President Trump address to nation

Wrong again. Trump’s judge’s were the among the most vociferous in their criticism. They put the law above the man.
You are wrong

Most judges were not trump appointee nor does their refusal to consider the evidence prove that trump voters are wrong about democrat cheating
Look up Judge Bibas. He is a Trump appointee. He sits on the third Circuit Ct of Appeals. His opinion gave PA to Biden as he shut down Trump’s efforts to halt certification. You are wrong again.

Bibas wrote: "calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here”.
Like I always say, you scum, and democrats in general, don't accept proof they don't want to hear.
Emotionally disturbed people (Liberals) are trained to react in an adverse manner when they hear certain syllables.

Ironic post there, Captain Meltdown.
Have you considered presenting facts accompanied by cause and effect?
It would be a breath of fresh air.
The above is not an ad hominem because 99% of the time you post insults as opposed to actual data.

If a mathematician was to analyze our posts, the analysis would reveal your excessive use of ad hominems.
Not that I care that you're a compulsive idiot because most of my relatives are also compulsive idiot.

Hey Cap'm, YOU posted the sweeping generalization projection above, I just noted the irony therein.
I'm not seeing your "facts accompanied by cause and effect" up there.
I have read several hundred of your posts and you are delusional.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS talking points.
Wrong again. Trump’s judge’s were the among the most vociferous in their criticism. They put the law above the man.
You are wrong

Most judges were not trump appointee nor does their refusal to consider the evidence prove that trump voters are wrong about democrat cheating
Look up Judge Bibas. He is a Trump appointee. He sits on the third Circuit Ct of Appeals. His opinion gave PA to Biden as he shut down Trump’s efforts to halt certification. You are wrong again.

Bibas wrote: "calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here”.
Like I always say, you scum, and democrats in general, don't accept proof they don't want to hear.
Emotionally disturbed people (Liberals) are trained to react in an adverse manner when they hear certain syllables.

Ironic post there, Captain Meltdown.
Have you considered presenting facts accompanied by cause and effect?
It would be a breath of fresh air.
The above is not an ad hominem because 99% of the time you post insults as opposed to actual data.

If a mathematician was to analyze our posts, the analysis would reveal your excessive use of ad hominems.
Not that I care that you're a compulsive idiot because most of my relatives are also compulsive idiot.

The only fact that was presented in that exchange was Johnlaw correctly stating that Trump appointed judges ruled against him. Everything else was an ad hominem, Mr Microchip.
I have read several hundred of your posts and you are delusional.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS talking points.

OK Mr Microchip

Try reading something other than 4kun batshit crazy QwackAnon posts.
Wrong again. Trump’s judge’s were the among the most vociferous in their criticism. They put the law above the man.
You are wrong

Most judges were not trump appointee nor does their refusal to consider the evidence prove that trump voters are wrong about democrat cheating
Look up Judge Bibas. He is a Trump appointee. He sits on the third Circuit Ct of Appeals. His opinion gave PA to Biden as he shut down Trump’s efforts to halt certification. You are wrong again.

Bibas wrote: "calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here”.
Like I always say, you scum, and democrats in general, don't accept proof they don't want to hear.
Emotionally disturbed people (Liberals) are trained to react in an adverse manner when they hear certain syllables.

Ironic post there, Captain Meltdown.
Have you considered presenting facts accompanied by cause and effect?
It would be a breath of fresh air.
The above is not an ad hominem because 99% of the time you post insults as opposed to actual data.

If a mathematician was to analyze our posts, the analysis would reveal your excessive use of ad hominems.
Not that I care that you're a compulsive idiot because most of my relatives are also compulsive idiot.

Hey Cap'm, YOU posted the sweeping generalization projection above, I just noted the irony therein.
I'm not seeing your "facts accompanied by cause and effect" up there.
I have read several hundred of your posts and you are delusional.
Try reading something other than DailyKOS talking points.

That's absolutely riveting, but I quoted ONE (1) post of yours. Now you're flailing to escape it.
We need an honest election system and no longer have that now
The Election was honest . The tragedy is that so many have so little faith in our democracy that they would throw it all away for one corrupt little man.
Only a liar would look at that election results pattern and say there was nothing suspicious.
Democrats are the most vile and dishonest hypocritical bigots this country has ever known.
Given in the last hour or so...

He needs to face up to facts. The down-ballot candidates running on the republican ticket, could not carry his lying, divisive ass over the finish line. People wanted their local republican governors, and even representatives and senators. Heck, I voted for Bill Hagerty, to replace the retiring Lamar Alexander (whom I voted for religiously whenever on a ballot since 1972) myself. We just did not want trump himself and all the destructive baggage of the impeached, low down sonovabitch. He lost because he doesn't like most Americans and most voting Americans knew it. He needs to shut up and go build trump Moscow.
..and nobody gave a shit what the lying piece of trash had to say..
It was trump, not schumer or pelosi or kommie the ho.
Probably why nobody gave a shit. We know, he just wants to overthrow the election and constitutional transfer to the Biden administration. Just more whining from the Sore Loser In Chief.
Probably why nobody gave a shit. We know, he just wants to overthrow the election and constitutional transfer to the Biden administration. Just more whining from the Sore Loser In Chief.
Donald Trump won the election by a landslide in every contested district. Trump is a fighter, not a loser.
Leftist militia types who advocate gun control alarm me.
Probably why nobody gave a shit. We know, he just wants to overthrow the election and constitutional transfer to the Biden administration. Just more whining from the Sore Loser In Chief.
Donald Trump won the election by a landslide in every contested district. Trump is a fighter, not a loser.
Leftist militia types who advocate gun control alarm me.
He is a loser, having just lost the 2020 election. Heck he is 1 for 2. Not much of a record as a winner, as he only won the first one because he ran against Hillary. If anybody else had run, he wouldn't have got the nomination, much less the win. He is definitely a big time loser. If you do not realize he lost, you are pretty much a loser too.
He is definitely a big time loser. If you do not realize he lost, you are pretty much a loser too.
Some Democrat preacher from a Democrat church I used to attend told me the same thing. I left when I could no longer abide their Communist labor-union sermons of salvation by works of the law.

I don't believe in loss, and I don't believe in the betrayal and complicity in the crimes of the worldly authorities who have falsely usurped the constitutional authority to install a Democrat imposter in the office of the President of the United States, despite the true results of an overwhelming landslide election in favor of allowing Donald Trump to serve a second term in office as President.
He is definitely a big time loser. If you do not realize he lost, you are pretty much a loser too.
Some Democrat preacher from a Democrat church I used to attend told me the same thing. I left when I could no longer abide their Communist labor-union sermons of salvation by works of the law.

I don't believe in loss, and I don't believe in the betrayal and complicity in the crimes of the worldly authorities who have falsely usurped the constitutional authority to install a Democrat imposter in the office of the President of the United States, despite the true results of an overwhelming landslide election in favor of allowing Donald Trump to serve a second term in office as President.

The election results say otherwise. And I'll put those up against your 'belief' any day of the week.
Given in the last hour or so...

^^^ fake news

^^^ real news
The election results say otherwise. And I'll put those up against your 'belief' any day of the week.
My "beliefs" as you call them are based on due diligence and checking my sources, rather than mindlessly repeating the lies of mainstream media channels that happen to be owned by business rivals and political enemies of the President of the United States.
The Sharpie King is unhinged.

President Trump posted a bonkers 46-minute tirade on Facebook Wednesday full of wild-eyed, nonsensical conspiracy theories about the 2020 election—the kind that members of QAnon have embraced.

Trump repeatedly rehashed baseless accusations of fraud and pointed to large charts showing vote-count totals that he claimed, bizarrely, proved his point, when in fact they did nothing of the sort. He wrongly pointed to Republican victories in Congress as evidence that it should appear unlikely that Trump lost while they won.

It is statistically impossible that the person, me, that led the charge, lost,” Trump said, even though that’s obviously not true.
Trump delivered the bizarre speech to what appeared to be a mostly empty room in the White House, without inviting journalists, a day after his own attorney general said there was no evidence of the kind of widespread fraud that Trump has wrongly insisted cost him the 2020 election.
“He’s the only person I’ve ever met who can gaslight himself,” said Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist and critic of her uncle.

The election results say otherwise. And I'll put those up against your 'belief' any day of the week.
My "beliefs" as you call them are based on due diligence and checking my sources, rather than mindlessly repeating the lies of mainstream media channels that happen to be owned by business rivals and political enemies of the President of the United States.

I'm not citing the 'mainstream media'. I'm citing superb evidence of the election outcome: the tallies by the States of the votes of their citizens. Its evidence so good that we've used it as the basis of the election of presidents for generations.

You'll need evidence *way* better than that to prove your 'beliefs'. And Trump's lawyers aren't even arguing fraud in court, let alone factually establishing it.

The horseshit you're apeing from a news conference in front of landscaping companies is very, very different than what Trump's lawyers are arguing in court.

You're being played.

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