President Obama blasted for golfing after tough speech on ISIS

Where's the outrage over Boehner still being on vacation and not calling the House back in session to authorize funding to stop ISIS?

Edit: Oops - you wingnuts shouldn't read this or you will go soft before the jerk is done.
Another thing, where the MEDIA on all this? If this had been BOOOOOSH, they would exploded the AIR WAVES

where is the lib/Dems. An Amercian Journalist was BEHEADED for crying out loud.

but you should of been on here when it was Daniel Pearl
Another thing, where the MEDIA on all this? If this had been BOOOOOSH, they would exploded the AIR WAVES

where is the lib/Dems. An Amercian Journalist was BEHEADED for crying out loud.

but you should of been on here when it was Daniel Pearl

the entire story is not a big deal unless you're an idiot.
Kudos imbecile !
I am just an average American, a taxpayer in the Heartland....and that means I have voted Republican a lot lately, not because I like them, but because the Democrats seem to be nothing more than modern day Marxists...modern Marxists who have just proven to old Marxists that you don't have to have violent overthrow of the government to get control of it.

Today's Democrats would hoot John Kennedy out of the party for daring to ask what a citizen can do for his's Democrat wants to know what the country can do for him.

I actually voted for the Democratic primary...against Bill Clinton's bogus wife. Yea, it was mostly a vote against a lying bitch who has rode her husband's coattails into within a whisper away of the Presidency....but she's White. like me...and so a vote for Obama ought to at least get me a single pass on the Race Card being played on me for the opinion I have since formed of Barak Obama.

After 5 years and 8 months of being in the most prominent and important job in the world, the whole man is before us.

I see a lawless, lazy, incompetent, self-centered, lying neo-Marxist Asshole.

I am o.k. myself. But, I fear for my children and grandchildren. He's got two years and 4 months left... how much damage can he do?

Did I mention that he is a Fool. He called ISIS the Junior Varsity only 7 months ago!!!!! Now, they are "a clear and present danger." Who will he blame? His speech writer or the military?
This President is totally unconcerned to national or international events.

He doesnt give a fig about anything anymore (besides golf)

There is no other way to put it...
President Obama blasted for golfing after tough speech on ISIS

And if the president cut short his vacation and returned to Washington the partisan right would whine about that as well.
In my opinion he simply does not care about foreign policy issues it's just not a concern of his he addresses them only when he can no longer ignore them and then takes the most minimal action possible if any to respond to them.
What is most disgusting about this event, is the old media's obvious hypocrisy.

Had an R done what BO did...gone golfing minutes after his speech about the brutal killing of an innocent American and been photographed laughing it up....the old media would have been most critical...and rightly so.

But since a D did it, no problems.

The Lefties still mock Bush for remaining calm in front of kindergartners upon learning the US was being attacked. Liberals teased and mocked Bush and "My Pet Goat" yet they never provided how one of their guys or gals as President would have reacted.
Well, we know now that another black president will never be sitting in that seat again. And blacks know it.

The man is insane. Why is he still sitting there in office? Why has he not been kicked out yet? He never will be. Just pray we are all still around by the time for the next election.
Well, we know now that another black president will never be sitting in that seat again. And blacks know it.

The man is insane. Why is he still sitting there in office? Why has he not been kicked out yet? He never will be. Just pray we are all still around by the time for the next election.

No kidding my gawd is right
we are so sitting ducks and the terrorist knows it
WE HAVE NO LEADER of our country
Well, we know now that another black president will never be sitting in that seat again. And blacks know it.

The man is insane. Why is he still sitting there in office? Why has he not been kicked out yet? He never will be. Just pray we are all still around by the time for the next election.

The "blacks" know it?

You sure have embraced your new freedom.
Well, we know now that another black president will never be sitting in that seat again. And blacks know it.

The man is insane. Why is he still sitting there in office? Why has he not been kicked out yet? He never will be. Just pray we are all still around by the time for the next election.

The "blacks" know it?

You sure have embraced your new freedom.
Why yes. Yes I have. It's very enlightening to me.
From what I have been reading and hearing, there are a shitload of blacks that see Obama for what he is and are not thrilled. Oh. Wait. It's because I said it. Right? Eye roll.
Now..speaking of golfing...just how many times has he done this? The world is falling apart, the USA is in danger, but he isn't in the WH house dealing with this shit. He is busy yucking it up and golfing.
Oh so the country expects for the President of the United States to go hide himself away in a corner with a hanky and become like Speaker Boehner and cry rivers forever?

Look, he already stood up for the journalist and his family and said some pretty tough words several times about that against the group responsible. He also went on national tv networks with that message. With a job as tough as his and indeed for Any president, after such trying times they are certainly entitled to some relaxation. So, use some common sense and don't make a mountain out of a mole hill.

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