Pregnant Women Lose Civil Rights

I hold that killing a baby is not a basic human right.

If you know of anyone killing babies I suggest that you contact the authorities.

A pre-viable fetus is not a baby.

At that point the fetus only has whatever rights the woman concerned is willing to grant it. You don't get to deprive her of her rights.
I hold that killing a baby is not a basic human right.

If you know of anyone killing babies I suggest that you contact the authorities.

A pre-viable fetus is not a baby.

At that point the fetus only has whatever rights the woman concerned is willing to grant it. You don't get to deprive her of her rights.

But she DOES get to strip a man of his reproductive freedom.
Do you want me to have health insurance? Is that not meddling and controlling the lives of others?

The state has an interest in having a healthy population of workers. The alternative was to implement universal healthcare however the extreme right obstructed that proposal so the Heritage Foundation proposal was implemented instead. That was a rightwing plan that included tax penalties for those who didn't have healthcare.

Workers must be born before being "healthy" producers.

Obamacare is reducing the incidence of abortions.

National Abortion Rate Sees Huge Drop As More Women Are Using Birth Control ThinkProgress

Between 2008 and 2011, the national abortion rate declined by 13 percent, according to a new report from the Guttmacher Institute that will be published in a forthcoming issue of the Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health journal. That puts 2011′s abortion rate at 16.9 abortions per every 1,000 women of reproductive age, the lowest rate recorded since Roe v. Wade legalized the procedure in 1973.

“The decline in abortions coincided with a steep national drop in overall pregnancy and birth rates,” Rachel Jones, the lead author of Guttmacher’s study, explained in a statement accompanying the new report. “Contraceptive use improved during this period, as more women and couples were using highly effective, long-acting reversible contraceptive methods, such as the IUD. Moreover, the recent recession led many women and couples to want to avoid or delay pregnancy and childbearing.”

While RWs support abortion by shopping Wal Mart and Hobby Lobby.
How can you claim that a woman is brain dead and put on life support to save the life of the baby, THEN claim that the rights of a living woman were violated?

She and her husband were EMTs and knew what paperwork to complete to prevent being put on machines.

She had a written Do Not Resuscitate and written orders to never hook her up to a machine.

The husband tried to prevent it and then later tried to get the machines turned off. The hospital refused and the husband had to go to court to get the machines turned off. Her husband's and her civil rights were violated.

As with all the women in that article. One of the women died.

So where is the civil rights of the unborn who also have no voice?

Per RvW the civil rights of the woman concerned take precedence in the first 2 trimesters. In the 3rd trimester only instances where the life of the woman is threatened do the rights of the "unborn" have to give way to the rights of the "already born" AKA the woman concerned. Otherwise the rights of the "unborn" take precedence.
I hold that killing a baby is not a basic human right.

If you know of anyone killing babies I suggest that you contact the authorities.

A pre-viable fetus is not a baby.

At that point the fetus only has whatever rights the woman concerned is willing to grant it. You don't get to deprive her of her rights.

But she DOES get to strip a man of his reproductive freedom.

He gave up his reproductive freedom when he gave her his sperm.
I hold that killing a baby is not a basic human right.

thank God, what men like you HOLD doesn't mean much, ernie...
So you actually think "god" want's his children dead? wow
How can you claim that a woman is brain dead and put on life support to save the life of the baby, THEN claim that the rights of a living woman were violated?

She and her husband were EMTs and knew what paperwork to complete to prevent being put on machines.

She had a written Do Not Resuscitate and written orders to never hook her up to a machine.

The husband tried to prevent it and then later tried to get the machines turned off. The hospital refused and the husband had to go to court to get the machines turned off. Her husband's and her civil rights were violated.

As with all the women in that article. One of the women died.

So where is the civil rights of the unborn who also have no voice?
What makes you think authoritarians believe in civil rights?
The OP's post is also misleading, as this is a unique case, and people keep forgetting the state can and does impose restrictions on abortion past vitality.

14 weeks is not "post vitality".

Yes. And? The OP's post is till misleading, using a unique case to make general conclusions. Conclusions that ignore the fact that the State can and does regulate abortions, even if it is a matter of when they are legal during gestation.

The OP was not misleading because it specifically stated that the fetus was 14 weeks in that case which was a clear overreach of the anti-rights brigade. Since the OP documented many other instances to substantiate the conclusion it was not in the least "misleading".

Your mischaracterization of the OP is misleading but since you cannot factually refute a single one of the cases provided you are just flinging out baseless allegations. That is par for the course since you have zero substance to contribute.
The OP's post is also misleading, as this is a unique case, and people keep forgetting the state can and does impose restrictions on abortion past vitality.

14 weeks is not "post vitality".

Yes. And? The OP's post is till misleading, using a unique case to make general conclusions. Conclusions that ignore the fact that the State can and does regulate abortions, even if it is a matter of when they are legal during gestation.

The OP was not misleading because it specifically stated that the fetus was 14 weeks in that case which was a clear overreach of the anti-rights brigade. Since the OP documented many other instances to substantiate the conclusion it was not in the least "misleading".

Your mischaracterization of the OP is misleading but since you cannot factually refute a single one of the cases provided you are just flinging out baseless allegations. That is par for the course since you have zero substance to contribute.

This is happening all over states that have imposed restrictions on abortion.

All states have restrictions on abortion, as for "all over", he references this one case, and there are not many out there like it.

This is what happens to women when their rights are taken from them only because she's pregnant and the state gives the fetus more rights than the living woman.

all states do this based on trimester, again, he is misrepresenting facts.

Such laws are increasingly being used as the basis for arresting women who have no intention of ending a pregnancy and for preventing women from making their own decisions about how they will give birth.

any evidence of this happening????

Those are just three I gleaned from the OP's idiotic post.
You really want to defend this cretin?
I hold that killing a baby is not a basic human right.

If you know of anyone killing babies I suggest that you contact the authorities.

A pre-viable fetus is not a baby.

At that point the fetus only has whatever rights the woman concerned is willing to grant it. You don't get to deprive her of her rights.

But she DOES get to strip a man of his reproductive freedom.

He gave up his reproductive freedom when he gave her his sperm.

She gave hers up when she got pregnant. See how that works?

Why should she be allowed to either force a man to be a father and pay large sums of money for 18 years or deny him fatherhood if he desires it?
Those are just three I gleaned from the OP's idiotic post.
You really want to defend this cretin?

I have no intention of defending your "cretinous gleanings" from the OP.

That you take things out of context and disingenuously misrepresent them means that you have disqualified yourself from any further meaningful participation in this thread. Have a nice day.

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