
How come it works? I can be at the very bottom of the darkest emotional hole, seeing no way out of the crisis. I ask for prayer, and I feel better.

It's not a placebo. My heart is damn near literally breaking, I can't cry hard enough ... and I PM someone and say please - ... help ... and within minutes I have regained control and even found some measure of calm. Within hours, I can set the burden aside and understand Romans 8:28.

I don't believe it's some placebo effect. Why didn't I just pray for myself and stop crying? I have experienced this throughout my entire life. It's why I could never say "There is no God," and believe that to be a true statement for any length of time.

Anyway. I don't get it, which leads to part two. Some would say God is just trying to get my attention. Okay. Couldn't he do that by some other means than damn near causing a heart attack due to the stress of the issue? Or is it more logical to say He had nothing to do with it? I mean, I'd hate to think he's sadistic.

Anyway, that's my ungodly ramble for today.

We humans have a spiritual side of ourselves that enables us to reach out and connect to others. Speaking personally as an Atheist I don't see this as being evidence for a deity. Instead it is just a part of ourselves that we ignore at our own peril. We are social creatures and we need each other. We must make connections that are both physical and psychic. With our family, friends and loved ones we do this without realizing that it is happening.

So yes, BD, you are right, it does work and it is real. How and why it works is for you to come to terms with in your own mind. Peace DT
How come it works? I can be at the very bottom of the darkest emotional hole, seeing no way out of the crisis. I ask for prayer, and I feel better.

It's not a placebo. My heart is damn near literally breaking, I can't cry hard enough ... and I PM someone and say please - ... help ... and within minutes I have regained control and even found some measure of calm. Within hours, I can set the burden aside and understand Romans 8:28.

I don't believe it's some placebo effect. Why didn't I just pray for myself and stop crying? I have experienced this throughout my entire life. It's why I could never say "There is no God," and believe that to be a true statement for any length of time.

Anyway. I don't get it, which leads to part two. Some would say God is just trying to get my attention. Okay. Couldn't he do that by some other means than damn near causing a heart attack due to the stress of the issue? Or is it more logical to say He had nothing to do with it? I mean, I'd hate to think he's sadistic.

Anyway, that's my ungodly ramble for today.

We humans have a spiritual side of ourselves that enables us to reach out and connect to others. Speaking personally as an Atheist I don't see this as being evidence for a deity. Instead it is just a part of ourselves that we ignore at our own peril. We are social creatures and we need each other. We must make connections that are both physical and psychic. With our family, friends and loved ones we do this without realizing that it is happening.

So yes, BD, you are right, it does work and it is real. How and why it works is for you to come to terms with in your own mind. Peace DT

Fine. I entirely agree but I see no need to use words like 'spiritual' and 'psychic'.

My dog Maja reaches out and connects to others. She's has just had two of the neighbourhood children in playing with her. Maja loves people and enjoys nothing more than her friends and making new friends. But I wouldn't describe her as 'spiritual'. Would you?
That's a long complicated story, but to sum it up in one word... yes.

[MENTION=29246]The Irish Ram[/MENTION]

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. And I had you down as of sound mind and rational Mr H.

Like I said, it's a long complicated story. Based on sound mind and rational thought.

So much so, that a believer in God would call me a non-believer.

Good. So all is not lost.
How come it works? I can be at the very bottom of the darkest emotional hole, seeing no way out of the crisis. I ask for prayer, and I feel better.

It's not a placebo. My heart is damn near literally breaking, I can't cry hard enough ... and I PM someone and say please - ... help ... and within minutes I have regained control and even found some measure of calm. Within hours, I can set the burden aside and understand Romans 8:28.

I don't believe it's some placebo effect. Why didn't I just pray for myself and stop crying? I have experienced this throughout my entire life. It's why I could never say "There is no God," and believe that to be a true statement for any length of time.

Anyway. I don't get it, which leads to part two. Some would say God is just trying to get my attention. Okay. Couldn't he do that by some other means than damn near causing a heart attack due to the stress of the issue? Or is it more logical to say He had nothing to do with it? I mean, I'd hate to think he's sadistic.

Anyway, that's my ungodly ramble for today.

We humans have a spiritual side of ourselves that enables us to reach out and connect to others. Speaking personally as an Atheist I don't see this as being evidence for a deity. Instead it is just a part of ourselves that we ignore at our own peril. We are social creatures and we need each other. We must make connections that are both physical and psychic. With our family, friends and loved ones we do this without realizing that it is happening.

So yes, BD, you are right, it does work and it is real. How and why it works is for you to come to terms with in your own mind. Peace DT

Fine. I entirely agree but I see no need to use words like 'spiritual' and 'psychic'.

My dog Maja reaches out and connects to others. She's has just had two of the neighbourhood children in playing with her. Maja loves people and enjoys nothing more than her friends and making new friends. But I wouldn't describe her as 'spiritual'. Would you?

The OP was about a psychic connection. We do have a spiritual aspect to ourselves and I for one suspect that it is common to all mammals. Your dog is also a social animal and dogs are known to promote healing amongst those who are ill. I have no idea if that can be attributed to a psychic connection and I am not making that claim either. Yesterday my wife spoke to a friend she hadn't heard from in a couple of months and the first thing she asked about was if her friend's mother was alright. Turns out that she had pneumonia. My wife had a feeling that there was something wrong. She is also an atheist but the term psychic describes what she was feeling. I don't know enough to explain it but I know it exists. I know that it is real but I don't attribute it to anything supernatural. It is merely an aspect of ourselves that we don't yet fully comprehend.
No atheist in a foxhole :cool:

There are plenty of atheists in foxholes.

not when the bombs are landing around your head. :cool:

... when the bombs are landing

OP: I ask for prayer, and I feel better.

Irish Ram: I'm pretty sure Christians can pray and load at the same time, but if they are so untrustworthy, maybe we should only send atheists to war........

Christians can pray and load ... I ask for prayer

well, I see there to be a difference ... at some point in life there should be a time when what has been learned is enough when called upon to give strength than living a life without accomplishing a present resolve.

in the end it is what has been accomplished not (prayed) for that is important.
That's a long complicated story, but to sum it up in one word... yes.

[MENTION=29246]The Irish Ram[/MENTION]

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. And I had you down as of sound mind and rational Mr H.

Like I said, it's a long complicated story. Based on sound mind and rational thought.

So much so, that a believer in God would call me a non-believer.

You left out a word: "So much so, that a believer in their God would call me a non-believer."

Remember, "Everyone believes in God, properly defined."
Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. And I had you down as of sound mind and rational Mr H.

Like I said, it's a long complicated story. Based on sound mind and rational thought.

So much so, that a believer in God would call me a non-believer.

You left out a word: "So much so, that a believer in their God would call me a non-believer."

Remember, "Everyone believes in God, properly defined."

Nope, everyone is born without any beliefs at all. They are taught about deities and faith and told that they are supposed to believe in them.
Like I said, it's a long complicated story. Based on sound mind and rational thought.

So much so, that a believer in God would call me a non-believer.

You left out a word: "So much so, that a believer in their God would call me a non-believer."

Remember, "Everyone believes in God, properly defined."

Nope, everyone is born without any beliefs at all. They are taught about deities and faith and told that they are supposed to believe in them.

not true
No, atheists are busy shooting at the enemy while you are cowering in your foxhole with your hands clasped in prayer.

I'm pretty sure Christians can pray and load at the same time, but if they are so untrustworthy, maybe we should only send atheists to war........

But you said there are no atheists in foxholes. Make up your mind.
No, atheists are busy shooting at the enemy while you are cowering in your foxhole with your hands clasped in prayer.

I'm pretty sure Christians can pray and load at the same time, but if they are so untrustworthy, maybe we should only send atheists to war........

But you said there are no atheists in foxholes. Make up your mind.

A lot of Christians died in a lot of America's wars.
Sometimes I refer to God as the Power of Intent and sometimes as "Tetra"...when I use Tetra it is more familiar than Power of Intent...Tetra does not care which I use....I consciously avoid the term "God" is too loaded a term...

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