Prediction of global temperature for 2017-2024

The problem with the atmosphere is that there are so many other variables to consider.

Even the example of the iron is problematic. If you put it in space, would the plate be warmer or cooler than on the surface? Conduction and convection are much more efficient at removing heat. Would loss of environmental input make up for the other pathways at equilibrium? I don't know for sure.
I agree that is the crux of the problem with global warming. To simply say that back radiation doesn't exist and therefore climate models are fraudulent, as SSDD does, is first of all a misunderstanding of the 2nd law of thermo. Secondly, as you say there are plenty of other modeling difficulties that would still remain if he did believe in back radiation.

The hot iron was a simple example of feeling radiation going downward, but I agree radiation alone is totally inadequate to cover the full dynamics of the iron, let alone the atmosphere.
but you can't provide any evidence that happens. Why is that so difficult for someone who appears to have some smarts about you? There is zero evidence that a back radiation exists in the atmosphere. ZERO. Otherwise it would have been posted by now.

but you can't provide any evidence that happens.

You don't believe all matter above 0K radiates in all directions all the time?

There is zero evidence that a back radiation exists in the atmosphere.

Why can it get chilly in the desert at night?
BTW, since it gets chilly in the desert at night, why isn't the CO2 back radiation warming it up?

Good point....there is as much CO2 in the air in the desert as their is in more humid areas...and when you remove the water vapor, you can see just how effective CO2 is at warming....that isn't because it can't...
The conclusion of climate science is not based on observed, measured, quantified data even though the atmosphere is an observable, measurable, quantifiable entity.
Sure buddy sure ...they do not know anything ...its you who knows the TRUTH LOL what a moron...NOAA NASA all the Climate agencies came out with the AGW theory on a whim...sure sure they have no data LOL
You all are just BULL GOOSE LOONY lol

I suppose before any science before anyone your genius on Climate rules ...LOL you are a moron

And neither you, nor any of your warmer wacko buds has produced the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the A in would seem that it is you and yours who seem to have the dunce caps claim stands while you and yours claim mountains of such data but can't seem to produce even the first tiny bit of it...
The conclusion of climate science is not based on observed, measured, quantified data even though the atmosphere is an observable, measurable, quantifiable entity.
Sure buddy sure ...they do not know anything ...its you who knows the TRUTH LOL what a moron...NOAA NASA all the Climate agencies came out with the AGW theory on a whim...sure sure they have no data LOL
You all are just BULL GOOSE LOONY lol

And I can't help but notice that you still haven't produced the first speck of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the A in AGW....

You do get what is supposed to happen here right?....I say that there is no observed, measured, quantified evidence to support the A in AGW which you apparently believe in fervently and hold vast faith in the climate science community that convinced you....then to show me that I am then provide me with piece after piece of observed, measured, quantified evidence...all of which supports the A in AGW.... you show me that I am wrong and your evidence, being of the observed, measured, quantified type....and supporting the A in AGW then convinces me at which time I thank you heartily for opening my eyes to the truth because that's just the kind of guy I am....


You go about looking to all the sites that managed to convince you that the A in AGW is real and proven, and that the science is settled, but upon closer inspection, you find that there actually is no observed, measured, quantified that point you should begin to question why you believe, when you have seen for yourself that there is actually no observed measured quantified evidence to even begin to support the A in AGW...much less to settle the which point you A) thank me for opening your eyes to the truth which I doubt would happen because you simply don't strike me as that sort of person or B) sullenly admit that you can find no such data because that's what grown ups do when they are shown that they are wrong but privately hold your beliefs anyway or C) continue to impotently claim that there is plenty of evidence. and make feeble appeals to the authority of the climate science community even though you can't find the first grain of observed measured quantified evidence supporting the A in AGW....I suspect , and predict that C will be the path you choose because all of you warmers are just that sort of people.

I suppose before any science before anyone your genius on Climate rules ...LOL you are a moron

And neither you, nor any of your warmer wacko buds has produced the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the A in would seem that it is you and yours who seem to have the dunce caps claim stands while you and yours claim mountains of such data but can't seem to produce even the first tiny bit of it...
you are an unhinged moron with no redeeming social value are so stupid you think NASA and NOAA have no data LOL...that is the pits of stupid
You are an unhinged moron with the outlandish belief that no data backs AGW are a stupid Mo fo... I am not about to continue having have a discussion with someone who believes something ridiculous like that ...

Hey...path C....just as I calling, feeble appeals to an authority which even you must realize by now doesn't have any observed, measured, quantified data in support of the A in AGW.....

Let me ask you a question skid mark....which is more claims that there is no observed, measured, quantified data in support of the A in AGW which still stand unchallenged by even the first speck of the evidence I asked for...or your claims that such evidence exists even though it is more than apparent by now that you can't produce even the smallest grain of it?

I suppose before any science before anyone your genius on Climate rules ...LOL you are a moron

And neither you, nor any of your warmer wacko buds has produced the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the A in would seem that it is you and yours who seem to have the dunce caps claim stands while you and yours claim mountains of such data but can't seem to produce even the first tiny bit of it...
you are an unhinged moron with no redeeming social value are so stupid you think NASA and NOAA have no data LOL...that is the pits of stupid

And yet, you can't seem to bring even a snipped of the observed, measured, quantified data you claim they have in excess....what's wrong with that picture?

I suppose before any science before anyone your genius on Climate rules ...LOL you are a moron

And neither you, nor any of your warmer wacko buds has produced the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the A in would seem that it is you and yours who seem to have the dunce caps claim stands while you and yours claim mountains of such data but can't seem to produce even the first tiny bit of it...
you are an unhinged moron with no redeeming social value are so stupid you think NASA and NOAA have no data LOL...that is the pits of stupid

And yet, you can't seem to bring even a snipped of the observed, measured, quantified data you claim they have in excess....what's wrong with that picture?
you are a moron who thinks there is no data behind AGW are a ridiculous person
Let me ask you a question
You are a stupid moron who believes you know more than NOAA NASA and the Climate are so stupid you believe that those agencies came up with AGW without having data ...that is the pits of stupid

So you have said over and over...think up a new insult...and still, not the first trace of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the A in AGW....see a trend developing here?

I suppose before any science before anyone your genius on Climate rules ...LOL you are a moron

And neither you, nor any of your warmer wacko buds has produced the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence that supports the A in would seem that it is you and yours who seem to have the dunce caps claim stands while you and yours claim mountains of such data but can't seem to produce even the first tiny bit of it...
you are an unhinged moron with no redeeming social value are so stupid you think NASA and NOAA have no data LOL...that is the pits of stupid

And yet, you can't seem to bring even a snipped of the observed, measured, quantified data you claim they have in excess....what's wrong with that picture?
you are a moron who thinks there is no data behind AGW are a ridiculous person

And still not the first particle of observed, measured, quantified data in support of the A in AGW...and by the way skid mark....I never said that they had no data...they have gobs of it from unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical models...and failed computer models...I said that they have no observed, measured, quantified data from the observable, measurable, quantifiable atmosphere in support of the A in AGW...and the fact that you and all the warmers on the board can't produce the first bit of it pretty much proves my claim to be true...if there was any to be had, I am sure it would have showed up by hasn't...what does that tell you?...or are you simply to dense for it to tell you anything?
Let me ask you a question
You are a stupid moron who believes you know more than NOAA NASA and the Climate are so stupid you believe that those agencies came up with AGW without having data ...that is the pits of stupid

So you have said over and over...think up a new insult...and still, not the first trace of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the A in AGW....see a trend developing here?
you are a mouth breathing Jabooney who thinks NASA and NOAA have no data , are the pits of stupid to make such a claim..
Let me ask you a question
You are a stupid moron who believes you know more than NOAA NASA and the Climate are so stupid you believe that those agencies came up with AGW without having data ...that is the pits of stupid

So you have said over and over...think up a new insult...and still, not the first trace of observed, measured, quantified evidence supporting the A in AGW....see a trend developing here?
So far you are the most stupid moron at USMB I have encountered and that is surely saying actually put forth the Idiocy that NASA NOAA and the Climate scientist have no data ...the PITS OF STUPID
Does you mother know you lie like that?

It is long established that you are the liar fake engineer who can't read even the simplest of graphs and make sense of them...
You are so moronic you have publicly stated that NOAA NASA and Climate agencies have no data to back are the PITS OF STUPID

Hey...and what do you know...still not the first bit of observed, measured, quantified evidence to support the A in AGW.....I love being right...and watching useful idiots squirm around, call names, and fail to produce the data they believe so fervently you have any idea how much fun this is for me?...rattling your cage...watching you become so frustrated that calling me names and claiming that they do have the data like a fourth grader is all that you are capable of....Santa Clause is mom told me he was...and I saw him at the mall....and he was in a movie....tons of data proving that santa is real....except there is no santa....not the first bit of real, observed, measured, quantified, evidence to support is existence...

You keep right on though skid is very entertaining...I am going to be on the road today so won't have any time to read your posts till this evening, but I do look forward to you crying out the same old insults, and making the same impotent claims in your frustration...carry on Garth...

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