President Trump address to nation

The Sharpie King is unhinged.

President Trump posted a bonkers 46-minute tirade on Facebook Wednesday full of wild-eyed, nonsensical conspiracy theories about the 2020 election—the kind that members of QAnon have embraced.

Trump repeatedly rehashed baseless accusations of fraud and pointed to large charts showing vote-count totals that he claimed, bizarrely, proved his point, when in fact they did nothing of the sort. He wrongly pointed to Republican victories in Congress as evidence that it should appear unlikely that Trump lost while they won.

It is statistically impossible that the person, me, that led the charge, lost,” Trump said, even though that’s obviously not true.
Trump delivered the bizarre speech to what appeared to be a mostly empty room in the White House, without inviting journalists, a day after his own attorney general said there was no evidence of the kind of widespread fraud that Trump has wrongly insisted cost him the 2020 election.

This is the same yahoo who deliberately tried to engineer the election count to progress the way it did, trashing the idea of mail-in ballots, sabotaging the postal system, and now that it performed as expected wants to play the game of "Umma play stupid", claiming to be astounded that his opponent's votes were delayed, just as he set them up to be.,

If the judges throwing out Trumps voter fraud cases will not convince you that election fraud is a lie nor the recounts nor Trump’s own DHS nor Trump’s own DOJ also affirming there was no voter fraud, then you are delusional and beyond help.
The sworn testimony of hundreds of wittnesses say there was fraud

the idiot judges are corrupt
If the judges throwing out Trumps voter fraud cases will not convince you that election fraud is a lie nor the recounts nor Trump’s own DHS nor Trump’s own DOJ also affirming there was no voter fraud, then you are delusional and beyond help.
The sworn testimony of hundreds of wittnesses say there was fraud

the idiot judges are corrupt Trump‘s appointed judges are now corrupt. Giuliani admitted in open court there was no fraud. Is he corrupt too?
If the judges throwing out Trumps voter fraud cases will not convince you that election fraud is a lie nor the recounts nor Trump’s own DHS nor Trump’s own DOJ also affirming there was no voter fraud, then you are delusional and beyond help.
The sworn testimony of hundreds of wittnesses say there was fraud

the idiot judges are corrupt Trump‘s appointed judges are now corrupt. Giuliani admitted in open court there was no fraud. Is he corrupt too?
Well...yeah...he is.....LOL! Trump‘s appointed judges are now corrupt. Giuliani admitted in open court there was no fraud. Is he corrupt too?
Maybe 1 out of 100 was a trump appointee.
Wrong again. Trump’s judge’s were the among the most vociferous in their criticism. They put the law above the man.
Like Fast & Furious.
I know, I know, when a D breaks he law, it's cool.
Wrong again. Trump’s judge’s were the among the most vociferous in their criticism. They put the law above the man.
You are wrong

Most judges were not trump appointee nor does their refusal to consider the evidence prove that trump voters are wrong about democrat cheating
The Election was honest . The tragedy is that so many have so little faith in our democracy that they would throw it all away for one corrupt little man.
Election fraud by democrats is a crime against 73 million Trump voters rather than just satisfying your hate for trump the man

thos is not the first election democrats have stolen but it should be the last

there werent 73 million

probably only 20 million

the rest was just rigged by trump
The Election was honest . The tragedy is that so many have so little faith in our democracy that they would throw it all away for one corrupt little man.
Election fraud by democrats is a crime against 73 million Trump voters rather than just satisfying your hate for trump the man

thos is not the first election democrats have stolen but it should be the last

there werent 73 million

probably only 20 million

the rest was just rigged by trump
Like the rallies were digitally produced.
Wrong again. Trump’s judge’s were the among the most vociferous in their criticism. They put the law above the man.
You are wrong

Most judges were not trump appointee nor does their refusal to consider the evidence prove that trump voters are wrong about democrat cheating
Look up Judge Bibas. He is a Trump appointee. He sits on the third Circuit Ct of Appeals. His opinion gave PA to Biden as he shut down Trump’s efforts to halt certification. You are wrong again.

Bibas wrote: "calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here”.

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