
When the ultra wealthy have and control even more of the income and wealth, they will pay an even HIGHER percentage of the nations taxes. They will have all the money.

too stupid and liberal by 10000%. For Jobs to have $15 billion in wealth he has to sell 10000 times that much in iphone wealth. Henry Ford made $1.49 per car by making billions in wealth[in the form of cars] accessibile to the average guy.

As a typical liberal you lack the IQ to understand the way capitalism really works? Ever think of college? You learn things there.
You're total brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot rich.

dear, did you ever invent anything that improves the whole worlds standard of living?
A liberal is stupid not productive people like Gates Jobs Ford Brin Musk. Do you lack the IQ to understand??
Cons only want to cut fed income taxes, stupid, which as you morons go on and on and on about, is mainly paid by the rich..

thats because we know how stupid it is to take investment capital from Jobs Gates Brin Musk Bezos. They know how to invest money to make the world capable of supporting 6 billion people while libturd bureaucrats only know how to waste money and cripple people to create a dependent voting population.

Franco is the least educated liberal here. Did he ever think of trying college? You learn things there!!
You're total brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot rich.

dear, did you ever invent anything that improves the whole worlds standard of living?
A liberal is stupid not productive people like Gates Jobs Ford Brin Musk. Do you lack the IQ to understand??
You're total brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot rich.

dear, did you ever invent anything that improves the whole worlds standard of living?
A liberal is stupid not productive people like Gates Jobs Ford Brin Musk. Do you lack the IQ to understand??
You keep arguing against points nobody's making, brainwashed functional dumbass. Nobody's against rich people, just greedy idiot GOP a-holes who don't want to pay their fair share and love screwing regular people, the poor, and polluting. Get your head out of your ass. None of the people you talk about. Gates Jobs Ford Brin Musk. Get a brain.
2) exchanges feature $6000 deductibles which greatly raise prices for those stuck on them

3) providers don't compete with each other, under Obama libcommie care, on basis of price and quality which is why some CT scans cost $800 and some $3700

The point of having a deductible higher than the cost of those scans is that 1) you as a consumer have an incentive to select the cheaper option, and 2) providers thus have an incentive to be that cheaper option.

High deductibles = provider competition (at least on services priced below that deductible).
Also, most preventive testing is covered. If you're past preventive care, the annual cap is barely higher than the deductible. So sthu, hater dupe. That's the way insurance was going ANYWAY, dolts. Same with hospital networks. You have to pay attention to keep your doctor, functional SHYTTEHEAD dupes.
2) exchanges feature $6000 deductibles which greatly raise prices for those stuck on them

3) providers don't compete with each other, under Obama libcommie care, on basis of price and quality which is why some CT scans cost $800 and some $3700

The point of having a deductible higher than the cost of those scans is that 1) you as a consumer have an incentive to select the cheaper option, and 2) providers thus have an incentive to be that cheaper option.

High deductibles = provider competition (at least on services priced below that deductible).

no dear once you have a exchange policy you stay in network to get stuff at price fixed before hand. 1+1=2
Also, most preventive testing is covered. If you're past preventive care, the annual cap is barely higher than the deductible. So sthu, hater dupe. That's the way insurance was going ANYWAY, dolts. Same with hospital networks. You have to pay attention to keep your doctor, functional SHYTTEHEAD dupes.

Republican captialism would reduce medical prices by 80%. People would shop with their own money and providers would compete on basis of price and quality.

A simple concept but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Astounding really but when you consider that our liberals spied for Stalin not so astounding that they could be just that stupid today.
2) exchanges feature $6000 deductibles which greatly raise prices for those stuck on them

3) providers don't compete with each other, under Obama libcommie care, on basis of price and quality which is why some CT scans cost $800 and some $3700

The point of having a deductible higher than the cost of those scans is that 1) you as a consumer have an incentive to select the cheaper option, and 2) providers thus have an incentive to be that cheaper option.

High deductibles = provider competition (at least on services priced below that deductible).

no dear once you have a exchange policy you stay in network to get stuff at price fixed before hand. 1+1=2

Virtually every health plan has a network, regardless of whether it's sold in an exchange or otherwise.

If you're talking specifically about narrow network options, those are plans that keep premiums lower than their competitors by not contracting with high-priced providers. Which means if a provider is charging four times what a competitor is (say, for a scan) then they likely won't be allowed in network and they'll lose prospective customers. Which, again, puts downward pressure on provider pricing.

In other words, both trends you're identifying introduce price competition among providers (the former due to the increased price sensitivity on the part of consumers, the latter due to selective contracting by insurers). Providers most certainly are competing with each other.

Perhaps that's why hospital price inflation has been trending downward.

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...Fact- EVERYONE is paying 21% of their income in all taxes and fees,

more important fact: top 1% pay 40% of federal and 50% of state taxes meaning liberal govt is wasting most of the nations investment capital by stealing it from our most productive people thus stalling economic growth
90% the new wealth goes to the richest,

of course thats 100% impossible. for Jobs to make $1 he has to make available $1000 in phone wealth. Get it. Jobs doesn't make 90% on an iphone more like 1%!! that means 99% of the wealth goes to others.

See why we say liberalism in based in pure ignorance??
90% the new wealth goes to the richest,

of course thats 100% impossible. for Jobs to make $1 he has to make available $1000 in phone wealth. Get it. Jobs doesn't make 90% on an iphone more like 1%!! that means 99% of the new iphone wealth goes to others.

See why we say liberalism in based in pure ignorance??[/QUOTE]
In other words, both trends you're identifying introduce price competition

dear introducing a tiny element of capitalism is not like have real capitalism wherein competition is intense and international; not restriced to networks within states.
Do you have the IQ to grasp that? Liberals made competition illegal in 1946 through McCarran Furguson
Also, most preventive testing is covered. If you're past preventive care, the annual cap is barely higher than the deductible. So sthu, hater dupe. That's the way insurance was going ANYWAY, dolts. Same with hospital networks. You have to pay attention to keep your doctor, functional SHYTTEHEAD dupes.

Republican captialism would reduce medical prices by 80%. People would shop with their own money and providers would compete on basis of price and quality.

A simple concept but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Astounding really but when you consider that our liberals spied for Stalin not so astounding that they could be just that stupid today.

Eighty percent you say?

So that one hour $200 doctor office visit will now only cost 40 bucks?

Tell us, what person in his right mind is going to spend 12 years of his life in school to get a license to make less than a plumber?
Also, most preventive testing is covered. If you're past preventive care, the annual cap is barely higher than the deductible. So sthu, hater dupe. That's the way insurance was going ANYWAY, dolts. Same with hospital networks. You have to pay attention to keep your doctor, functional SHYTTEHEAD dupes.

Republican captialism would reduce medical prices by 80%. People would shop with their own money and providers would compete on basis of price and quality.

A simple concept but a liberal will lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Astounding really but when you consider that our liberals spied for Stalin not so astounding that they could be just that stupid today.

Eighty percent you say?

So that one hour $200 doctor office visit will now only cost 40 bucks?

Tell us, what person in his right mind is going to spend 12 years of his life in school to get a license to make less than a plumber?

dear, you lack the IQ to be here. Take a look at what MD's make in Germany and Japan
dear introducing a tiny element of capitalism is not like have real capitalism wherein competition is intense and international; not restriced to networks within states.

Health care is inherently local. Massachusetts General Hospital isn't competing with San Francisco General Hospital. Competition is most intense with hospitals in and around a hospital or doctor's primary service area. They have to chase the same customers, be they individual consumers or local insurers with significant numbers of enrollees.

Similarly, on the insurance side, competition on premium drives the insurer imperative to negotiate lower prices with hospitals. Only insurers with significant market present in the local health care market have any leverage to push back on MGH and try to negotiate lower prices. Some insurer based in some other state with a handful of customers in the Boston area isn't going to be able to do shit about prices in Boston-area hospitals.

Hand waving about "international" (?!) competition doesn't change the dynamics of health care markets. They're inherently local.

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