President Obama blasted for golfing after tough speech on ISIS

. Failures you mean like gas prices being over three dollars a gallon for most of his Presidency?

That is a very ignorant attack on Obama. When Obama assumed the Office it was at the peak of the worst recession and losing jobs at 700,000 per month or more, Gas prices were lower than previous months and peaks because of the great Bush recession that started in 2007.

If you want a return to sub-three bucks a gal gas then you want a return to catastrophic global recession. That is purely a foolish demand.

How about the failure to see and understand the threat ISIS was becoming for more than a year?

That failure was universal. Your 20-20 hindsight has overwhelmed you to combine it with your 20/20 hatred of Obama. That is clear.

Obama's policy decision to not allow the USAF to become Shiite Iran and Maliki's are force in a proxy war with the Sunni extremist has proven with Maliki's departure to have been correct.

What about the failure to respond to ISIS until they were on the verge of committing genocide?

You asked the same question twice to fill up a post. How clever,

Answer !
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Which you bitch about.

You want it both ways.

Hardly. What I want is for our President to take responsibility for his job and to do it competently and with integrity.

I'm prepared to continue to be disappointed for the rest of Obama's term.
Yet you cannot list what you believe the President has NOT taken responsibility for. All you can regurgitate are phony scandals which Republicans have investigate ad nauseum and have come up with bupkis.

Obama has constantly blamed Bush for his own failures...and his Acolytes follow his dog whistle.
What failures?!?!

You mean like the DOW going from 6000 to 17000?

Maybe one of these?

What the fuck has Obama done so far
Failures you mean like gas prices being over three dollars a gallon for most of his Presidency? Before you come back with Presidents don't control gas prices I will remind you the left was more than happy to blame Bush for them. How about the failure to see and understand the threat ISIS was becoming for more than a year? What about the failure to respond to ISIS until they were on the verge of committing genocide? We also have the failure to understand just because you say a war on terror or against radical Islam is over does not make it so the failure to take any serious action against Putin when he was taking Crimea. Of course the great Obamacare roll out, people's incomes being stagnant, the millions who lost their insurance they liked despite being promised repeatedly they wouldn't. As for the Dow yeah that tends to happen when you pump billions of dollars into it every month I'm guessing when that stops it drops like a stone.

Umm, gas prices are set by oil companies. It's called capitalism dum dum.

Actually gas prices are "set" by supply and demand...and by the anticipation of events. Under President Obama production of oil and natural gas in lands controlled by the Federal Government is down because his administration has taken a pronounced stance against carbon based energy. On lands over which Barry and his loyal minions haven't had control (ie State and privately held) production of oil and gas is up substantially. What's amusing is how liberals like to claim that increased production as one of the successes of the Obama Administration when in fact it was something done DESPITE the Obama Administration!
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. Failures you mean like gas prices being over three dollars a gallon for most of his Presidency?

That is a very ignorant attack on Obama. When Obama assumed the Office it was at the peak of the worst recession and losing jobs at 700,000 per month or more, Gas prices were lower than previous months and peaks because of the great Bush recession that started in 2007.

If you want a return to sub-three bucks a gal gas then you want a return to catastrophic global recession. That is purely a foolish demand.

How about the failure to see and understand the threat ISIS was becoming for more than a year?

That failure was universal. Your 20-20 hindsight has overwhelmed you to combine it with your 20/20 hatred of Obama. That is clear.

Obama's policy decision to not allow the USAF to become Shiite Iran and Maliki's are force in a proxy war with the Sunni extremist has proven with Maliki's departure to have been correct.

What about the failure to respond to ISIS until they were on the verge of committing genocide?

You asked the same question twice to fill up a post. How clever,

Answer !

With all due respect...Barack Obama's insistence that ISIS was the "JV" simply points out how completely he underestimated what they were. At the time that the Obama Administration was declaring that leaving a "stable" Iraq would be one of the highlights of his term in office, ISIS was literally exploding across the border from Syria to establish a terrorist "Caliphate".

What ISIS shows quite clearly is that Barack Obama lives in his own little fantasy land...where he's the American President who "stops wars".
. Failures you mean like gas prices being over three dollars a gallon for most of his Presidency?

That is a very ignorant attack on Obama. When Obama assumed the Office it was at the peak of the worst recession and losing jobs at 700,000 per month or more, Gas prices were lower than previous months and peaks because of the great Bush recession that started in 2007.

If you want a return to sub-three bucks a gal gas then you want a return to catastrophic global recession. That is purely a foolish demand.

How about the failure to see and understand the threat ISIS was becoming for more than a year?

That failure was universal. Your 20-20 hindsight has overwhelmed you to combine it with your 20/20 hatred of Obama. That is clear.

Obama's policy decision to not allow the USAF to become Shiite Iran and Maliki's are force in a proxy war with the Sunni extremist has proven with Maliki's departure to have been correct.

What about the failure to respond to ISIS until they were on the verge of committing genocide?

You asked the same question twice to fill up a post. How clever,

Answer !
Your answer to every Obama failure is to blame Bush as much as you love to think otherwise the failures of Bush don't excuse the failures of Obama maybe one day you will grow up enough to understand that. By the way we had sub three dollar a gallon gas prices under Clinton, Bush the elder, Reagan, hell even Carter without a catastrophic global recession so claiming that is how to get that again is beyond foolish.
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From conservative columnist Maureen Dowd.....Oh wait :confused:

The Golf Address

FORE! Score? And seven trillion rounds ago, our forecaddies brought forth on this continent a new playground, conceived by Robert Trent Jones, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal when it comes to spending as much time on the links as possible — even when it seems totally inappropriate, like moments after making a solemn statement condemning the grisly murder of a 40-year-old American journalist beheaded by ISIL.

I know reporters didn’t get a chance to ask questions, but I had to bounce. I had a 1 p.m. tee time at Vineyard Golf Club with Alonzo Mourning and a part-owner of the Boston Celtics. Hillary and I agreed when we partied with Vernon Jordan up here, hanging out with celebrities and rich folks is fun.

Now we are engaged in a great civil divide in Ferguson, which does not even have a golf course, and that’s why I had a “logistical” issue with going there. We are testing whether that community, or any community so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure when the nation’s leader wants nothing more than to sink a birdie putt.

We are met on a great field of that battle, not Augusta, not Pebble Beach, not Bethpage Black, not Burning Tree, but Farm Neck Golf Club in Martha’s Vineyard, which we can’t get enough of — me, Alonzo, Ray Allen and Marvin Nicholson, my trip director and favorite golfing partner who has played 134 rounds and counting with me.
. Failures you mean like gas prices being over three dollars a gallon for most of his Presidency?

That is a very ignorant attack on Obama. When Obama assumed the Office it was at the peak of the worst recession and losing jobs at 700,000 per month or more, Gas prices were lower than previous months and peaks because of the great Bush recession that started in 2007.

If you want a return to sub-three bucks a gal gas then you want a return to catastrophic global recession. That is purely a foolish demand.

How about the failure to see and understand the threat ISIS was becoming for more than a year?

That failure was universal. Your 20-20 hindsight has overwhelmed you to combine it with your 20/20 hatred of Obama. That is clear.

Obama's policy decision to not allow the USAF to become Shiite Iran and Maliki's are force in a proxy war with the Sunni extremist has proven with Maliki's departure to have been correct.

What about the failure to respond to ISIS until they were on the verge of committing genocide?

You asked the same question twice to fill up a post. How clever,

Answer !

then he shouldn't of applied for the job he wasn't QUALIFIED for it anyway.
but let's all play this for him...:boohoo:
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. Failures you mean like gas prices being over three dollars a gallon for most of his Presidency?

That is a very ignorant attack on Obama. When Obama assumed the Office it was at the peak of the worst recession and losing jobs at 700,000 per month or more, Gas prices were lower than previous months and peaks because of the great Bush recession that started in 2007.

If you want a return to sub-three bucks a gal gas then you want a return to catastrophic global recession. That is purely a foolish demand.

How about the failure to see and understand the threat ISIS was becoming for more than a year?

That failure was universal. Your 20-20 hindsight has overwhelmed you to combine it with your 20/20 hatred of Obama. That is clear.

Obama's policy decision to not allow the USAF to become Shiite Iran and Maliki's are force in a proxy war with the Sunni extremist has proven with Maliki's departure to have been correct.

What about the failure to respond to ISIS until they were on the verge of committing genocide?

You asked the same question twice to fill up a post. How clever,

Answer !

With all due respect...Barack Obama's insistence that ISIS was the "JV" simply points out how completely he underestimated what they were. At the time that the Obama Administration was declaring that leaving a "stable" Iraq would be one of the highlights of his term in office, ISIS was literally exploding across the border from Syria to establish a terrorist "Caliphate".

What ISIS shows quite clearly is that Barack Obama lives in his own little fantasy land...where he's the American President who "stops wars".

Where does your history of ISIS "exploding" across the border when US troops were withdrawing from Iraq come from? When Obama said ISIS was JV in Jan of 2014, they were. Jabhot al-Nusra and al Qaeda were the big dogs in Jan 2014 and ISIS was not considered a big major player by anyone. Can you show a link where someone was predicting that ISIS would overcome and overrule both al Nusra and al Qaeda back in the end of 2013 or beginning of 2014?
What failures?!?!

You mean like the DOW going from 6000 to 17000?

Maybe one of these?

What the fuck has Obama done so far

The Dow is made of the 30 Megacorporations, most of which are Big Government Corporate cronies. (And poor fat people will always drive to McDonalds.)

The Fed is printing money QE^Infinity and ZIRP...which has created an asset bubble in stocks. This policy is brewing inflation. It also punishes savers who would prefer to keep their money in passbook savings accounts due to risk some are earning so little on their life savings that they are eroding due to inflation...or they are taking risks in the stock market because they need some form of gain (at a risk).

So who is really benefiting from Obama's policies: Mega Corporation Cronies and Wall Street Banksters.
Umm, gas prices are set by oil companies. It's called capitalism dum dum.

No, they are set via Corporate Big Government Cronysim.

Government adds gas taxes; currently in CA it is $.69 per gallon, soon to increase another $.15.

In addition, government mandates particular formulas and additives (MTB anyone? Ethanol anyone?) which increase costs, and hence prices. And then there are government leases on BLM lands (the Feds own most of the land west of the Mississippi - what's that about?) and horrible federal policy which discourages domestic development and forces imports. In sum, it's nothing like a Free Market.
This lawless, lazy, incompetent, narcissistic, Marxist, lying Asshole of a President hit his first tee shot 7 minutes after finishing his little speech about how bereaved he was at what these Muslim animals did to a brave American.

Which means it was very likely that he gave his little speech in the Clubhouse of the Country is almost logistically impossible for it to have been anywhere else.

He lost 3 approval points in the Rasmussen poll this morning....most one day loss I can remember (and it is a 3 day average)...and the Asshole deserves it.
. Failures you mean like gas prices being over three dollars a gallon for most of his Presidency?

That is a very ignorant attack on Obama. When Obama assumed the Office it was at the peak of the worst recession and losing jobs at 700,000 per month or more, Gas prices were lower than previous months and peaks because of the great Bush recession that started in 2007.

If you want a return to sub-three bucks a gal gas then you want a return to catastrophic global recession. That is purely a foolish demand.

How about the failure to see and understand the threat ISIS was becoming for more than a year?

That failure was universal. Your 20-20 hindsight has overwhelmed you to combine it with your 20/20 hatred of Obama. That is clear.

Obama's policy decision to not allow the USAF to become Shiite Iran and Maliki's are force in a proxy war with the Sunni extremist has proven with Maliki's departure to have been correct.

What about the failure to respond to ISIS until they were on the verge of committing genocide?

You asked the same question twice to fill up a post. How clever,

Answer !

With all due respect...Barack Obama's insistence that ISIS was the "JV" simply points out how completely he underestimated what they were. At the time that the Obama Administration was declaring that leaving a "stable" Iraq would be one of the highlights of his term in office, ISIS was literally exploding across the border from Syria to establish a terrorist "Caliphate".

What ISIS shows quite clearly is that Barack Obama lives in his own little fantasy land...where he's the American President who "stops wars".

Where does your history of ISIS "exploding" across the border when US troops were withdrawing from Iraq come from? When Obama said ISIS was JV in Jan of 2014, they were. Jabhot al-Nusra and al Qaeda were the big dogs in Jan 2014 and ISIS was not considered a big major player by anyone. Can you show a link where someone was predicting that ISIS would overcome and overrule both al Nusra and al Qaeda back in the end of 2013 or beginning of 2014?

Are you serious? Obama calls ISIS the "JV" only six months ago and you think that assessment was correct?

“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama told Remnick. “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

This was a failure by Obama to admit that his policy of total withdrawal of US troops from Iraq was incredibly naive. Once again maintaining the "narrative" that the White House was putting out "that Iraq was stable" was more important to Obama than dealing with the reality of the situation in Iraq. It's EXACTLY how they fucked up the situation in Libya that led to the deaths of our Ambassador and three others! Rather than admit that things were dangerous in Benghazi and security needed to be increased, Hillary decided that the "optics" of that would prove embarrassing to our allies there and left security of our diplomats to "locals".
And to put that in Obama was mocking ISIS as the "JV"...they had ALREADY taken control of Anbar Province in Iraq. Barry probably didn't hear about that from the main stream media...right?
Not too many liberal apologist on this thread. A couple of hard core Obama loving cult followers but not too many
Unfortunately, there are a lot of hypocritical ODS kooks demanding that Obama do what no other president has ever done. Do I really have to post the "Now watch this drive" video here as well?

Those ODS hypocrites, of course, have not been sitting at home weeping, as they demand of others. Quite the contrary, they've been quite busy, with all of their joyful tapdancing on the corpse of a dead American. It's the same thing they were doing after Benghazi. It was vile behavior then, and it hasn't improved with repetition.

Seriously ODSers, you look like ghouls, on top of being dishonest stinking hypocrites. Normal people are all shunning you, being that your behavior has gone so far beyond the bounds of decency.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of hypocritical ODS kooks demanding that Obama do what no other president has ever done. Do I really have to post the "Now watch this drive" video here as well?

Those ODS hypocrites, of course, have not been sitting at home weeping, as they demand of others. Quite the contrary, they've been quite busy, with all of their joyful tapdancing on the corpse of a dead American. It's the same thing they were doing after Benghazi. It was vile behavior then, and it hasn't improved with repetition.

Seriously ODSers, you look like ghouls, on top of being dishonest stinking hypocrites. Normal people are all shunning you, being that your behavior has gone so far beyond the bounds of decency.

What are you babbling about? he President of the US should surely show more decorum and be more solemn after consoling a dead person's family than the average poster don't you think?

No, I doubt you do.

Think that is
And to put that in Obama was mocking ISIS as the "JV"...they had ALREADY taken control of Anbar Province in Iraq. Barry probably didn't hear about that from the main stream media...right?
I disagree that ISIS had taken over Anbar at the time of Obama's JV comment. I think the rise of ISIS from ISI to ISIS and to IS
And to put that in Obama was mocking ISIS as the "JV"...they had ALREADY taken control of Anbar Province in Iraq. Barry probably didn't hear about that from the main stream media...right?
There was plenty of reason to analyze ISIS as the JV team if one looked at al Nusra and al Quada as the first stringers. At the time of Obama's JV comment the Sunni tribes in Ramadi and Fallujah were fighting alongside the Iraq Army against ISIS. It is fair to say an analysis of ISIS's position of strength within the overall contingent of Islamist terrorist groups was debatable but I am not aware of anyone proposing that they would overpower or overrule both al Qaeda and al Nusra.
. Failures you mean like gas prices being over three dollars a gallon for most of his Presidency?

That is a very ignorant attack on Obama. When Obama assumed the Office it was at the peak of the worst recession and losing jobs at 700,000 per month or more, Gas prices were lower than previous months and peaks because of the great Bush recession that started in 2007.

If you want a return to sub-three bucks a gal gas then you want a return to catastrophic global recession. That is purely a foolish demand.

How about the failure to see and understand the threat ISIS was becoming for more than a year?

That failure was universal. Your 20-20 hindsight has overwhelmed you to combine it with your 20/20 hatred of Obama. That is clear.

Obama's policy decision to not allow the USAF to become Shiite Iran and Maliki's are force in a proxy war with the Sunni extremist has proven with Maliki's departure to have been correct.

What about the failure to respond to ISIS until they were on the verge of committing genocide?

You asked the same question twice to fill up a post. How clever,

Answer !

With all due respect...Barack Obama's insistence that ISIS was the "JV" simply points out how completely he underestimated what they were. At the time that the Obama Administration was declaring that leaving a "stable" Iraq would be one of the highlights of his term in office, ISIS was literally exploding across the border from Syria to establish a terrorist "Caliphate".

What ISIS shows quite clearly is that Barack Obama lives in his own little fantasy land...where he's the American President who "stops wars".

Where does your history of ISIS "exploding" across the border when US troops were withdrawing from Iraq come from? When Obama said ISIS was JV in Jan of 2014, they were. Jabhot al-Nusra and al Qaeda were the big dogs in Jan 2014 and ISIS was not considered a big major player by anyone. Can you show a link where someone was predicting that ISIS would overcome and overrule both al Nusra and al Qaeda back in the end of 2013 or beginning of 2014?

Are you serious? Obama calls ISIS the "JV" only six months ago and you think that assessment was correct?

“The analogy we use around here sometimes, and I think is accurate, is if a jayvee team puts on Lakers uniforms that doesn’t make them Kobe Bryant,” Obama told Remnick. “I think there is a distinction between the capacity and reach of a bin Laden and a network that is actively planning major terrorist plots against the homeland versus jihadists who are engaged in various local power struggles and disputes, often sectarian.”

This was a failure by Obama to admit that his policy of total withdrawal of US troops from Iraq was incredibly naive. Once again maintaining the "narrative" that the White House was putting out "that Iraq was stable" was more important to Obama than dealing with the reality of the situation in Iraq. It's EXACTLY how they fucked up the situation in Libya that led to the deaths of our Ambassador and three others! Rather than admit that things were dangerous in Benghazi and security needed to be increased, Hillary decided that the "optics" of that would prove embarrassing to our allies there and left security of our diplomats to "locals".
Just make is easy and admit you don't have links to back your claims up. You have opinions but not facts.
More problems with the Obama Hater's ISIS/Obama calls them JV timeline.

The clear split between al Qaeda and ISIS was made public on February 3, 2014.

Formalizing a forecast of what ISIS would do was not very clear to anyone until much later.

It is too early to tell, however, whether the split will herald a wider regional rupture or is simply the consequence of the long friction between Zawahiri and ISIS’s Iraqi leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Much will depend on how other al-Qaeda-linked groups in the region respond, said Bruce Riedel, director of the Brookings Institution’s Intelligence Project.

Al-Qaeda disavows any ties with radical Islamist ISIS group in Syria Iraq - The Washington Post
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And to put that in Obama was mocking ISIS as the "JV"...they had ALREADY taken control of Anbar Province in Iraq. Barry probably didn't hear about that from the main stream media...right?

Do you mean ISIS controlled 'all' of Anbar Province on January 20th? That is quite the stretch you have put out there. Do you have any source or reports that back that up? All of Anbar? There were back and forth battles from December 2013 through May 2014. But never major control of the entire province of Anbar.

In fact it was not until March 2014 that ISIS left a low profile in Fallujah and went public with a military display and flying their flag As reported here:

ISIS Shifts Tactics in Fallujah Posted on 28 March 2014. Tags:
By Mushreq Abbas for Al-Monitor. Any opinions expressed are those of the author, and do not necessarily reflect the views of Iraq Business News.

Three months after the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) decided to avoid public appearances and maintain a low profile in Fallujah, the group put on a military parade in the center of the city to showcase its strength.

The move signaled the start of an armed conflict to control the city. On March 20, ISIS fighters staged a parade in downtown Fallujah. The parade was similar to previous ones, with convoys of cars carrying the group’s flags.

The armed groups in Fallujah consist primarily of fighters organized under the so-called “military council for the tribes of Fallujah.” These fighters are affiliated with armed groups that are not linked to ISIS, such as the Army of the Naqshbandi Way, Hamas Iraq, Jaish al-Murabitoun, Jaish al-Islami and Katayeb Thwarat al-Ishreen, in addition to Salafist fighters affiliated with the international al-Qaeda organization and not loyal to ISIS.

These Salafist fighters previously fought with Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria. In addition, there are less organized fighters affiliated with the local clans and led by Sheikh Ali Hatem al-Suleiman.

ISIS fighters used to be present amid those overlapping forces, but under the guise of coming to help the local fighters unconditionally. Thus, ISIS avoided colliding with tribal groups and agreed to requests to stop fighting or lead operations.

However, during the past month, the relationship between these parties has changed. Most of the forces in the military council of the tribes were close to accepting a reconciliation with the government to prevent the Iraqi army from entering Fallujah, put an end to the fighting and achieve some Sunni demands.

That reconciliation would have threatened ISIS’ vision, one that does not include reconciliation.

Observers of the events in Fallujah told Al-Monitor that there have always been differences between the fighters inside the city, but those differences were kept under control when the danger of the Iraqi army entering was high, and simmered when the fight with Iraqi forces quieted down.

For this reason, the Iraqi army choosing to put off storming Fallujah, a costly option in terms of human lives, money and morale, thus escalating the power struggle inside Fallujah over the right to determine the outcome of the crisis there.

According to Al-Monitor‘s sources in Fallujah, the tribal elders and military leaders of the factions within the city always knew that ISIS will turn on them the moment it deems appropriate.

The recent parade can be seen as the beginning of a coup by ISIS fighters against the tacit agreement that ISIS works within other organizations.

This is a complex issue that cannot be understood without going back to the history of the conflict between al-Qaeda and the factions formed by Salafist jihadists, the Muslim Brotherhood and Baathists.

Starting in 2006, Anbar and other Iraqi areas witnessed fierce clashes between these parties. Many fighters were placed under the auspices of the US military as part of the Sahwa organization, which succeeded in undermining al-Qaeda and killing or capturing most of its leaders before al-Qaeda started its gradual revival in 2009.

The parade by ISIS reveals the start of a fierce internal conflict between the gunmen in Fallujah. Of course, ISIS hopes that its parades will kill two birds with one stone: taking over the decision-making from the tribal elders, clerics and some faction leaders and dragging the Iraqi army into a confrontation, thus forcing the rest of the factions and clans to work under ISIS to defend Fallujah.

The history of ISIS in Iraq shows that wherever it is present, it assassinates its competitors, gets rid of moderate clerics and opponents in various ways and imposes Sharia courts. That phase has not yet started in Fallujah, but the parade suggests that it could begin at any moment.
(Source: Al-Monitor)

Anbar Iraq Business News

The move signaled the start of an armed conflict to control the city. That was in March. But Oldstyle is claiming that it was apparent that ISIL had taken control of ANBAR prior to January 20th. Oldstyle has a serious credibility problem with his claim.
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With all due respect...Barack Obama's insistence that ISIS was the "JV" simply points out how completely he underestimated what they were. At the time that the Obama Administration was declaring that leaving a "stable" Iraq would be one of the highlights of his term in office, ISIS was literally exploding across the border from Syria to establish a terrorist "Caliphate".

ISIS did not literally explode across the border from Syria to establish a terrorist "Caliphate". prior to June 2014. Your imagination has gotten the best of you.

Observers of the events in Fallujah told Al-Monitor that there have always been differences between the fighters inside the city, but those differences were kept under control when the danger of the Iraqi army entering was high, and simmered when the fight with Iraqi forces quieted down.

Anbar Iraq Business News

I don't think the Sunnis of Anbar had any idea of what was to come in June. And you expect us to believe that you did and the pack of Obama Hatin' armchair generals knew more than the Sunni trilbal fighters knew last January. Come on. When do you people get real?

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