President Biden Has DECIDED Not To Extend The August 31 Deadline To Be out Of Afghanistan

really? i need to break this down?

you ask "why are people still there, they've had time to leave"

and im saying to HONESTLY find out why, it would take research.

you refused to do research cause you had all the answers. so, simply asking for you to show how you came to this conclusion that the people still in afganistan have themselves only to blame for still being there when there's there's a week left on the deadline and the panic started with 2 weeks left.

so - in the end, you're emo'ing out statements based on "emotion" and not backing them up.

that's it. not that complicated.


W led us to war, appropriately I think, after 9/11 to destroy Al Qaeda.
- Nation-building and lying to drag the US into a 2nd war - one which even Democrats voted to give him the authority to take us to war again, were the reasons for 2 simultaneous wars that led to 20 years of war.

Barry told every American that we were dragged into unnecessary wars, that we were lied to.....and then he dragged the US into a 3rd consecutive pointless war with even LESS of a reason to be there than the other 2.

W was a liar.
Barry was a liar and a hypocrite.

No argument from me.
like i said, you usually put more thought into your posts. this time you lobbed out something generic, told people getting beheaded it's their own fault for staying, and then won't back up the thought process.

so yea, i suppose LOL is all you'd have left.
like i said, you usually put more thought into your posts. this time you lobbed out something generic, told people getting beheaded it's their own fault for staying, and then won't back up the thought process.

so yea, i suppose LOL is all you'd have left.

This has been thought out and commented on for nearly 20 years. We were supposed to be out in May. You think it would have ended better then?
This has been thought out and commented on for nearly 20 years. We were supposed to be out in May. You think it would have ended better then?
because in digging i have found valid reasons why people are still there.

again, the deadline is the 31st, they stopped letting people out a few days ago. so 10 days before you're supposed to be out, it's already too late.

but that is only 1 issue. the people who could most take care of themselves were the first to leave long before the deadline.

they should have been the last and ensured we got people out until the 31st.

but hey - LOL around in self-arrogance. looks good on you.
This has been thought out and commented on for nearly 20 years. We were supposed to be out in May. You think it would have ended better then?
It should have....but Joe & his administration f*edit up.
because in digging i have found valid reasons why people are still there.

again, the deadline is the 31st, they stopped letting people out a few days ago. so 10 days before you're supposed to be out, it's already too late.

but that is only 1 issue. the people who could most take care of themselves were the first to leave long before the deadline.

they should have been the last and ensured we got people out until the 31st.

but hey - LOL around in self-arrogance. looks good on you.

The agreement was made last year and the date to leave was in May. I would have been gone long ago.

Newsmax Reporter Robinson On Number of Americans Evacuated from Afghanistan: “The Number Being Thrown Out Today is 4,000” — 10,000 to 20,000 Remaining? (VIDEO)

In another link I posted, the military says it will have to begin packing, prepping, and leaving on Friday, 27 Aug to be out by next Tuesday. It's the 25th already in Afghanistan. That means they need to evacuate 10,000 - 20,000 Americans in the next 2 days. If they are only getting out 4,000 Americans today, that means they aren't going to get everyone out....if you go by the math...and if you believe everything the Biden administration is saying.

'Emerald Robinson from Newsmax on Tuesday said only 4,000 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan. That means there are likely over 10,000 Americans left in the country. It also means that most of the civilians being evacuated are not American citizens.

The Biden Administration has been purposely vague on this number. Now we know why.'

The agreement was made last year and the date to leave was in May. I would have been gone long ago.
You are smarter than the average person, then. Me, personally, I would never have been in Afghanistan if I had not had to go.

Newsmax Reporter Robinson On Number of Americans Evacuated from Afghanistan: “The Number Being Thrown Out Today is 4,000” — 10,000 to 20,000 Remaining? (VIDEO)

In another link I posted, the military says it will have to begin packing, prepping, and leaving on Friday, 27 Aug to be out by next Tuesday. It's the 25th already in Afghanistan. That means they need to evacuate 10,000 - 20,000 Americans in the next 2 days. If they are only getting out 4,000 Americans today, that means they aren't going to get everyone out....if you go by the math...and if you believe everything the Biden administration is saying.

'Emerald Robinson from Newsmax on Tuesday said only 4,000 Americans have been evacuated from Afghanistan. That means there are likely over 10,000 Americans left in the country. It also means that most of the civilians being evacuated are not American citizens.

The Biden Administration has been purposely vague on this number. Now we know why.'

I'm doubting you take links from MSNBC all that seriously but will post from Newsmax? I'm not saying they are wrong, just pointing out a double standard.
You are smarter than the average person, then. Me, personally, I would never have been in Afghanistan if I had not had to go.

Well I was speaking about those who did go. I would have never went either.

I was asked to go to China once. I said "no thanks". (for various reasons)
Biden didn't decide anything.
He is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more interested in optics than reality. And that includes the reality of leaving Americans stranded.
I'm doubting you take links from MSNBC all that seriously but will post from Newsmax? I'm not saying they are wrong, just pointing out a double standard.
Thanks for trying to claim I am wrong...and I use links from many different places. The links / sources are not what is important - it is the information being reported. It is either true or false.
The agreement was made last year and the date to leave was in May. I would have been gone long ago.
and you are the only example.of people who were there and should be the basis for how everyone acts.

however, since you refuse to research why people may still be there, you are hardly qualified to say people made wrong choices.
and you are the only example.of people who were there and should be the basis for how everyone acts.

however, since you refuse to research why people may still be there, you are hardly qualified to say people made wrong choices.

If you believe still being there was a wise choice, whatever.
No, I haven't.

In the past, when I post a link to a story that upsets Biden-supporting Trump-haters, they tend to make a comment like. "OH, so you're using a link from 'X' - they aren't reliable.'

I respond by challenging them to debunk the story - they never do. Instead, they prefer to try to smear the source instead of debunking the story.

Again, its not always the source - it's all about the story. If the story is bogus then 'you' should be able to debunk it.

There are some exceptions.....there are several liberal media that haven't been worth a damn for years not as they have become nothing more than Marxist Democrats propaganda pushers.

I have been happy to see lately that some of the liberal media can no longer continue to 'give Biden a pass' and are starting to hold him accountable.
Trump announced we would be leaving (he said in May). This was quite awhile ago. How is it people didn't pack up and leave then if they wanted out?
I wondered about this too until after watching numerous videos - some are on social video media, but still valid, depicting various individuals and why they weren’t out by now. Legit reasons, I might add. I would’ve done everything possible to be out of there before May, but many contractual jobs weren’t completed, various humanitarians in the mix who dedicate their lives to helping all people in dire need of aide; most felt obligated to stay in one way or another, at least according to the interviews I watched. I’m pretty selfish when it comes to my own life force and keeping it alive. I wouldn’t make a very good humanitarian out in the midst of chaos and stranded 2-4- and 6 year olds separated from their parents etc. I guess at that point when you are in the middle of it all, and it’s your life’s work and you think you are able to do something about it, I am not actually sure I could just leave kids under those conditions, regardless of who’s kids those were. So there you have it. Some placing completing their jobs over their lives perhaps, and others placing their humanitarian calling over their own lives for others. For many, I have no doubt they were listening daily to the US national news broadcast from the Biden administration.

President Biden HAS DECIDED not to extend an Aug. 31 deadline to remove all American troops from Afghanistan​

I love how the media tries to spin this disaster to make it sound like President Biden is in ANY way in control of anything.

President Biden Did NOT 'DECIDE' shit!

Biden BEGGED for more time, & the CIA rep met with the Taliban, and they told Joe to GTFO in 6 days!

'Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Tuesday that his group will accept “no extensions” of the Aug. 31 deadline the Biden administration has imposed for the withdrawal of all American troops from Afghanistan.'

Pentagon won’t extend withdrawal deadline as terrorists threaten consequences if US remains

Pentagon won’t extend withdrawal deadline as terrorists threaten consequences if US remains

In Afghanistan it is WEDNESDAY, 25 August.
- That leaves 6 (SIX) Days to have all US citizens, Afghan Refugees, and all military personnel out of Afghanistan.

- The Pentagon declared the MILITARY will have to begin packing up and begin leaving on FRIDAY, 27 August to meet the 31 August deadline.

For anyone math or calendar-challenged, that means the United States Government, President Biden, Sect of Defense Austin, & Gen Milley have 2 (TWO) days to rescue and evacuate roughly 9,000 (NINE THOUSAND) U. S. citizens.

Last night on Hannity they were saying the CIA bailed out of there 7 weeks ago.

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