President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar

Wed. Trump speaks. Dow drops another 1464 points. Same ol', same ol'.

He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Yep, he sure IS!! What ya gonna do when your Clown's DJIA hits 18,000? You know, the DJIA that O pulled out of the flaming Bushie heap of 7900?

I completely understand your mentality. You're the same type of person who when seeing an Iraq War veteran who's missing a leg or arm, feels hatred for his own country and own military.

The thought never occurs to you that it was in reality, radical Islam that did that, and you put the blame on your own country.

That's just a sick disconnect from reality.

I actually have a better understanding of your mentality.

You're the type of adult who eats glue and blames lib-ruls for all that is amiss in this world.

That's just a sick disconnect from reality
"President Trump Acts - Stocks Soar"

Since last month...

S&P500 - DOWN 652 (19%)
DJIA - DOWN 6015 (20%)
NASDAQ - DOWN 1886 (19%)

Now everyone sees when you said, "soar," you meant soar towards the bottom.

Actually I'm thinkin' he musta meant "Rump Acts, Stocks Sore"

Final score today, down 1464 Combined with yesterday's plus 1167 and Monday's loss of >2000 we're lower than we were on Monday.
Last edited:
Lying fuck. You keep repeating the same lies after they have been debunked.

You just combined numerous conversations involving numerous different threads and offered nothing to support what you claim in any of them, making it impossible to address the incoherent stream of angry BS you just spewed. Pick ONE and address it, hopefully it will involve the thread topic, which I just finished discussing the last few threads. Go back and read, breathe,, get your thoughts in order, and try again, snowflake.
It's easy to address ... you lied, claiming Obama waited until millions of Americans were infected with H1N1 and 1000 died before he finally declared it an emergency.

Thats's a lie. That virus started spreading in April, 2009. That same month, before it became a pandemic, Obama declared it an emergency...

U.S. Declares Public Health Emergency Over Swine Flu

April 26, 2009

Responding to what some health officials feared could be the leading edge of a global pandemic emerging from Mexico, American health officials declared a public health emergency on Sunday as 20 cases of swine flu were confirmed in this country, including eight in New York City.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
Might want to comprehend what you posted, Faun. "American Health Officials" are not Obama.
Obama declared it in Oct. of that year.

October 26, 2009 8:47 a.m. EDT
President Obama has declared a national emergency to deal with the "rapid increase in illness" from the H1N1 influenza virus.

"The 2009 H1N1 pandemic continues to evolve. The rates of illness continue to rise rapidly within many communities across the nation, and the potential exists for the pandemic to overburden health care resources in some localities," Obama said in a statement.

"Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response."

The president signed the declaration late Friday and announced it Saturday.
Obama declares H1N1 emergency -

I do believe you owe easyt65 an apology. But, that would take a stand up guy to admit to it.
Uh, yeah, that would the Obama Administration.
You can dance all you want. YOU were wrong with when OBAMA declared a National Emergency.
You were talking about the presidents not American Health Officials.
But, dance away, dude. Easyt65 was not lying and you can't bring yourself to admit that.
Tells a lot about character.

EasyDerpFuck lies like he breathes.

Sadly, you've bought in :(
What the stock market is doing has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the virus.

You libs can play politics until pigs fly, isn't reality.

Okay, did trump state that cases would be "zero" by now? 10 days ago...

Or that everyone who wanted test would have them last week? When clearly that is not the case now.
Wed. Trump speaks. Dow drops another 1464 points. Same ol', same ol'.

He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Yep, he sure IS!! What ya gonna do when your Clown's DJIA hits 18,000? You know, the DJIA that O pulled out of the flaming Bushie heap of 7900?

I completely understand your mentality. You're the same type of person who when seeing an Iraq War veteran who's missing a leg or arm, feels hatred for his own country and own military.

The thought never occurs to you that it was in reality, radical Islam that did that, and you put the blame on your own country.

That's just a sick disconnect from reality.
Where do you get this kind of drivel No Dem feels hatred for those that put their lives on the line,much less those injured I love the strawmen you trumpettes build up.....Now republicans are another issue entirely
The point was when Trump and Obama calling for a National Emergency.

The Trump Adminstration, like Obama, has called "public health emergency" and not a National Emergency yet. Although ya'lls buddy Schumer and several democrats are calling on him to do so.
Wed. Trump speaks. Dow drops another 1464 points. Same ol', same ol'.

He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Nope, just stumbled on his dick.

Look for a 19,000 Dow in a week.

And yes, he is.

So you're so slow to give President Trump credit when the market was soaring, claiming "This is Obama's economy."

But when the markets crashes due to a Dempanic outbreak of COVID-19 and the Saudis causing an oil glut, it's all President Trump's fault?

My God, you people are so fucking transparent. I bet you also believe that GW was responsible for 9/11, right? :21:
No, you are the fricking hypocrite. It has been Trump's minions who have given him credit for the increase but do not want give him any responsibility for the decline.
Trump made some moves that helped the market but a part of the increase was what he inherited and no major disasters worldwide. That is luck.
The majority of the decline is bad luck because of the COVID-19. But the minions acknowledge bad luck but not his good luck. Trump has both.

Threads like these are a dime a dozen, but they all have one thing in common: To desperately try to convince maybe one or two people to vote for someone else, instead of Donald Trump.

This transparent BS has been going on for three years. We've seen daily "Trump did this..." and "Trump did that..." We've been through bogus "investigations", even an impeachment. And they all failed miserably.

But the hilarious fact is that in spite of all these idiotic "I hate Trump" threads and posts, he will win a second term. The only downside to that, is that we'll still have to read all these daily moronic posts and threads about how much you zipperheads hate President Donald J. Trump, even though you most likely haven't convinced a single person to join you in your little jihad against him.

And that's a fact, Jack. :21:
What the stock market is doing has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the virus.

You libs can play politics until pigs fly, isn't reality.

Okay, did trump state that cases would be "zero" by now? 10 days ago...

Or that everyone who wanted test would have them last week? When clearly that is not the case now.
Or that he went ballistic when a scientist said how severe the disease was.......
What the stock market is doing has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the virus.

You libs can play politics until pigs fly, isn't reality.

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ check the OP.
Then get back to us on who's "playing politics".

Wed. Trump speaks. Dow drops another 1464 points. Same ol', same ol'.

He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Nope, just stumbled on his dick.

Look for a 19,000 Dow in a week.

And yes, he is.

So you're so slow to give President Trump credit when the market was soaring, claiming "This is Obama's economy."

But when the markets crashes due to a Dempanic outbreak of COVID-19 and the Saudis causing an oil glut, it's all President Trump's fault?

My God, you people are so fucking transparent. I bet you also believe that GW was responsible for 9/11, right? :21:
No, you are the fricking hypocrite. It has been Trump's minions who have given him credit for the increase but do not want give him any responsibility for the decline.
Trump made some moves that helped the market but a part of the increase was what he inherited and no major disasters worldwide. That is luck.
The majority of the decline is bad luck because of the COVID-19. But the minions acknowledge bad luck but not his good luck. Trump has both.

Threads like these are a dime a dozen, but they all have one thing in common: To desperately try to convince maybe one or two people to vote for someone else, instead of Donald Trump.

This transparent BS has been going on for three years. We've seen daily "Trump did this..." and "Trump did that..." We've been through bogus "investigations", even an impeachment. And they all failed miserably.

But the hilarious fact is that in spite of all these idiotic "I hate Trump" threads and posts, he will win a second term. The only downside to that, is that we'll still have to read all these daily moronic posts and threads about how much you zipperheads hate President Donald J. Trump, even though you most likely haven't convinced a single person to join you in your little jihad against him.

And that's a fact, Jack. :21:
Wed. Trump speaks. Dow drops another 1464 points. Same ol', same ol'.

He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Nope, just stumbled on his dick.

Look for a 19,000 Dow in a week.

And yes, he is.

So you're so slow to give President Trump credit when the market was soaring, claiming "This is Obama's economy."

But when the markets crashes due to a Dempanic outbreak of COVID-19 and the Saudis causing an oil glut, it's all President Trump's fault?

My God, you people are so fucking transparent. I bet you also believe that GW was responsible for 9/11, right? :21:
No, you are the fricking hypocrite. It has been Trump's minions who have given him credit for the increase but do not want give him any responsibility for the decline.
Trump made some moves that helped the market but a part of the increase was what he inherited and no major disasters worldwide. That is luck.
The majority of the decline is bad luck because of the COVID-19. But the minions acknowledge bad luck but not his good luck. Trump has both.

Threads like these are a dime a dozen, but they all have one thing in common: To desperately try to convince maybe one or two people to vote for someone else, instead of Donald Trump.

This transparent BS has been going on for three years. We've seen daily "Trump did this..." and "Trump did that..." We've been through bogus "investigations", even an impeachment. And they all failed miserably.

But the hilarious fact is that in spite of all these idiotic "I hate Trump" threads and posts, he will win a second term. The only downside to that, is that we'll still have to read all these daily moronic posts and threads about how much you zipperheads hate President Donald J. Trump, even though you most likely haven't convinced a single person to join you in your little jihad against him.

And that's a fact, Jack. :21:

Ayn Rand

trump himself convinces everyone NOT to vote for him.
What the stock market is doing has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the virus.

You libs can play politics until pigs fly, isn't reality.

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ check the OP.
Then get back to us on who's "playing politics".

I really don't give a fuck about what the OP says. I'm stating a fact....period.
So you're so slow to give President Trump credit when the market was soaring, claiming "This is Obama's economy."

But when the markets crashes due to a Dempanic outbreak of COVID-19 and the Saudis causing an oil glut, it's all President Trump's fault?

My God, you people are so fucking transparent. I bet you also believe that GW was responsible for 9/11, right? :21:

how are they any different than all of you people that gave Trump credit for every single rise in the markets over the last 3.5 years?
Wed. Trump speaks. Dow drops another 1464 points. Same ol', same ol'.

He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Nope, just stumbled on his dick.

Look for a 19,000 Dow in a week.

And yes, he is.

So you're so slow to give President Trump credit when the market was soaring, claiming "This is Obama's economy."

But when the markets crashes due to a Dempanic outbreak of COVID-19 and the Saudis causing an oil glut, it's all President Trump's fault?

My God, you people are so fucking transparent. I bet you also believe that GW was responsible for 9/11, right? :21:
No, you are the fricking hypocrite. It has been Trump's minions who have given him credit for the increase but do not want give him any responsibility for the decline.
Trump made some moves that helped the market but a part of the increase was what he inherited and no major disasters worldwide. That is luck.
The majority of the decline is bad luck because of the COVID-19. But the minions acknowledge bad luck but not his good luck. Trump has both.

Threads like these are a dime a dozen, but they all have one thing in common: To desperately try to convince maybe one or two people to vote for someone else, instead of Donald Trump.

This transparent BS has been going on for three years. We've seen daily "Trump did this..." and "Trump did that..." We've been through bogus "investigations", even an impeachment. And they all failed miserably.

But the hilarious fact is that in spite of all these idiotic "I hate Trump" threads and posts, he will win a second term. The only downside to that, is that we'll still have to read all these daily moronic posts and threads about how much you zipperheads hate President Donald J. Trump, even though you most likely haven't convinced a single person to join you in your little jihad against him.

And that's a fact, Jack. :21:
Your replies are zombie like. You say the same thing over and over. You say; "everything you say is because you hate Trump". It is similar to a liberal calling a conservative a racist no matter what they say.
Your answers are mindless. They have the ring of someone who is in a cult. Someone who cannot think for themself. Someone who is scared to face the truth. Someone who is a sorry son of a bitch.
He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Nope, just stumbled on his dick.

Look for a 19,000 Dow in a week.

And yes, he is.

So you're so slow to give President Trump credit when the market was soaring, claiming "This is Obama's economy."

But when the markets crashes due to a Dempanic outbreak of COVID-19 and the Saudis causing an oil glut, it's all President Trump's fault?

My God, you people are so fucking transparent. I bet you also believe that GW was responsible for 9/11, right? :21:
No, you are the fricking hypocrite. It has been Trump's minions who have given him credit for the increase but do not want give him any responsibility for the decline.
Trump made some moves that helped the market but a part of the increase was what he inherited and no major disasters worldwide. That is luck.
The majority of the decline is bad luck because of the COVID-19. But the minions acknowledge bad luck but not his good luck. Trump has both.

Threads like these are a dime a dozen, but they all have one thing in common: To desperately try to convince maybe one or two people to vote for someone else, instead of Donald Trump.

This transparent BS has been going on for three years. We've seen daily "Trump did this..." and "Trump did that..." We've been through bogus "investigations", even an impeachment. And they all failed miserably.

But the hilarious fact is that in spite of all these idiotic "I hate Trump" threads and posts, he will win a second term. The only downside to that, is that we'll still have to read all these daily moronic posts and threads about how much you zipperheads hate President Donald J. Trump, even though you most likely haven't convinced a single person to join you in your little jihad against him.

And that's a fact, Jack. :21:
Your replies are zombie like. You say the same thing over and over. You say; "everything you say is because you hate Trump". It is similar to a liberal calling a conservative a racist no matter what they say.
Your answers are mindless. They have the ring of someone who is in a cult. Someone who cannot think for themself. Someone who is scared to face the truth. Someone who is a sorry son of a bitch.
I don't know if he's "sorry"
What the stock market is doing has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the virus.

You libs can play politics until pigs fly, isn't reality.

Did you miss the OP?

The OP said the Stock market rise yesterday was because of Trump. The OP made the stock market all about politics.

Which claim fell flat when today the stocks tanked again.

If you are going to give Trump credit for the stock market when it goes up- it is hypocritical not to also 'credit' Trump equally when it goes down.

Personally, I don't think any President influences the stock market that much- but again- I didn't start this thread bragging about Trump and his stock market.
He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Nope, just stumbled on his dick.

Look for a 19,000 Dow in a week.

And yes, he is.

So you're so slow to give President Trump credit when the market was soaring, claiming "This is Obama's economy."

But when the markets crashes due to a Dempanic outbreak of COVID-19 and the Saudis causing an oil glut, it's all President Trump's fault?

My God, you people are so fucking transparent. I bet you also believe that GW was responsible for 9/11, right? :21:
No, you are the fricking hypocrite. It has been Trump's minions who have given him credit for the increase but do not want give him any responsibility for the decline.
Trump made some moves that helped the market but a part of the increase was what he inherited and no major disasters worldwide. That is luck.
The majority of the decline is bad luck because of the COVID-19. But the minions acknowledge bad luck but not his good luck. Trump has both.

Threads like these are a dime a dozen, but they all have one thing in common: To desperately try to convince maybe one or two people to vote for someone else, instead of Donald Trump.

This transparent BS has been going on for three years. We've seen daily "Trump did this..." and "Trump did that..." We've been through bogus "investigations", even an impeachment. And they all failed miserably.

But the hilarious fact is that in spite of all these idiotic "I hate Trump" threads and posts, he will win a second term. The only downside to that, is that we'll still have to read all these daily moronic posts and threads about how much you zipperheads hate President Donald J. Trump, even though you most likely haven't convinced a single person to join you in your little jihad against him.

And that's a fact, Jack. :21:

Ayn Rand

trump himself convinces everyone NOT to vote for him.

You're free to vote for whomever you want.

Ooops....actually thanks to your DNC and your own party, you're free to vote for Joe Biden only. Or vote for Trump. Or not vote at all.

That's some real industrial-strength "diversity" there, ain't it? :laughing0301:
What the stock market is doing has nothing to do with Trump, and everything to do with the virus.

You libs can play politics until pigs fly, isn't reality.

Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ check the OP.
Then get back to us on who's "playing politics".

I really don't give a fuck about what the OP says. I'm stating a fact....period.

Then why didn't you make the exact same reply to the OP?
He sure is fucking up Obama's economy, ain't he? :21:

Nope, just stumbled on his dick.

Look for a 19,000 Dow in a week.

And yes, he is.

So you're so slow to give President Trump credit when the market was soaring, claiming "This is Obama's economy."

But when the markets crashes due to a Dempanic outbreak of COVID-19 and the Saudis causing an oil glut, it's all President Trump's fault?

My God, you people are so fucking transparent. I bet you also believe that GW was responsible for 9/11, right? :21:
No, you are the fricking hypocrite. It has been Trump's minions who have given him credit for the increase but do not want give him any responsibility for the decline.
Trump made some moves that helped the market but a part of the increase was what he inherited and no major disasters worldwide. That is luck.
The majority of the decline is bad luck because of the COVID-19. But the minions acknowledge bad luck but not his good luck. Trump has both.

Threads like these are a dime a dozen, but they all have one thing in common: To desperately try to convince maybe one or two people to vote for someone else, instead of Donald Trump.

This transparent BS has been going on for three years. We've seen daily "Trump did this..." and "Trump did that..." We've been through bogus "investigations", even an impeachment. And they all failed miserably.

But the hilarious fact is that in spite of all these idiotic "I hate Trump" threads and posts, he will win a second term. The only downside to that, is that we'll still have to read all these daily moronic posts and threads about how much you zipperheads hate President Donald J. Trump, even though you most likely haven't convinced a single person to join you in your little jihad against him.

And that's a fact, Jack. :21:
Your replies are zombie like. You say the same thing over and over. You say; "everything you say is because you hate Trump". It is similar to a liberal calling a conservative a racist no matter what they say.
Your answers are mindless. They have the ring of someone who is in a cult. Someone who cannot think for themself. Someone who is scared to face the truth. Someone who is a sorry son of a bitch.

I always get a kick out of the "cult" reference from you idiots. It's only a "cult" because one, you can't figure out why President Trump is so popular, and two, you can't figure out how to stop him. :04:

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