President-elect Joe Biden is planning executive orders that would sweepingly reverse Trump's biggest policies

So much for our recovery.... its a Fuck You America move.....
We will have a recovery under Biden and we won't have to wait to get herd immunity for it to happen.
Yeah, the vaccine will be here in short time. Which I'm sure you will give complete credit to the racist
democrat president-elect.
trump is the racist and the vaccine will not be here in any short time.
Biden is a racist, and you voted for him. my, my....I can't believe that YOU would vote for one.
Biden is no racist and it gets old reading you racists republicans accusing democrats of racism while denying trumps.
Biden is not promoted as a racist. There are things he has said over the years that African Americans would not take lightly. I read and see in the news over and over of people being shamed and destroyed for some stupid remark. This needs to end of America will end. As it stands now i would hope an underground bartering system will start and expand in Red areas. And Deplorables as a start should not purchase or do business in blue areas or merchants unless they have to.

This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.

Wrong again a$$hat. Since Trump did nothing by legislation, and everything via "national emergencies" and "executive orders", everything he did can be easily undone, except the tax cuts. The tax cuts and the prison reform bill were the ONLY things that Trump did via legislation.

The Wall - is gone. All work will cease and the project will be abandoned. The camps will be closed, and this shameful part of the Trump legacy will be a reminder of the useless hate adn xenophobia of an ignorant people.

Money will be invested in education, infrastructre, and science, and America will start looking to the future for it's greatness, not at a past that never was great but for a handful of people.
The uneducated moron spouts her shit again. Biden can’t stop private contractors from building the wall on land where people want it idiot. Easily undone? Sorry loser, the courts will say differently. See ignorant one, Obozo was the one who started the policies you idiots now cry about. Biden gets and deserves ZERO. The Senate will neuter him even if he cheats his way in. Appears you’re the asshole. As usual.
Except people on private land have not done what you claim.
The racist liar heard from too. Prove it. Or STFU.
You are indeed a racist liar and what I said was true. Go look it up, because you guys make claims without proof. Obama did not start the child separation policy.
But, he did put them in cages. I guess there is a difference....somewhere in democrat speak.
He put unaccompanied minors in those cages which people did oppose. What he did not do was snatch children from parents, separate them from parents, then ship the parents back home whereby children are left without parents and nobody knows where they are.

You republicans really need to stop being disingenuous.
However you want to present Obama's handling of putting children in cages is entirely up to you.
If it helps you sleep nights, great.
I handle the facts. Why don't you try doing the same?
Sure you do, IM2, sure you do. You're in denial with how Obama handled the caged children.
Nope, I don't deny anything. But you are.
Yeah, you do, your one of the turn blind when it's one of your own.
It's okay, I understand, IM2.
Wrong answer son. The policies were not the same and I opposed what Obama did. So STFU with your dishonest diversions.
Repeating my advice to President Trump:

Pardon every criminal allowable under law. The left likes criminals; give them more.

Executive-order every element of The Democrat's purported agenda. Leave it up to them to repudiate those they "really didn't mean". If they dare.

That would include every energy-crippling measure they've proposed. For immediate implementation. Let them sort it out in January. If they dare alienate their own base.

To the fullest extent possible hand out federal "Emergency" cash to ever state and city. Just like they schemed to do in their Senate-rejected proposals. Then let them reveal how they play to pay for it.....or dare, if they might, put a halt to it.

It's not "scorched earth". It's simply challenging the liberal elite to demonstrate they really wanted all those goodies.

You may hear them singing a happy little song:


This is to be expected and should happen. Let the cleaning up begin...

Somebody tell this dumbfuck OP that Biden is not president elect.
So much for our recovery.... its a Fuck You America move.....
We will have a recovery under Biden and we won't have to wait to get herd immunity for it to happen.
Yeah, the vaccine will be here in short time. Which I'm sure you will give complete credit to the racist
democrat president-elect.
trump is the racist and the vaccine will not be here in any short time.
Biden is a racist, and you voted for him. my, my....I can't believe that YOU would vote for one.
Biden is no racist and it gets old reading you racists republicans accusing democrats of racism while denying trumps.
Biden is not promoted as a racist. There are things he has said over the years that African Americans would not take lightly. I read and see in the news over and over of people being shamed and destroyed for some stupid remark. This needs to end of America will end. As it stands now i would hope an underground bartering system will start and expand in Red areas. And Deplorables as a start should not purchase or do business in blue areas or merchants unless they have to.
I know what Biden is and I know what hee has said in the past. But he served as vice president under the first black president and did not work to undermine him. So white republicans just need to stop trying this lame ass crap.
Trumpf's voters love everything about him, they don't have to hold their noses. They love that he's a racist, they love that he's a xenophobe, they love that he's a religious bigot, they love that he's a sexist, that he lies incessantly, that he is constantly disrespectful. They love that he ridicules the disabled and calls military dead suckers and losers. They love every single thing about him. At best, they just don't care.

The only thing clear about Americans that voted for this guy is the seeming sharp decline in the values they hold dear. Remember, they had a choice of 17 four years ago, and they picked him.

eddie, you're a stupid little bitch who STILL wallows in propaganda.
And you believing all the bullshit that drips from trumps mouth ,is what?? Your head is so far up trumps rump you still can't get it out

I only believe what I hear and see for myself. I have seen and heard enough to know that if the choice is Trump is a liar or you are a liar, the odds are that you are the liar.
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.

Wrong again a$$hat. Since Trump did nothing by legislation, and everything via "national emergencies" and "executive orders", everything he did can be easily undone, except the tax cuts. The tax cuts and the prison reform bill were the ONLY things that Trump did via legislation.

The Wall - is gone. All work will cease and the project will be abandoned. The camps will be closed, and this shameful part of the Trump legacy will be a reminder of the useless hate adn xenophobia of an ignorant people.

Money will be invested in education, infrastructre, and science, and America will start looking to the future for it's greatness, not at a past that never was great but for a handful of people.
And unicorns will once again roam the meadows.

Meanwhile, you're on record as saying children shouldn't be separated from their traffickers at the border. You know...the whole point of the detainment camps.
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.

Wrong again a$$hat. Since Trump did nothing by legislation, and everything via "national emergencies" and "executive orders", everything he did can be easily undone, except the tax cuts. The tax cuts and the prison reform bill were the ONLY things that Trump did via legislation.

The Wall - is gone. All work will cease and the project will be abandoned. The camps will be closed, and this shameful part of the Trump legacy will be a reminder of the useless hate adn xenophobia of an ignorant people.

Money will be invested in education, infrastructre, and science, and America will start looking to the future for it's greatness, not at a past that never was great but for a handful of people.
And unicorns will once again roam the meadows.

Meanwhile, you're on record as saying children shouldn't be separated from their traffickers at the border. You know...the whole point of the detainment camps.

That wasn't the point of the detainment camps. The camps were there to terrorize anyone from seeking asylum in the USA, that if they tried to claim asylum, they would lose their children. The Trump Administration was told this was child abuse, and that they would never be able to find the parents, and they did it anyway - as a deterrent to other people coming to the USA.

There will be prosecutions over this. This was a war crime, against people who you were not at war against.
So much for our recovery.... its a Fuck You America move.....
We will have a recovery under Biden and we won't have to wait to get herd immunity for it to happen.
Yeah, the vaccine will be here in short time. Which I'm sure you will give complete credit to the racist
democrat president-elect.
trump is the racist and the vaccine will not be here in any short time.
Biden is a racist, and you voted for him. my, my....I can't believe that YOU would vote for one.
Biden is no racist and it gets old reading you racists republicans accusing democrats of racism while denying trumps.
Is that what they're saying in the racial jungle, or is that just the clean, articulate ones?
So much for our recovery.... its a Fuck You America move.....
We will have a recovery under Biden and we won't have to wait to get herd immunity for it to happen.
Yeah, the vaccine will be here in short time. Which I'm sure you will give complete credit to the racist
democrat president-elect.
trump is the racist and the vaccine will not be here in any short time.
Biden is a racist, and you voted for him. my, my....I can't believe that YOU would vote for one.
Biden is no racist and it gets old reading you racists republicans accusing democrats of racism while denying trumps.
Biden is not promoted as a racist. There are things he has said over the years that African Americans would not take lightly. I read and see in the news over and over of people being shamed and destroyed for some stupid remark. This needs to end of America will end. As it stands now i would hope an underground bartering system will start and expand in Red areas. And Deplorables as a start should not purchase or do business in blue areas or merchants unless they have to.
I know what Biden is and I know what hee has said in the past. But he served as vice president under the first black president and did not work to undermine him. So white republicans just need to stop trying this lame ass crap.
Didn't work to undermine him?

I see you don't remember the Obama White House position on gay marriage.
Remember, kids, executive orders means the executive wants to be a dictator -- unless he's a Democrat.

Wrong again a$$hat. Since Trump did nothing by legislation, and everything via "national emergencies" and "executive orders", everything he did can be easily undone, except the tax cuts. The tax cuts and the prison reform bill were the ONLY things that Trump did via legislation.

The Wall - is gone. All work will cease and the project will be abandoned. The camps will be closed, and this shameful part of the Trump legacy will be a reminder of the useless hate adn xenophobia of an ignorant people.

Money will be invested in education, infrastructre, and science, and America will start looking to the future for it's greatness, not at a past that never was great but for a handful of people.
And unicorns will once again roam the meadows.

Meanwhile, you're on record as saying children shouldn't be separated from their traffickers at the border. You know...the whole point of the detainment camps.

That wasn't the point of the detainment camps. The camps were there to terrorize anyone from seeking asylum in the USA, that if they tried to claim asylum, they would lose their children. The Trump Administration was told this was child abuse, and that they would never be able to find the parents, and they did it anyway - as a deterrent to other people coming to the USA.

There will be prosecutions over this. This was a war crime, against people who you were not at war against.
Such a drama queen.
I only believe what I hear and see for myself. I have seen and heard enough to know that if the choice is Trump is a liar or you are a liar, the odds are that you are the liar.

Ha! Funniest post of the day so far...

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