President Obama blasted for golfing after tough speech on ISIS

I may not like most of his politics, but I can only imagine the stress of being President of the United States of America. There's nothing wrong with doing something, anything, to keep the president from crashing and burning from burnout and stress. Remember, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also did things they enjoyed in order to cope with the immense pressure the job entails.

That's nice...How about not yucking it up for a few days when an American has just been beheaded by islamonazi nutjobs :mad:
I may not like most of his politics, but I can only imagine the stress of being President of the United States of America. There's nothing wrong with doing something, anything, to keep the president from crashing and burning from burnout and stress. Remember, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also did things they enjoyed in order to cope with the immense pressure the job entails.

That's nice...How about not yucking it up for a few days when an American has just been beheaded by islamonazi nutjobs :mad:

So the president should not be allowed to golf or vacation for a few days when an American has just been beheaded by Islamic terrorists? Does this extend only to the president, or to more people? The house? The senate? Congress? How many democratic and republican senators are on vacation, and enjoying themselves within these last few days? I think if your notion applies to the president, it ought to apply to higher-up politicians on both political sides, to be fair.
I may not like most of his politics, but I can only imagine the stress of being President of the United States of America. There's nothing wrong with doing something, anything, to keep the president from crashing and burning from burnout and stress. Remember, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also did things they enjoyed in order to cope with the immense pressure the job entails.

That's nice...How about not yucking it up for a few days when an American has just been beheaded by islamonazi nutjobs :mad:

So the president should not be allowed to golf or vacation for a few days when an American has just been beheaded by Islamic terrorists? Does this extend only to the president, or to more people? The house? The senate? Congress? How many democratic and republican senators are on vacation, and enjoying themselves within these last few days? I think if your notion applies to the president, it ought to apply to higher-up politicians on both political sides, to be fair.

The president is supposed to be the leader of the free world not 535 members of congress..He could call congress back in session if he wanted
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.

I don't think that has ever stopped President Pen & Phone.
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.

I don't think that has ever stopped President Pen & Phone.
Which you bitch about.

You want it both ways.
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.

I don't think that has ever stopped President Pen & Phone.
Which you bitch about.

You want it both ways.

Hardly. What I want is for our President to take responsibility for his job and to do it competently and with integrity.

I'm prepared to continue to be disappointed for the rest of Obama's term.
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.
He can do anything he wants for 60 days. He doesn't have to ask for funding. He had no problem going to war against Libya and you guys never complained.

he War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto. It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past, for example, by President Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. All incidents have had congressional disapproval, but none has resulted in any successful legal actions being taken against the president for alleged violations.War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your shit is so weak. Obama does anything he wants and goes around congress constantly, but now his hands are tied?

Epic Fail
By Mayo Clinic Staff

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, which is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.

Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:

  • Believing that you're better than others
  • Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
  • Exaggerating your achievements or talents
  • Expecting constant praise and admiration
  • Believing that you're special and acting accordingly
  • Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
  • Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
  • Taking advantage of others
  • Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
  • Being jealous of others
  • Believing that others are jealous of you
  • Trouble keeping healthy relationships
  • Setting unrealistic goals
  • Being easily hurt and rejected
  • Having a fragile self-esteem
  • Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence or strong self-esteem, it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal. In contrast, people who have healthy confidence and self-esteem don't value themselves more than they value others.

When you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may have a sense of entitlement. And when you don't receive the special treatment to which you feel entitled, you may become very impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — the best car, athletic club, medical care or social circles, for instance.

But underneath all this behavior often lies a fragile self-esteem. You have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have a sense of secret shame and humiliation. And in order to make yourself feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and efforts to belittle the other person to make yourself appear better.

Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic

This was a brilliant find Gracie and, if read with an open mind, explains so much of the problem with this President. He had no experience, qualifications, or demonstrated aptitude going into the job--he had never held a real career type job, had never managed anything, had absolutely nothing on his resume to point to as any kind of significant success. Supposedly he made good grades in college but has kept his academic record locked up more securely than Fort Knox so we just have to take his word for that don't we?

But the media and those who desperately wanted a Democrat President didn't care did they. Obama had a D after his name and he was black and he could give a decent speech if somebody else wrote it and he could use a teleprompter. And that's all they cared about.

And since then he has demonstrated in no uncertain terms that he is unfit to lead. He distances himself from anything that is the least bit negative in his administration and takes personal credit for anything that he thinks can be made to look at all good. He hates doing the job as President and doesn't concern himself with it a great deal, but he sure enjoys the prestige, the limelight, the praises, and adoration.

I think Gracie's post nailed it.
Which you bitch about.

You want it both ways.

Hardly. What I want is for our President to take responsibility for his job and to do it competently and with integrity.

I'm prepared to continue to be disappointed for the rest of Obama's term.
Yet you cannot list what you believe the President has NOT taken responsibility for. All you can regurgitate are phony scandals which Republicans have investigate ad nauseum and have come up with bupkis.
I may not like most of his politics, but I can only imagine the stress of being President of the United States of America. There's nothing wrong with doing something, anything, to keep the president from crashing and burning from burnout and stress. Remember, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also did things they enjoyed in order to cope with the immense pressure the job entails.
I may not like most of his politics, but I can only imagine the stress of being President of the United States of America. There's nothing wrong with doing something, anything, to keep the president from crashing and burning from burnout and stress. Remember, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also did things they enjoyed in order to cope with the immense pressure the job entails.

Of course every CEO in the world that gets a yearly medical check up knows this. That is because the doctors are emphatic about people in high pressure and high stress jobs make relaxing mandatory for decent health. Golf has long been seen as one of the best stress relievers for people under great pressure who can not get away from their jobs sometimes for long periods of time. The person can actually handle some business via conversations and decision making while concurrently participating in a stress relieving activity. It is why businessmen and women conduct deal making decisions and negotiations while playing golf with each other or via phone while golfing.
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.
He can do anything he wants for 60 days. He doesn't have to ask for funding. He had no problem going to war against Libya and you guys never complained.

he War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto. It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past, for example, by President Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. All incidents have had congressional disapproval, but none has resulted in any successful legal actions being taken against the president for alleged violations.War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your shit is so weak. Obama does anything he wants and goes around congress constantly, but now his hands are tied?

Epic Fail
We're not the Iraqi Air Force.

Why aren't Right-Wingers bitching about the Saudis, Turks, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, and Jordanians not launching air strikes against ISIS?

Isn't it their neighborhood?

Aren't their countries in an imminent threat from ISIS?

Don't they have very modern Air Forces, bought from Uncle Sam?

So, until they get off their asses, why should we add to our debt?
Thread summary:

The ODS kooks were commanded to get hysterical again. Being that they're an easily led bunch, they joyfully obeyed. Now the ODS kooks can't understand why everyone else isn't as hysterical as themselves.

There's no crisis going on that requires extra presidential attention. Normal people see that, so normal people wonder why the ODS kooks are wetting themselves again. Oddly, the ODS kooks weren't in this state perpetual hysteria during Bush's term, shrieking every time Bush took one of his far more numerous vacation days. But then, if they weren't wildly hypocritical and profoundly stupid, they wouldn't be ODS kooks.
Well in defense of Obama, he knows he can't be re-elected so all he is doing now is enjoying life until his term is up
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.
He can do anything he wants for 60 days. He doesn't have to ask for funding. He had no problem going to war against Libya and you guys never complained.

he War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto. It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past, for example, by President Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. All incidents have had congressional disapproval, but none has resulted in any successful legal actions being taken against the president for alleged violations.War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your shit is so weak. Obama does anything he wants and goes around congress constantly, but now his hands are tied?

Epic Fail
We're not the Iraqi Air Force.

Why aren't Right-Wingers bitching about the Saudis, Turks, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, and Jordanians not launching air strikes against ISIS?

Isn't it their neighborhood?

Aren't their countries in an imminent threat from ISIS?

Don't they have very modern Air Forces, bought from Uncle Sam?

So, until they get off their asses, why should we add to our debt?

How is that rant at all relevant to the fact that our President shouldn't be out laughing it up moments after consoling an American family over the loss of one of their own? Or at least he shouldn't be caught on camera doing so.

It's rather disgusting that we as Americans can't put politics aside for one fucking moment and all say " Obama, you should have shown more respect than that"
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.
He can do anything he wants for 60 days. He doesn't have to ask for funding. He had no problem going to war against Libya and you guys never complained.

he War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto. It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past, for example, by President Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. All incidents have had congressional disapproval, but none has resulted in any successful legal actions being taken against the president for alleged violations.War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your shit is so weak. Obama does anything he wants and goes around congress constantly, but now his hands are tied?

Epic Fail
We're not the Iraqi Air Force.

Why aren't Right-Wingers bitching about the Saudis, Turks, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, and Jordanians not launching air strikes against ISIS?

Isn't it their neighborhood?

Aren't their countries in an imminent threat from ISIS?

Don't they have very modern Air Forces, bought from Uncle Sam?

So, until they get off their asses, why should we add to our debt?

How is that rant at all relevant to the fact that our President shouldn't be out laughing it up moments after consoling an American family over the loss of one of their own? Or at least he shouldn't be caught on camera doing so.

It's rather disgusting that we as Americans can't put politics aside for one fucking moment and all say " Obama, you should have shown more respect than that"

He doesn't care, he is the Celebrity President
Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
When did Boehner become Commander In Chief?

Another thought, nothing the House does makes it through the Senate, so why do anything. It would be shelved like everything else they've done.
Military incursions require funding, Mr. Whistle.
He can do anything he wants for 60 days. He doesn't have to ask for funding. He had no problem going to war against Libya and you guys never complained.

he War Powers Resolution requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action and forbids armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days, with a further 30 day withdrawal period, without an authorization of the use of military force or a declaration of war. The resolution was passed by two-thirds of Congress, overriding a presidential veto. It has been alleged that the War Powers Resolution has been violated in the past, for example, by President Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo. All incidents have had congressional disapproval, but none has resulted in any successful legal actions being taken against the president for alleged violations.War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Your shit is so weak. Obama does anything he wants and goes around congress constantly, but now his hands are tied?

Epic Fail
We're not the Iraqi Air Force.

Why aren't Right-Wingers bitching about the Saudis, Turks, Egyptians, Kuwaitis, and Jordanians not launching air strikes against ISIS?

Isn't it their neighborhood?

Aren't their countries in an imminent threat from ISIS?

Don't they have very modern Air Forces, bought from Uncle Sam?

So, until they get off their asses, why should we add to our debt?

How is that rant at all relevant to the fact that our President shouldn't be out laughing it up moments after consoling an American family over the loss of one of their own? Or at least he shouldn't be caught on camera doing so.

It's rather disgusting that we as Americans can't put politics aside for one fucking moment and all say " Obama, you should have shown more respect than that"

He doesn't care, he is the Celebrity President

Obama is a shit stain, as are most politicians, I've given up on them. But , if we as Americans don't ALL start standing up and demanding MORE from our politicians, it is completely irrelevant which party gets elected to which office because we will just keep getting shit stains as leaders.

I mean I've seen politicians get caught watching porn when they are supposed to be you know running our country and even THAT gets turned into a political football by the American idiot, rather than ALL of us saying "Hey I don't care which party that guy is in, that is disgraceful, get rid of him now"

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