President Obama blasted for golfing after tough speech on ISIS

Keep him on the golf course. If he's on the golf course, that ass hat can't be in Washington doing us harm.
This President is totally unconcerned to national or international events.

He doesnt give a fig about anything anymore (besides golf)

There is no other way to put it...
Actually it is the Republican Party that doesn't give a fig and they've well proved it every chance they get from remaining quite idle in the House instead of working like their constituents back home expected them to do. Oh, and did I forget to mention, despite their immobile stance they Still Expect Their Paychecks. Now isn't that something.
Oh so the country expects for the President of the United States to go hide himself away in a corner with a hanky and become like Speaker Boehner and cry rivers forever?

Look, he already stood up for the journalist and his family and said some pretty tough words several times about that against the group responsible. He also went on national tv networks with that message. With a job as tough as his and indeed for Any president, after such trying times they are certainly entitled to some relaxation. So, use some common sense and don't make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Yes please do use common sense, The President of the United States shouldn't be caught on camera laughing it up moments after consoling a dead American's family.

Have some fucking class and go do something different today, have a round tomorrow or maybe gasp the next day.
By Mayo Clinic Staff

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, which is in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.

Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:

  • Believing that you're better than others
  • Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
  • Exaggerating your achievements or talents
  • Expecting constant praise and admiration
  • Believing that you're special and acting accordingly
  • Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings
  • Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans
  • Taking advantage of others
  • Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior
  • Being jealous of others
  • Believing that others are jealous of you
  • Trouble keeping healthy relationships
  • Setting unrealistic goals
  • Being easily hurt and rejected
  • Having a fragile self-esteem
  • Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional
Although some features of narcissistic personality disorder may seem like having confidence or strong self-esteem, it's not the same. Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal. In contrast, people who have healthy confidence and self-esteem don't value themselves more than they value others.

When you have narcissistic personality disorder, you may come across as conceited, boastful or pretentious. You often monopolize conversations. You may belittle or look down on people you perceive as inferior. You may have a sense of entitlement. And when you don't receive the special treatment to which you feel entitled, you may become very impatient or angry. You may insist on having "the best" of everything — the best car, athletic club, medical care or social circles, for instance.

But underneath all this behavior often lies a fragile self-esteem. You have trouble handling anything that may be perceived as criticism. You may have a sense of secret shame and humiliation. And in order to make yourself feel better, you may react with rage or contempt and efforts to belittle the other person to make yourself appear better.

Narcissistic personality disorder Symptoms - Diseases and Conditions - Mayo Clinic
I like the idea that my President can order that hell be rained onto your ass and calmly go play a round of golf. It is kind of like turning loose the dogs of war and having a cocktail to celebrate the pain, suffering and damnation of your enemies. Old style bad ass.
Remember when so many clueless people bought into this demagogue

Remember when so many clueless people bought into this demagogue


Looks like republicans are angry again. Way to go Obama, love it when you make them mad. Too funny, the republican draft dodging party wanting others to go fight for them again.
Remember when so many clueless people bought into this demagogue


Looks like republicans are angry again. Way to go Obama, love it when you make them mad. Too funny, the republican draft dodging party wanting others to go fight for them again.

Even a lot of democrats are not happy with Obama's golfing but you'd be one of those 30% brain dead cult followers

Remember when so many clueless people bought into this demagogue


Looks like republicans are angry again. Way to go Obama, love it when you make them mad. Too funny, the republican draft dodging party wanting others to go fight for them again.

what? Your dear leader never SERVED a day in the military and he our CIC. and you're calling others draft dodgers? How do like Obama taking three minuets to an American being BEHEADED then goes back to his golf game. We like to NEVER heard the end of Bush and, My pet goat from you partisan hacks
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holy smokes, these are the people put in charge of protecting us. we all better start praying


In effort to shield Obama from criticism on ISIS, White House makes everything worse
posted at 4:41 pm on August 22, 2014 by Noah Rothman
Ben Rhodes, the White House’s deputy national security advisor, made things a lot worse for President Barack Obama today.
As AllahPundit observed, the White House has been in a crouch since Wednesday over the president’s decision to continue with his vacation plans – most notably to allow his golf game to persist uninterrupted – in the wake of the beheading of an American at the hands of Islamic State terrorists.
Obama’s supporters dismiss criticisms of the president not allowing the outbreak of war on several continents to conflict with his vacation plans as just more irrational and partisan attacks. The White House has, however, not been so dismissive. In fact, their responses could be more accurately characterized as defensive.
“Aides said the golf game did not reflect the depth of his grief over Mr. Foley, noting that the president had just spoken with his parents that morning,” The New York Times reported on Thursday. Translation: this is bad, let’s play cleanup.

But Rhodes’s statements today made a whole new mess of Obama’s ill-timed golf outing.
“When you see somebody killed in such a horrific way, that represents a terrorist attack,” he said. “That represents a terrorist attack against our country and against an American citizen.”
“We see that as an attack on our country when one of our own is killed like that,” Rhodes added.
So, now the president was not just callously golfing in the wake of the horrific murder of an American citizen, he was golfing in the immediate aftermath of a “terrorist attack” on the United States of America. Oops.

After Rhodes left the stage, Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz was asked to further clarify this issue. Schultz said that the murder of an American citizen amounting to a declaration of war on the United States had “absolutely captured the president’s attention.” That’s a clarification that an American president should hardly ever need to make.

ALL of it here:
In effort to shield Obama from criticism on ISIS White House makes everything worse Hot Air
Bush had around 80 days a year vacation.

Obama? So far it's around 27 days a year.

And as for giving speeches about terrorists?

Bush had around 80 days a year vacation.

Obama? So far it's around 27 days a year.

And as for giving speeches about terrorists?


Obama has 27 days, you joke right? that was Bush in EIGHT years I take it?

now how about that Obama giving a few minuets to an American citizen being BEHEADED, then going back to golfing?
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Bush had around 80 days a year vacation.

Obama? So far it's around 27 days a year.

And as for giving speeches about terrorists?


You can agree or disagree with Bush he was no narcissist and he actually had real compassion for people. Obama is cold, unfeeling , scum who could give a shit less about anyone but himself and his ideology
I may not like most of his politics, but I can only imagine the stress of being President of the United States of America. There's nothing wrong with doing something, anything, to keep the president from crashing and burning from burnout and stress. Remember, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush also did things they enjoyed in order to cope with the immense pressure the job entails.

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