President Biden’s 2024 State of the Union Address

HA HA. Not wrong, and you just confirmed how brainwashed you still are by the CNN/MSNBC gobbledogook.

Here's your EDUCATION. Before Trump came in and abolished it, Obama's
immigration policy was "Catch & Release". DUH! (the country knows that and you dont ?)

So what they did was issue summonses to illegal aliens to appear in court (which went into the wastebasket 2 seconds after walking out the door). Illegals of course ignored the summones, and simply melted back into the US population (as they again do now every day, under Biden). Neither Obama nor Biden deported ANYBODY.

All they did was count every summons as a "deportation", fed that to the leftwing media, and you're dumb enough to fall for it. But so are millions of others. Mass stupidity.
Loser said what?
For you loons. He didn't offer the rest of us anything.

it means he was on speed. If you couldn't see the difference, you've need seen someone on speed.
You dont ever watch a Biden speech. That was pretty much par for the course. You watch some spliced video that claims he was shaking hands with the air then run here and post it. He is always lucid and focused.
Biden chose a sledge hammer over an olive branch... and he hammered moderates out of his base.... what a disaster of a speech last night... nothing but a high school pep rally for dems...
Nah, this is skewed delusion.

Lowered junk fees, daycare, college education... these things are not "extreme". You are. You perception has been skewed by white wing media.
Biden chose a sledge hammer over an olive branch... and he hammered moderates out of his base.... what a disaster of a speech last night... nothing but a high school pep rally for dems...
Their thinking must have been that Biden has to do something to get the loon base back. Cause that speech certainly didn't have anything for the rest of us. I can't recall any previous SOTU address where the President didn't have at least a few bipartisan moments. Not one last night.
Loser said what?

You asked, I answered.
I win, you lose.
I rule, you drool

You gonna sue me again (for the first time) piss boy?
Thanks for reminding me. Sure, I'll sue you. Wouldnt want you to be disappointed.

As for your jibberish "You asked I answered", if anybody knows what this loon is talking about, please don't tell me. :rolleyes:

As for the EDUCATION I gave you , stopping yearssssss of ignorance, You're welcome.
Loser said what?

You asked, I answered.
I win, you lose.
I rule, you drool

You gonna sue me again (for the first time) piss boy?
Typical childish banter.

The credible number of Biden's imported illegals over the past 3 years is 8 to 10 million including Biden's criminals and terrorists.

Even if we assume your numbers of exported illegals is accurate, it is just a token gesture the poltburo mouthpieces can use to claim they reducing the open border invasion.

I think Joe got into Hunter's cocaine stash.

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