President Biden Has DECIDED Not To Extend The August 31 Deadline To Be out Of Afghanistan

I am so so sorry to USA citizens usa leader dont give a f>>>K about his own citizens just like he gave a F<<<K About anyone but himself
We had years and years to address this. We did something really stupid. It was never going to end well.

That's what Biden keeps saying, in an attempt to save his ass.

It did NOT have to end like this. The political and military mistakes that were made leading to this point were massive blunders that appear to have been made by idiots or children.

Biden's decision to ignore ALL of his advisors and lie to the Americans in Afghanistan was NOT a 'mistake'. His decision to do this was intentional and worthy of Impeachment due to the lives he has put in danger.

The decision to remove the military before evacuating US citizens was an incredibly STUPID decision, one that should result in Sect of Defense Austin's, Sect Of the joint Chiefs of Staff Milley's, and USCENTCOM Commander General McKenzie's immediate FIRING. General Miller who abandoned Bagram air base should be tossed, too. Giving up a secured base with 2 runways for 1-trunway international airport is just mind-numbingly stupid.

NONE of what we are seeing now had to end like this. What we see now is the result of piss-poor decisions made in a failed exodus from Afghanistan.
So they didn't believe what Trump said? They believed we would not leave? Seems that would have been at their own peril. No?

This was going to happen regardless as to when we left. When we made Afghanistan the 51st state, would that include the right to vote?
They made the mistake of believing Blue Falcon Joe when he said his withdrawal plan would keep the elected government in power.

Research? I'm asking questions. We were told we were leaving. Why didn't people leave? I have to provide research for that?

If there is logic behind it, state it.
you said:

"We know why. Some psychopaths take the route of a Ted Bundy. Some take the routes that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld took."

how do you KNOW this to be true - yes this requires research and study. not emo outbursts in a newsgroup.

so either prove how you know this or just say you're being emo and we can move on.
That's what Biden keeps saying, in an attempt to save his ass.

It did NOT have to end like this. The political and military mistakes that were made leading to this point were massive blunders that appear to have been made by idiots or children.

Biden's decision to ignore ALL of his advisors and lie to the Americans in Afghanistan was NOT a 'mistake'. His decision to do this was intentional and worthy of Impeachment due to the lives he has put in danger.

The decision to remove the military before evacuating US citizens was an incredibly STUPID decision, one that should result in Sect of Defense Austin's, Sect Of the joint Chiefs of Staff Milley's, and USCENTCOM Commander General McKenzie's immediate FIRING. General Miller who abandoned Bagram air base should be tossed, too. Giving up a secured base with 2 runways for 1-trunway international airport is just mind-numbingly stupid.

NONE of what we are seeing now had to end like this. What we see now is the result of piss-poor decisions made in a failed exodus from Afghanistan.

It was always going to end like this. It's why Bush, Obama and Trump wouldn't do it themselves.

I believe Obama and Trump both knew it was the right thing to do.
you said:

"We know why. Some psychopaths take the route of a Ted Bundy. Some take the routes that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld took."

how do you KNOW this to be true - yes this requires research and study. not emo outbursts in a newsgroup.

so either prove how you know this or just say you're being emo and we can move on.

It requires no research. They both constantly lied to us to get us into these stupid wars. Hell has a special place for them.
It requires no research. They both constantly lied to us to get us into these stupid wars. Hell has a special place for them.
if you wish to back up what you say, it requires research.

if you want to be an emotional basket case, carry on.
if you wish to back up what you say, it requires research.

if you want to be an emotional basket case, carry on.

If you want to argue that they were both honest upstanding men, have at it.

One does not have to research what everyone has lived through.
It was always going to end like this. It's why Bush, Obama and Trump wouldn't do it themselves.

I believe Obama and Trump both knew it was the right thing to do.
Sorry, but I have proven you wrong.

According to you, IT SEEMS, every President would have ignored their advisors and lied to Americans in Afghanistan.

According to you. IT SEEMS, every Sect of Defense would have been so distracted with rooting out white supremacy and conservatives from the military that they would ignore the critical higher priority of getting civilians out of Afghanistan before ordering all troops out.

According to you, IT SEEMS, every Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would have been 'woke' and preoccupied with forcing all the military academies to teach CRT to cadets and forcing active duty military members to go through the raining instead of focusing on executing a NEO operation to get all US citizens out of Afghanistan.

According to you, IT SEEMS, you are saying no matter who was in the seat they would make the same historic, epic failed / horrific decisions / mistakes Biden and his team have.

Sorry, that argument doesn't hold water.
If you want to argue that they were both honest upstanding men, have at it.
not what i said, now is it?

you can't back up what you say.
you refuse to even look for answers to your own questions,
and now you come at me cause i ask you to simply "show your work"

lazy ass minds are a total waste.
Sorry, but I have proven you wrong.

According to you, IT SEEMS, every President would have ignored their advisors and lied to Americans in Afghanistan.

According to you. IT SEEMS, every Sect of Defense would have been so distracted with rooting out white supremacy and conservatives from the military that they would ignore the critical higher priority of getting civilians out of Afghanistan before ordering all troops out.

According to you, IT SEEMS, every Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff would have been 'woke' and preoccupied with forcing all the military academies to teach CRT to cadets and forcing active duty military members to go through the raining instead of focusing on executing a NEO operation to get all US citizens out of Afghanistan.

According to you, IT SEEMS, you are saying no matter who was in the seat they would make the same historic, epic failed / horrific decisions / mistakes Biden and his team have.

Sorry, that argument doesn't hold water.

You can rant all you want. You either stay (and continue to only make things worse) or you cut your losses and get out and things were going to revert back to how they were.
not what i said, now is it?

you can't back up what you say.
you refuse to even look for answers to your own questions,
and now you come at me cause i ask you to simply "show your work"

lazy ass minds are a total waste.

So you agree with me but feel the need to call me out for something I don't even have a clue what you are calling out.
It requires no research. They both constantly lied to us to get us into these stupid wars. Hell has a special place for them.
General pondering.....

Who 'has the faster route to hell', the President who lied to get us into a war or one who attacked others for doing this...then before leaving office he drags the US into another useless war, sending troops into another foreign nation to fight another war in which there is nothing to fight for and no hope of 'winning'?

President Biden HAS DECIDED not to extend an Aug. 31 deadline to remove all American troops from Afghanistan​

I love how the media tries to spin this disaster to make it sound like President Biden is in ANY way in control of anything.

President Biden Did NOT 'DECIDE' shit!

Biden BEGGED for more time, & the CIA rep met with the Taliban, and they told Joe to GTFO in 6 days!

'Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said Tuesday that his group will accept “no extensions” of the Aug. 31 deadline the Biden administration has imposed for the withdrawal of all American troops from Afghanistan.'

Pentagon won’t extend withdrawal deadline as terrorists threaten consequences if US remains

Pentagon won’t extend withdrawal deadline as terrorists threaten consequences if US remains

In Afghanistan it is WEDNESDAY, 25 August.
- That leaves 6 (SIX) Days to have all US citizens, Afghan Refugees, and all military personnel out of Afghanistan.

- The Pentagon declared the MILITARY will have to begin packing up and begin leaving on FRIDAY, 27 August to meet the 31 August deadline.

For anyone math or calendar-challenged, that means the United States Government, President Biden, Sect of Defense Austin, & Gen Milley have 2 (TWO) days to rescue and evacuate roughly 9,000 (NINE THOUSAND) U. S. citizens.

In other words Biden is doing as he is told by the Taliban.

It’s going to be another shit show…
General pondering.....

Who 'has the faster route to hell', the President who lied to get us into a war or one who attacked others for doing this...then before leaving office he drags the US into another useless war, sending troops into another foreign nation to fight another war in which there is nothing to fight for and no hope of 'winning'?

I've already addressed this. I believe the answer to this is the one who lied us into wars. That would include Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Obama, Hillary and a list of others.
So you agree with me but feel the need to call me out for something I don't even have a clue what you are calling out.
really? i need to break this down?

you ask "why are people still there, they've had time to leave"

and im saying to HONESTLY find out why, it would take research.

you refused to do research cause you had all the answers. so, simply asking for you to show how you came to this conclusion that the people still in afganistan have themselves only to blame for still being there when there's there's a week left on the deadline and the panic started with 2 weeks left.

so - in the end, you're emo'ing out statements based on "emotion" and not backing them up.

that's it. not that complicated.
They drew down to such a force level that there is no force left to actually be respected by the taliban so, barring a massive influx of forces ready to fight, they basically have to do whatever they're told, ready or not.

Huge tactical error by the Biden administration. One among many here. Total shit-show.
You can rant all you want. You either stay (and continue to only make things worse) or you cut your losses and get out and things were going to revert back to how they were.
After Biden f*ed things up and now finds himself with basically only 2 more days to get thousands of Americans out of Afghanistan, 'cutting one's losses' by leaving hundreds/thousands of Americans behind as payment for Biden's mistake may sound like the reasonable thing to do ...... but I continue to repeat the FACT that this did not have to end this way.

You claim it DID have to end this way....leaving me to believe you are only parroting Joe's own personal defense in defense of Biden.

'Never underestimate Joe's ability to f* things up.'......and he did.

Obama pointed out that Biden has a knack for f*ing things up, things no one else would / could. Biden proved Barry's point in his failure in Afghanistan.
April 2021...... Biden calls for assault weapons ban.

Four months later, as a result of his mishandling America's exit in Afghanistan, Biden relinquishes truck loads of fully automatic assault rifles to the largest terrorist organization in the world.

I've already addressed this. I believe the answer to this is the one who lied us into wars. That would include Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Obama, Hillary and a list of others.

W led us to war, appropriately I think, after 9/11 to destroy Al Qaeda.
- Nation-building and lying to drag the US into a 2nd war - one which even Democrats voted to give him the authority to take us to war again, were the reasons for 2 simultaneous wars that led to 20 years of war.

Barry told every American that we were dragged into unnecessary wars, that we were lied to.....and then he dragged the US into a 3rd consecutive pointless war with even LESS of a reason to be there than the other 2.

W was a liar.
Barry was a liar and a hypocrite.

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