President Obama forgets to salute.


Gold Member
May 15, 2007
Watch the video and let's see the partisans come out of the woodwork.

Obama forgets to salute while boarding Marine One - CBS News Video

Now, my comment on this.

The salute is a sign of respect. The President should have returned the respect that was paid to him by the marine. However, I don't believe this was an intended slight against the marine. It certainly appeared to me that the President had something on his mind as he entered Marine One and then realized what had happened and returned apparently to apologize to the Marine.

Can't blame the man for being pre-occupied.


PS sorry if a thread has already been started on this. I did a search but did not come up with anything.
Give him a break. He was confused because the Marine wasn't holding up an umbrella.
Watch the video and let's see the partisans come out of the woodwork.

Obama forgets to salute while boarding Marine One - CBS News Video

Now, my comment on this.

The salute is a sign of respect. The President should have returned the respect that was paid to him by the marine. However, I don't believe this was an intended slight against the marine. It certainly appeared to me that the President had something on his mind as he entered Marine One and then realized what had happened and returned apparently to apologize to the Marine.

Can't blame the man for being pre-occupied.


PS sorry if a thread has already been started on this. I did a search but did not come up with anything.

Kings don't have to salute.
He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?
I felt embarrassed for him, especially because of the timing at the start of Memorial Day Weekend. It's the sort of oversight you'd expect more from an inexperienced first termer, but he must be terribly distracted by the shit storm he's enduring.
Clearly this was an accident as he went back and shook the guy's hand and spoke to him for a bit.

I knew somebody was going to start a thread on this and express faux outrage; I'm just surprised it took this long.
Terribly distracted? For his entire Presidency, the duties and responsibilities of Being President have been a distraction from his Permanent Organizer-in-Chief Campaign (and fundraising).
Clearly this was an accident as he went back and shook the guy's hand and spoke to him for a bit.

I knew somebody was going to start a thread on this and express faux outrage; I'm just surprised it took this long.

I haven't seen any "outrage"...yet.
He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

Going back gets Obama slack from me.
Clinton had the same problem saluting his betters. The son of a bitch just didn't care. Not to mention he was on record as hating the military and worked with Cohen - and Wall Street/MIC - to destroy Wes Clark's political future.

But I digress...

Going back to apologize was the right thing to do.
Still, it isn't something Obama wants to be his signature move.
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He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

It started with Reagan the fantasy general. He settled for saluting because his first choice,

to adorn himself in a full dress military regalia ala some South American strongman,

was strongly opposed by his handlers.

He went back and shook his hand so what's the problem? If Obama did the perfect Military salute every time you'd still hate him. I can think of many other reasons to dislike the man, saluting or not saluting isn't one of them.

Sidebar: When did this tradition start anyway?

It started with Reagan the fantasy general. He settled for saluting because his first choice,

to adorn himself in a full dress military regalia ala some South American strongman,

was strongly opposed by his handlers.


Bwahahaha! What a loon.

I don't recall Reagan musing how things would be so much easier if he were a South American Strongman, unlike Obama's wistfulness regarding being a king.
And even when Obama does salute if you notice closely, his thumb is not always pressed tight against his fingers, there' a gap there for sure. Add to that, the umbrella thing and it sounds like Republicans have finally found some real grounds for impeachment. One other problem, Obama usually wears civilian clothes and is he supposed to salute while in civies? Maybe the whole thing requires a House of Representative investigation? Wonder what committee it would go to?
much ado about nothing. He made a mistake and then apologized for it.

There are a many much more serious things to worry about with this clown as president.

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