President Obama blasted for golfing after tough speech on ISIS

another know it all^^^^
You are commenting on NotfooldedbyW and his excellent analysis of the development of ISIS? Perhaps you can show how any of his links or conclusions are wrong and not spot on accurate?
The problem is that if Obama had a son he would not look like Foley. Why should Obama suffer because the Islamists acted stupidly?

The truth is, Obama is more flexible now. Which means he won, get over it, and now he doesn't give a crap what anyone thinks, except donors.

With even his media praetorian guard appalled, the golf outing is sparking a wider understanding that Obama is hollow, empty of the routine qualities Americans expect from their president.

Simple decency and respect for Foley’s horrified parents should have been enough to sober him. If that didn’t do it, the realization that the Islamic State had declared war on America in the most gruesome fashion imaginable should have sounded a call of duty in his head.

Obama 8217 s golf outing after Foley beheading was a huge mistake New York Post

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