Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Why don't ya give Hussein a call. It's his health care debacle that's made things even worse. So go ahead give him a call and see if you can drag em off the golf course to address this. Good luck with that.
It wasn't deregulated.

Are you stupid or do you just never not lie?

For the rest of you:

This is how the criminal elite rigged the economy.

Timeline of Key Events • 1978, Marquette vs. First of Omaha – Supreme Court allows banks to export the usury laws of their home state nationwide and sets off a competitive wave of deregulation, resulting in the complete elimination of usury rate ceilings in South Dakota and Delaware, among others.

• 1980, Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act – Legislation increases deposit insurance from $40,000 to $100,000, authorizes new authority to thrift institutions, and calls for the complete phase-out of interest rate ceilings on deposit accounts.

• 1982, Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act – Bill deregulates thrifts almost entirely, allowing commercial lending and providing for a new account to compete with money market mutual funds. This was a Reagan administration initiative that passed with strong bi-partisan support.

• 1987, FSLIC Insolvency – GAO declares the deposit insurance fund of the savings and loan industry to be insolvent as a result of mounting institutional failures.

• 1989, Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery Act – Act abolishes the Federal Home Loan Bank Board and FSLIC, transferring them to OTS and the FDIC, respectively. The plan also creates the Resolution Trust Corporation to resolve failed thrifts.

• 1994, Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking and Branching Efficiency Act – This bill eliminated previous restrictions on interstate banking and branching. It passed with broad bipartisan support. 1973 1977 1980 1983 1987 1990 1993 1996 2000 2003 2006 2010 Marquette vs. First of Omaha Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act Garn-St. Germain Act FSLIC fund declared insolvent Financial Institutions Reform and Recovery Act Federal Reserve reinterprets Glass-Steagall Citicorp-Travelers merger Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repeals Glass-Steagall restrictions Commodity Futures Modernization Act SEC proposes voluntary regulation Subprime mortgage crisis Federal Reserve creates first special lending facility Bear Stearns collapses Lehman Brothers files for bankruptcy Congress authorizes the TARP Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac placed in conservatorship PublicPrivate Investment Riegle-Neal Interstate Program Banking and Branching Efficiency Act CEPR A Short History of Financial Deregulation in the United States 2

• 1996, Fed Reinterprets Glass-Steagall – Federal Reserve reinterprets the Glass-Steagall Act several times, eventually allowing bank holding companies to earn up to 25 percent of their revenues in investment banking.

• 1998, Citicorp-Travelers Merger – Citigroup, Inc. merges a commercial bank with an insurance company that owns an investment bank to form the world’s largest financial services company.

• 1999, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act – With support from Fed Chairman Greenspan, Treasury Secretary Rubin and his successor Lawrence Summers, the bill repeals the Glass-Steagall Act completely.

• 2000, Commodity Futures Modernization Act – Passed with support from the Clinton Administration, including Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers, and bi-partisan support in Congress. The bill prevented the Commodity Futures Trading Commission from regulating most over-the-counter derivative contracts, including credit default swaps.

• 2004, Voluntary Regulation – The SEC proposes a system of voluntary regulation under the Consolidated Supervised Entities program, allowing investment banks to hold less capital in reserve and increase leverage.

• 2007, Subprime Mortgage Crisis – Defaults on subprime loans send shockwaves throughout the secondary mortgage market and the entire financial system.

• December 2007, Term Auction Facility – Special liquidity facility of the Federal Reserve lends to depository institutions. Unlike lending through the discount window, there is no public disclosure on loans made through this facility.

• March 2008, Bear Stearns Collapse – The investment bank is sold to JP Morgan Chase with assistance from the Federal Reserve. • March 2008, Primary Dealer Facilities – Special lending facilities open the discount window to investment banks, accepting a broad range of asset-backed securities as collateral.

• July 2008, Housing and Economic Recovery Act – Provides guarantees on new mortgages to subprime borrowers and authorizes a new federal agency, the FHFA, which eventually places Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac into conservatorship.

• September 2008, Lehman Brothers Collapse – Investment bank files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

• October 2008, Emergency Economic Stabilization Act – Bill authorizes the Treasury to establish the Troubled Asset Relief Program to purchase distressed mortgage-backed securities and inject capital into the nation’s banking system. Also increases deposit insurance from $100,000 to $250,000.

• Late 2008, Money Market Liquidity Facilities – Federal Reserve facilities created to facilitate the purchase of various money market instruments.

• March 2009, Public-Private Investment Program – Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner introduces his plan to subsidize the purchase of toxic assets with government guarantees.

Commie propaganda. Your interpretation of events is questionable, to say the least.

Hey, you unhinged, torture-cheering wacko, the Dark Ages called—they want their ideology back.

Well, that's certainly a brilliant response to my point.

Like a typical CONtard you have nothing to add other than meaningless one liners. The facts piss you off. Think about suicide because it will be the only decent thing you will ever do.

Hussein has made things worse. This has happened on his watch. Yet you wanna blame Republicans for it. You're very disingenuous people.
Right because in your narrow mind it doesn't matter who came up with the idea? I bet dollars to donuts that it was mostly republcans who catered to this corruption.

Of course you would. You're a biased party hack who has never had an original thought of your own. Why don't you go ahead and prove that assumption for us.

Yes, and 'Obamacare' has made things much worse. But his rabid followers refuse to acknowledge it. These 7yrs are all on their guy. It happened on his watch. The buck stops there.
If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway

Looks to me like your sentence structure is incorrect.

If the poorest can't afford a drug that you need and are willing to pay for, they (the poor) need to do the decent thing and die.

Makes much more sense written my way don't ya think?

You mean because money just comes out of nowhere?
If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway

Looks to me like your sentence structure is incorrect.

If the poorest can't afford a drug that you need and are willing to pay for, they (the poor) need to do the decent thing and die.

Makes much more sense written my way don't ya think?

Not at all what she said.

It's great the way the left likes to twist things.

What I don't understand is why they object to the term Marxist.

My way, the people who can afford the drug fund it and it eventually goes to a broader and broader audience.

Wilbur's way, everyone gets the current drugs available and the drug companies stop making new ones.

Not a hard choice. Wilbur has struck on an interesting point though that I think escaped everyone in the discussion. If you have more money, you can buy more things.

OMG, that insight could be revolutionary
that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans

that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?
Seeing that the great democrat plan has turned to crap, the civilians begin pleading with the Republicans to fix the mess.
I think your dreaming. The Republican party has just as many bought and paid for establishment people as Democrats. The majority of people are sick of both parties lying and stuffing their own coffers while telling the people what a good job they are doing (screwing) for them.
Why then the yammering for a Republican plan?

We don't need a Democrat plan or a Republican plan. We need a free market plan
No dumbfuck. You are the simpleton. There is a public system and a private system. You will be free to pay as much as you want. Meanwhile the public system will help everyone that needs it and eliminate employers having to pay a bloated for profit insurance company, saving them money.
You are the dumbfuck here. A public system will destroy a private system and make it only the absolute wealthy can get decent healthcare. The rest of us die waiting for doctors tied up in appointments for hypochondriacs. When are these fucking people going to realize their stupid ideas don't work?
Wow, how did I guess. You know, the only people who see management as indispensable seem to managers. We're still reeling from the fucked up systems put in place by a consultant that our management had the bad sense to hire.

Let me ask you this, how is it that the socialized medicine in European countries achieves better outcomes for about half the cost per patient as in the US?
You didn't guess I was in management, you guessed I was in the medical industry. Can't even keep track of your own useless shit?
You still didn't answer how European countries provide medical care with better outcomes for about half the cost per patient. Maybe they just have better consultants.

First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years
Let's be fair here...Hillary appears to be the Democratic nominee at this point. If you really think Hillary is going to do something about this rather than just use it as a talking point to get into may want to stop getting your news from the Onion.
Wow, how did I guess. You know, the only people who see management as indispensable seem to managers. We're still reeling from the fucked up systems put in place by a consultant that our management had the bad sense to hire.

Let me ask you this, how is it that the socialized medicine in European countries achieves better outcomes for about half the cost per patient as in the US?
You didn't guess I was in management, you guessed I was in the medical industry. Can't even keep track of your own useless shit?
You still didn't answer how European countries provide medical care with better outcomes for about half the cost per patient. Maybe they just have better consultants.

First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.
Wow, people who are getting welfare like that they're getting other people's money? Who would have seen that coming? What a great day it is, thanks for letting me know about that completely unexpected event.

And 18 million is total enrollment, not newly insured as you claimed. Still, wow, the government massively took over healthcare for Americans in order to insure, 5% of the population! Wow!
Yep total enrollment. I guess that shows how popular the program is huh?

Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?

Plenty of prescriptions are cheaper now that the patents have expired.

Billy's a pro-death voter. Pharmeceutical companies should only develop drugs that the poorest customers can afford. People should spend their money on cars and TVs, not their health.

If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway

Most new drugs are worthless and are not as good as the older ones. The medical industry has no intention of curing anything.

Big pharma is in business for one reason and that is to make money.

If you do a quick google search you will find that the largest criminal fines are levied against the pharmaceutical industry and guess you pays the fines. You guessed it, it's the consumer and guess you goes to prison. You guessed it... NOBODY!

Also google "deaths adverse drug reactions".


Here's a prescription that will work wonders for big pharma.
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years
Let's be fair here...Hillary appears to be the Democratic nominee at this point. If you really think Hillary is going to do something about this rather than just use it as a talking point to get into may want to stop getting your news from the Onion.

She may have no other choice. Americans are getting fed up with the plutocrats. The plutocrats will be safer in prison.
that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans

that was the promise

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?
Seeing that the great democrat plan has turned to crap, the civilians begin pleading with the Republicans to fix the mess.
I think your dreaming. The Republican party has just as many bought and paid for establishment people as Democrats. The majority of people are sick of both parties lying and stuffing their own coffers while telling the people what a good job they are doing (screwing) for them.
Why then the yammering for a Republican plan?

Probably to show everyone that the Republican have no plan and are as clueless as they appear.
7yrs of a Dictator Democrat Presidency, yet it's all the Republican's fault. Boy, such staggering ignorance. The reality is, Hussein's health care debacle has made things worse. It should be scrapped.
When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans

When Democrat plans don't work, it's because of the Republicans
Whats that great republican plan? Jack shit?
Seeing that the great democrat plan has turned to crap, the civilians begin pleading with the Republicans to fix the mess.
I think your dreaming. The Republican party has just as many bought and paid for establishment people as Democrats. The majority of people are sick of both parties lying and stuffing their own coffers while telling the people what a good job they are doing (screwing) for them.
Why then the yammering for a Republican plan?

Probably to show everyone that the Republican have no plan and are as clueless as they appear.
Which, of course, demonstrates that the yammerers are more interested in creating faux political hit points than they are in fixing the problem.
They didn't create obamadoesn'tcare.

Buy refusing to offer any better ideas or solutions to healthcare problems, republicans absolutely contributed to the Obama care situation.

why lie

the dems told the Republicans to take a back seat on it

The basic Obama care idea was an expanded version of a program ran in the state of Massachusetts if I remember correctly the gov was Mr. Romney. A republican I believe.

So to say the republicans had to take a back seat is bullshit.

Republicans chose to not participate in good faith. They had no intention of trying to change the healthcare situation of America.

It was already working great for their big money insurance company donors. Not working as well for the rest of us.

See the difference? Probably not.
They didn't create obamadoesn'tcare.

Buy refusing to offer any better ideas or solutions to healthcare problems, republicans absolutely contributed to the Obama care situation.

why lie

the dems told the Republicans to take a back seat on it

The basic Obama care idea was an expanded version of a program ran in the state of Massachusetts if I remember correctly the gov was Mr. Romney. A republican I believe.

So to say the republicans had to take a back seat is bullshit.

Republicans chose to not participate in good faith. They had no intention of trying to change the healthcare situation of America.

It was already working great for their big money insurance company donors. Not working as well for the rest of us.

See the difference? Probably not.
Good faith? Obama made it clear they could come along for the ride, but had to be at the back of the bus. Hardly an invitation to work together.
They didn't create obamadoesn'tcare.

Buy refusing to offer any better ideas or solutions to healthcare problems, republicans absolutely contributed to the Obama care situation.

why lie

the dems told the Republicans to take a back seat on it

The basic Obama care idea was an expanded version of a program ran in the state of Massachusetts if I remember correctly the gov was Mr. Romney. A republican I believe.

So to say the republicans had to take a back seat is bullshit.

Republicans chose to not participate in good faith. They had no intention of trying to change the healthcare situation of America.

It was already working great for their big money insurance company donors. Not working as well for the rest of us.

See the difference? Probably not.
Good faith? Obama made it clear they could come along for the ride, but had to be at the back of the bus. Hardly an invitation to work together.
I remember that time quite vividly. I was disappointed at how accommodating Obama was when there was a bona fide mandate for change. I assumed that it was because he was trying to be inclusive and avoid eventual blowback. Instead, he should have treated the Republicans like the spoiled toddlers they are but it has become fairly obvious that Obama was almost as indebted to the corporatocracy as the average Republican.

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