Prescription drug prices have doubled in 7 years. Republicans will of course do jack shit about it

Yep total enrollment. I guess that shows how popular the program is huh?

Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?

Plenty of prescriptions are cheaper now that the patents have expired.

Billy's a pro-death voter. Pharmeceutical companies should only develop drugs that the poorest customers can afford. People should spend their money on cars and TVs, not their health.

If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway
You're full of shit. If you lost your job, got terminal cancer, you would be begging for the help and you know it.

Sure I would. And I would beg for help as well.

What I would not do is take a gun and rob someone to pay for it. Or do like you do and get someone else to rob someone for you.

What's your point exactly?
Big pharma is in business for one reason and that is to make money

Whoa, a business is in business to make money! Congratulations, you figured out the obvious. How did you accomplish that amazing feat? Did you have help or figure it out on your own!

As for the rest of your Marxist drivel that loving, caring government will tend to our every need is just delusional

What a low life piece of shit you have proven yourself to be. You Ratpublicans talk about JEEEESUS. Tell me this you evil fucker. What would Jesus charge to cure a sick person. What sort of obscene profit would he make exploiting the suffering oof others? Answer the question Mr Shit For Brains.

You are such a total piece of shit that you actually believe it is good that the American medical industry makes obscene profit by exploiting disease instead of curing it. In fact you love that business model.

I would love to force you to watch the above video while beating you until you choke on your own blood.

The other part of your evil shit that defeats your own hyper-capitalist lunacy is that sick people are bad for the economy. Healthy slaves are more productive than sick ones. Do you see how fucking stupid you are? Probably not. When your banks and corporations that you love so much fucked up it was corporate socialism that bailed them out. What the people running your bank and other toxic industries need is prison but since that won't happen people like you and the corporate gangster you admire need to be purged.

Back in 1776 a piece of shit like you would be a loyalist, treasonous slug and that is what you are today. You are a clueless dumb fuck who believes that the rich know what's best for you and in your case that may be true. What's best for you is Zyklon B. It will cure everything that ails you and your kind.

Can you take Obama's cock out of your mouth and try that again? I have no idea what you just said. I got that you started with that I'm a Republican and a Christian when I'm neither, then the rest was just incomprehensible

Not a Republican or a Christian you say? OK then you have taken it to the next step. You are a Nazi. As to the rest of what I wrote.. it went over your head because you like the other righties are a DUMB FUCK!

You are defending the most heavily criminally fined industry in the world, the pharmaceutical industry. You are a special kind of stupid. Do you know who pays these criminal fines you dumb fuck? It's the consumer and taxpayer.

  1. In the largest settlement involving a pharmaceutical company, the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges and pay $3 billion in fines for promoting its best-selling antidepressants for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a top diabetes drug, federal prosecutors ...Jul 2, 2012
    GlaxoSmithKline Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement

Ouch, I'm a Nazi.

Curious, have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?
Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?

Plenty of prescriptions are cheaper now that the patents have expired.

Billy's a pro-death voter. Pharmeceutical companies should only develop drugs that the poorest customers can afford. People should spend their money on cars and TVs, not their health.

If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway
You're full of shit. If you lost your job, got terminal cancer, you would be begging for the help and you know it.

You can bet your ass he would be begging for but that is not a problem for him because he's on welfare and medicaid. The ARC kicked him out of their sheltered workshop. They couldn't handle that violent retard.

Republicans have no problems taking government hand outs, especially the corporate ones.

Um ... so I am poor and on government welfare, which is why I am against government welfare. Seriously, of all the options to try to insult me, you picked that one? That sounded the best to you? Why?
Funny how when government kills the competition, funds participants and fines people who don't play, their programs are "popular"
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?

Plenty of prescriptions are cheaper now that the patents have expired.

Billy's a pro-death voter. Pharmeceutical companies should only develop drugs that the poorest customers can afford. People should spend their money on cars and TVs, not their health.

If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway
You're full of shit. If you lost your job, got terminal cancer, you would be begging for the help and you know it.

Sure I would. And I would beg for help as well.

What I would not do is take a gun and rob someone to pay for it. Or do like you do and get someone else to rob someone for you.

What's your point exactly?
Robbing? Can you be any more of a drama queen? You know no one is talking about robbing.
Big pharma is in business for one reason and that is to make money

Whoa, a business is in business to make money! Congratulations, you figured out the obvious. How did you accomplish that amazing feat? Did you have help or figure it out on your own!

As for the rest of your Marxist drivel that loving, caring government will tend to our every need is just delusional

What a low life piece of shit you have proven yourself to be. You Ratpublicans talk about JEEEESUS. Tell me this you evil fucker. What would Jesus charge to cure a sick person. What sort of obscene profit would he make exploiting the suffering oof others? Answer the question Mr Shit For Brains.

You are such a total piece of shit that you actually believe it is good that the American medical industry makes obscene profit by exploiting disease instead of curing it. In fact you love that business model.

I would love to force you to watch the above video while beating you until you choke on your own blood.

The other part of your evil shit that defeats your own hyper-capitalist lunacy is that sick people are bad for the economy. Healthy slaves are more productive than sick ones. Do you see how fucking stupid you are? Probably not. When your banks and corporations that you love so much fucked up it was corporate socialism that bailed them out. What the people running your bank and other toxic industries need is prison but since that won't happen people like you and the corporate gangster you admire need to be purged.

Back in 1776 a piece of shit like you would be a loyalist, treasonous slug and that is what you are today. You are a clueless dumb fuck who believes that the rich know what's best for you and in your case that may be true. What's best for you is Zyklon B. It will cure everything that ails you and your kind.

Can you take Obama's cock out of your mouth and try that again? I have no idea what you just said. I got that you started with that I'm a Republican and a Christian when I'm neither, then the rest was just incomprehensible

Not a Republican or a Christian you say? OK then you have taken it to the next step. You are a Nazi. As to the rest of what I wrote.. it went over your head because you like the other righties are a DUMB FUCK!

You are defending the most heavily criminally fined industry in the world, the pharmaceutical industry. You are a special kind of stupid. Do you know who pays these criminal fines you dumb fuck? It's the consumer and taxpayer.

  1. In the largest settlement involving a pharmaceutical company, the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges and pay $3 billion in fines for promoting its best-selling antidepressants for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a top diabetes drug, federal prosecutors ...Jul 2, 2012
    GlaxoSmithKline Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement

Ouch, I'm a Nazi.

Curious, have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

List of largest pharmaceutical settlements - Wikipedia, the ...
Big Pharma Corps Fined $48.5 Million for Paying Doctors ...
Big Pharma's Corporate Crimes and Fines: How Can They ...

Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?

Plenty of prescriptions are cheaper now that the patents have expired.

Billy's a pro-death voter. Pharmeceutical companies should only develop drugs that the poorest customers can afford. People should spend their money on cars and TVs, not their health.

If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway
You're full of shit. If you lost your job, got terminal cancer, you would be begging for the help and you know it.

Sure I would. And I would beg for help as well.

What I would not do is take a gun and rob someone to pay for it. Or do like you do and get someone else to rob someone for you.

What's your point exactly?
Robbing? Can you be any more of a drama queen? You know no one is talking about robbing.

Of course you are. You want government to use guns confiscate money earned by someone else and give it to you. There's a term for that, it's called armed robbery.

Government should treat all it's citizens the same. Robbing some for the benefit of others isn't treating it's citizens the same
Wages have remained flat for decades. The cost of living only goes up. Democrats address these issues - republcans don't.

Why does anyone bother with a party that only serves to coddle the rich? I mean seriously. At what point will you people get it? Only government legislation can fix these problems. Rather than accepting this obvious logic, you Rightwingers hold on to this sorry philosophy that Big Pharma and the rest of the private sector can do whatever it wants. It just boggles my mind you people will buy into whatever republcans in office will tell you. NONE of these republican candidates will address this issue. None of them. Get a goddamn clue.

AARP: Price hikes doubled average drug price over 7 years

What has Obama done about it? Wasn't Obamacare supposed to solve all these problems?
He tried. Don't you know the entire story? Here, let me help you:

Early in Bush's first term, Bush and the Republicans, who controlled both houses figured out a way to really fuck over Americans. I mean they really fucked America deep. They passed a law in 2003 that went into effect in 2006 barring the government from buying drugs in bulk. When you can't buy in bulk, you can only buy individually what you need. We know prices drop dramatically when drugs are bought in bulk. This is why a half dozen countries will get together and buy drugs. But Republicans, working for the drug companies really soaked American. This is during the same time Republicans were passing the deficit creating Bush Tax cuts for the rich, invading Iraq and deregulating Wall Street. Republicans really thought their disastrous policies would work even when the experts were telling them they were courting disaster. Because Republicans are fools. First, they believed their own nonsense, then they blamed their failures on Obama. And the stupid lemmings believed both. It's pretty recent history, yet, Republicans still won't believe it. Their masters told them not to.


Federal law adopted "under Tommy Thompson's watch" prohibits the government from negotiating for "better prices" on prescription drugs for senior citizens

Uncle Sam barred from bargaining Medicare drug prices, Senate candidate Tammy Baldwin says, blaming rival Tommy Thompson
Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years

Why do you care what drugs cost if you don't think they work?
Christ do you honestly think medical prices will go down without government intervention?

Plenty of prescriptions are cheaper now that the patents have expired.

Billy's a pro-death voter. Pharmeceutical companies should only develop drugs that the poorest customers can afford. People should spend their money on cars and TVs, not their health.

If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway
You're full of shit. If you lost your job, got terminal cancer, you would be begging for the help and you know it.

You can bet your ass he would be begging for but that is not a problem for him because he's on welfare and medicaid. The ARC kicked him out of their sheltered workshop. They couldn't handle that violent retard.

Republicans have no problems taking government hand outs, especially the corporate ones.

Um ... so I am poor and on government welfare, which is why I am against government welfare. Seriously, of all the options to try to insult me, you picked that one? That sounded the best to you? Why?

Listen up butt plug. It's trash like you who live in trailer parks who blame your economic woes on Obama even though it was Bush who wrecked the economy. It's gluttonous trash like you who bitch about Obama yet have not problem getting your free diabetic supplies and your power scooters from Liberty Medical.


It is you and your free loading kind who suck off the government tit and this map proves it. What a pathetic loser you and your kind are.

List of largest pharmaceutical settlements - Wikipedia, the ...
Big Pharma Corps Fined $48.5 Million for Paying Doctors ...
Big Pharma's Corporate Crimes and Fines: How Can They ...
Whoa, a business is in business to make money! Congratulations, you figured out the obvious. How did you accomplish that amazing feat? Did you have help or figure it out on your own!

As for the rest of your Marxist drivel that loving, caring government will tend to our every need is just delusional

What a low life piece of shit you have proven yourself to be. You Ratpublicans talk about JEEEESUS. Tell me this you evil fucker. What would Jesus charge to cure a sick person. What sort of obscene profit would he make exploiting the suffering oof others? Answer the question Mr Shit For Brains.

You are such a total piece of shit that you actually believe it is good that the American medical industry makes obscene profit by exploiting disease instead of curing it. In fact you love that business model.

I would love to force you to watch the above video while beating you until you choke on your own blood.

The other part of your evil shit that defeats your own hyper-capitalist lunacy is that sick people are bad for the economy. Healthy slaves are more productive than sick ones. Do you see how fucking stupid you are? Probably not. When your banks and corporations that you love so much fucked up it was corporate socialism that bailed them out. What the people running your bank and other toxic industries need is prison but since that won't happen people like you and the corporate gangster you admire need to be purged.

Back in 1776 a piece of shit like you would be a loyalist, treasonous slug and that is what you are today. You are a clueless dumb fuck who believes that the rich know what's best for you and in your case that may be true. What's best for you is Zyklon B. It will cure everything that ails you and your kind.

Can you take Obama's cock out of your mouth and try that again? I have no idea what you just said. I got that you started with that I'm a Republican and a Christian when I'm neither, then the rest was just incomprehensible

Not a Republican or a Christian you say? OK then you have taken it to the next step. You are a Nazi. As to the rest of what I wrote.. it went over your head because you like the other righties are a DUMB FUCK!

You are defending the most heavily criminally fined industry in the world, the pharmaceutical industry. You are a special kind of stupid. Do you know who pays these criminal fines you dumb fuck? It's the consumer and taxpayer.

  1. In the largest settlement involving a pharmaceutical company, the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges and pay $3 billion in fines for promoting its best-selling antidepressants for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a top diabetes drug, federal prosecutors ...Jul 2, 2012
    GlaxoSmithKline Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement

Ouch, I'm a Nazi.

Curious, have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

List of largest pharmaceutical settlements - Wikipedia, the ...
Big Pharma Corps Fined $48.5 Million for Paying Doctors ...
Big Pharma's Corporate Crimes and Fines: How Can They ...

12 Deadly Diseases Cured in the 20th Century

Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999 Impact of Vaccines Universally Recommended for Children -- United States, 1990-1998


Imagine if right wingers knew how to use Google.
You still didn't answer how European countries provide medical care with better outcomes for about half the cost per patient. Maybe they just have better consultants.

First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.

You don't follow words, so let's try numbers. Let's say:

- The cost of manufacturing a pill is $1
- The cost of creating the pill (research, testing, ...) was $8
- Expected profit on the pill is $1
- And let's say to make it simple all sales are in the US and Europe are equal, meaning half your sales are in the US and half in Europe and pricing doesn't change that.

- So, if there are no price controls, you charge $10 a pill everywhere.

- If Europe caps your price at $5, you sell in Europe, but have to sell for $15 a pill in the US. This is what is happening

- If the US caps the price at $5 as well, you stop development of any new medications and you only sell the ones you already invested in. this is what you are advocating we do
Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Nope, you can't read and you can't understand numbers. You are a complete idiot. Can't penetrate the world of delusion and hate that you live in until you want to get out of it yourself
You still didn't answer how European countries provide medical care with better outcomes for about half the cost per patient. Maybe they just have better consultants.

First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.

You don't follow words, so let's try numbers. Let's say:

- The cost of manufacturing a pill is $1
- The cost of creating the pill (research, testing, ...) was $8
- Expected profit on the pill is $1
- And let's say to make it simple all sales are in the US and Europe are equal, meaning half your sales are in the US and half in Europe and pricing doesn't change that.

- So, if there are no price controls, you charge $10 a pill everywhere.

- If Europe caps your price at $5, you sell in Europe, but have to sell for $15 a pill in the US. This is what is happening

- If the US caps the price at $5 as well, you stop development of any new medications and you only sell the ones you already invested in. this is what you are advocating we do
Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Nope, you can't read and you can't understand numbers. You are a complete idiot. Can't penetrate the world of delusion and hate that you live in until you want to get out of it yourself
Is research and testing a fixed cost or not? Does it become less if you only sell one pill? Jeezus, don't make my opinion of consultants any lower than it already is.
Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years

Why do you care what drugs cost if you don't think they work?

What a dumb fucking question but I will answer it anyway just to make you look even more evil and pathetic.

Unlike you the Republican slime that you are, I actually give a shit about my country and its people. Your Republican ethic is "Hooray for me and fuck everybody else." Because you are a POS all you care about is your worthless self. You don't care that people are being ripped off and harmed by corporate gangsters. Please don't have kids.

It's not only the price gouging that bothers me it is also the harmful side effects of these drugs. You have have no problem with the fact that the medical industry is the leading cause of death in the US and it is also the biggest thief. Now do you see why it would be so easy and so satisfying to goad some piece of shit like you into physically attacking me so that I could be legally justified into beating you into a permanent coma?
Plenty of prescriptions are cheaper now that the patents have expired.

Billy's a pro-death voter. Pharmeceutical companies should only develop drugs that the poorest customers can afford. People should spend their money on cars and TVs, not their health.

If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway
You're full of shit. If you lost your job, got terminal cancer, you would be begging for the help and you know it.

Sure I would. And I would beg for help as well.

What I would not do is take a gun and rob someone to pay for it. Or do like you do and get someone else to rob someone for you.

What's your point exactly?
Robbing? Can you be any more of a drama queen? You know no one is talking about robbing.

Of course you are. You want government to use guns confiscate money earned by someone else and give it to you. There's a term for that, it's called armed robbery.

Government should treat all it's citizens the same. Robbing some for the benefit of others isn't treating it's citizens the same
Guns? Confiscate what money? Huh?
First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.

You don't follow words, so let's try numbers. Let's say:

- The cost of manufacturing a pill is $1
- The cost of creating the pill (research, testing, ...) was $8
- Expected profit on the pill is $1
- And let's say to make it simple all sales are in the US and Europe are equal, meaning half your sales are in the US and half in Europe and pricing doesn't change that.

- So, if there are no price controls, you charge $10 a pill everywhere.

- If Europe caps your price at $5, you sell in Europe, but have to sell for $15 a pill in the US. This is what is happening

- If the US caps the price at $5 as well, you stop development of any new medications and you only sell the ones you already invested in. this is what you are advocating we do
Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Nope, you can't read and you can't understand numbers. You are a complete idiot. Can't penetrate the world of delusion and hate that you live in until you want to get out of it yourself
First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.

You don't follow words, so let's try numbers. Let's say:

- The cost of manufacturing a pill is $1
- The cost of creating the pill (research, testing, ...) was $8
- Expected profit on the pill is $1
- And let's say to make it simple all sales are in the US and Europe are equal, meaning half your sales are in the US and half in Europe and pricing doesn't change that.

- So, if there are no price controls, you charge $10 a pill everywhere.

- If Europe caps your price at $5, you sell in Europe, but have to sell for $15 a pill in the US. This is what is happening

- If the US caps the price at $5 as well, you stop development of any new medications and you only sell the ones you already invested in. this is what you are advocating we do
Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Nope, you can't read and you can't understand numbers. You are a complete idiot. Can't penetrate the world of delusion and hate that you live in until you want to get out of it yourself
Is research and testing a fixed cost or not? Does it become less if you only sell one pill? Jeezus, don't make my opinion of consultants any lower than it already is.

Most of those vaccines
First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.

You don't follow words, so let's try numbers. Let's say:

- The cost of manufacturing a pill is $1
- The cost of creating the pill (research, testing, ...) was $8
- Expected profit on the pill is $1
- And let's say to make it simple all sales are in the US and Europe are equal, meaning half your sales are in the US and half in Europe and pricing doesn't change that.

- So, if there are no price controls, you charge $10 a pill everywhere.

- If Europe caps your price at $5, you sell in Europe, but have to sell for $15 a pill in the US. This is what is happening

- If the US caps the price at $5 as well, you stop development of any new medications and you only sell the ones you already invested in. this is what you are advocating we do
Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Nope, you can't read and you can't understand numbers. You are a complete idiot. Can't penetrate the world of delusion and hate that you live in until you want to get out of it yourself
First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.

You don't follow words, so let's try numbers. Let's say:

- The cost of manufacturing a pill is $1
- The cost of creating the pill (research, testing, ...) was $8
- Expected profit on the pill is $1
- And let's say to make it simple all sales are in the US and Europe are equal, meaning half your sales are in the US and half in Europe and pricing doesn't change that.

- So, if there are no price controls, you charge $10 a pill everywhere.

- If Europe caps your price at $5, you sell in Europe, but have to sell for $15 a pill in the US. This is what is happening

- If the US caps the price at $5 as well, you stop development of any new medications and you only sell the ones you already invested in. this is what you are advocating we do
Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Nope, you can't read and you can't understand numbers. You are a complete idiot. Can't penetrate the world of delusion and hate that you live in until you want to get out of it yourself
Is research and testing a fixed cost or not? Does it become less if you only sell one pill? Jeezus, don't make my opinion of consultants any lower than it already is.

Fraud and misconduct in clinical research: A concern
Data fraud in clinical trials - Future Science
Fraudulent clinical trials known to FDA 'hidden from journals ...

Drug research is a joke. Pig Pharma writes off the inflated cost of clinical trials and phony research. They bribe clinical investigators/doctors to fudge data and make claims that the drug is safer and effective than it actually is.

Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Convincing.... :eusa_whistle:

I assume you made all of this up out of thin air?

Do you know what amortized process costing is?

Of course not.

But first, the 13% figure that you made up needs to be dealt with....
Read this and weep.

As for amortized process costing, you business people crack me up. You seem to think that anything that's not in the everyday lexicon is rocket science. It probably is to you.
Plenty of prescriptions are cheaper now that the patents have expired.

Billy's a pro-death voter. Pharmeceutical companies should only develop drugs that the poorest customers can afford. People should spend their money on cars and TVs, not their health.

If the poorest can't afford a drug you need and are willing to pay for, you need to do the decent thing and die. The world is overpopulating anyway
You're full of shit. If you lost your job, got terminal cancer, you would be begging for the help and you know it.

You can bet your ass he would be begging for but that is not a problem for him because he's on welfare and medicaid. The ARC kicked him out of their sheltered workshop. They couldn't handle that violent retard.

Republicans have no problems taking government hand outs, especially the corporate ones.

Um ... so I am poor and on government welfare, which is why I am against government welfare. Seriously, of all the options to try to insult me, you picked that one? That sounded the best to you? Why?

Listen up butt plug. It's trash like you who live in trailer parks who blame your economic woes on Obama even though it was Bush who wrecked the economy. It's gluttonous trash like you who bitch about Obama yet have not problem getting your free diabetic supplies and your power scooters from Liberty Medical.


It is you and your free loading kind who suck off the government tit and this map proves it. What a pathetic loser you and your kind are.

List of largest pharmaceutical settlements - Wikipedia, the ...
Big Pharma Corps Fined $48.5 Million for Paying Doctors ...
Big Pharma's Corporate Crimes and Fines: How Can They ...

I blame W and Obama both for wrecking the economy, stupid bitch.

What is wrong with you? I'm not a Republican. At least use the right insults
What a low life piece of shit you have proven yourself to be. You Ratpublicans talk about JEEEESUS. Tell me this you evil fucker. What would Jesus charge to cure a sick person. What sort of obscene profit would he make exploiting the suffering oof others? Answer the question Mr Shit For Brains.

You are such a total piece of shit that you actually believe it is good that the American medical industry makes obscene profit by exploiting disease instead of curing it. In fact you love that business model.

I would love to force you to watch the above video while beating you until you choke on your own blood.

The other part of your evil shit that defeats your own hyper-capitalist lunacy is that sick people are bad for the economy. Healthy slaves are more productive than sick ones. Do you see how fucking stupid you are? Probably not. When your banks and corporations that you love so much fucked up it was corporate socialism that bailed them out. What the people running your bank and other toxic industries need is prison but since that won't happen people like you and the corporate gangster you admire need to be purged.

Back in 1776 a piece of shit like you would be a loyalist, treasonous slug and that is what you are today. You are a clueless dumb fuck who believes that the rich know what's best for you and in your case that may be true. What's best for you is Zyklon B. It will cure everything that ails you and your kind.

Can you take Obama's cock out of your mouth and try that again? I have no idea what you just said. I got that you started with that I'm a Republican and a Christian when I'm neither, then the rest was just incomprehensible

Not a Republican or a Christian you say? OK then you have taken it to the next step. You are a Nazi. As to the rest of what I wrote.. it went over your head because you like the other righties are a DUMB FUCK!

You are defending the most heavily criminally fined industry in the world, the pharmaceutical industry. You are a special kind of stupid. Do you know who pays these criminal fines you dumb fuck? It's the consumer and taxpayer.

  1. In the largest settlement involving a pharmaceutical company, the British drugmaker GlaxoSmithKline agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges and pay $3 billion in fines for promoting its best-selling antidepressants for unapproved uses and failing to report safety data about a top diabetes drug, federal prosecutors ...Jul 2, 2012
    GlaxoSmithKline Agrees to Pay $3 Billion in Fraud Settlement

Ouch, I'm a Nazi.

Curious, have you ever had an IQ test to see if you have one?

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

Hey liar, I asked you to make a list of all the diseases the American medical industry has cured or eradicated since 1953. Show us some examples of the great strides the American medical industry has made in he past 63 years.

List of largest pharmaceutical settlements - Wikipedia, the ...
Big Pharma Corps Fined $48.5 Million for Paying Doctors ...
Big Pharma's Corporate Crimes and Fines: How Can They ...

12 Deadly Diseases Cured in the 20th Century

Achievements in Public Health, 1900-1999 Impact of Vaccines Universally Recommended for Children -- United States, 1990-1998


Imagine if right wingers knew how to use Google.

Actually, the issue was that I don't take homework assignments from liberals. You have to ask me something related to the point I made
First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.

You don't follow words, so let's try numbers. Let's say:

- The cost of manufacturing a pill is $1
- The cost of creating the pill (research, testing, ...) was $8
- Expected profit on the pill is $1
- And let's say to make it simple all sales are in the US and Europe are equal, meaning half your sales are in the US and half in Europe and pricing doesn't change that.

- So, if there are no price controls, you charge $10 a pill everywhere.

- If Europe caps your price at $5, you sell in Europe, but have to sell for $15 a pill in the US. This is what is happening

- If the US caps the price at $5 as well, you stop development of any new medications and you only sell the ones you already invested in. this is what you are advocating we do
Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Nope, you can't read and you can't understand numbers. You are a complete idiot. Can't penetrate the world of delusion and hate that you live in until you want to get out of it yourself
First of all, that's a strawman. You aren't counting the total cost of medicine. The better outcomes is a complete fabrication. Europeans with money come to the US for care for serious illnesses. You're just talking about the cost of going to a doctor and having them whack your knee.

Also, one factor that does help Europeans is that American pharmaceutical companies get screwed by price caps. Companies still sell there because they can charge more than the manufacturing cost, but Europeans just don't let them recoup their investment.

So, Americans get screwed with even higher prices because companies won't develop if they can't make the money back. Rather than help them, our idiot politicians want them to have price caps here. If you're not a complete idiot, and I think you probably are, you'll recognize the great threat this dynamic is going to have on future development. That really what you want?
I think what you really mean is that Europeans don't let pharma companies fleece their customers. As for standard care, you've painted a dismal picture that simply doesn't exist. I have a few friends from Europe who claim to have been treated royally by hospital staff when they needed treatment. I won't dispute that if cost were no object (as is the case for the wealthy), the US would probably be the preferred option. That's what our medical community caters to and the rest of us subsidize it with our premiums.

You don't follow words, so let's try numbers. Let's say:

- The cost of manufacturing a pill is $1
- The cost of creating the pill (research, testing, ...) was $8
- Expected profit on the pill is $1
- And let's say to make it simple all sales are in the US and Europe are equal, meaning half your sales are in the US and half in Europe and pricing doesn't change that.

- So, if there are no price controls, you charge $10 a pill everywhere.

- If Europe caps your price at $5, you sell in Europe, but have to sell for $15 a pill in the US. This is what is happening

- If the US caps the price at $5 as well, you stop development of any new medications and you only sell the ones you already invested in. this is what you are advocating we do
Your numbers are bogus. Research and testing is a fixed cost. The rest of the argument falls apart on that basis.

R&D is only 13% of the COB of the pharmaceutical industry. Marketing is twice that. Manufacturing is relatively cheap so there's a whole lot of money going to profits and excessive layers of accounting and executive pay. If we had a decent, single payer system, a lot of that useless bullshit would be negotiated out of the industry.

Nope, you can't read and you can't understand numbers. You are a complete idiot. Can't penetrate the world of delusion and hate that you live in until you want to get out of it yourself
Is research and testing a fixed cost or not? Does it become less if you only sell one pill? Jeezus, don't make my opinion of consultants any lower than it already is.

Of course it does. That doesn't change the point I was making on how Europeans warp the cost. They allow pharmaceuticals to charge more than the cost of producing the pill, but they don't allow charging enough to recoup their share of the cost of creating the pill in the first place. How did you not grasp that?

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