President Obama endorses Hillary.......nobody endorses Trump

President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Millions of VOTERS endorsed Trump.....who cares about his victims? :dunno:
Millions of VOTERS endorsed Trump.....who cares about his victims? :dunno:
Texas ‘Victory Chairman’ Won’t Back Trump
June 11, 2016

Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush (R) was named the party’s 2016 “victory chairman,” charged with raising money and running the statewide campaign to “annihilate the Democrats up-and-down the ballot this November,” the Austin American-Statesman reports.

“No matter that Donald Trump, who humiliated Bush’s father, Jeb, as ‘low energy,’ during the rough and tumble GOP presidential race, will presumably be topping the ticket, and that neither Jeb Bush, nor George P. Bush’s uncle, former President George W. Bush, nor his grandfather, former President George H.W. Bush, plan to back Trump.”

George P. Bush said he doesn’t plan to endorse or even vote for Trump either.

I can't disagree. It seems to me that Trump is beyond the "father figure" some look to in elections. He has escalated that syndrome to a level where he represents the angry or Mad Daddy that many may be able to relate to from dysfunctional family environments.
"Trump will never be the nominee" the left screamed as Trump set voting records.

The left knows so much that just isn't so.
Actually, nationwide demographics will doom Trump
Less than 40% of women
Less than 20% of Hispanics
Less than 10% of blacks

The old, angry white male voting block may win the Republican primary but will not carry much in the General Election

Yeah and according to polling in 2012 Romney won.

I don't think so. I remember the left hoping that Trump would be the nominee. They got their wish.
We sure did

While we are happy to run against Trump, we are troubled about what it reveals about the American voter who is so easily tricked by an obvious snake oil salesman

You nominating Clinton is proof that the American voter will love a snake oil salesmen. Now we have two, Trump and Clinton.
Typical Republican

Hillary is the same as Trump

No, she isn't. You may not like her political positions but she is no Trump. There has never been anyone remotely related to the bizarreness that is Trump. Even your own party knows it

And you nominated him

I didn't nominate nor do I support Trump, I am an independent. I see no difference between the two. They both are 1%ers, they both will coddle Wall Street, they both lie to gain advantage. She has no conscience, she went after victims to save her husband. So, maybe I find Trump a little better than her.
President Obama gave his official endorsement to Hillary Clinton yesterday.......She also has the support of past presidents Clinton and Carter, Vice President Biden, Candidates Kerry and Gore living Republican President will support Trump
Neither will former candidates McCain or Romney

Millions of VOTERS endorsed Trump.....who cares about his victims? :dunno:

I am the mighty TRUMP...I don't need anyone

He will come crashing down to earth
"Trump will never be the nominee" the left screamed as Trump set voting records.

The left knows so much that just isn't so.
Yeah and according to polling in 2012 Romney won.

I don't think so. I remember the left hoping that Trump would be the nominee. They got their wish.
We sure did

While we are happy to run against Trump, we are troubled about what it reveals about the American voter who is so easily tricked by an obvious snake oil salesman

You nominating Clinton is proof that the American voter will love a snake oil salesmen. Now we have two, Trump and Clinton.
Typical Republican

Hillary is the same as Trump

No, she isn't. You may not like her political positions but she is no Trump. There has never been anyone remotely related to the bizarreness that is Trump. Even your own party knows it

And you nominated him

I didn't nominate nor do I support Trump, I am an independent. I see no difference between the two. They both are 1%ers, they both will coddle Wall Street, they both lie to gain advantage. She has no conscience, she went after victims to save her husband. So, maybe I find Trump a little better than her.
I are the ultimate I didn't vote for him voter

You vote for the nutcase who gets 2% of the vote and that absolves you of responsibility
RNC Website Doesn’t Mention Trump
June 11, 2016

Steven Benen: “The RNC’s homepage has two pictures of Hillary Clinton, but zero of Trump. Click on the ‘View All Articles’ link for the latest RNC blog posts and press releases, and you’ll find plenty of content, but of the top 20 items, 19 attacked Hillary Clinton, while one attacked President Obama. Here, too, there wasn’t a single Trump mention.”

“If you didn’t know anything about politics and you stumbled onto the RNC’s site, you might think the election were some kind of referendum on whether or not Clinton deserves support, rather than a choice between competing candidates.”
I don't think so. I remember the left hoping that Trump would be the nominee. They got their wish.
We sure did

While we are happy to run against Trump, we are troubled about what it reveals about the American voter who is so easily tricked by an obvious snake oil salesman

You nominating Clinton is proof that the American voter will love a snake oil salesmen. Now we have two, Trump and Clinton.
Typical Republican

Hillary is the same as Trump

No, she isn't. You may not like her political positions but she is no Trump. There has never been anyone remotely related to the bizarreness that is Trump. Even your own party knows it

And you nominated him

I didn't nominate nor do I support Trump, I am an independent. I see no difference between the two. They both are 1%ers, they both will coddle Wall Street, they both lie to gain advantage. She has no conscience, she went after victims to save her husband. So, maybe I find Trump a little better than her.
I are the ultimate I didn't vote for him voter

You vote for the nutcase who gets 2% of the vote and that absolves you of responsibility

No I don't, I voted Romney, Bush the second time. Also if you ran you'd get less than 2% of the vote, so must be a nutcase. Lol!
I don't see the problem that nobody endorses Trump as much as the GOP trots out too many ho hum candidates and no one had the backing of the party leaders from the get go. Trump was free to pick off any hopefuls one at a time and the RNC did nothing about it. Hillary was the presumptive dem from early on. She needed it because without it Bernie probably would have kicked her ass.

Why do you say that? Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes. That's a straight up win no matter how you slice it. The idea that this was "rigged" for Clinton back in 1984 is ridiculous.
Bonus Quote of the Day
June 11, 2016

“These things are personal. I love this country. I love the founders, I love what this country is built upon and its values, and seeing this is breaking my heart, for the party that means so much.”

— Mitt Romney, quoted by ABC News, “choking up and blinking back tears” explaining why he cannot back Donald Trump for president.
because they cannot buy him, don't you understand how this works?

Always behind the curve. Doesn't that ever get old?

Trump has a huge fund raising deficit to make up. He's traveling the country begging for cash as we speak.

Donald Trump's Campaign to Meet with Charles Koch's Team

and he will get it, without promising favors to any special interests. Don't worry, the Trump campaign will be very well financed.

Sure. Trump will do exactly the same thing as everyone candidate has done and who you see as a sellout, yet will somehow not be a sellout.:cuckoo:

Trump is very good at making his supporters twist themselves up in knots to support him.

I will vote against Hillary Clinton, keeping her out of power is the
Hackensack Mayor, Deputy Mayor Change Party Over Trump Comments

Hackensack Mayor, Deputy Mayor Change Party Over Trump Comments

great, no one cares who those two endorse. they are two votes. Trump has a very good chance to win NJ with or without those two.

Wanna bet?

Christie's approval rating hits record low

yes, I would love to take some of your money. How about $5K that Hillary loses?
Even the Koch brothers will not endorse Trump

because they cannot buy him, don't you understand how this works?

Always behind the curve. Doesn't that ever get old?

Trump has a huge fund raising deficit to make up. He's traveling the country begging for cash as we speak.

Donald Trump's Campaign to Meet with Charles Koch's Team
Trump needs more than cash

He needs bodies hitting the pavement in swing states registering voters, getting out the vote and talking up the issues

His Twitter account won't cut it

fear not, the cash and bodies will be there when needed. Your paid thugs are just increasing Trump's support.
I'm trying to compile a list of politicians who will be enthusiastically campaigning for Trump. No one on the right seems to want to help.

Why is that?

Unlike the Democratic Party, the Republicans don't want to sacrifice their values. Democrats want the Wall Street 1%ers.

Republicans have erected a very small tent where only wealthy, white, Christian males need apply

Driving out your own party is not a way to win elections

Bullshit, Trump is winning in every demographic, stop the lying. 65% of democrats don't think Hillary can be trusted and think that she jeopardized national security with her unsecure personal server.
"Trump will never be the nominee" the left screamed as Trump set voting records.

The left knows so much that just isn't so.
Actually, nationwide demographics will doom Trump
Less than 40% of women
Less than 20% of Hispanics
Less than 10% of blacks

The old, angry white male voting block may win the Republican primary but will not carry much in the General Election

Yeah and according to polling in 2012 Romney won.

I don't think so. I remember the left hoping that Trump would be the nominee. They got their wish.
We sure did

While we are happy to run against Trump, we are troubled about what it reveals about the American voter who is so easily tricked by an obvious snake oil salesman

You nominating Clinton is proof that the American voter will love a snake oil salesmen. Now we have two, Trump and Clinton.
Typical Republican

Hillary is the same as Trump

No, she isn't. You may not like her political positions but she is no Trump. There has never been anyone remotely related to the bizarreness that is Trump. Even your own party knows it

And you nominated him

and he will win, get used to it.

the hildebeast is corrupt, a liar, mentally impaired, and just plain unlikeable. Only brain dead morons like you think she would be a good president.
Always behind the curve. Doesn't that ever get old?

Trump has a huge fund raising deficit to make up. He's traveling the country begging for cash as we speak.

Donald Trump's Campaign to Meet with Charles Koch's Team

and he will get it, without promising favors to any special interests. Don't worry, the Trump campaign will be very well financed.

Sure. Trump will do exactly the same thing as everyone candidate has done and who you see as a sellout, yet will somehow not be a sellout.:cuckoo:

Trump is very good at making his supporters twist themselves up in knots to support him.

I will vote against Hillary Clinton, keeping her out of power is the
Hackensack Mayor, Deputy Mayor Change Party Over Trump Comments

Hackensack Mayor, Deputy Mayor Change Party Over Trump Comments

great, no one cares who those two endorse. they are two votes. Trump has a very good chance to win NJ with or without those two.

Wanna bet?

Christie's approval rating hits record low

yes, I would love to take some of your money. How about $5K that Hillary loses?

Hillary loses what? New Jersey?
The campaign is still young. As a matter of fact the candidates haven't even been nominated yet but Barry Hussein already set one benchmark. It's the first time in history that a president ever endorsed a candidate who is under criminal investigation by the justice department. Is it still about "hope & change"?
I don't see the problem that nobody endorses Trump as much as the GOP trots out too many ho hum candidates and no one had the backing of the party leaders from the get go. Trump was free to pick off any hopefuls one at a time and the RNC did nothing about it. Hillary was the presumptive dem from early on. She needed it because without it Bernie probably would have kicked her ass.

Why do you say that? Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes. That's a straight up win no matter how you slice it. The idea that this was "rigged" for Clinton back in 1984 is ridiculous.

I have to admit that I look at a bigger picture covering more years sometimes decades when I focus on politics than most observers.

Ya she won, so they/you say. Those votes plus the inevitable Bernie supporters vote, or at least some of them should be enough to defeat Trump.

Don't expect me to do hand springs for Hillary. She is the ultimate insider and the rich will get richer. I doubt she will do anything that doesn't make a handful of people wealthy in the process.

She will probably be more successful than Obama because she will be shmoozing 24/7 and probably win over a few republicans as allies.

Trump can't win without strong GOP support and he flat isn't getting it. This is where the Trump train gets derailed.

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