Power is draining away from Trump, and the world is starting to ignore him

I voted twice for President Trump.

I am disappointed that he lost.

I respect him for refusing to kowtow to BLM and ANITFA and radical Dem ideas.

I agree that he has the right to contest the results, but that it is impossible to prove fraud in such a large nation. (As some people have said, it may be easier to watch for fraud in the Georgia run-off elections since it is only one state & the eyes of the nation will be watching.)

Of course, world leaders are running to bow down to President-elect Biden. They run to anyone who can give them American taxpayers' money.

I am disappointed that he is firing officials at this late stage.

I agree that the election results are a big blow to his ego. I do not know his personal history very much, but it does seem that he is used to having his way in everything.

He wished to be President. Look at what it got him.

Senator & Vice President Biden has long wished to be President, too. I wonder whether he will come to regret it.
"I agree that the election results are a big blow to his ego. I do not know his personal history very much, but it does seem that he is used to having his way in everything."

Read Mary L. Trump's book. She knows a hell of a lot about the petulant crybaby and the grifting family.
Oh he still has his fan base around the world. - Turkey.

But he still has little'Kim and Poot-n-Daddy in his corner.

China and Europe LOVE Biden. We are their cash cows with a Democrat in office.

China is still on the fence. They love corrupt businessmen like old Trumpybear to help fleece the American consumer and degrade the American Workers Unions.

Has Good Ol Joe outsourced any of his manufacturing to China?
Why are looney liberals always soo concerned what the world thinks about our country and president? ... :dunno:
How others see you is one way of reflecting on the type of person, or country in this instance, that we are. It’s not an insignificant factor.
I voted twice for President Trump.

I am disappointed that he lost.

I respect him for refusing to kowtow to BLM and ANITFA and radical Dem ideas.

I agree that he has the right to contest the results, but that it is impossible to prove fraud in such a large nation. (As some people have said, it may be easier to watch for fraud in the Georgia run-off elections since it is only one state & the eyes of the nation will be watching.)

Of course, world leaders are running to bow down to President-elect Biden. They run to anyone who can give them American taxpayers' money.

I am disappointed that he is firing officials at this late stage.

I agree that the election results are a big blow to his ego. I do not know his personal history very much, but it does seem that he is used to having his way in everything.

He wished to be President. Look at what it got him.

Senator & Vice President Biden has long wished to be President, too. I wonder whether he will come to regret it.
"I agree that the election results are a big blow to his ego. I do not know his personal history very much, but it does seem that he is used to having his way in everything."

Read Mary L. Trump's book. She knows a hell of a lot about the petulant crybaby and the grifting family.
Yes you libbers buy any book that blasts the President.....
I voted twice for President Trump.

I am disappointed that he lost.

I respect him for refusing to kowtow to BLM and ANITFA and radical Dem ideas.

I agree that he has the right to contest the results, but that it is impossible to prove fraud in such a large nation. (As some people have said, it may be easier to watch for fraud in the Georgia run-off elections since it is only one state & the eyes of the nation will be watching.)

Of course, world leaders are running to bow down to President-elect Biden. They run to anyone who can give them American taxpayers' money.

I am disappointed that he is firing officials at this late stage.

I agree that the election results are a big blow to his ego. I do not know his personal history very much, but it does seem that he is used to having his way in everything.

He wished to be President. Look at what it got him.

Senator & Vice President Biden has long wished to be President, too. I wonder whether he will come to regret it.

You forget that trump sucked up to dictators and trashy religious cults for four years.

Power is slipping indeed, the wannabe dictator in chief is a loser.

The world wants pay for play Biden and snowflake Democrats because they want what is best for their countries. They are quite as stupid as our Democrats who are so quick to sell their country down the river.
Gaslight, piss & moan & whine all you want. Biden will be POTUS in January. And there isn't a thing that you, your right wing mob or Trump can do about it. Stock up on crying towels & continue to rant if it makes you feel better.

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