President Donald Trump- “The Storm Is Coming”. What is he implying?

Tell us again why the only posters we ever hear that Q shit from are you Q-obsessed leftist vermin.
Dude look at the OP

you hear it from Dems because Magarats know how insane it sounds and is. That doesn't mean they don't believe the crap that the Q Krew puts out...they're just embarrassed by it
They're fine with whatever happens. They're at war.

I got bitched at by one of them the other day because I said that I know she loves her country. She said something like "it's beyond that now". So violence and death will be more of a catharsis for these people than a problem. America's jihadis.

I swear, there are times I think it would be better if some real proof, some unassailable evidence that they could prove in court (for a change), would come in about the election actually being rigged. I'd much rather just be wrong than see my country destroyed by a delusional political Qult like this.

It doesn’t matter what proof your shown. You’ll lie to yourself anyway. That’s what leftist do.
Have you seen the pee pee tapes yet?
Fyi.....I'm sure you likely missed the news on this....

Christopher Steele nor his sources, made up the pee pee tapes story...

June 20, 2019

Hope Hicks Heard Rumors Of Donald Trump 'Pee Tape' Months Before Steele Dossier, Thought 'TMZ' May Have It.​

The infamous story of the Donald Trump "pee tape" did not become public until January 10, 2017, when BuzzFeed News posted the "Steele Dossier" online, via DocumentCloud. But according to her Wednesday testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, former top Trump aide Hope Hicks and others in the Trump campaign were aware of the tape's possible existence three months earlier.
According to a full transcript of her closed-door testimony posted online by the Judiciary Committee, Hicks said that she first heard "rumors" of "a tape involving Mr. Trump in Moscow" the day after the Access Hollywood tape. That tape was made public on October 7, 2016, pinpointing the date that Hicks first heard about the tape of Trump in Moscow as October 8.
That was more than three months before the alleged existence of the tape became public knowledge due to the BuzzFeed publication of private intelligence reports compiled by former British spy and Russia expert Christopher Steele.
As The Inquisitr reported, Steele described the tape as having been recorded during Trump's November, 2013, visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, which Trump owned at the time. During that brief visit, according to the allegations, Trump hired Russian prostitutes to perform a "golden showers" show for his viewing pleasure in his hotel suite at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton. The prostitutes reportedly urinated on a bed that had been previously slept in by President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama.

Hicks, in her testimony, described the tape as showing Trump "with Russian hookers, participating in some lewd activities," as The Daily Caller recounted. Though Hicks said that she knew only of a "rumor" involving the tape, she believed that Harvey Levin, founder of the gossip site TMZ, might have possession of the tape itself.
Hicks told the Judiciary Committee that she felt her job at that point was to "contain" the rumor of the tape, to prevent it from "spiraling out of control."
But rumors of the tape were apparently widespread in October of 2016. Hicks testified that she heard the "rumor" from Trump campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson. Trump's since-jailed personal lawyer Michael Cohen received a text message on October 30 from Russian businessman Giorgi Rtskhiladze, who was collaborating on the Trump Tower Moscow project.
In the text message, the businessman informed Cohen that he had "Stopped flow of tapes from Russia," according to the investigative report by special counsel Robert Mueller, accessible online via The New York Times.
Rtskhiladze later told Mueller that he was referring to "compromising tapes of Trump" that were in the possession of "the Russian real estate conglomerate Crocus Group, which had helped host the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Russia," as The Inquisitr reported.
Hicks, Cohen, and Rtskhiladze all appeared to accept the possibility that the compromising tapes of Trump may indeed be real, though Rtskhiladze told Mueller that he had heard the tapes themselves were fakes

Fyi.....I'm sure you likely missed the news on this....

Christopher Steele nor his sources, made up the pee pee tapes story...

June 20, 2019

Hope Hicks Heard Rumors Of Donald Trump 'Pee Tape' Months Before Steele Dossier, Thought 'TMZ' May Have It.​

The infamous story of the Donald Trump "pee tape" did not become public until January 10, 2017, when BuzzFeed News posted the "Steele Dossier" online, via DocumentCloud. But according to her Wednesday testimony to the House Judiciary Committee, former top Trump aide Hope Hicks and others in the Trump campaign were aware of the tape's possible existence three months earlier.
According to a full transcript of her closed-door testimony posted online by the Judiciary Committee, Hicks said that she first heard "rumors" of "a tape involving Mr. Trump in Moscow" the day after the Access Hollywood tape. That tape was made public on October 7, 2016, pinpointing the date that Hicks first heard about the tape of Trump in Moscow as October 8.
That was more than three months before the alleged existence of the tape became public knowledge due to the BuzzFeed publication of private intelligence reports compiled by former British spy and Russia expert Christopher Steele.
As The Inquisitr reported, Steele described the tape as having been recorded during Trump's November, 2013, visit to Moscow for the Miss Universe pageant, which Trump owned at the time. During that brief visit, according to the allegations, Trump hired Russian prostitutes to perform a "golden showers" show for his viewing pleasure in his hotel suite at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton. The prostitutes reportedly urinated on a bed that had been previously slept in by President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle Obama.

Hicks, in her testimony, described the tape as showing Trump "with Russian hookers, participating in some lewd activities," as The Daily Caller recounted. Though Hicks said that she knew only of a "rumor" involving the tape, she believed that Harvey Levin, founder of the gossip site TMZ, might have possession of the tape itself.
Hicks told the Judiciary Committee that she felt her job at that point was to "contain" the rumor of the tape, to prevent it from "spiraling out of control."
But rumors of the tape were apparently widespread in October of 2016. Hicks testified that she heard the "rumor" from Trump campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson. Trump's since-jailed personal lawyer Michael Cohen received a text message on October 30 from Russian businessman Giorgi Rtskhiladze, who was collaborating on the Trump Tower Moscow project.
In the text message, the businessman informed Cohen that he had "Stopped flow of tapes from Russia," according to the investigative report by special counsel Robert Mueller, accessible online via The New York Times.
Rtskhiladze later told Mueller that he was referring to "compromising tapes of Trump" that were in the possession of "the Russian real estate conglomerate Crocus Group, which had helped host the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Russia," as The Inquisitr reported.
Hicks, Cohen, and Rtskhiladze all appeared to accept the possibility that the compromising tapes of Trump may indeed be real, though Rtskhiladze told Mueller that he had heard the tapes themselves were fakes

That's a bazinga!!
Another Q-Loon conspiracy -- manufactured boogeyman.
Even when they try to hide their Q-Nuttery -- it comes out instinctively.
They can't help it.
They go through boogeymen like one goes through a bag of potato-chips. One chip gets demolished...and they'll latch onto another. They just can't swallow one and be satisfied.

After all, they are 'Boogeyman Hunters'!!
And that's who you are gonna call.

Trust me.
Um... no. It was the big eared guy before him.

Remember "you can keep your doctor and your plan"?
Why don't you explain to everyone how Obumble's misspeaking on the subject of healthcare was responsible for or significantly increased divisions within the country?

( this oughtta be good )
Nope. Trump is nuts. Even the European press has picked up on Trump's threats.
but hair sniffer is sane
the guy who took showers w/ his daughter.. sane
the guy who once said you have to be a prostitute to make it in politics, which he was obviously willing to do
and it's so sane, isn't it, to promote murdering unborn children up to the time of birth (and probably beyond)

Yep, that's sanity, Everyone!
"'s so sane, isn't it, to promote murdering unborn children up to the time of birth (and probably beyond)."

The above sounds like yet another QAnon SnakePeople hunter. An arch- enemy to the Archons and Pizza Pedos.
A Nimrod Q'ster?
An ersatz Crocodile Dundee?

I love this bar ..... most especially when the Q's fantasize about killing children.
but hair sniffer is sane
the guy who took showers w/ his daughter.. sane
the guy who once said you have to be a prostitute to make it in politics, which he was obviously willing to do
and it's so sane, isn't it, to promote murdering unborn children up to the time of birth (and probably beyond)

Yep, that's sanity, Everyone!

It would be insanity if any of it were true, but the real insanity is that you believe every lie the right wing billionaire media tells you. You parrot lies and propaganda and think nothing of it.

The Trump fever is breaking. Very few people turned up for the latest rally. And while you fools keep saying that Biden is senile, he seems a whole lot saner than Donald Trump does these days.

Why would Trump steal classified documents and refuse to give them back. Did he want to be arrested? Did he think he could raise more money from you suckers if he was in peril of going to jail, or is he just trying to start a civil war?
Wrong. It's not cool to use your attorney general to indict your political opponent. That's what third world countries do. Trump knows that and so does dingleberry. This is just political theater to arouse the democrat voters. They have nothing to campaign on. Their policies are shit.
It is if he committed treason. A violation of the Espionage Act?. You know, refresh my memory. Didn't we used to put people in PRISON..and worse for violating norms such as this? :)
We WERE a third world country for four years under Trump.

Democrats have their issues. But at least they give a shit about something beyond God and guns.
Republicans haven't proposed a policy to help the working voter in over four decades.
Wrong. It's not cool to use your attorney general to indict your political opponent. That's what third world countries do. Trump knows that and so does dingleberry. This is just political theater to arouse the democrat voters. They have nothing to campaign on. Their policies are shit.

Really???? Then why didn't you speak up when he had Andrew McCabe up before a Grand Jury trying to file charges on him.

Or what about that whole "Investigation of the Investigators" than John Dunham is currently wrapping up without filing charges against ANYONE, other than a process charge against a Washington lawyer, that the jury tossed before they finished coffee?

Trump had Hillary Clinton investigated 5 times during his Presidency in an effort to "lock her up". He spent his entire 4 years in office trying and failing to prosecute Obama, Biden, and Clinton, among other Democratic leaders.
Really???? Then why didn't you speak up when he had Andrew McCabe up before a Grand Jury trying to file charges on him.

Or what about that whole "Investigation of the Investigators" than John Dunham is currently wrapping up without filing charges against ANYONE, other than a process charge against a Washington lawyer, that the jury tossed before they finished coffee?

Trump had Hillary Clinton investigated 5 times during his Presidency in an effort to "lock her up". He spent his entire 4 years in office trying and failing to prosecute Obama, Biden, and Clinton, among other Democratic leaders.
He also had his IRS audit Comey and McCabe.... Both at the same time, after he fired them!!!!!
Really???? Then why didn't you speak up when he had Andrew McCabe up before a Grand Jury trying to file charges on him.

Or what about that whole "Investigation of the Investigators" than John Dunham is currently wrapping up without filing charges against ANYONE, other than a process charge against a Washington lawyer, that the jury tossed before they finished coffee?

Trump had Hillary Clinton investigated 5 times during his Presidency in an effort to "lock her up". He spent his entire 4 years in office trying and failing to prosecute Obama, Biden, and Clinton, among other Democratic leaders.
Oh, and Trump sent Giuliani to the Ukraine to fabricate dirt on Hunter and his political opponent Joe Biden, and asked Barr to investigate, along with the president of Ukraine for military aid, making an announcement on CNN International of the investigation.....Trump didn't care if Ukraine was really investigating Bidens, Trump said he just wanted the Ukraine president to announce it.... Trump would take it from there...

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