Preparing for violence with Trump impending Indictment in NY

Statement from porn star Stormy Daniels says affair with Trump ‘never happened’

The Washington Post
By Frances Stead Sellers
January 31, 2018 at 1:14 a.m. EST

Stormy Daniels issued a signed statement addressed “To Whom It May Concern” that denied an alleged affair with Donald Trump.

“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018,” the signed statement reads. “I am not denying this affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying it because it never happened.”
Funny how she's not saying that now. :heehee:
The news is reporting law enforcement, are preparing for violence and civil unrest for when and if, the NY DA announces his indictment against Trump.

Law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal levels are preparing for the possibility that former President Donald Trump may be indicted as early as next week

Some are master-baiting.
It must be you.
Cuz it ain't me!
Seems like they really wanna keep projecting the image that America is under siege by white males. They're really relying upon that image in the hope that it'll stick and serve as fodder to strategically assault free speech and gun rights and a whole list of others which they feel threaten their power over the electorate as a whole.

Meanwhile, the NGOs are organizing the Marxist types to riot and burn down cities for months at a time, yet the narrative there is that they're ''mostly peaceful protests.''

It's such a scripted reality isn't it?

And people just seem to eat it all up like it's candy.

I wonder if the Marxists realize that, historically speaking, as soon as their usefulness has passed, they'll be thrown under the same bus as the so-called white devils. Apparently not...
White hetero males have been playing the victim card since the 50s.
The Biden "family" would make Don Corleone blush....At least he had stronger "values".
You clowns keep responding to 'trumps crimes' with "The Biden Crime Family"

I need a refresher, what are the "Biden Family Crimes"?????

1) ......... Your Favorite Biden Family Crime?
If he's indicted, expect a powder keg to go off. People need to take to the streets if this happens. This is a witch hunt to prevent him from becoming president again.
no worries, he can still run. the country really needs a Democratic landslide, that's certainly for sure.
You clowns keep responding to 'trumps crimes' with "The Biden Crime Family"
I need a refresher, what are the "Biden Family Crimes"?????
1) ......... Your Favorite Biden Family Crime?
Selling influence, as listed in Hunter's laptop.
How many $millions did they rake in?
Follow the money....
Again, more threats of physical violence......MAGAts show their thug flag.
Politicians need to fear the public......They don't so that's why we have what we have now.

The mere fact that leftist dems are coming after children bent on mutilating them should be grounds enough for a one-way ocean-view helicopter ride for such sub-humans.

We are gong to need more choppers......Or wood-chippers.

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