Pray for my Katy please.

Wishing your Katy good test results tomorrow. It's just awful when they get sick or hurt. How old is she? She's a good looking pup! Give her lots of hugs and keep us updated. So sorry about you losing your Cozmo as well. {hugs}

She's ten,which for a Boxer is a pretty advanced age.
Cozmo made it to fourteen which is almost unheard of for a Boxer.
A lot of times - epilepsy is idiopathic, no one knows what causes it and some dogs can go year with it well controlled. There's a lot of new medications available now as well as the old standby's :)

They put her on Keppra,which is one of the latest and it's supposed to be easy on the kidneys,which for an old Boxer is very important since they tend to have kidney problems late in life.
This is a "prayer" thread, so I will refrain. I just hope your Katy does better than Gracie did.
Prayers will continue for you.
the pain of finding one of our loved one has reached the end of the line.....i hope you have a decent vet who will give you excellent advice....letting go is one of the hardest things in the world....hope can be cruel at times....especially when we know the end is near and we just want to push it this point....your feeling and your wives feeling do not is katy doing? how is she handling this? I had a dog that seizures, it was so hard on him. Sometimes the thought of letting go is much worse than the act of letting go....and I have been where you are....I begged a vet to save my cat....I had just lost jake after a decade or more...and suddenly I was faced with the loss of another beloved pet....i stood and cried....begging for his life....i was lucky.....not all are....
sometimes you have to let go and then face that....i will never have another one.....then face the act of loving another one will take time...i wish katy the best....and i hope you have the strength to realize what is best for you ...may not be best for her.....good luck...
My little girl Katy had a Grand Mall seizure this morning and they suspect a brain tumor.
We had to leave her at the emergency pet hospital for further observation and treatment.
She goes for her MRI and Ct Scan on Monday.
They said there is a strong possibility she'll need brain surgery to remove the tumor if possible.
View attachment 74110
View attachment 74111

Sorry to hear about your family member.

After 13 years, we had to put our Makali'i down last Tuesday night. He to started having multiple seizures.

Wish you and your friend the best

My little girl Katy had a Grand Mall seizure this morning and they suspect a brain tumor.
We had to leave her at the emergency pet hospital for further observation and treatment.
She goes for her MRI and Ct Scan on Monday.
They said there is a strong possibility she'll need brain surgery to remove the tumor if possible.
View attachment 74110
View attachment 74111

Sorry to hear about your family member.

After 13 years, we had to put our Makali'i down last Tuesday night. He to started having multiple seizures.

Wish you and your friend the best

Sorry for your loss Geaux4it
the pain of finding one of our loved one has reached the end of the line.....i hope you have a decent vet who will give you excellent advice....letting go is one of the hardest things in the world....hope can be cruel at times....especially when we know the end is near and we just want to push it this point....your feeling and your wives feeling do not is katy doing? how is she handling this? I had a dog that seizures, it was so hard on him. Sometimes the thought of letting go is much worse than the act of letting go....and I have been where you are....I begged a vet to save my cat....I had just lost jake after a decade or more...and suddenly I was faced with the loss of another beloved pet....i stood and cried....begging for his life....i was lucky.....not all are....
sometimes you have to let go and then face that....i will never have another one.....then face the act of loving another one will take time...i wish katy the best....and i hope you have the strength to realize what is best for you ...may not be best for her.....good luck...

We discussed all the options including putting her down.
The vet said she was still healthy enough to live many more years if we can control the seizures.
Having put previous pets to sleep when they had no chance at a normal life I know when it's time and she's not there yet.
She was up this morning and other than still being a little worn out she's her old self.
Of course she has that uncanny ability to separate her pills from the ham it was rolled up in.
Personally I think she just wanted more ham because she eventually ate the pills as well.
My little girl Katy had a Grand Mall seizure this morning and they suspect a brain tumor.
We had to leave her at the emergency pet hospital for further observation and treatment.
She goes for her MRI and Ct Scan on Monday.
They said there is a strong possibility she'll need brain surgery to remove the tumor if possible.
View attachment 74110
View attachment 74111

Sorry to hear about your family member.

After 13 years, we had to put our Makali'i down last Tuesday night. He to started having multiple seizures.

Wish you and your friend the best


Yeah it royally sucks when that day comes.
All you can do is remember the good times.
the pain of finding one of our loved one has reached the end of the line.....i hope you have a decent vet who will give you excellent advice....letting go is one of the hardest things in the world....hope can be cruel at times....especially when we know the end is near and we just want to push it this point....your feeling and your wives feeling do not is katy doing? how is she handling this? I had a dog that seizures, it was so hard on him. Sometimes the thought of letting go is much worse than the act of letting go....and I have been where you are....I begged a vet to save my cat....I had just lost jake after a decade or more...and suddenly I was faced with the loss of another beloved pet....i stood and cried....begging for his life....i was lucky.....not all are....
sometimes you have to let go and then face that....i will never have another one.....then face the act of loving another one will take time...i wish katy the best....and i hope you have the strength to realize what is best for you ...may not be best for her.....good luck...

We discussed all the options including putting her down.
The vet said she was still healthy enough to live many more years if we can control the seizures.
Having put previous pets to sleep when they had no chance at a normal life I know when it's time and she's not there yet.
She was up this morning and other than still being a little worn out she's her old self.
Of course she has that uncanny ability to separate her pills from the ham it was rolled up in.
Personally I think she just wanted more ham because she eventually ate the pills as well.

I have tried the ham, marshmallows etc

This stuff works best for me

the pain of finding one of our loved one has reached the end of the line.....i hope you have a decent vet who will give you excellent advice....letting go is one of the hardest things in the world....hope can be cruel at times....especially when we know the end is near and we just want to push it this point....your feeling and your wives feeling do not is katy doing? how is she handling this? I had a dog that seizures, it was so hard on him. Sometimes the thought of letting go is much worse than the act of letting go....and I have been where you are....I begged a vet to save my cat....I had just lost jake after a decade or more...and suddenly I was faced with the loss of another beloved pet....i stood and cried....begging for his life....i was lucky.....not all are....
sometimes you have to let go and then face that....i will never have another one.....then face the act of loving another one will take time...i wish katy the best....and i hope you have the strength to realize what is best for you ...may not be best for her.....good luck...

We discussed all the options including putting her down.
The vet said she was still healthy enough to live many more years if we can control the seizures.
Having put previous pets to sleep when they had no chance at a normal life I know when it's time and she's not there yet.
She was up this morning and other than still being a little worn out she's her old self.
Of course she has that uncanny ability to separate her pills from the ham it was rolled up in.
Personally I think she just wanted more ham because she eventually ate the pills as well.

I have tried the ham, marshmallows etc

This stuff works best for me


Appreciate it.
I'll definitely give it a shot.
peanut butter......i hate to say it....put i just coat the pills in peanut butter...thor is easy....he has taken pills all his damned life nearly......the others demand the peanut butter wrap....i tried greenies etc....
How is she today, HereWeGoAgain??

Is she better?????
I told my dog about Katy, and this is what he said;

Ruff! Ruff! Ruff! Ruff!

Which means, "I hope Katy gets better real soon so we can play one day!"

Or "Can I have that piece of chicken?"

It's one or the other.

I hope your pup is doing better.

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