inner city and the inner city is the domain of the democrats.

Tell me what kind of corporation in their right mind would go to Vanceburg Kentucky.
Never been there but politicians at all levels can create a business friendly environment. That's especially important locally but national policies are a major factor as well.
You don't need major corporations if you have smaller profitable industries in local communities but we were shedding those even before the dempanic came along & applied the death blow.
Never been there but politicians at all levels can create a business friendly environment. That's especially important locally but national policies are a major factor as well.
You don't need major corporations if you have smaller profitable industries in local communities but we were shedding those even before the dempanic came along & applied the death blow.

I moved 650 miles away from my family, leaving them in Kentucky because jobs there sucked. I moved to Pennsylvania, and now I'm working a high paying factory job.
This must be what the left wants for America.... But why?....

Erosion of the middle class.
When we are left with mostly have's and have not's, it's super easy for authoritarian elitists to constantly pit the two against each other to maintain perpetual power.
America's downfall is that the majority are ignorant of class dynamics.
Instead it's attributed to race and identity politics. This is a smokescreen.

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