Pregnant Women Lose Civil Rights

And noted by all others who the dismisser is.
Not so with Obamacare...
Harry, the translator ring for this one:disbelief:

Steph....most of us on this forum understand what he is saying. You claim you want less government yet Republicans want "government" ruling over women's wombs.

No one is talking about taking away your all's right to kill your own offspring. But to come off saying it's a frikken Civil right even you know that is sick and stupid

Actually it is a civil right. Your right to privacy is part of the B0R. That civil right to privacy covers everything that happens between you and your doctor. Everything between you and your doctor includes abortions.

Now try explaining why your having an abortion is not a private matter between you and your doctor but your treatment for STD's is a private matter.

Meaningless gainsaying dismissed as irrelevant!
And noted by all others who the dismisser is.
Not so with Obamacare...
Steph....most of us on this forum understand what he is saying. You claim you want less government yet Republicans want "government" ruling over women's wombs.

No one is talking about taking away your all's right to kill your own offspring. But to come off saying it's a frikken Civil right even you know that is sick and stupid

Actually it is a civil right. Your right to privacy is part of the B0R. That civil right to privacy covers everything that happens between you and your doctor. Everything between you and your doctor includes abortions.

Now try explaining why your having an abortion is not a private matter between you and your doctor but your treatment for STD's is a private matter.

Meaningless gainsaying dismissed as irrelevant!

Onus is on you to provide substantiation for your specious reference to the ACA.
Obviously they have not been monitoring these clinics, so who can say it is a single case? Just because it hasn't been found out does not mean it hasn't happened. A doctor finds those loyal enough, or pays them enough, mouths will stay shut, particularly if they think there is risk they too could be prosecuted. One of those doctors in one of my links was found out only because of a teens near death, and they found late term fetuses in his freezer.
Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin, one of several women to talk against the bill on the Senate floor, dismissed its revival by Republican leaders as a “dangerous political game” and questioned the relevance of the Gosnell case, which was tried under existing criminal laws.

Democrat senator Richard Blumenthal added: “The fact of one incident of possible medical malpractice should not justify this sweeping abrogation of a woman's reproductive rights.

that quote was in the context of that one case but the principle stands for any isolated incidents of malpractice...
such crimes are all covered under existing criminal laws and do not justify sweeping dismissal of women's rights...
Obviously they have not been monitoring these clinics, so who can say it is a single case? Just because it hasn't been found out does not mean it hasn't happened. A doctor finds those loyal enough, or pays them enough, mouths will stay shut, particularly if they think there is risk they too could be prosecuted. One of those doctors in one of my links was found out only because of a teens near death, and they found late term fetuses in his freezer.
Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin, one of several women to talk against the bill on the Senate floor, dismissed its revival by Republican leaders as a “dangerous political game” and questioned the relevance of the Gosnell case, which was tried under existing criminal laws.

Democrat senator Richard Blumenthal added: “The fact of one incident of possible medical malpractice should not justify this sweeping abrogation of a woman's reproductive rights.

that quote was in the context of that one case but the principle stands for any isolated incidents of malpractice...

The Constitution gives everyone the right to the presumption of innocence.

The onus is on you to find hard evidence.

The anti-rights brigade have been harassing abortion doctors and clinics for decades now and have only found 2 isolated instances 13 years apart.

Your baseless allegations are not a justification for denying hundreds of millions of women their civil rights.
Surely you aren't this dense. You are aware of health records now required to be electronically transmitted to a data base that is accessible anywhere in the US? Your entire record is available to any healthcare provider you ever visit, whether you wish them to know about your bout with depression today but was cured and you are seeing a physician 10 years into the future, or you cheated on your wife and were tested for a sexually contracted disease, even though negative, all medical records now follow you, no matter their nature. What you see your gyno for is now acccesible by your dermatologist. If a doctor labels you a hypochondriac, and you visit another because you know you aren't, that doctor will see the other doctors label. And they are stored in the cloud. That same type cloud that was hacked by someone and exposed actresses in the nude.
And noted by all others who the dismisser is.
Not so with Obamacare...
No one is talking about taking away your all's right to kill your own offspring. But to come off saying it's a frikken Civil right even you know that is sick and stupid

Actually it is a civil right. Your right to privacy is part of the B0R. That civil right to privacy covers everything that happens between you and your doctor. Everything between you and your doctor includes abortions.

Now try explaining why your having an abortion is not a private matter between you and your doctor but your treatment for STD's is a private matter.

Meaningless gainsaying dismissed as irrelevant!

Onus is on you to provide substantiation for your specious reference to the ACA.
I actually posted about 3. You think there are no others?Why is there more rigorous inspections of regular clinics than of abortion clinics?
Obviously they have not been monitoring these clinics, so who can say it is a single case? Just because it hasn't been found out does not mean it hasn't happened. A doctor finds those loyal enough, or pays them enough, mouths will stay shut, particularly if they think there is risk they too could be prosecuted. One of those doctors in one of my links was found out only because of a teens near death, and they found late term fetuses in his freezer.
Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin, one of several women to talk against the bill on the Senate floor, dismissed its revival by Republican leaders as a “dangerous political game” and questioned the relevance of the Gosnell case, which was tried under existing criminal laws.

Democrat senator Richard Blumenthal added: “The fact of one incident of possible medical malpractice should not justify this sweeping abrogation of a woman's reproductive rights.

that quote was in the context of that one case but the principle stands for any isolated incidents of malpractice...

The Constitution gives everyone the right to the presumption of innocence.

The onus is on you to find hard evidence.

The anti-rights brigade have been harassing abortion doctors and clinics for decades now and have only found 2 isolated instances 13 years apart.

Your baseless allegations are not a justification for denying hundreds of millions of women their civil rights.
PHILADELPHIA, PA, April 2, 2013 (LifeSiteNews) – Pennsylvania’s abortionists have spent millions trying to comply with the state’s updated abortion center safety regulations, passed in the wake of the House of Horrorsabortion-murder scandal, reports National Public Radio.

Five abortion clinics have closed outright since passage of the new laws, which require abortion facilities to meet the same standards as any other outpatient surgical center and undergo unannounced random inspections.

PA 8217 s new tougher abortion clinic regulations prove costly for abortionists News LifeSite
It wasn't until the Gosnell case in PA that they passed regulations mimicing other outpatient surgical center requirements for abortion clinics. Just one example for you.
Why is there more rigorous inspections of regular clinics than of abortion clinics?

Onus is on YOU to provide credible substantiation of your BS allegations.
PHILADELPHIA, PA, April 2, 2013 (LifeSiteNews) – Pennsylvania’s abortionists have spent millions trying to comply with the state’s updated abortion center safety regulations, passed in the wake of the House of Horrorsabortion-murder scandal, reports National Public Radio.

Five abortion clinics have closed outright since passage of the new laws, which require abortion facilities to meet the same standards as any other outpatient surgical center and undergo unannounced random inspections.

PA 8217 s new tougher abortion clinic regulations prove costly for abortionists News LifeSite
It wasn't until the Gosnell case in PA that they passed regulations mimicing other outpatient surgical center requirements for abortion clinics. Just one example for you.
Why is there more rigorous inspections of regular clinics than of abortion clinics?

Onus is on YOU to provide credible substantiation of your BS allegations.

Only 49 to go!

You still have to prove that the other states aren't regulating their clinics.
“I want to know why you can't be happy to be free to live your life as you choose. You want and need to take that freedom from everyone else and force everyone to live the way you do.”

Because as is common to most authoritarian conservatives they're afraid of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty. Most on the right feel the need to compel conformity to justify rightist dogma, where dissent undermines that dogma, which can't be tolerated.

Harry, the translator ring for this one:disbelief:

Steph....most of us on this forum understand what he is saying. You claim you want less government yet Republicans want "government" ruling over women's wombs.

No one is talking about taking away your all's right to kill your own offspring. But to come off saying it's a frikken Civil right even you know that is sick and stupid

It is sick and stupid to let a grown woman die to save a fetus, yet you are one who would cheer if your party was able to do away with abortion altogether. And, you are talking about taking away the rights of women to make their own decisions, but then, you are a conservative that votes against their own interests.:D No, the onus is on you. You don't get to move the goal posts at your choosing. And, what do you know? Some are unhappy with the new regulations in PA-

PHILADELPHIA, PA, April 2, 2013 (LifeSiteNews) – Pennsylvania’s abortionists have spent millions trying to comply with the state’s updated abortion center safety regulations, passed in the wake of the House of Horrorsabortion-murder scandal, reports National Public Radio.

Five abortion clinics have closed outright since passage of the new laws, which require abortion facilities to meet the same standards as any other outpatient surgical center and undergo unannounced random inspections.

PA 8217 s new tougher abortion clinic regulations prove costly for abortionists News LifeSite
It wasn't until the Gosnell case in PA that they passed regulations mimicing other outpatient surgical center requirements for abortion clinics. Just one example for you.
Why is there more rigorous inspections of regular clinics than of abortion clinics?

Onus is on YOU to provide credible substantiation of your BS allegations.

Only 49 to go!

You still have to prove that the other states aren't regulating their clinics.
Especially since he, rmkbrown and other RW men don't even know the difference between a baby and a fetus!

Until they're the ones getting pregnant, they really don't count for much.

Neither is any more or less human than the other, so if you want to argue semantics, it seems to be a rather weak argument.

The weakness of your position is that you are arguing that your fingernail clippings are "human" and have a "right to life". No one is denying you your right to clip your fingernails even though they are made of the same DNA as you are and are therefore "just as human" as any other part of you.

Nope. A developing baby has unique human DNA that matches neither the father nor the mother. It is, therefore, not a part of the mother's body, and in fact, produces the placenta specifically to prevent mixing of things like blood. Please try again.

Everyone has unique DNA, but if the baby's DNA wasn't somehow tied to the mother and father, there would be no need for paternity tests.....they wouldn't be able to tell who the father is. To claim that a fetus is not a part of the mother's body is rather immature. Please, you try again.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

Biology makes it clear the developing baby is not part of the mother's body. The placenta prevents the mixing of blood, for example, because the developing baby would be seen as a foreign body by the mother's immune system, which would destroy him/her. To say that he/she is a part of the mother's body is as useful and accurate as saying Christopher Reeve became a part of his respirator.

No one is saying that the zygote/fetus is a growth or tumor on the mother, but to say that it is not part of the mother's body is ridiculous. The zygote/fetus, attached to the mother by the umbilical cord and feeding of her body cannot survive outside of the mother's body for a time.....usually the time that most states approve elective abortions. Your use of semantics to try and prove whatever it is you are trying to prove is inane.

Nutrition in the womb is the process that delivers to the fetus what it needs to grow and develop into a healthy baby. A fetus receives its nutrition from two sources. The first source of nutrients is from the mother’s diet before and during pregnancy. Most people understand this.

The fetus receives the nutrition it needs to grow not only from what the mother eats during pregnancy but from the mothers own body.

The least known and probably more important source of nutrients is the mother’s body. The mother’s turnover and her diet work in harmony to provide nutrition in the womb through the placenta.

The placenta, which is part of the baby that attaches it to the womb, captures nutrients from the mother’s blood and transports them to the baby. The growth of the placenta and the food it supplies are the key to health for a lifetime.

A baby that is undernourished may try to compensate by expanding the surface of its placenta to extract more nutrients from the mother.

Nutrition In The Womb
Yeah, keep up that war on women cry. See how far it gets you. Claiming crap that can be disproven will bite you in the butt every time.
“I want to know why you can't be happy to be free to live your life as you choose. You want and need to take that freedom from everyone else and force everyone to live the way you do.”

Because as is common to most authoritarian conservatives they're afraid of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty. Most on the right feel the need to compel conformity to justify rightist dogma, where dissent undermines that dogma, which can't be tolerated.

Harry, the translator ring for this one:disbelief:

Steph....most of us on this forum understand what he is saying. You claim you want less government yet Republicans want "government" ruling over women's wombs.

No one is talking about taking away your all's right to kill your own offspring. But to come off saying it's a frikken Civil right even you know that is sick and stupid

It is sick and stupid to let a grown woman die to save a fetus, yet you are one who would cheer if your party was able to do away with abortion altogether. And, you are talking about taking away the rights of women to make their own decisions, but then, you are a conservative that votes against their own interests.:D No, the onus is on you. You don't get to move the goal posts at your choosing. And, what do you know? Some are unhappy with the new regulations in PA-

PHILADELPHIA, PA, April 2, 2013 (LifeSiteNews) – Pennsylvania’s abortionists have spent millions trying to comply with the state’s updated abortion center safety regulations, passed in the wake of the House of Horrorsabortion-murder scandal, reports National Public Radio.

Five abortion clinics have closed outright since passage of the new laws, which require abortion facilities to meet the same standards as any other outpatient surgical center and undergo unannounced random inspections.

PA 8217 s new tougher abortion clinic regulations prove costly for abortionists News LifeSite
It wasn't until the Gosnell case in PA that they passed regulations mimicing other outpatient surgical center requirements for abortion clinics. Just one example for you.
Why is there more rigorous inspections of regular clinics than of abortion clinics?

Onus is on YOU to provide credible substantiation of your BS allegations.

Only 49 to go!

You still have to prove that the other states aren't regulating their clinics.

Your link is not working..........this is what it yields:

Well this is embarrassing…
We couldn't find the page you were looking for.
“I want to know why you can't be happy to be free to live your life as you choose. You want and need to take that freedom from everyone else and force everyone to live the way you do.”

Because as is common to most authoritarian conservatives they're afraid of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty. Most on the right feel the need to compel conformity to justify rightist dogma, where dissent undermines that dogma, which can't be tolerated.

Harry, the translator ring for this one:disbelief:

Steph....most of us on this forum understand what he is saying. You claim you want less government yet Republicans want "government" ruling over women's wombs.

No one is talking about taking away your all's right to kill your own offspring. But to come off saying it's a frikken Civil right even you know that is sick and stupid

It is sick and stupid to let a grown woman die to save a fetus, yet you are one who would cheer if your party was able to do away with abortion altogether. And, you are talking about taking away the rights of women to make their own decisions, but then, you are a conservative that votes against their own interests.:D
Lies. There is a MASSIVE difference between killing a baby to save a mother from having to bring the baby to term... and killing the mother by forcing her to carry the baby to term. That is the rough equivalent of saying giving someone a license to drive is murder.
The weakness of your position is that you are arguing that your fingernail clippings are "human" and have a "right to life". No one is denying you your right to clip your fingernails even though they are made of the same DNA as you are and are therefore "just as human" as any other part of you.

Nope. A developing baby has unique human DNA that matches neither the father nor the mother. It is, therefore, not a part of the mother's body, and in fact, produces the placenta specifically to prevent mixing of things like blood. Please try again.

Everyone has unique DNA, but if the baby's DNA wasn't somehow tied to the mother and father, there would be no need for paternity tests.....they wouldn't be able to tell who the father is. To claim that a fetus is not a part of the mother's body is rather immature. Please, you try again.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

Biology makes it clear the developing baby is not part of the mother's body. The placenta prevents the mixing of blood, for example, because the developing baby would be seen as a foreign body by the mother's immune system, which would destroy him/her. To say that he/she is a part of the mother's body is as useful and accurate as saying Christopher Reeve became a part of his respirator.

whatever helps you all sleep at night after you have your child sucked out of you vagina and womb

I believe that there are a lot more long-term psychological and emotional consequences to abortion than the pro-aborts care to talk about.

And, like you pro-lifers care so much about people.....why you choose a fetus over an adult, and why you insist that women give birth to grotesquely deformed and medically burdened babies so that then you can deny them welfare and food stamps and complain that they want free stuff.
Neither is any more or less human than the other, so if you want to argue semantics, it seems to be a rather weak argument.

The weakness of your position is that you are arguing that your fingernail clippings are "human" and have a "right to life". No one is denying you your right to clip your fingernails even though they are made of the same DNA as you are and are therefore "just as human" as any other part of you.

Nope. A developing baby has unique human DNA that matches neither the father nor the mother. It is, therefore, not a part of the mother's body, and in fact, produces the placenta specifically to prevent mixing of things like blood. Please try again.

Everyone has unique DNA, but if the baby's DNA wasn't somehow tied to the mother and father, there would be no need for paternity tests.....they wouldn't be able to tell who the father is. To claim that a fetus is not a part of the mother's body is rather immature. Please, you try again.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

Biology makes it clear the developing baby is not part of the mother's body. The placenta prevents the mixing of blood, for example, because the developing baby would be seen as a foreign body by the mother's immune system, which would destroy him/her. To say that he/she is a part of the mother's body is as useful and accurate as saying Christopher Reeve became a part of his respirator.

No one is saying that the zygote/fetus is a growth or tumor on the mother, but to say that it is not part of the mother's body is ridiculous. The zygote/fetus, attached to the mother by the umbilical cord and feeding of her body cannot survive outside of the mother's body for a time.....usually the time that most states approve elective abortions. Your use of semantics to try and prove whatever it is you are trying to prove is inane.

Nutrition in the womb is the process that delivers to the fetus what it needs to grow and develop into a healthy baby. A fetus receives its nutrition from two sources. The first source of nutrients is from the mother’s diet before and during pregnancy. Most people understand this.

The fetus receives the nutrition it needs to grow not only from what the mother eats during pregnancy but from the mothers own body.

The least known and probably more important source of nutrients is the mother’s body. The mother’s turnover and her diet work in harmony to provide nutrition in the womb through the placenta.

The placenta, which is part of the baby that attaches it to the womb, captures nutrients from the mother’s blood and transports them to the baby. The growth of the placenta and the food it supplies are the key to health for a lifetime.

A baby that is undernourished may try to compensate by expanding the surface of its placenta to extract more nutrients from the mother.

Nutrition In The Womb
Yeah and liberals receive their nutrients from my labors.
Neither is any more or less human than the other, so if you want to argue semantics, it seems to be a rather weak argument.

The weakness of your position is that you are arguing that your fingernail clippings are "human" and have a "right to life". No one is denying you your right to clip your fingernails even though they are made of the same DNA as you are and are therefore "just as human" as any other part of you.

Nope. A developing baby has unique human DNA that matches neither the father nor the mother. It is, therefore, not a part of the mother's body, and in fact, produces the placenta specifically to prevent mixing of things like blood. Please try again.

Everyone has unique DNA, but if the baby's DNA wasn't somehow tied to the mother and father, there would be no need for paternity tests.....they wouldn't be able to tell who the father is. To claim that a fetus is not a part of the mother's body is rather immature. Please, you try again.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Paternity Test

Biology makes it clear the developing baby is not part of the mother's body. The placenta prevents the mixing of blood, for example, because the developing baby would be seen as a foreign body by the mother's immune system, which would destroy him/her. To say that he/she is a part of the mother's body is as useful and accurate as saying Christopher Reeve became a part of his respirator.

whatever helps you all sleep at night after you have your child sucked out of you vagina and womb

:D Steph, I believe the person you just responded with your inane slur happens to be one on your side.....which just proves that you have a reading deficiency on top of other faults.
You don't get to move the goal posts at your choosing

Not moving anything. You erected the goalposts as being nationwide so the onus remains on you to prove that clinics are not regulated and inspected nationwide.

The fact that you are already crying uncle tells me that you are coming up snake eyes in your searches.

Oh, and your link doesn't work!


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